Vysoký šerif z Limerick City - High Sheriff of Limerick City - Wikipedia
The Vysoký šerif z Limerick City byl soudním zástupcem panovníka ve městě Město Limerick. Zpočátku kancelář na celý život, přidělená panovníkem, Vysoký šerife se stal každoročně jmenován z Ustanovení z Oxfordu v roce 1258.[1] Kromě svého soudního významu měl obřadní a správní funkce a vykonával písemnosti vrchního soudu.[2] Kancelář byla zrušena v roce 1920 vznikem irského svobodného státu.
Vysokí šerifové z Limerick City
16. století
- 1500 John Everard; Richard Fitz-Nicholas Creagh
- 1501 Robert Stackpol; Edmond Comyn
- 1502 Richard Harrold; Thomas Cromwell
- 1503 Robert Roche; Nicholas Bonevyle
- 1504 Nicholas Lawless; Nicholas Fitz-John Arthur; John Lewis nebo Lawless
- 1505 Nicholas Creagh; Nicholas Rochford
- 1506 Rhicard Whyte; Richard seržant
- 1507 Nicholas Harold; Nicholas Ryce
- 1508 Thomas Yong; Richard seržant
- 1509 David Comyn; Richard Boneovle
- 1510 Walter Rice; Richard Fanning
- 1511 Patrick Fanning; Thomas Rochfort
- 1512 David Whyte; Peter Comyn
- 1513 James Stretch; Christopher Harrold
- 1514 Christopher Creagh; James Fitz-Edward Arthur
- 1515 William Long; William Arthur
- 1516 Richard Milonis (Fitz-Milo) Arthur; Galfridus se protáhl
- 1517 James Harrold; Peter Walter Arthur
- 1518 George Stretch; Peter Fitz-William Creagh
- 1519 Edmond Harrold; Daniel Fitz-John Arthur
- 1520 Stephen Creagh; Thomas Woulfe
- 1521 William Fanning; Andrew Harrold
- 1522 John Ryce; Thomas Arthur
- 1523 James Creagh; Stephen Comyn
- 1524 Peter Creagh; Patrick Everard
- 1525 Richard Comyn; Patrick Everard
- 1526 Nicholas Fitz-Thomas Creagh; John Nangyll
- 1527 John Fitz-Nicholas Arthur; Peter Fitz-Christopher Arthur
- 1528 William Creagh; Leonard Creagh
- 1529 Nicholas Comyn; Patrick Long
- 1530 William Verdun; Richard Stackpol
- 1531 John Harrold; Roland Arthur
- 1532 George Creagh; William White
- 1533 David Ryce; Thomas Long
- 1534 Bartolomějský úsek; John Fitz-John Stretch
- 1535 Dominick Whyte; Vesmírný Fitz-Christopher Arthur
- 1536 John Comyn; Jasper Fanning
- 1537 William Yong; Patrick Ryce
- 1538 James Fox; James Roche
- 1539 William Stretch; Thomas Creagh
- 1540 David Creagh; James Loftus
- 1541 Walter Harold; Dominick Comyn
- 1542 William Stretch; James Stackpol
- 1543 William Creagh; William Yong
- 1544 Andrew Harrold; Hector Fitz-James Arthur
- 1545 Patrick Long; George Rochfort
- 1546 William Verdun; Myles Stretch
- 1547 Thomas Arthur; John Stackpol
- 1548 Peter Whyte; James Creagh
- 1549 John Harrold; Christopher Creagh
- 1550 James Stretch; Edward Fitz-Daniel Arthur
- 1551 Clement Fanning; Nicholas Harrold
- 1552 Roland Harold; Philip Rochford
- 1553 Nicholas Whyte; John Creagh
- 1554 William Fox; Richard Fanning
- 1555 David Comyn; Thomas Creagh
- 1556 Peter Fitz-Leonard Creagh; George Roche
- 1557 Richard Arthur; John Everard
- 1558 Stephen Whyte; Dominick Creagh
- 1559 Dominick Fanning; Thomas Fitz-Peter Creagh
- 1560 Thomas Fitz-Patrick Creagh; Richard Young
- 1561 Patrick Rochford; David Cromwell
- 1562 Nicholas Woulfe; Patrick Fox
- 1563 John Comyn; John Fanning
- 1564 George Fanning; Thomas Harrold
- 1565 Patrick Creagh; William Creagh
- 1567 James Creagh; John Wolfe
- 1568 Thomas Fitz-Arthur; Richard Cromwell
- 1569 Nicholas Price; Stephen Whyte
- 1570 Dominick Everard; Daniel Fitz-David Arthur
- 1571 George Fitz-Daniel Arthur; George Comyn
- 1572 Philip Comyn; Jordan Roche
- 1573 Thomas Stretch; Milo Fitz-Eustace Arthur
- 1574 George Cromwell; Nicholas Whyte
- 1575 Stephen Fitz-Dominick Whyte; David Rochfort
- 1576 William Fitz-John Arthur; Patrick Fanning
- 1577 Walter Fitz-Patrick Ryan; Nicholas Stretch
- 1578 John Stretch; Peter Stretch
- 1579 Thomas Stretch; Arthur Creagh
- 1580 Andrew Creagh; Edward Fitz-Hector Arthur
- 1581 Thomas Yong; George Harrold
- 1582 Peter Fitz-Dominick Creagh; Peter Oenopherous Arthur
- 1583 Oliver Harrold; Nicholas Bourke
- 1584 Nicholas Harrold; Patrick Midchell
- 1585 Patrick Woulfe; Oliver Bourke
- 1586 Robert Whyte; James Cromwell
- 1587 Stephen Roche; Edmond Comyn
- 1588 Martin Creagh (zemřel); Walter Ryce a Patrick Woulf
- 1589 William Fitz-William Creagh; Thomas Stackpol
- 1590 Thomas Woulf; Nicholas Fox
- 1591 Edmond Fox; Richard Woulfe
- 1592 John Fitz-Andrew Comyn de Parke; David Woulfe
- 1593 Bartoloměj Fitz-Jas. Protáhnout se; Vyd. Fitz-Stephen Whyte
- 1594 Dom. Fitz-John Arthur; Edward Stretch
- 1595 John Fitz-John Stretch; Clement Fanning
- 1596 Bartoloměj Stackpol; Robert Bourke
- 1597 William Fitz-Thos.Arthur; James Fitz-Stephen Whyte
- 1598 Philip Roche; Thomas Bourke
- 1599 David Fitz-Nicholas Whyte; Michael Waters
17. století
- 1600 Simon Fanning; Robert Arthur
- 1601 William Fitz-Thomas Stretch; James Fitz-Edward Arthur; David Fitz-Walter Ryce
- 1602 James Fitz-James Whyte; William Myeagh
- 1603 Thomas Fitz-Philip Comyn; Thomas Fitz-Patrick Creagh
- 1604 David Fitz-Milo Comyn; Thomas Fitz Patrick Creagh
- 1605 Dominick Fitz-Peter Creagh; James Woulf
- 1606 Christopher Arthur; P. Creagh
- 1607 Nicholas Whyte; William Hally
- 1608 William Creagh; George White.
- 1609 William Myeagh; Dominick Creagh
- 1610 Walter Whyte; Jasper Whyte
- 1611 David Fitz-Geoffrey Ryce, (2 měsíce); Christopher Creagh
- 1612 Patrick Fitz-Henry Whyte; John Skeolan
- 1613 John FitzJohn Arthur; George Woulfe
- 1614 Nicholas Fitz-Nicholas Stretch; William Roch de Cahiravahalla
- 1614 William Rochford; Peter Fitz-Peter Creagh
- 1614 Thomas Power; Arthur Fanning; Christopher Fitz- D. Arthur
- 1615 James White Fitz-Henry; Walter Fitz-Richard Arthur
- 1615 George Sexten; George Rochford
- 1615 Nicholas Fitz-Henry Whyte; George Rochford
- 1616 James Fitz-John Stretch; George Rochford
- 1616 John Fitz-John Stretch; Richard Lawless
- 1617 George Fitz-James Creagh; Peter Harrold
- 1618 Edward Sexten; David Roch
- 1619 Edward Sexten; Philip Ronane
- 1620
- 1621 James Lawless; Robert Lawless
- 1622 Peter Harrold; Philip Ronane
- 1623 George Fitz-James Creagh; Patrick Lawless
- 1624 James Sexten; Edward Barkley
- 1625 Nicholas Fanning; John Meyeagh
- 1626 James Fitz-Bw. Stackpol; George Bourke
- 1627 Andrew Fitz-Andrew Creagh; Peter Fitz-Oliver Harrold
- 1628 Dominick Fitz-Bw. Whyte; Edward Skeolane
- 1629 Peter Fitz-Andrew Creagh; William Fitz-Stephen Roch
- 1630 Stephen Fitz-James Whyte; Robert Hally
- 1631 Stephen Stretch; Dominick Tyrry
- 1632 James Fitz-Stephen Whyte; Francis Fanning
- 1633 James Fitz-Ed Fox; Peter Fitz-Peter Creagh
- 1634 John Fitz-Thomas Bourk; William Fitz-Peter Creagh
- 1635 Daniel Nihell; James Fitz-Water Ryce
- 1636 Luke Stretch; William Leyseaght
- 1637 James Fitz-John Creagh; James Hackett
- 1638 James Fitz-David Whyte; Nicholas Fitz-Ed. Liška
- 1639 David Fitz-David Whyte; William Fitz-William Stretch
- 1640 John Fitz-Jasper Comyn; Henry Cassy
- 1641 Thomas fitz-James Whyte; George Fitz-Patrick Rochfort
- 1642 Laurence Whyte; Laurence Ryce
- 1643 Thomas Fitz-David Comyn; James Sanfield
- 1644 James Mahowne; Patrick Meyeagh
- 1645 Thomas Fitz-Patrick Stretch; Edmund Fritz-Stephen Roch
- 1646 David Fitz-Peter Creagh; James Fitz-George Sexten
- 1647 Bartoloměj Fitz-David Ryce; Patrick Woulfe
- 1648 Patrick Fitz-Oliver Arthur; Andrew Bourk
- 1649 David Rochefort; James Bonefield
- 1650 Martin Fitz-Andrew Creagh; Nicholas Ronan
- 1651 Stephen Fitz-David Skeolan; William Fitz-David Creagh
- 1656 John Comyn; Peter Ash
- 1657 John Comyn; Peter Ash
- 1658 Jeremy Heywood; Christopher Keyes
- 1659 Robert Passy; John Crabb
- 1660 Henry Price; Robert Shutt
- 1661 James Banting; William Pope
- 1662 Henry Salfield; William Joint
- 1663 Thomas Martin; John Burn
- 1664 John Lence; Samuel Foxon
- 1665 Henry Price; John Symmes
- 1666 John Backner; John Arthur
- 1667 William York; Anthony Bartlett
- 1668 Edwardské hodiny; John Bennett
- 1669 Rowland Bonton; Henry Clinton
- 1670 Francis Whittamor; George Bockendoght
- 1671 Daniel Hignett; John Hart
- 1672 John Beer; John Halpin
- 1673 Robert Higgins; Bartoloměj Ast.
- 1674 Thomas Rose; Robert Smith
- 1675 George Roche; William Craven
- 1676 Pierce Graham; Edward Waight
- 1677 Richard Lyllis; Wm. Clifford
- 1678 Thomas Long; John Bond
- 1679 William Allen; Mojžíš Woodroff
- 1680 Richard Ingram; Thomas Meagher
- 1681 John Craven; Nathaniel Webb
- 1682 Edward Clark; Giles Spencer
- 1683 Richard Allen; John Ford
- 1684 Daniel Bowman; Simon White
- 1685 Thomas Breveter; Samuel Bartlett
- 1686 John Young; James Robinson
- 1687 Thomas Harrold; Peter Monsell
- 1688 Francis White; Philip Stackpole
- 1689 Thomas Creagh; Richard Harrold
- 1690 James Arthur; Nicholas Morrough
- 1691 John Young; James Robinson
- 1692 Zachary Holland; Bartoloměj Lee
- 1693 Wm. Davis; Abraham Bowman
- 1694 Henry kaplan; Charles Atkins
- 1695 Richard Sexten; George Roche
- 1696 John Vincent; Pierse Piersy
- 1697 Thomas Flaxon; John Higgins
- 1698 Tock Roche; Raudal Holland
- 1699 Richard Craven; Ezechias Holland
18. století
- 1700: Walter Parker; George Robinson
- 1701:
- 1708: Francis Sargent;
- 1714: Benjamin Barrington[Citace je zapotřebí ]
- 1715:
- 1720: John Graves;
- 1721:
- 1729: Benjamin Barrington[Citace je zapotřebí ]
- 1730:
- 1734: Peter Sargent;
- 1735: Richard Graves; James Sargent
- 1736: Henry Long;
- 1737:
- 1743: Henry Ievers;[3]
- 1744:
- 1747: Francis Sargent;
- 1757: William Goggin;
- 1758:
- 1761: Francis Sargent;
- 1765: Francis Sargent;
- 1775: William Fitzgerald; William Gabbett[4]
- 1776: Christopher Knight; Thomas Vincent
- 1777: Charles Sargent; Francis Russell.
- 1778: John Gabbett; Amos Vereker.
- 1779: Hugh Gough, John Harrison.
- 1780: Edward Parker; John Ferrar
- 1781: William Fosbery; John Frederick Furnell
- 1782: Georgc Tomkins; Hugh Brady.
- 1783: John Fitzgerald; William Russell
- 1784: William Wallace; Michael Blood
- 1785: Joseph Sargent; Arthur Vincent.
- 1786: William Piercy; Henry Rose.
- 1787: Robert Wallace; Samuel Hunter.
- 1788: John Cripps; William Hunt.
- 1789: Henry D'Esterre; Thomas Moroney.
- 1790: John Augustine Ievers; Bryan M'Mahon.
- 1791: George Sargeant; David Dwyer.
- 1792; Ralph Westrop; Henry Brady.
- 1793: George Davis; Thomas Edwards.
- 1794: Robert Briscoe; Joseph Cripps.
- 1795: Nicholas Mahon; Frederick Price.
- 1796: Robert Briscoe; Andrew Watson.
- 1787: Francis Lloyd; Richard Webb.
- 1788: Andrew Watson; Henry Pierce Carroll.
- 1799: Francis Lloyd; Richard Webb
19. století
- 1800: Philip Russell; Henry Collis.
- 1801: Edward Moroney; Thos. E. Wilkinson.
- 1802: Abraham Russell; Henry Collis.
- 1803: Henry Pierce Carroll; Colclough Stritch.
- 1804: Henry Pierce Carroll; Colclough Stritch.
- 1805: Ab. Colclough Strich; Bryan M'Mahon.
- 1806: Henry Pierce Carroll; D. F. G. Mahony.
- 1807: Edmond Morony; Thomas Westropp.
- 1808: Edmond Morony; Thomas Westropp
- 1809: Edmond Morony; Thomas Westropp
- 1810: Edmond Morony; Thomas Westropp
- 1811: D. F. G. Mahony; Henry Watson.
- 1812: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton.
- 1813: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton.
- 1814: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton
- 1815: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton
- 1816: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton
- 1817: Henry Collis; Arthur Brereton
- 1818: W. M. Jackson; J. M'Al. Hostinec
- 1819: W. M. Jackson; William Taylor.
- 1820: W. M. Jackson; William Taylor.
- 1821: W. Taylor; Andrew James Watson.
- 1822: W. Taylor; Andrew James Watson
- 1823: John Piercy; Henry Rose
- 1824: William Hunt; William Piercy
- 1825: John Harrison; John Westropp
- 1826: A. J. Watson; Richard Franklin ml.
- 1827: John S. T. Piercy; Edmond Moroney ml.
- 1828: William Gibson; John Standish.
- 1829: William Piercy; George Lloyd.
- 1830: Andrew James Watson: Henry Mahon.
- 1831: Edmond Moroney; Ralph Westropp Brereton.
- 1832: Richard Franklin; George Sexton.
- 1833: William Piercy; Samuel Moore Watson.
- 1834: George Lloyd: Francis Philip Russell.
- 1835: Edmond Moroney ml .; Ralph W. Brereton
- 1836: Henry Mahon; Hughes Russell.
- 1837: Richard Franklin; Henry Vereker.
- 1838: George Lloyd; James Sexton.
- 1839: Robert Hunt; Thomas F. G. Sexton.
- 1840: Ralph Westropp Brereton; Thomas Lloyd.
- 1841: Robert Ringrose Gelston; Arthur V. Warson.
- 1842: Dr. Gelston.
- 1843: John Norrls Russell.
- 1844: Samuel Dickson.
- 1845: William Roche.
- 1846: Henry Watson.
- 1847: Richard Russell.
- 1848: Henry Maunsell
- 1849: David Leahy Arthur.
- 1850: William Spaight of Derry Castle [5]
- 1851: P. A. Shannon.
- 1852: William Gabbett
- 1853: (Sir) James Spaight, J.P., D.L. [5]
- 1854: major George Gavin.
- 1855: Francis Grene
- 1856: Helenus White.
- 1857: kapitán Michael Gavin.
- 1858: Thomas Kane, M.D.
- 1859: Andrew V. Watson.
- 1860: Edward Murphy.
- 1861: Thompson Russell.
- 1862: Robert Hunt.
- 1863: Thorns Boyse
- 1864: H. C. Vereker.
- 1865: John Thomas M'Sheehy.
- 1866: Eugene O'Callaghan.
- 1867: Eugene O'Callaghan.
- 1868: Lawrence Quinlivan.
- 1869: John Quin.
- 1870: John MacDonnell.
- 1871: John MacDonnell.
- 1872: John Howley.
- 1873: Michael Robert Ryan.
- 1874: Robcrt McDonnell
- 1875: John McDonnell
- 1876: Thomas Enright O'Brien.
- 1877: Charles Dawson
- 1878: William L. Hunt
- 1879: Charles McDonnell.
- 1880: Maurice Lenihan.
- 1881: Octavius Wallace
- 1882: William Boyd.
- 1883: William Boyd.
- 1884: Stcphen Dowling.
- 1885: Stephen Dowling.
- 1886: Lawrence O'Keeffe
- 1887: James O'Mara
- 1888: Stephen O'Mara
- 1889: William J. O'Donnell.
- 1890: William M. Nolan.
- 1891: Patrick E. Bourke
- 1892: Thomas McMahon Cregan.
- 1893: Michael Španělsko.
- 1894: Patrick Kenna.
- 1895: Patrick Kenna
- 1896: Joseph P. Gaffney.
- 1897: Stephen Byrne Quin.
- 1898: Stephen Byrne Quin.
- 1899: (pane) Thomas Henry Cleeve
20. století
- 1900: Seamus F. de Barra.
- 1901: Patrick McDonnell.
- 1902: Patrick McDonnell.
- 1903: James Flynn.
- 1904: James Flynn.
- 1905: E. J. Long.
- 1906: E. J. Long.
- 1907: Pane Thomas Henry Cleeve.
- 1908: Pane Thomas Henry Cleeve.
- 1909: W.L. Stokes.
- 1910: William Holliday.
- 1911: Charles McDonnell.
- 1912: Charles McDonnell.
- 1913: Stephen O'Mara.
- 1914: Stephen O'Mara.
- 1915: Thomas S.Lawlor.
- 1916: Thomas S.Lawlor.
- 1917: James H. Roche.
- 1918: James H. Roche.
- 1918: Maurice P. Riordan.
- 1919: Maurice P. O'Riordan.
- 1920 - kancelář zrušena.
- ^ John David Griffith Davies a Frederick Robert Worts (1928). Anglie ve středověku: její problémy a dědictví. A. A. Knopf. p. 119.CS1 maint: používá parametr autoři (odkaz)
- ^ Alexander, George Glover (1915). Správa spravedlnosti v trestních věcech (v Anglii a Walesu). The University Press. str.89.
- ^ Genealogická a heraldická historie irské pozemkové šlechty sirem Bernardem Burkem
- ^ "Šlechtický titul". Citováno 1. května 2011.
- ^ A b „Genealogická a heraldická historie irské pozemkové šlechty“