Seznam fúzí cenných papírů - List of mergers of securities firms

Rok fúze uzavřenNabyvatelZískaná firmaNázev sloučené entity
1931Harriman Brothers & CompanyBrown Bros. & Co.Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
1938Charles D. Barney & Co.Edward B. Smith & Co.Smith Barney & Co.
1940Merrill LynchE. A. Pierce & Co.Merrill Lynch
1940Merrill LynchCassatt & Co.Merrill Lynch
1942Paine, Webber & Co.Jackson a CurtisPaine, Webber, Jackson a Curtis
1946První Boston CorporationMellon Securities CorporationPrvní Boston Corporation
1947Lonsdale Investment TrustRobert Benson & Co.Robert Benson Lonsdale
1956Eastman Dillon & Co.Cenné papíry UnieEastman Dillon Union Securities & Co.
1957S. G. Warburg & Co.Seligman Bros.S. G. Warburg & Co.
1961Robert Benson LonsdaleKleinwort, Sons & Co.Kleinwort Benson Limited
1965Drexel a společnostHarriman, Ripley and CompanyDrexel Harriman Ripley
1965Philip Hill, Higginson, Erlanger’s LimitedM. Samuel & Co.Hill Samuel & Co.
1970Cogan, Berlind, Weill & LevittHayden, Stone & Co.CBWL-Hayden, Stone, Inc.
1970Mason & Co.Legg & Co.Legg Mason & Co.
1972Eastman Dillon Union Securities & Co.Blyth & Co.Blyth, Eastman, Dillon & Co.
1973Burnham and CompanyDrexel Harriman RipleyDrexel Burnham and Company
1973Hayden StoneH. HentzHayden Stone
1973Hayden StoneSaul Lerner & CompanyHayden Stone
1974Hayden StoneShearson, Hammill & Co.Shearson Hayden Stone
1975Lehman BrothersAbraham & Co.Lehman Brothers
1975Smith Barney & Co.Harris, Upham & Co.Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co.
1976Shearson Hayden StoneLamson BrothersShearson Hayden Stone
1976Shearson Hayden StoneFaulkner, Dawkins & SullivanShearson Hayden Stone
1976Drexel Burnham and CompanyWilliam D. WitterDrexel Burnham Lambert
1977Lehman BrothersKuhn, Loeb & Co.Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb
1977Morgan StanleyShuman, Agnew & Co.Morgan Stanley
1977Paine WebberMitchell HutchinsPaine Webber
1978Loeb, Rhoades & Co.Hornblower, Weeks, Noyes & TraskLoeb, Rhoades, Hornblower & Co.
1978Dean WitterReynolds & Co.Dean Witter Reynolds
1978Merrill LynchWhite Weld & Co.Merrill Lynch
1979Shearson Hayden StoneLoeb, Rhoades, Hornblower & Co.Shearson Loeb Rhoades
1979Paine WebberBlyth, Eastman Dillon & Co.Paine Webber
1981Goldman, Sachs & Co.J. Aron & Co.Goldman, Sachs & Co.
1981Philipp BrothersSalomon BrothersPhibro-Salomon Inc.
1981Obezřetnostní pojištěníHalsey, Stuart & Co.Obezřetnostní cenné papíry
1981American ExpressShearson Loeb RhoadesShearson / American Express
1984Shearson / American ExpressDiverzifikované služby pro investoryShearson / American Express
1984Shearson / American ExpressLehman Brothers, Kuhn, LoebShearson Lehman / American Express
1987PrimericaSmith BarneyPrimerica
1987Union Bank of SwitzerlandPhillips & DrewUnion Bank of Switzerland
1987TSB Group Plc.Hill Samuel & Co.TSB Group Plc.
1988Shearson Lehman / American ExpressEF HuttonShearson Lehman Hutton
1988Credit SuissePrvní Boston CorporationCredit Suisse First Boston
1988Obchodní úvěrPrimericaPrimerica
1990německá bankaMorgan Grenfellněmecká banka
1993PrimericaShearson Lehman Hutton (Brokerage and Asset Management)Primerica (Smith Barney Shearson)
1993Lehman Brothers (Spinoff od American Express)Shearson Lehman HuttonLehman Brothers
1995Paine WebberKidder, Peabody & Co.PaineWebber Group
1995Swiss Bank CorporationS. G. Warburg & Co.Swiss Bank Corporation
1995Dresdnerova bankaKleinwort BensonDresdner Kleinwort Benson
1996Chemická bankaChase Manhattan BankChase Manhattan Bank
1996Morgan StanleyVan Kampen americké hlavní městoMorgan Stanley
1997Bankéři TrustAlexi. Brown & SonsBankers Trust (BT Alex. Brown & Sons)
1997Swiss Bank CorporationDillon, Read & Co.Swiss Bank Corporation (Warburg Dillon Read)
1997Skupina cestovatelůSalomon BrothersSkupina cestovatelů (Salomon Smith Barney)
1997Dean Witter Discover & Co.Morgan StanleyMorgan Stanley Dean Witter
1998Union Bank of SwitzerlandSwiss Bank CorporationUBS AG (UBS Warburg)
1998Skupina cestovatelůCiticorpCitigroup (Salomon Smith Barney)
1998Société GénéraleHambros BankSociété Générale (SG Hambros Bank Ltd)
1999německá bankaBankéři TrustDeutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown)
1999Chase Manhattan BankHambrecht & QuistChase Manhattan Bank
2000PaineWebber GroupJ.C. Bradford & Co.PaineWebber Group
2000UBS AGPaineWebber GroupUBS AG (UBS Paine Webber)
2000Credit Suisse First BostonDonaldson, Lufkin a JenretteCredit Suisse First Boston
2000Dresdner KleinwortWasserstein Perella & Co.Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
2000Chase Manhattan BankRobert Fleming & Co.Chase Manhattan Bank
2001Lehman BrothersCowen & Co. (PCS Business)Lehman Brothers
2001Chase Manhattan BankJ. P. Morgan & Co.JPMorgan Chase & Co.
2001Société GénéraleSkupina TCWSociété Générale
2002německá bankaScudder Investiceněmecká banka
2003Lehman BrothersSkupina křižovatekLehman Brothers
2003Lehman BrothersNeuberger BermanLehman Brothers
2006Lehman BrothersH.A. Schupf & Co.Lehman Brothers
2007WachoviaA. G. EdwardsWachovia Securities
2008JPMorgan Chase & Co.Bear StearnsJPMorgan Chase & Co.
2008americká bankaMerrill LynchCenné papíry BofA
2008Ameriprise FinancialJ. & W. Seligman & Co.Ameriprise Financial
2009Morgan StanleySmith BarneyMorgan Stanley (Morgan Stanley Smith Barney)