Vysoký šerif z Louth - High Sheriff of Louth - Wikipedia
The Vysoký šerif z Louth byl zástupcem koruny pro Hrabství Louth, území známé jako jeho Bailiwick. Vybíral ze tří nominovaných osob a po dobu jednoho roku zastával svůj úřad. Měl soudní, ceremoniální a správní funkce a vykonával písemnosti vrchního soudu.
Kancelář Vysoký šerife je nejstarší pod britskou korunou. Byla založena v Louthu v roce 1227 a zůstala první v kraji v kraji až do vlády Edward VII, když Řád v Radě v roce 1908 vydal Lord-poručíku hlavní úřad pod korunou jako osobní zástupce panovníka. Ve Spojeném království zůstává Vysokým šerifem Suverénní Zástupce kraje pro všechny záležitosti týkající se soudnictví a udržování veřejného pořádku. Úřad vysokého šerifa z Louth byl zrušen v roce 1922, kdy se irský svobodný stát stal do značné míry nezávislým.
Vysokí šerifové z hrabství Louth
- 1234: Ralph de Pitchford[1]
- 1270–1272: John de Pitchford[1]
- 1274: John de Baskervill[1]
- 1275: Roger de Crumba[1]
- 1281–1284: Nicholas de Netterville[1]
- 1285–1291: William de Spineto
- 1287: Nicholas de Netterville[1]
- 1291: Thomas de Stanley[1]
- 1293: Richard Taaffe[1]
- 1297: William de Hatch[1]
- 1310: William Dowdall[1]
- 1311: Richard Gernon (zavražděn)
- 1315: Richard Taaffe
- 1329: Geoffrey de Brandwade[1]
- 1331: John Gernon
- 1377: John Taaffe
- 1381: Peter Peppard
- 1385: Milo Haddesor
- 1386: George Tebyng
- 1400: Thomas Talbot
- 1401: Walter Plunkett
- 1402: John Clynton z Keppocku
- 1403: Sir John Bedilowe, Kt
- 1405: John Dowdall (zabit)
- 1424: Sir James White
- 1425: Sir John Bellew, Kt
- 1426: John Bellew
- 1427: John Bellew
- 1440: Sir Nicholas Taaffe
- 1496: Patrick Plunkett
- 1497: Richard Plunkett
- 1558: Edward Gernon z Gernonstownu
- 1562: Sir John Bellew
- 1578: Roger Gernon nebo Garland
- 1593: Thomas Gernon
- 1594: Roger Gernon
- 1595: Rice Jones
- 1596: Rice Jones
17. století
- 1613: Ambrose Jones
- 1634: James Clinton z Clintonstown
- 1640: Bartoloměj White
- 1642: Anthony Townley
- 1643: Anthony Townley
- 1644: Anthony Townley
- 1655: William Taylor
- 1656: William Toxteth
- 1657: James Smallwood
- 1658:
- 1659: John Ruxton
- 1660: John Ruxton
- 1661: John Fowke
- 1662: Nicholas Moore
- 1663: Sir James Graham
- 1664: Sir Thomas Bramhall, 1. Baronet[2]
- 1665: Thomas Toxteth
- 1666: Wolstan Dixie
- 1667: Arthur Brownlow
- 1668: Major James Garstin
- 1669: William Armitage
- 1670: William Disney
- 1671: Henry Bellingham
- 1672: Henry Townley
- 1673: William Peppard
- 1674: John Ruxton
- 1675: John Thomlinson
- 1676: Timothy Armitage / Thomas Franke
- 1677: James Smallwood
- 1678: James Smallwood
- 1679: John Pepper
- 1680: Nehemiah Donellan
- 1681:
- 1682: Robert Moore
- 1683: Robert Moore (2. ročník)
- 1684: Thomas Bellingham / John Holt
- 1685: Norman Garstin
- 1686: Sir Patrick Bellew, první Baronet[2]
- 1687: Roger Bellew
- 1688: Roger Bellew
- 1689: John Taaffe
- 1690: Thomas Bellingham
- 1691: Henry Tichbourne
- 1692: Joseph Tomlinson
- 1693: William Barron
- 1694: Blayney Townley
- 1695: William Render
- 1696: John Smith
- 1697: John Graham
- 1698: John Keating
- 1699:
18. století
- 1700: James Tisdall
- 1701: Joseph Tomlinson
- 1702: Timothy Armitage
- 1703: Edward Singleton
- 1704: William Stannus[2]
- 1705: William Eccleston z Drumshallon
- 1706: Henry Tichbourne
- 1707: John Ruxton
- 1708: William Brabazon
- 1709: Thomas Fortescue
- 1710: Thomas Clarke
- 1711: William Fortescue
- 1712:
- 1713: James Leigh
- 1714: Peter Ludlow hradu Ardsallagh
- 1715: William Aston z Beaulieu[2]
- 1716: Thomas Tippin
- 1717: James Tisdall
- 1718: Robert Sibthorpe
- 1719: William Moore
- 1720: Randle Hern
- 1721: Ephraim Dawson / Thomas Tipping / James Stannus[2]
- 1722: George Ball
- 1723: John Pepper z Pepperova města
- 1724: Nicholas Moore z Ardastowne
- 1725: Stephen Sibthorpe
- 1726: Harry Townley
- 1727: Thomas Fortescue
- 1728: William Ruxton z Ardee
- 1729: Brabazon Newcomen
- 1730: Brabazon Eccleston z Drumshallon
- 1731: Wallop Brabazon z Killelly
- 1732: Richard Hansard z Peghanstownu
- 1733: John Sotheby
- 1734: Henry Bellingham ml. Z hradu Bellingham
- 1735: James Wallace
- 1736: Robert Parkinson
- 1737: John Taaffe
- 1738: John Graham
- 1739: Thomas Tennison z Thomastownu
- 1740: Rt Hon William Graham z Castlering
- 1741: James Poe z Dromgoldstownu
- 1742: Tichborne Aston[2]
- 1743: John Harper z Mellu
- 1744: Trevor Stannus ze Stannus Hill[2]
- 1745: Thomas Tipping of Castletown
- 1746: William Henry Fortescue, 1. hrabě z Clermontu[2]
- 1747: William Lee
- 1748: Ephraim Stannus z Carlingfordu
- 1749: Arthur Craven z Dromcashill
- 1750: Edward Smith z Maine
- 1751: William Brabazon z Willville
- 1752: Ross Moore z Carlingfordu
- 1753: Oliver Plunkett z Louth Hall
- 1754: William Foster z Dunleare
- 1755: James Fortescue
- 1756: Robert Sibthorpe
- 1757: James Hamilton, 2. hrabě z Clanbrassill[2]
- 1758: Anthony Foster Dunleara
- 1759: Robert Ball of Priorstown
- 1760: Latham Blacker
- 1761: Blayney Townley Balfour z Radnice
- 1762: Edward Tipping of Ballraggin
- 1763: Anthony Garstin z Bragganstownu
- 1764: William Eccleston z Termafikin
- 1765: Thomas Newcomen z Callistown
- 1766: Richard Dawson ml. Z Atherdee
- 1767: Charles Craven z Applefieldu
- 1768: John McClintock
- 1769: John Foster z Collonu
- 1770: Thomas Fortescue of Dromiskin[2]
- 1771: Blayney Townley Balfour z Radnice
- 1772: William Eccleston z Drumshallon
- 1773: William Filgate z Lissreny
- 1774: John Bowes Benson z Catherine Grove
- 1775: Samuel Poe z Poeova dvora
- 1776: John William Foster z parku Rosy
- 1777: Edward Smith Stafford z Maine
- 1778: Thomas Lee z Tullykeel
- 1779: William Shiels z Newtown Darver
- 1780: Philip Brabazon z Belleview
- 1781: Henry Bellingham z hradu Bellingham
- 1782: John Thomas Foster z Dunleeru
- 1783: Richard Cooper z Rathescaru
- 1784: Henry Coddington z Dunleeru[2]
- 1785: Charles Cobbe z Dowdstownu
- 1786: Thomas James Fortescue z Ravensdale
- 1787: Matthew Fortescue ze Stephenstownu
- 1788: James Tisdall z Bawn
- 1789: Turner Camac z Greenmount Lodge
- 1790: Henry Foster ze Zelené hory
- 1791: Thomas William Filgate z Arthurstownu[2]
- 1792: Hon. Mathew Plunkett z Charlestownu
- 1793: Blayney Townley Balfour z Radnice
- 1794: Francis Manning z Drakestownu
- 1795: Nicholas Coddington[2]
- 1796: John Burne ml
- 1797: William Latham Blacker Hamlin z Rath Esker Lodge
- 1798: John McClintock jrr Drumcar[2]
- 1799: Wallop Brabazon of Rath
19. století
- 1800: Chichester Fortescue[2]
- 1801: Turner Macan z Greenmount Lodge
- 1802: John Strahan z Dundalku
- 1804: Francis Eastwood z Killincoole
- 1805: Francis Eastwood z Killincoole
- 1806: John Bolton z Maine
- 1807: Alexander Filgate z Lisrenny
- 1808: John Page of Dundalk
- 1809: Robert Thompson z Anagassanu
- 1810: Henry Brabazon z Dromiskinu
- 1811: Správně, Hon. Thomas Henry Foster Collon
- 1812: Hon Robert Jocelyn, vikomt Jocelyn nahrazen Charlesem Eastwoodem z Castletownu
- 1813: Philip Pendleton z Dromgooldstownu
- 1814: Matthew Fortescue ze Stephenstownu
- 1815: George Shiels Eccleston z Dromiskinu
- 1816: Brabazon Disney Shiel z Newtown Darver
- 1817: Turner Macan z Greenmount, Castlebellingham
- 1818: Faithful Fortescue of Conderry
- 1819: William Parkinson Ruxton Červeného domu
- 1820: Thomas Lee Norman z Corbollis
- 1821: Věrný William Fortescue z Miltown Grange
- 1822: Thomas Tisdall
- 1823: John Fitzherbert Ruxton z Ardee House[2]
- 1824: James Thomas Townley Tisdall z Bawn[3]
- 1825: Nathaniel Manning z Drakestownu
- 1826: John Woolsey z Milestownu, Castlebellingham
- 1827: Robert Portland, z Blackhaila, Drogheda[4]
- 1828: Berkeley Buckingham Stafford[5]
- 1829: Sir Alan Edward Bellingham, 3. baronet z Castlebellingham[2]
- 1830: Turner Macan z Greenmount, Castlebellingham
- 1831: Patrick Bellew, 1. baron Bellew Barmeath[2]
- 1832: William Filgate z Lisrenny[2]
- 1833: Edward Tipping z Bellurgan Park
- 1834: Francis Donagh z Newtownu
- 1835: George Taaffe ze Smarmore Castle
- 1836: Mathew O'Reilly z Thomastownu
- 1837: Henry Chester z Cartownu, Drogheda
- 1838: Michael Chester z Stone House
- 1839: Thomas Fortescue, 1. baron Clermont Dromisken[2]
- 1840: John McClintock, 1. baron Rathdonnell[2]
- 1841: Blaney Balfour ml. Z Townley Hall, Dunleer
- 1842: Robert Jocelyn, vikomt Jocelyn z Dundalku
- 1843: Samuel McClintock z Newtownu, Drogheda
- 1844: Sir Richard Robinson, 2. baronet z Rokeby Hall, Dunleer
- 1845: Frederick J. Foster, Castle Ring[6]
- 1846: Lewis Upton z Glyde Farm, Ardee
- 1847: William Ruxton z Ardee House, Ardee
- 1848: Miles William O'Reilly hradu Knockabbey, Louth
- 1849: Sir John Stephen Robinson, 3. Baronet z Rokeby Hall, Dunleer
- 1850: Sir Frederick George Foster, 2. Baronet[7]
- 1851: George Ruxton z Rahanna, Ardee[2]
- 1852: John Murphy z Castletown, Dundalk
- 1853: Richard Macan z Greenmount, Castlebellingham
- 1854: Edward Joseph Bellew, 2. baron Bellew z Barmeath[2]
- 1855: Richard Thomas Montgomery z Beaulieu, Drogheda
- 1856: Myles Taaffe of Smarmore, Ardee
- 1857: Matthew O'Reilly Dease z Charleville, Dunleer
- 1858: Michael Carraher z Cardistown, Ardee
- 1859: Arthur Blackburn z Corderry, Ardee
- 1860: Laurence Waldron z Ballybrack Dalkey, Co. Dublin
- 1861: Lieut.-Col. John Charles William Fortescue of Stephenstown, Dundalk
- 1862: Henry Edward Singletown z Hazley Heath, Hampshire
- 1863: Charles Brinsley Marlay
- 1864: Edward Singleton Belpatrick, Collon
- 1865: Henry St. George Smith z Piperstown, Drogheda
- 1866: St. Clair Kilburn Mulholland z Kelburnu[2]
- 1867: Charles Cobbe z Newbridge, Donabate[2]
- 1868: William Woolsey z The Crescent, Castlebellingham
- 1869: Ralph Smyth z Newtown House, Drogheda
- 1870: James Hugh Smith-Barry[2]
- 1871: Richard Altamont Smythe z Newtownu, Drogheda
- 1872: John Arthur Henry Moore-Brabazon[2]
- 1873: Robert Foster Dunlop z Monasterboice Ho., Collon
- 1874: Thomas Mahon Richardson z Prospect, Dundalk
- 1875: John Frederick Foster z Glyde Court, Ardee
- 1876: Percy Fitzgerald z Fane Valley, Dundalk
- 1877: Arthur Pemberton Heywood Lonsdale
- 1878: John Taafe z hradu Smarmoor[8]
- 1879: William de Salis Filgate z Lissrenny[2]
- 1880: John R. Garstin
- 1881: John Alexander Lee-Norman z Corbollis, Ardee
- 1882: Arthur Macan z Drumcashel, Castlebellingham
- 1883: Conway Edward Dobbs[2]
- 1884: Philip Callan z Dowdstown, Ardee
- 1885: Blayney Reynell Townley Balfour z Townley Hall, Drogheda
- 1886: Thomas Plunkett Cairnes Stameen, Drogheda
- 1887: George Charles Smyth z Newtownu, Drogheda
- 1888: Malcolm Brown Murray z Roden Place, Dundalk
- 1889: genmjr. O'Brien Bellingham Woolsey z Milestownu, Castlebellingham
- 1890: Patrick Ternan z Listoke, Drogheda
- 1891: John Coleman Kiernan z Rathbristu, Drogheda
- 1892: Patrick Casey Connolly z Beaulieu, Drogheda
- 1893: Henry Chester z Williamstownu, Castlebellingham
- 1894: Edmond O'Conor z Charleville, Dunleer
- 1895: Charles Bertram Bellew, 3. baron Bellow of Barmeath[2]
- 1896: Major James Patrick Waldron
- 1897: Alan Henry Bellingham, 4. Baronet[2]
- 1898: Sir Gerald Collingwood Robinson, 4. Baronet z Rokeby Hall, Dunleer
- 1899: Henry J. Daly z Donacarney House, Drogheda
20. století
- 1900: kapitán Mark Singleton
- 1901: Sir Augustus Vere Foster, 4. baronet z Glyde Court, Ardee
- 1902: George Leopold Bryan, 4. baron Bellew z Barmeath[2]
- 1903: Major Matthew Charles Edward Fortescue of Stephenstown, Dundalk
- 1904: William Bellingham Jameson z Beaulieu, Drogheda
- 1905: Richard Walter Walsh z Williamstownu, Castlebellingham
- 1906: John Roland Singleton z Mell, Drogheda
- 1907: George Joseph Taaffe z Smarmore Castle.[8]
- 1908: Blayney Reynall Townley Balfour z Radnice, Drogheda
- 1909: John James Eastwood Větší z Falmore Hall, Dundalk.
- 1910: Richard Johnston Montgomery z Killineer House, Drogheda.
- 1911: Alfred Bellingham Cairnes z Listoke, Drogheda.
- 1912: John Dobbin Bell z Killin, Dundalk.
- 1913: Maxwell Thomas Moore-Boyle z Dundalk.
- 1914: kapitán George Knaggs z Corderry.
- 1915: William Townley George Seymour Macartney-Filgate.
- 1916: Thomas William Bell z Dundalk.
- 1917: Thomas Callan Macardle z Dundalk.
- 1918: Charles Davis Guinness z Dundalk.[2]
- ^ A b C d E F G h i j k Angličtina v Louth, 1170–1330
- ^ A b C d E F G h i j k l m n Ó p q r s t u proti w X y z aa ab ac inzerát ae af ag "Šlechtický titul". Citováno 23. dubna 2011.
- ^ „High Sheriffs, 1824“. Connaught Journal. 1. března 1824. Citováno 10. května 2011.
- ^ „Noví šerifové“. The Kilkenny Independent. Citováno 28. dubna 2011.
- ^ Burke, Bernard; Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles (1. ledna 1912). Genealogická a heraldická historie irské pozemkové šlechty. str. 656.
- ^ „Noví irští šerifové“. Armagh Guardian. Citováno 28. dubna 2011.
- ^ „Irské staré zprávy“. Ballina Chronicle. Citováno 26. dubna 2011.
- ^ A b Navštívení Irska