Seznam trustů NHS - List of NHS trusts
Toto je seznam současných a dřívějších Důvěryhodnosti NHS založena v Anglie. To zahrnuje akutní svěřenské fondy, důvěra sanitky, důvěry v duševní zdraví a jedinečný Isle of Wight NHS Trust. Od dubna 2020[Aktualizace] existuje celkem 217 trustů a zaměstnávají přibližně 800 000 zaměstnanců 1,2 milionu NHS.[1]
Důvěryhodné komunity ve zdraví představují zvláštní potíže. Stejně jako všechny trusty byly původně založeny pod Zákon o národní zdravotní službě a komunitní péči z roku 1990. Byly často sloučeny, rozděleny a reorganizovány, někdy kombinovány s nemocničními trusty nebo trusty na duševní zdraví. Po roce 2001 byla většina z nich zahrnuta do trusty primární péče a pod Transformace komunitních služeb programu byly poté obnoveny v různých organizačních formách, ne vždy v rámci NHS. Další vlna komunitních trustů byla zavedena mezi lety 2010 a 2013, kdy byly PCT zrušeny, někdy znovu použito předchozí jméno.
Na všechny vztahy důvěryhodnosti dohlíží Vylepšení NHS, který nahradil Monitor a Úřad pro rozvoj důvěry NHS v dubnu 2016.
O seznamu
Mnoho trustů se rozpustilo nebo změnilo svůj název a každý je uveden samostatně pod každým významným jménem. Pokud vztah důvěryhodnosti pokračoval pouze s malou změnou názvu, je uveden pouze jednou s nejnovějším názvem.
Data fúzí a zrušení jsou obvykle datem legislativy; provozní datum se může lišit.
- Pro odlišný systém Zdravotní výbory NHS ve Skotsku, viz NHS Skotsko
- Systém v Severním Irsku viz Zdravotní a sociální péče v Severním Irsku
- Systém ve Walesu viz NHS Wales a Seznam trustů a zdravotnických rad NHS Wales
K dispozici je samostatný seznam trustů primární péče v Anglii (zrušeno v roce 2013), které nemělo stejné právní postavení.
- 2získat důvěru NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2019
- 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust přejmenován North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v dubnu 2017
- Addenbrooke's NHS Trust se stal Důvěra nadace NHS Foundation z University of Cambridge v roce 2004
- Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Trust Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2019
- Důvěra nadace Airedale NHS
- Alder Hey Children NHS Foundation Trust
- Alexandra Healthcare NHS Trust sloučeny do Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Allington NHS Trust se spojil do sdružení Local Health Partnerships NHS Trust 1999
- Trust Trust Community Community Healthcare Trust převzala společnost Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Anglian Harbors NHS Trust, Yarmouth, rozpuštěný v roce 1997
- Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Ashford Hospital NHS Trust se spojila v Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Společnost Ashton, Leigh a Wigan Community Healthcare NHS Trust změnila v roce 2011 svůj název na Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Avalon, Somerset, NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Somerset Partnership National Health Service and Social Care Trust v roce 1999
- Důvěra Avon Ambulance Service NHS Trust se sloučila do Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
- Aylesbury Vale Community Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Barking, Havering a Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Barnet and Chase Farm NHS Hospitals Trust získané Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust v červenci 2014.
- Barnet Community Health Care NHS Trust se spojil do společností Barnet, Enfield a Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 2001
- Barnet, Enfield a Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
- Barnsley Community & Priority Services NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Barts a The London NHS Trust se spojily do Barts Health NHS Trust v roce 2012
- Barts Health NHS Trust
- V roce 1994 se společnost Barts NHS Trust sloučila s Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, Royal London Hospital, Whipps Cross Hospital a London Chest Hospital NHS Trust.
- Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Střední a jižní nadace Essex NHS Foundation Trust dne 1. dubna 2020
- Basingstoke a North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust se spojily do Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2012
- V roce 2000 se sloučila společnost Bassetlaw Hospital & Community Services NHS Trust do společností Doncaster a Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust
- Bath a West Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Společnost Bath Mental Health Care NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Bay Community NHS Trust, Morecambe, rozpuštěna 2001
- Společnost Bedford and Shires Health and Care NHS Trust se v roce 1999 sloučila do společnosti Bedfordshire & Luton Community NHS Trust
- Bedford Hospital NHS Trust se spojil s Lutonem a Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust a vytvořil se Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust dne 1. dubna 2020
- Sloučily se ambulance Bedfordshire a Hertfordshire Ambulance a NHS Trust pro záchranáře Ambulance služby Východní Anglie NHS Trust v roce 2006
- V roce 2005 změnila společnost Bedfordshire & Luton Community NHS Trust název na Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care Partnership NHS Trust.
- Společnost Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care Partnership NHS Trust převzala společnost South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2010
- Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- V roce 1999 se Bethlem a Maudsley NHS Trust sloučily do jižního Londýna a Maudsley NHS Trust
- Bexley Community Health NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Oxleas NHS Trust v roce 1995
- V roce 2000 se společnost BHB Community NHS Trust sloučila do NHS Trust v severovýchodním Londýně
- Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Birminghamská dětská nemocnice NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Důvěra nadace NHS v Birminghamu pro ženy a děti v roce 2017
- Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Birmingham Heartlands & Solihull NHS Trust se stal Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2005
- Birmingham Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust se sloučila do Birmingham Heartlands & Solihull NHS Trust v roce 1996
- Birmingham Special Community NHS Trust se spojil do Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust 2002
- Důvěra nadace NHS v Birminghamu pro ženy a děti
- Důvěra nadace NHS v Birminghamu sloučeny do Důvěra nadace Birmingham NHS Foundation pro ženy a děti v roce 2017
- Bishop Auckland Hospitals NHS Trust se spojil do South Durham NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Společnost Black Country Mental Health NHS Trust změnila v roce 2003 svůj název na Sandwell Mental Health National Health Service and Social Care Trust
- Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnosti Blackburn Hyndburn a Ribble Valley Health Care NHS Trust se spojily East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Blackpool, Fylde a Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust se staly Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Blackpool Victoria Hospital NHS Trust se spojila v Blackpool, Fylde a Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Blackpool, Wyre a Fylde Community Health Services NHS Trust se sloučily do Blackpool, Fylde a Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
- Bolton, Salford a Trafford Mental Health NHS Trust se staly Důvěra nadace NHS pro větší duševní zdraví v Manchesteru West v roce 2008
- V roce 2002 změnila společnost Bournewood Community and Mental Health Services Trust svůj název na North West Surrey Mental Health National Health Service Partnership Trust.
- Společnost Bradford Community Health NHS Trust se spojila do Důvěra nadace Bradford District Care NHS Foundation v roce 2002
- Důvěra nadace Bradford District Care NHS Foundation
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Brent, Kensington & Chelsea a Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust se v roce 2002 sloučily do NHS Trust Central and North West London
- Bridgewater Community Healthcare
- Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Společnost Brighton Health Care NHS Trust se spojila do Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Broadgreen Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do Royal Liverpool a Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Společnost Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust se spojila do South London Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2009
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Název společnosti Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust změnil název na Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2010
- Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Trust se v roce 2006 sloučila do Oxfordshire a Buckinghamshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.
- Burnley Health Care NHS Trust se spojil do East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do University Hospitals of Derby a Burton NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- Společnost Bury Health Care NHS Trust se spojila do Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Calderdale a Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnost Calderdale Healthcare NHS Trust se v roce 2001 sloučila do společností Calderdale a Huddersfield NHS Trust
- Calderstones Partnership NHS Foundation Trust převzal Mersey Care NHS Trust v roce 2016
- Důvěra nadace NHS Foundation z University of Cambridge
- Cambridgeshire a Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
- Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
- Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
- Canterbury and Thanet Community Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Kent National Health Service and Social Care Partnership Trust v roce 2003
- Kardiotorakální centrum Liverpool NHS Trust změnilo svůj název na Nemocnice Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Nemocnice Carlisle NHS Trust se sloučila do North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Trust NHS Foundation Central and North West London
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Central Manchester Healthcare NHS Trust se spojil do Central Manchester a Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Trust University University NHS Foundation 2017
- Central Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust se spojil v North West London Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Central Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Central Sheffield University Hospitals NHS Trust se spojil do Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust se sloučila do společností Barnet a Chase Farm NHS Hospitals Trust v roce 1999
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Cheshire Community Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Chester & Halton Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Důvěra v Chesterfield a North Derbyshire Royal Hospital se stala Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2005
- Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Cheviot a Wansbeck NHS Trust se sloučily do Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Chichester Priority Care Services NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Sussex Weald a Downs NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Chorley & South Ribble NHS Trust se spojil do Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Důvěra nadace Christie NHS
- Churchill John Radcliffe NHS Trust změnil svůj název na Oxford Radcliffe Hospital NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Společnost City and Hackney Community Services NHS Trust zrušena v roce 2001
- Městská nemocnice NHS Trust se spojila do Sandwell a West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Městské nemocnice Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do South Tyneside a Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust v dubnu 2019
- Clatterbridge Cancer Center NHS Foundation Trust
- Cleveland Ambulance NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti Tees, East a North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do East Suffolk a North Essex NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- CommuniCare NHS Trust, Accrington, rozpuštěný v roce 2002
- Komunitní zdravotní péče Bolton NHS Trust byla rozpuštěna v roce 2002
- Community Health Care Service (North Derbyshire) NHS Trust převzal North Eastern Derbyshire Trust primární péče v roce 2002
- Komunitní zdravotní péče: Společnost North Durham NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti North Durham Health Care NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Community Health Services, Southern Derbyshire NHS Trust fúzoval do Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Sheffield Care Trust v roce 2003
- Community Health South London NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Learning Disabilities NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Trecare NHS Trust v roce 1996
- Cornwall Community Healthcare NHS Trust se spojil do Cornwall Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1993
- V roce 2002 změnila společnost Cornwall Healthcare NHS Trust svůj název na Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust
- Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- County Durham a Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
- County Durham a Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust se spojily do společností Tees, Esk a Wear Valleys NHS Trust 2006
- Hraběnka z nemocnice v Chesteru NHS Foundation Trust
- Coventry a Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust se spojily s Ambulance služby West Midlands NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
- Coventry Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Crawley Horsham NHS Trust se spojil do Surrey a Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Croydon Community Health Services změnila svůj název na Croydon a Surrey Downs Community NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Croydon a Surrey Downs Community NHS Trust rozpustili 2002
- Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
- Cumbria Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust se v říjnu 2019 sloučila do North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Dacorum a St Albans Community NHS Trust rozpustil 1994
- Dartford a Gravesham NHS Trust
- Darlington Memorial Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do South Durham Health Care NHS Trust v roce 1998
- V roce 1998 se společnost Derby City General Hospital NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti Southern Derbyshire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do University Hospitals of Derby a Burton NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- Derbyshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do Ambulance služby East Midlands NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust se stal Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2011
- Derbyshire Royal Infirmary NHS Trust se spojil do Southern Derbyshire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Devon Ambulance Service NHS Trust se sloučila do Westcountry Ambulance Services NHS Trust v roce 1993
- Devon Partnership NHS Trust
- Dewsbury Health Care NHS Trust sloučeny do Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Doncaster a Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Doncaster Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Doncaster a South Humber Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Stala se Doncaster Royal Infirmary a Montagu Hospital NHS Trust Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2004
- Doncaster & South Humber Healthcare NHS Trust sloučeny do Rotherham Doncaster a South Humber NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust sloučeny do Jihozápadní záchranná služba NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Dorset Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust
- Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
- Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
- Dudley Priority Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Ambulance Service Durham County NHS Trust se spojila do North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Durham County Priority Services NHS Trust změnila svůj název na County Durham a Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Ealing Hospital NHS Trust se v roce 2014 sloučila do London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
- Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham Mental Health NHS Trust se spojily do West London Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Východní a severní Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust sloučeny do Ambulance služby Východní Anglie NHS Trust v roce 2006
- East Berkshire Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- East Berkshire National Health Service Trust pro lidi s poruchami učení se sloučil do Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2000
- East Birmingham Hospital NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Birmingham Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust v roce 1993
- East Cheshire NHS Trust
- East Gloucestershire NHS Trust se spojil do Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2002
- V roce 2000 se společnost East Hertfordshire Health NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti East Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- East Kent Community NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Kent National Health Service and Social Care Partnership Trust v roce 2003
- East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
- East Kent National Health Service and Social Care Partnership Trust fúzoval do Kent a Medway National Health Service and Social Care Partnership Trust v roce 2006
- East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Východní Londýn a The City Mental Health NHS Trust se staly Trust East London NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2000
- Trust East London NHS Foundation Trust
- Ambulance služby East Midlands NHS Trust
- Ambulance služby Východní Anglie NHS Trust
- East Somerset NHS Trust se stal Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- East Suffolk a North Essex NHS Foundation Trust byl vytvořen sloučením Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust a Ipswichská nemocnice NHS Trust v roce 2018
- East Suffolk Local Health Services NHS Trust se spojil do Local Health Partnerships NHS Trust 1999
- Společnost East Surrey Healthcare NHS Trust se spojila do Surrey a Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- East Surrey Hospital and Community Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Surrey Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1995
- East Surrey Learning Disability and Mental Health Service NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Surrey Priority Care NHS Trust v roce 1995
- East Surrey Priority Care NHS Trust se sloučila do společností Surrey a Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 1998
- East Sussex County NHS Trust se spojil do Sussex Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2006
- East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2011
- East Wiltshire Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti Wiltshire & Swindon Health Care NHS Trust v roce 1999
- East Yorkshire Community Healthcare NHS Trust Hull & East Riding Community Health NHS Trust v roce 1999
- East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust se spojily do Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Eastbourne & County Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na East Sussex County NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Důvěra Eastbourne Hospitals NHS se spojila East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Východní a pobřežní Kent Community Health NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Kent Community Health NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Společnost Enfield Community Care NHS Trust se sloučila do společností Barnet, Enfield a Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 2001
- Enfield Primary Care NHS Trust
- Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Epsom Health Care se spojil do Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Ambulance Service Essex NHS Trust sloučeny do Ambulance služby východu z Anglie NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Essex a Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Důvěra nadace NHS Foundation Essex Partnership University 2017 vytvořeno sloučením South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust a North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.[2]
- Stala se společností NHS Trust společnosti Essex Rivers Healthcare Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Exeter & District Community Health Services NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- První komunitní NHS Trust se spojil do South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Trust 2001
- Forest Healthcare Community NHS Trust se sloučila do North East London NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Fosse Health, Leicestershire Community NHS trust se spojila v Leicestershire a Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Foundation NHS Trust, Mid Staffordshire, se spojila do South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Trust 2001
- Společnost Freeman Group of Hospitals NHS Trust se spojila Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1998
- Společnost Frenchay Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti North Bristol NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust stalo se Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2014
- Furness Hospitals NHS Trust se sloučila do Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Gateshead Community Health NHS Trust se stala Gateshead Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Gateshead Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 1998
- Nemocnice George Eliot NHS Trust, Warwickshire
- Nemocnice Glenfield NHS Trust se spojil do University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Gloucestershire Ambulance Services NHS Trust sloučeny do Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust sloučeny do Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2019
- Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust vznikla sloučením 2 together NHS Foundation Trust a Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust v říjnu 2019
- Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Gloucestershire Partnership Trust se stal 2 together NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Gloucestershire Royal NHS Trust se spojil do Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2002
- Nemocnice Good Hope NHS Trust sloučeny do Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Grantham a okresní nemocnice NHS Trust se spojila do United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
- Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny s Jihozápadní záchranná služba NHS Trust v roce 2013
- Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Sloučila se společnost Greater Manchester Ambulance Services NHS Trust Ambulance severozápadní služby NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Důvěra nadace NHS Greater Manchester West pro duševní zdraví stalo se Důvěra nadace NHS pro větší duševní zdraví v Manchesteru v roce 2017
- Greenwich Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Grimsby Health NHS Trust změnila svůj název na North East Lincolnshire NHS Trust v roce 1996
- Guild Community Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do Lancashire Care NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Guy's a Lewisham NHS Trust byl rozdělen mezi Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust a Guy's and St Thomas 'NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1993
- Guy's and St Thomas 'NHS Foundation Trust
- Halton General Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust sloučeny do Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2007
- Hampshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust se spojil do Důvěra nadace Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2011
- Harefield Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do Royal Brompton a Harefield NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1998
- Haringey Healthcare NHS Trust se spojil do společností Barnet, Enfield a Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 2001
- Trust Harrogate a District NHS Foundation Trust
- Harrow a Hillingdon Healthcare Trust se spojily do Trust NHS Foundation Central and North West London v roce 2002
- Společnost Harrow Community Health Services NHS Trust se spojila do společností Harrow a Hillingdon Healthcare Trust 1994
- V roce 1999 se společnosti Hartlepool a East Durham NHS Trust sloučily do společností North Tees a Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
- Hartlepool a Peterlee Hospitals NHS Trust se sloučily do společností Hartlepool a East Durham NHS Trust 1996
- Společnost Hartlepool Community Care NHS Trust se sloučila do společností Hartlepool a East Durham NHS Trust 1996
- Hastings a Rother NHS Trust sloučeny do East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Společnost Havering Hospitals NHS Trust se v roce 2000 sloučila do společností Barking, Havering a Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust se spojil s University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust převzal Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Října 2014
- Důvěra NHS Heathlands Mental Health se v roce 1998 sloučila do Surrey Hampshire Borders NHS Trust
- Hereford a Worcester Ambulance Service NHS Trust se spojily Ambulance služby West Midlands NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- Herefordské nemocnice NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Wye Valley NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Herefordshire Community Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2000
- Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
- Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
- Důvěra HHSdon Community Health NHS se spojila do společností Harrow a Hillingdon Healthcare Trust 1994
- Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust řízeno Kruh zdraví od roku 2010; franšíza skončila v roce 2015 a management se vrátil do NHS; sloučeny do Důvěra nadace North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Homewood NHS Trust se spojil do Bournewood Community a Mental Health Services Trust 1995
- Horizon NHS Trust, Hertfordshire, rozpuštěn 2001
- Horton General Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Hounslow a Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Komunita Hounslow a Spelthorne a duševní zdraví NHS Trust se připojily k West London Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Huddersfield Health Care Services NHS Trust se v roce 2001 sloučily do společností Calderdale a Huddersfield NHS Trust
- Hull & East Riding Community Health NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust v roce 2005
- Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v březnu 2019
- Hull and Holderness Community Health NHS Trust se spojila v Hull & East Riding Community Health NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust se stal Humber NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2010
- Humber NHS Foundation Trust
- Humberside Ambulance Service NHS Trust se v roce 1999 rozdělila na Tees, East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (North Humberside) a Lincolnshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (South Humberside)
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- V roce 2002 se společnost Invicta Community Care NHS Trust sloučila do West Health National Health Service and Social Care Trust
- Nemocnice Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust sloučeny do East Suffolk a North Essex NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- Isle of Wight Community Healthcare NHS Trust sloučeny do Trust primární péče na Isle of Wight v roce 2006
- Isle of Wight NHS Trust
- V roce 1999 se společnosti Kent a Canterbury Hospitals NHS Trust sloučily do společnosti East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust
- Kent a Medway NHS a Social Care Partnership Trust
- Kent Ambulance Trust se spojil do Ambulance služby jihovýchodního pobřeží NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Kent a Sussex Weald NHS Trust se spojili do Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Kent Community Health NHS Trust stalo se Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust v březnu 2015
- Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnost Kidderminster Health Care NHS Trust se spojila s Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnost King's Lynn & Wisbech Hospitals NHS Trust se stala Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust v roce 2005
- Kings Mill Center for Health Care Services NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Kingston a okresní komunita NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Trust Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- V roce 1999 se společnost Lambeth Healthcare NHS Trust sloučila do jižního Londýna a Maudsley NHS Trust
- Lancashire Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Trust NCA Foundation Lancashire Care
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnost Lancaster Acute Hospitals NHS Trust se v roce 1998 sloučila do Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust
- Lancaster Priority Services NHS Trust se spojil do Bay Community NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Trust NHS Foundation Lancashire a South Cumbria, dříve známá jako Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Společnosti Leeds Community and Mental Health Services Teaching NHS Trust se stala Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Leeds General Infirmary and Associated Hospitals NHS Trust změnila svůj název na United Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1991
- Název Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust změnil svůj název na Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2011
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Leicester General Hospital NHS Trust se spojil do University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Důvěra Leicester Royal Infirmary NHS se spojila University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Ambulance Leicestershire a NHS Trust pro zdravotnické záchranné služby byly sloučeny do Ambulance služby East Midlands NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Společnost Leicestershire & Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Leicestershire Mental Health Service NHS Trust se sloučila do Leicestershire a Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
- Lewisham a Greenwich NHS Trust
- Lewisham a Guy's Mental Health NHS Trust se v roce 1999 sloučili do jižního Londýna a Maudsley NHS Trust
- Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust sloučeny do Lewisham a Greenwich NHS Trust v roce 2014
- Společnost Lifespan Cambridge NHS Trust se v roce 2002 sloučila do společností Cambridgeshire a Peterborough Mental Health Partnership
- Lincoln a Louth NHS Trust se spojily do United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Lincoln District Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do Lincolnshire Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Lincoln Hospitals NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Lincoln a Louth NHS Trust v roce 1996
- Lincolnshire Ambulance and Health Transport Service NHS Trust fúzoval do Ambulance služby East Midlands NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Komunitní zdravotní služby Lincolnshire
- Lincolnshire Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Lincolnshire Partnership Trust NHS Foundation Trust
- Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust
- Nemocnice Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Důvěra Liverpoolské porodnické a gynekologické služby změnila svůj název na Liverpool Women’s Hospital NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Trust Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust vznikla sloučením Royal Liverpool a Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust a Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2019
- Důvěra nadace Liverpool NHS Foundation
- Místní zdravotnická partnerství NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2004
- London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- London North West Healthcare NHS Trust přejmenován na London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
- Louth a District Healthcare NHS Trust se spojily v Lincoln a Louth NHS Trust v roce 1996
- Luton a Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust se spojili s Bedford Hospital NHS Trust a vytvořili se Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust dne 1. dubna 2020.
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Důvěra Maidstone Priority Care NHS se v roce 1997 sloučila do společnosti Invicta Community Care NHS Trust
- Manchester Central Hospitals and Community Care NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Central Manchester Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1993
- Manchester Children's Hospital NHS Trust se v roce 2001 sloučila do Central Manchester a Manchester Children's University Hospitals Trust
- Trust pro duševní zdraví a sociální péči v Manchesteru převzal Důvěra nadace NHS pro větší duševní zdraví v Manchesteru West 2016
- Trust University University NHS Foundation vznikla sloučením Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust a University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- Mancunian Community Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2001 a rozdělil mezi tři Manchester trusty primární péče
- Důvěra společnosti Mayday Healthcare NHS se spojila Croydon Health Services NHS Trust v roce 2010
- Komunitní zdravotní péče Medway je nyní klasifikován jako nezávislý poskytovatel a nikoli jako důvěra NHS
- Trust Medway NHS Foundation Trust
- Mental Health Foundation of Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Foundation NHS Trust v roce 1993
- Mental Health Services of Salford NHS Trust fúzovány do Bolton, Salford a Trafford Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2003
- Trust Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Mersey Regional Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Merton a Sutton Community NHS Trust se spojily do South West London Community NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Střední a jižní nadace Essex NHS Foundation Trust
- Mid Anglia Community Health NHS Trust se sloučila do Local Health Partnerships NHS Trust 1999
- Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Mid Essex Community & Mental Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Mid Essex Community Health NHS Trust byl rozpuštěn v roce 1993 na Mid Essex Community & Mental Health NHS Trust
- Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust sloučeny do Střední a jižní nadace Essex NHS Foundation Trust dne 1. dubna 2020
- Společnost Mid Kent Healthcare NHS Trust se spojila do Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust v roce 2000
- Důvěra nadace Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust rozpuštěn 2014
- Mid Sussex NHS Trust sloučeny do Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust vznikla sloučením Staffordshire a Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust a South Staffordshire a Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- Důvěra společnosti NHS Milton Keynes Health Health byla rozpuštěna v roce 2000
- Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust se v roce 2005 stala univerzitní nemocnicí Morecambe Bay NHS Trust
- Společnost Mount Vernon & Watford Hospitals NHS Trust se v roce 2000 sloučila do West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Trust Mulberry NHS se spojil do Lincoln District Healthcare NHS Trust 1999
- Nové možnosti Důvěra NHS byla rozpuštěna v roce 2002
- Newcastle City Health NHS Trust se spojila v Newcastle, North Tyneside a Northumberland Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Newcastle Mental Health Trust se spojil do Newcastle City Health NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Důvěra NHS v Newcastlu, North Tyneside a Northumberland Mental Health se v roce 2006 sloučila do společností Northumberland, Tyne a Wear NHS Trust
- Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Newham Community Health Services NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Newham University Hospital NHS Trust se spojil s Barts Health NHS Trust 2012
- NHS Direct NHS Trust byl uzavřen v roce 2014
- Norfolk Ambulance NHS Trust se spojil do East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust v roce 1993
- Norfolk a Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Trust NHS Foundation Norfolk a Suffolk
- Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust se spojil s Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2012 a vytvořil Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
- Norfolk Mental Health Care NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Norfolk a Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2004
- North and East Devon Partnership NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Devon Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2002
- North Bristol NHS Trust
- Důvěra NHS North Cheshire Hospitals se stala Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Nyní se jmenuje North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust
- North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust vytvořeno v říjnu 2019 fúzí mezi Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust a North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust
- North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust získala společnost Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust a v říjnu 2019 se stala společností North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
- North Downs Community Health NHS Trust se sloučila do Surrey Hampshire Borders NHS Trust v roce 1998
- North Durham Acute Hospitals NHS Trust rozpustil 1998
- Společnost North Durham Health Care NHS Trust se spojila do hrabství Durham a Darlington NHS Trust 2002
- North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- North East Essex Mental Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- North East Lincolnshire NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- North East London NHS Foundation Trust
- North East Worcestershire Community HealthCare NHS Trust se sloučila do Worcestershire Community Healthcare NHS Trust 1996
- North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- North Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust se stal Basingstoke a North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- North Hampshire Loddon Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- V roce 2000 se společnost North Hertfordshire NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti East Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- Společnost North Kent Healthcare NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti Thames Gateway NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Společnost North Lakeland Healthcare NHS Trust se v roce 2001 sloučila do společnosti North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- Společnost North Manchester Healthcare NHS Trust se spojila do Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002, ale od roku 2020 je North Manchester General Hospital spravována Trust University University NHS Foundation
- North Mersey Community NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
- V roce 2000 se společnost North Sefton & West Lancashire Community NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti Lancashire Care NHS Trust
- North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
- North Staffordshire Hospital Center NHS Trust změnila svůj název na North Staffordshire Hospital NHS Trust v roce 1993 a znovu na University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust v roce 2003
- North Tees a Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
- Společnost North Tees NHS Trust se v roce 1999 sloučila do společností North Tees a Hartlepool NHS Trust
- Společnost North Tyneside Health Care NHS Trust se v roce 1998 sloučila do společnosti Northumbria Health Care National Health Service Trust
- North Warwickshire NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Společnost North West Anglia Healthcare NHS Trust se v roce 2002 sloučila do společností Cambridgeshire a Peterborough Mental Health Partnership
- Důvěra nadace North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust vznikla sloučením Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust a Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust v roce 2017
- North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust dříve 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- North West London Hospitals NHS Trust se v roce 2014 sloučila do London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
- North West London Mental Health NHS Trust se spojily do společností Brent, Kensington & Chelsea a Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust 1998
- North West Surrey Mental Health National Health Service Partnership Trust se spojil do Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2005
- North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust se spojila v Tees, East a North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Northallerton Health Services NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Northampton Community Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
- Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Northern Birmingham Community Health NHS Trust se spojil do Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust se spojila v Birmingham a Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2003
- Společnost Northern General Hospital NHS Trust se spojila do Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2001
- Northern Lincolnshire a Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- V roce 2006 se společnosti Northgate a Prudhoe NHS Trust sloučily do společností Northumberland, Tyne a Wear NHS Trust
- Důvěra Northgate NHS se spojila do společností Northgate a Prudhoe NHS Trust 1994
- Northumberland Community Health NHS Trust se sloučila do Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 1998
- Northumberland Mental Health NHS Trust se spojil v Newcastle, North Tyneside a Northumberland Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2001
- Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
- Northumbria Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Norwich Community Health Partnership NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Northwick Park a NHS Trust St. Mark se v roce 1999 sloučily do NHS Trust North West London Hospitals
- Nemocnice Northwick Park Hospital NHS Trust byla v roce 1994 přejmenována na Northwick Park a St. Mark's NHS Trust
- Nottingham City Hospital NHS Trust sloučeny do Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Nottingham Community Health NHS Trust
- Nottingham Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Nottinghamshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust sloučeny do Ambulance služby East Midlands NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust stalo se Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v březnu 2015
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Nuffield Orthopedic Center NHS Trust sloučeny do Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Oldham NHS Trust se spojil do Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Optimum Health Services NHS Trust se spojila v jižním Londýně a Maudsley NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Důvěra nadace Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Název Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust se změnil na Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2011
- Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust sloučeny do South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust se stal Důvěra nadace Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Oxfordshire Community Health NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Oxfordshire Learning Disability NHS Trust se spojil s Důvěra nadace Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2012
- Oxfordshire Mental Healthcare NHS Trust změnila svůj název na Oxfordshire a Buckinghamshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Důvěra nadace Oxleas NHS
- Parkside Health NHS Trust, Westminster, rozpuštěna v roce 2002
- Důvěra společnosti Pathfinder NHS změnila svůj název na South West London a St George's Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust se stal součástí Northern Care Alliance NHS Group v roce 2017
- Trust NHS Foundation Pennine Care
- Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Důvěra nadace North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- Stala se NHS Trust Peterborough Hospitals Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2004
- Společnost Phoenix NHS Trust zrušila rok 2000
- V roce 2000 se společnost Pilgrim Health NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Pinderfields & Pontefract NHS Trust sloučeny do Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- V roce 1997 se společnost Pinderfields Hospitals NHS Trust sloučila do společnosti Pinderfields & Pontefract NHS Trust
- Plymouth Community Services NHS Trust rozpustil 2001
- Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust přejmenován na University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust 2018
- V roce 1997 se společnost Pontefract Hospitals NHS Trust sloučila do společností Pinderfields & Pontefract NHS Trust
- Trust Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2020
- Portsmouth Healthcare NHS Trust rozpustil 2002
- Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
- Společnost Premier Health NHS Trust se sloučila do společnosti South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Trust 2001
- V roce 2002 se společnost Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust sloučila do Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Nemocnice princezny Alexandry NHS Trust
- Princess Royal Hospital NHS Trust se sloučila do Shrewsbury a Telford Hospital NHS Trust v roce 2004
- Prioritní zdravotní péče, Wearside NHS Trust se sloučila do South of Tyne a Wearside Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Nemocnice Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust se spojila do South London Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2009
- Nemocnice Queen Elizabeth, King’s Lynn, NHS Foundation Trust
- Queen Mary's Sidcup NHS Trust se spojil do South London Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2009
- Nemocnice Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Queen’s Medical Center, Nottingham, University Hospital NHS Trust fúzovány do Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Radcliffe Infirmary NHS Trust se stal Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Trust společnosti Ravensbourne Priority Health NHS byl rozpuštěn v roce 2001 a převeden do Bromley Trust primární péče
- Společnost Redbridge Healthcare NHS Trust se v roce 2000 sloučila do společností Barking, Havering a Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Richmond, Twickenham and Roehampton Healthcare NHS Trust merged into merged into South West London Community NHS Trust in 1999
- Riverside Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Fulham, dissolved 2002
- Riverside Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Brent, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust 1998
- Robert Jones a Agnes Hunt Orthopedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Rockingham Forest NHS Trust dissolved 2001 became Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
- Důvěra nadace Rotherham NHS
- Rotherham Priority Health Service NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- Royal Berkshire Ambulance NHS Trust merged into South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust v roce 2006
- Důvěra nadace Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
- The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2020
- Royal Brompton a Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Brompton Hospital NHS Trust merged into Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust in 1998
- Royal Cornwall Hospitals and West Cornwall Hospital changed its name to Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1992
- Royal Devon a Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, the Royal London Hospital and London Chest Hospital NHS Trust changed its name to Barts and The London NHS Trust in 1999
- Royal Hull Hospitals NHS Trust merged into Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust in 1999
- Royal Liverpool a Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust sloučeny do Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v říjnu 2019
- Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust became Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Royal Liverpool NHS Trust merged into Royal Liverpool a Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1994
- Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital NHS Trust merged with Parkside Health NHS Trust in 2002
- Royal London Hospital and Associated Community Services NHS Trust merged into Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, the Royal London Hospital and London Chest Hospital NHS Trust in 1994
- Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Trust merged with Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2009
- Důvěra nadace Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2015.
- Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust
- Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital NHS Trust dissolved 1996 and became part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
- Královská ortopedická nemocnice NHS Foundation Trust
- Trust Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals NHS Trust merged into Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust in 2004
- Royal Surrey County & St Lukes Hospital NHS Trust changed its name to Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1996
- Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust stalo se Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2014
- Ošetřovna Royal Victoria and Associated Hospitals NHS trust became part of Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1998
- Royal West Sussex NHS Trust merged into Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2009
- Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust
- Rugby NHS Trust merged into North Warwickshire NHS Trust in 1998
- Salford Community Health Care NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust se stal součástí Northern Care Alliance NHS Group v roce 2017
- Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
- Sandwell a West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
- Sandwell Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Sandwell a West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Sandwell Mental Health National Health Service and Social Care Trust
- Scarborough and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust se spojil s York Fakultní nemocnice NHS Foundation Trust 2012
- Scunthorpe & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- Scunthorpe Community Health Care NHS Trust was abolished 1999
- Severn NHS Trust merged into Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2002
- Sheffield Care Trust became Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
- Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust established 2011
- Shropshire Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- Shropshire Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Shropshire Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust in 1998
- Solent NHS Trust
- Solihull Healthcare NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
- Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Somerset NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2020
- South Bedfordshire Community Health Care NHS Trust merged into Bedfordshire & Luton Community NHS Trust in 1999
- South Birmingham Community Health NHS Trust changed its name to Southern Birmingham Community NHS Trust in 1994
- South Birmingham Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust in 2003
- South Buckinghamshire NHS Trust merged into Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust 2002
- South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- South Cumbria Community and Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Bay Community NHS Trust in 1998
- South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Důvěra nadace NHS Torbay a South Devon in October 2015
- South Downs Health NHS Trust merged into Sussex Community NHS Trust v roce 2010
- South Durham Health Care NHS Trust merged into South Durham NHS Trust 1996
- South Durham NHS Trust merged into County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust 2002
- South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- South East London Mental Health NHS Trust changed its name to Lewisham and Guy’s Mental Health NHS Trust on 1994
- South Essex Mental Health and Community Care NHS Trust became South Essex Partnership University NHS Trust in 2006
- South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- South Kent Community Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Canterbury and Thanet Community Healthcare NHS Trust in 1998
- South Kent Hospitals NHS Trust merged into East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust in 1999
- South Lincolnshire Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust merged into Lincolnshire Healthcare NHS Trust in 2001
- South London a Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
- South London Healthcare NHS Trust dissolved 1 October 2013
- South Manchester University Hospital Trust became University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- South of Tyne and Wearside Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust in 2006
- South Staffordshire a Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust se spojil s Staffordshire a Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust tvořit Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018
- South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Trust merged into South Staffordshire a Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- South Tees Community and Mental Health NHS Trust dissolved 1999
- South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- South Tyneside a Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust vznikla sloučením Městské nemocnice Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust a South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust v dubnu 2019
- South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do South Tyneside a Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust v dubnu 2019
- South Warwickshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- South Warwickshire Health Care NHS Trust merged into South Warwickshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust in 1998
- South Warwickshire Mental Health NHS Trust merged into South Warwickshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust in 1998
- South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
- South West Durham Mental Health NHS Trust merged into South Durham NHS Trust 1996
- Jihozápadní Londýn a St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
- South West London Community NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust stalo se Jihozápadní Yorkshire Partnership Trust NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2009
- Jihozápadní Yorkshire Partnership Trust NHS Foundation Trust
- South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- South Worcestershire Community NHS Trust merged into Worcestershire Community Healthcare NHS Trust 1996
- South Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance and Paramedic Service NHS Trust merged into Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust in 2006
- Southend Community Care Services NHS trust merged into South Essex Mental Health and Community Care NHS Trust in 2000
- Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Střední a jižní nadace Essex NHS Foundation Trust dne 1. dubna 2020
- Důvěra nadace Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Southern Birmingham Community Health NHS Trust merged into Birmingham Specialist Community NHS Trust in 1999
- Southern Derbyshire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust became Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2004
- Southern Derbyshire Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust changed its name to Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust in 2002
- Southampton Community Health Service NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust became University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2011
- Southmead Health Services NHS Trust merged into North Bristol NHS Trust v roce 1999
- Southport and Formby Community Health Services NHS Trust merged into Sefton and Lancashire Community NHS Trust in 1999
- Southport and Formby NHS Trust merged into Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust in 1999
- Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
- St Albans & Hemel Hempstead NHS Trust merged into West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust in 2000
- St George's Healthcare NHS Trust became St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v únoru 2015
- St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- St Helens & Knowsley Community Health NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- St. Helier NHS Trust merged into Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1999
- St. James’s and Seacroft University Hospitals NHS Trust merged into Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- St Mary's Hospital NHS Trust merged into Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust v roce 2007
- St Peter's Hospital NHS Trust merged with Ashford Hospital NHS Trust in 1998
- St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust merged into Guy's and St Thomas 'NHS Foundation Trust v roce 1993
- Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged with Ambulance služby West Midlands NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2007
- Staffordshire a Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust se spojil s South Staffordshire a Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2018 tvořit Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Stockport Acute Services NHS Trust merged into Stockport NHS Trust 2000
- Stockport Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Stockport NHS Trust 2000
- Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
- Stoke Mandeville Hospital NHS Trust merged into Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust 2002
- Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust merged with Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust in 2012 to form Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- Surrey Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged into South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust in 2006
- Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Surrey a Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Surrey Hampshire Borders NHS Trust merged into Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust in 2005
- Surrey Heartlands NHS Trust merged into Surrey Oaklands NHS Trust in 1998
- Surrey Oaklands NHS Trust merged into Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust in 2005
- Ambulance služby Sussex NHS Trust merged into Sanitka na jihovýchodním pobřeží NHS Trust in 2006
- Sussex Community NHS Trust
- Sussex Partnership NHS Trust
- Sussex Weald and Downs NHS Trust merged into West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust in 2002
- Swindon & Marlborough NHS Trust became Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Tameside and Glossop Acute Services NHS Trust became Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- Tameside and Glossop Community and Priority Services NHS Trust merged into Lancashire Care NHS Trust in 2001
- Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust stalo se Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2017
- Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Somerset NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2020
- Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
- Nemocnice Teddington Memorial Hospital and Community NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- Tees & North East Yorkshire NHS Trust merged into Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust 2006
- Tees, East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged (apart from Teesside) into Ambulance Yorkshire NHS Trust in 2006. The Tees locality merged into Sanitka na severovýchodě NHS Trust
- Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust
- Thames Gateway NHS Trust merged into West Kent National Health Service and Social Care Trust in 2002
- Thameside Community Health Care NHS Trust merged into South Essex Mental Health and Community Care NHS Trust in 2000
- Thameslink Healthcare Services NHS Trust merged into Thames Gateway NHS Trust in 1998
- Thanet Health Care NHS Trust merged into East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust in 1999
- Důvěra nadace NHS Torbay a South Devon
- Torbay a Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust převzal South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust tvořit Důvěra nadace NHS Torbay a South Devon in October 2015
- Tower Hamlets Healthcare NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust převzal Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2012
- Trecare NHS Trust dissolved 1999
- Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust merged into Ambulance jihu NHS Trust in 2006
- United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust became Univerzitní nemocnice Bristol NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2008
- United Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust merged into Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 1998
- United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Unityne Health NHS Trust merged into Newcastle City Health NHS Trust in 1994
- University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospital Aintree NHS Trust became Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2006
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
- University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust sloučeny do Trust University University NHS Foundation 2017
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust merged with Weston Area Health Trust in 2020 to form University Hospitals Bristol a Weston NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals of Derby a Burton NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
- University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
- University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust sloučeny do University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust 2014
- University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
- University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
- Wakefield and Pontefract Community Health NHS Trust sloučeny do South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Walsall Community Health NHS Trust dissolved 2002
- Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
- Walsgrave Hospitals NHS Trust changed its name to University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust in 2000
- Důvěra nadace Walton Center NHS Foundation Trust
- Wandsworth Community Health NHS Trust merged into South West London Community NHS Trust in 1999
- Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Warringtonská nemocnice NHS Trust merged into North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust in 2001
- Warrington Community Health Care (NHS) Trust became 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2002
- Warwickshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust changed its name to Coventry and Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust in 2004
- Weald of Kent Community NHS Trust merged into Invicta Community Care NHS Trust in 1997
- Wellhouse NHS Trust merged into Barnet and Chase Farm NHS Hospitals Trust in 1999
- West Berkshire Priority Care NHS Trust merged into Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust in 2000
- West Cheshire NHS Trust merged into Wirral and West Cheshire Community NHS Trust in 1997
- West Cumbria Health Care NHS Trust merged into North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in 2001
- West Dorset Community Health NHS Trust merged into Dorset Community NHS Trust in 1994
- West Dorset General Hospital NHS Trust became Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2004
- West Dorset Mental Health NHS Trust merged into Dorset Community NHS Trust in 1994
- West Hampshire NHS Trust changed its name to Hampshire Partnership NHS Trust in 2004
- West Herts Community Health NHS Trust dissolved 2001
- West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- West Kent National Health Service and Social Care Trust merged into Kent and Medway National Health Service and Social Care Partnership Trust in 2006
- West Lambeth Community Care NHS trust changed its name to Lambeth Healthcare NHS Trust in 1996
- West Lancashire NHS trust merged into Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust in 1999
- West Lindsey NHS trust merged into merged into Lincoln District Healthcare NHS Trust 1999
- West London Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Brent, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust 1998
- West London Mental Health NHS Trust changed its name to West London NHS Trust v roce 2018
- West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust
- West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust převzal Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v září 2015
- West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust merged into Sussex Partnership NHS Trust in 2006
- West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged into Ambulance Yorkshire NHS Trust in 2006
- Westcountry Ambulance Services NHS Services merged into Jihozápadní záchranná služba NHS Trust in 2006
- Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Westmorland Hospitals NHS trust merged into Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust in 1998
- Weston Area Health NHS Trust; sloučeny do University Hospitals Bristol a Weston NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2020
- Nemocnice Weston Park NHS Trust merged into Central Sheffield University Hospitals NHS Trust in 1999
- Weybourne Community NHS Trust merged into Bournewood Community and Mental Health Services Trust 1995
- Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust se spojil s Barts Health NHS Trust 2012
- The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
- Wigan & Leigh Health Services NHS Trust merged into Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2001
- Wiltshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged into Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust in 2006
- Wiltshire & Swindon Health Care NHS Trust dissolved in 2002
- Wiltshire Health Care NHS Trust merged into Wiltshire & Swindon Health Care NHS Trust in 1999
- Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust was acquired by Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust in 2011
- Wirral & West Cheshire Community NHS Trust merged into Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust in 2002
- Wirral Community NHS Trust
- Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS Trust became Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust v roce 2002
- Wolverley NHS Trust, Kidderminster, dissolved 1995
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- Worcestershire Community and Mental Health NHS Trust
- Worcestershire Community Healthcare NHS Trust merged into Worcestershire Community and Mental Health NHS Trust in 2000
- Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
- Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Service merged into Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust in 2011
- Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust merged into Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v roce 2009
- Worthing Priority Care Services Trust merged into West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust in 2002
- Wrightington Hospital NHS Trust merged into Wrightington, Wigan a Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- Wrightington, Wigan a Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- Wye Valley NHS Trust
- Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- York Fakultní nemocnice NHS Foundation Trust
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- ^ Hopson, Chris (15 April 2020). "Confronting coronavirus in the NHS: Foreword". Poskytovatelé NHS. Citováno 16. dubna 2020.
- ^ "Merger trusts set course for 'significant' service changes". Health Service Journal. 3. března 2017. Citováno 25. března 2017.
externí odkazy
- Goddard, Maria; Ferguson, Brian (December 1997). "Mergers in the NHS" (PDF). Nuffield Trust. Archivovány od originál (PDF) dne 2. listopadu 2013.