Děkan a kapitola svatého Pavla - Dean and Chapter of St Pauls - Wikipedia

The Děkan a kapitola katedrály svatého Pavla byl titulárním orgánem společnosti katedrála svatého Pavla v Londýně až do konce dvacátého století. Skládalo se z děkana a kánonů, kněží připojených ke katedrále, kteří byli kvůli zdroji svých příjmů známí jako „prebendaries“. Děkan a kapitula (neboli „větší kapitula“) se skládali z velkého počtu kněží, kteří se scházeli „v kapitule“, ale taková setkání nebyla častá a skutečné řízení bylo prováděno správní kapitolou v čele s děkanem, kterou tvořili několika vyšších „rezidentských kánonů“, kteří byli také známí jako „děkan a kánony sv. Pavla“ nebo jednoduše „kapitula“.
The Cathedrals Measure 1999, reforma vztahující se na téměř všechny katedrály, nazvala hlavní řídící orgán katedrál „kapitulou“; reformoval Velkou kapitolu tak, aby zahrnoval arciděkany a sufragána a pomocné biskupy (nikoli však diecézního biskupa), jakož i laická kánony, čímž získal titul „The College of Canons“, jehož předsedou byl děkan; a také zavedl „katedrální radu“ odpovědnou za změnu ústavy a stanov a za schválení rozpočtu a účtů. Opatření rovněž vyžadovalo, aby do kapituly byli jmenováni laici. Titulní korporační orgán je od roku 2000 známý jako „Korporace katedrálního kostela sv. Pavla v Londýně“ a jeho členství v současné době tvoří členové kapituly, College of Canons a Council: termín „Děkan a kapitula“ již není platný ze zákona. V čele kapitoly je Děkan sv. Pavla, v současné době Very Revd David Ison který byl instalován 25. května 2012 a zahrnuje čtyři vysvěcené rezidentní kánony a až čtyři laiky.
Až do počátku dvacátého století byly kánony připevněny k prebendálním stánkům a na počátku třináctého století jich bylo 30.[1] Mnoho z prebendálních panství bylo v určité vzdálenosti od katedrály. Po mnoho let poskytovalo nájemné z těchto panství dostatečně cenný příjem, aby velká většina prebendarií byla lhostejná k pobytu v katedrále a měla prospěch ze zvýšení příjmů, které by to poskytlo. Mnoho prebendů bylo uděleno vyšším duchovenstvům, včetně arciděkanů a biskupů, k doplnění nedostatečných příjmů z jejich arcibiskupství, biskupství a arciděkanství.
Čtrnáct z prebendaries později se stal arcibiskupy.
Prebendaries přežil reformy v polovině šestnáctého století, snad proto, že katedrála nebyla klášterní instituce.[2] Prebendální statky převzaly církevní komisaři v pozdějším devatenáctém století výměnou za hotovostní platbu, jejíž hodnota byla během dvacátého století téměř úplně ztracena inflaci. Role prebendary se stala neplacenou a do značné míry čestnou.
Děkan sv. Pavla
Vidět Děkan sv. Pavla.
Prebendaries of Broomesbury
- Ailward Ruffus
- Arcoidní
- Roger Brun
- Laurence Belesmeins
- Roger z Worcesteru
- Walter de Brackele
- Robert de Bonewell
- Ralph de August
- Roger de Meulent
- William Blundel
- William Middleton Možná arciděkan z Canterbury, 1276-78; a biskup z Norwiche, 1278
- Geoffrey Aspall
- Philip de Willoughby
- Philip de Wyleby c. 1291
- Reginald de Sancto Albano
- G. de Stowe? -1327
- Richard de Brencheslee 1327
- Imbert de Puteo 1328-?
- Walter de London? -1351
- Edmund de la Zouche 1351-1352
- William de Shrewsbury 1352-?
- John de Carleton? -1385
- William de Borstall 1385-?
- William Newbold? -1418
- John Sudbury 1418-1444
- Robert (nebo Richard) Wyott 1444-1449
- Thomas Bonifant? -1468
- William Westbury, 1468-1477
- William Wylde 1477-?
- Edward Vaughan ? -1509. Biskup sv. Davida
- John Edmunds 1509-1517. Poté kancléř katedrály sv. Pavla
- Hugh Saunders nebo Breakspear D.Th.1517-1537
- Robert Crowham nebo Peterson Pozdní před Lewesem. 1537-1555.
- Thomas Moreton 1555-1558
- Thomas Collyer 1558
- Thomas Byam? -1562
- Matthew Hutton 1562-1589. Biskup z Durhamu 1589.
- Richard Bancroft 1590-1597. Bishop of London 1597.
- Thomas Singleton 1597-1614
- Isaac Singleton 1614-?
- William Braborn 1660-?
- John Scott 1685-1695
- George Walls 1695-1727
- Stephen Unwin 1728-1772
- Richard Hind 1772-1790.[3]
- East Apthorpe 1790-1792. Přesunut do Prebend of Finsbury v roce 1792
- Nicholas Rigby Baldwin 1792-1825
- John James Watson 1825-1839.[4]
- James Thomas Round 1842-1860
Prebendaries of Brownswood
- Airic
- Richard de Aurivall
- Ralph z Langfordu Děkan ze svatého Pavla 1138
- William de Costentin
- David z Londýna
- Značka
- Robert de Sandon
- Richard de Stanford
- John de Cheam Biskup z Glasgow, 1259
- Roger de La Legh arciděkan z Essexu do května 1274; Děkan sv. Pavla od října 1283 do 1285.
- Jan z Leicesteru
- Adam de Writele
- Henry z Newarku
- Laurence de Fuscis de Bera
- Henry de Saracenis
- Robert de Donnsbrugg? -1325. Přesunuto do Prebend of Ealdstreet
- Geoffrey de Eyton 1325-1328
- Gerald de Cantelaus 1328-1346
- Ivo de Glynton 1344
- Peter de Wotton 1346-?
- William de Wenlock? -1392
- Michael de Northburgh junior 1363
- Reginald Braybroke 1392-1394. Přesunuto do Prebend of Finsbury 1394.
- Hugh Cotyngham 1394-1410
- Robert Manfeld Provost z Beverley. 1410-1419
- Thomas de la Pole 1419-1433
- John Burdet 1433-1449
- Robert Kirkham 1449-1468
- John Alcock 1468-1472. Biskup z Rochesteru 1472.
- William Dudley 1472-1473. Děkan kaple sv. Jiří 1473
- John Davyson 1473-1485
- Richard Foxe 1485-1487. Biskup z Exeteru 1487.
- Thomas Jane 1487-1499. Biskup z Norwiche 1499.
- John Perott 1499-?
- Thomas Hulse? -1531
- William Warham 1515
- Thomas Whitehead 1531-1548
- Gilbert Bourne 1548-1554. Biskup v Bath a Wells 1554.
- Henry Wotton 1554-1561
- Robert Harrington 1561-1610
- John Barkham 1610-1642
- Joseph Crowther 1642-1689
- Thomas Turner 1690-1714
- George Carter 1714-1727
- Samuel Baker 1727-1728. Přesunuto do Prebendary of Ealdland 1728.
- Robert Tyrwhit 1728-1732. Přesunuto do Prebendary of Cantlers 1732.
- Thomas Cartwright 1733-1749.[5]
- Sherlock Willis 1749-1783.[6]
- John Sturges 1783-1807.[7]
- George Secker 1807-1840.[8]
- volný
- Richard Harvey 1843-1858
- Edward Merrick Goulburn 1859-1866
Prebendaries of Caddington Major
- Askyllus
- Roger, syn Roberta Archdeacona z Middlesexu, c. 1108, do 1. ledna 1127.
- Richard de Beaumais Biskup Londýna. Září 1152.
- Alexander de Saccavilla
- Ralph de Alta Ripa arciděkan z Colchesteru od před zářím 1186 do po červenci 1190.
- Alard de Burnham Arciděkan z Londýna ca. 1196 Děkan sv. Pavla ca. 1200.
- Robert de Sancte Marie Ecclesia
- Simon z Wellsu Biskup z Chichesteru, červenec 1204.
- Richard de Hegham arciděkan z Essexu do března 1204 do 1215/16 nebo později.
- Theobald de Valognes arciděkan Essexu ca. 1221
- Philip de Fauconberg arciděkan Huntingdon od roku 1228
- Ranulph Brito
- Thomas de Anesty arciděkan z Northumberlandu od dubna 1249.
- Philip Lovel
- Vilém z Kilkenny Biskup z Ely, srpen 1255.
- Alexander z Ferentina
- Fulke Lovell Arciděkan z Colchesteru asi 1267
- Ralph de Hengham
- Ralph de Hingham? -1311
- Stephen Segrave? -1324. Arcibiskup Armagh ca. 1324
- John de Manso 1324-1337
- Raymond Pelegrini 1337-1366
- John Rouley 1366-1386
- Adam Davenport? -1381
- William Hermesthorp 1381
- Richard Clifford senior 1386
- Guy Mone 1386-1397. Biskup sv. Davida 1397.
- John Cole 1397-?
- John Doneys 1397
- Richard Clifford junior 1397-1398
- Henry Bowet 1399
- Nicholas Bubwith -1406. Bishop of London 1406
- John Luke 1406
- John Brech 1406-1418
- Henry Merston 1418-1433
- Robert Felton 1433-1438
- Thomas Wodeford nebo Belton 1438-1441. Prebend of Totenhall 1441.
- Fulk Bermyngham 1441-?
- Malcolm Cosyn? -1467. Prebend ve St Stephen's, Westminster 1467
- Henry Sharp 1467-1471. Prebend of Chiswick 1471.
- Thomas Chaundeler 1471-1472
- John Davyson 1472. Prebend z Bishopstone v Salisbury
- John Pemberton 1472-1475
- John Peese 1475-1487
- John Smith 1487-1502
- Pedro de Ayala 1502-1506
- John Salvago 1506-1515,? -1524
- Christopher Plummer 1514-?
- John Pennand 1524-1529
- William Boleyn 1529-1530. Arciděkan z Winchesteru 1530
- Richard Pate 1530-1542
- Peter Vannes 1542-1563
- John Young 1564-1578. Biskup z Rochesteru 1578.
- John Flower 1579-1599
- Peter Lilly 1599-1615
- Thomas Westfield 1615-1644. Biskup z Bristolu 1642.
- Matthew Nicholas 1660-1661
- John Dolben 1661-1666. Biskup z Rochesteru 1666.
- William Master 1667-1684
- William Stanley 1684-1731.[9]
- Joseph Steadman 1731-1733.[10]
- Thomas Jackson 1733-1749
- Samuel Nicolls 1749-1756. Prebend of Newington 1756.
- Pulter Forester 1756-1778
- John Sturges 1778-1783. Prebend of Brownswood 1783.
- Benjamin Wheeler 1783.[11]
- Samuel Horsley 1783-1793. Biskup ze St. Davids 1788 - 1793. Biskup z Rochesteru 1793.
- Thomas Winstanley 1794-1823.[12]
- Thomas Gaisford 1823-1855.[13]
- Archibald Montgomery Campbell 1855-1859.[14]
Prebendaries of Caddington Minor
- Theobald možná arciděkan z Essexu a Prebend z Portpoolu
- Odo, syn Theobalda
- Pařížský arciděkan z Rochesteru před zářím 1150
- Vilém z Ely
- Martin z Pattishall Děkan sv. Pavla 1228
- Hugh of London II arciděkan Colchester asi 1235
- William de Sancte Marie Ecclesia III
- Robert Passelewe
- Jan z Bulmeru
- Ralph z Ivinghoe
- Ralph de Ivingho c. 1291
- Roger de Waltham
- Thomas Bradwardine ? -1349. Arcibiskup z Canterbury 1349
- Richard Michel 1349-1362
- William de Navesby 1362-?
- Laurence Allerthorpe? -1406
- Simon Bache 1406-1414
- William Barton 1414-1419
- Walter Medford 1419-1423
- John Bernyngham 1423-1425
- John Stopyngton 1425-1430
- Thomas Chichele 1430-1467
- Thomas St Jen 1467
- Richard Lichfield 1467-1468
- William Dudley 1468-1471. Prebend of Newington 1471
- John Peese 1471-1475. Prebend of Caddington Major 1475
- Richard Freston 1476-1477
- Ralph Shaa 1477-1484
- Edmund Chaderton 1484-1499
- John Treguran 1499-1532
- Thomas Hynde 1532-1558 / 9
- John Somers? -1573.
- George Wall 1574-1581
- Godfrey Goldsborough 1581-1598. Biskup z Gloucesteru 1598
- George Downham 1598-1616
- Thomas Soame 1617-1649
- Christopher Newsted 1660-1663
- Robert Breton 1663-1672
- William Lloyd 1672-1675. Biskup z Llandaffu 1674
- Joshua Hodgkis 1676-1726
- Edward Cobden 1726-1764[15]
- Nathaniel Hume 1764-?
- William Wood 1810-1841[16]
- volný
- Thomas Dale 1843-1846
- Henry Venn 1846-1873
- Charles Broderick Scott 1873[17] - ????
- FE Wigram 1896[18] - ????
- Berdmore Compton 1897[19] - ????
- ?
- Gary Piper? -2013
- David Coleman 2013
Prebendaries of Cantlers
Prebend of Cantlers sestával z panství v oblasti nyní známé jako Kentish Town.
- Sigar
- Hněv
- Audoen
- Hubert Vacca
- Henry z Northamptonu
- Richard z Ely arciděkan z Colchesteru z roku 1192
- Peter of Ste.-Mère-Eglise
- William de Fauconberg
- William de Raley Biskup z Norwiche z roku 1239
- Roger de Cantilupe
- Walter z Mertonu Prebend z Finsbury z roku 1262
- Ralph de Montibus
- William de La Leya
- Antony de Camille
- Henry de Bluntesdon
- Henry, králův almoner
- William de Ayremynne? -1315
- Ingelard de Warley 1317
- John Bush 1318-?
- Hugh de Engolisma? -1332 .. Biskup Carpentras z roku 1332.
- William Bernardi de Ranato 1332-1333
- Roger Ysarni 1333-?
- Richard de Wentworth 1338. Londýnský biskup od května 1338.
- Henry de Idesworth 1338-1349
- Roger Holme 1349
- John de la Mare 1349
- Hugh Pelegrini 1350
- Edmund de Grimsby 1350-1354
- William de Waltham 1393-1398
- Thomas de Southam 1398-1404
- Thomas Shapewyke nebo Horston 1404-1410
- Nicholas Herbury 1410-?
- Robert Clerk? -1431
- William Gray 1431-1446
- Clement Denston 1446-1452
- Nicholas Sturgeon 1452-1454
- John Waynflete? -1465
- Robert Ballard 1465-1478
- William Kempe 1478-1523
- Richard Layton 1523-1544
- Richard Layton 1523-1544
- William Layton 1544-1551
- John Bradford 1551-1554
- John Feckenham nebo Howman 1554-1556. Opat z Westminsteru 1556
- George Lilly 1556-1559
- John Mullins 1559-1591
- Sir Edward Stanhope 1591-1608
- Robert Tinley 1608-1616
- John King 1616-1638
- John Tolson 1639-1644
- Walter Jones 1660-1672
- Thomas Henchman 1672-1674
- William Wigan 1674-1700
- Jonas Warley 1700-1722
- Edward Oliver 1722-1732[20]
- Robert Tyrwhit 1732-1742.[21]
- William Gibson 1742-1746
- Edmund Gibson 1746-1771.[22]
- Anthony Hamilton 1771-1812.[23]
- Thomas Randolph 1812-1875
Prebendaries of Chamberlainwood
- Robert [? De Limesey]
- Ralph Gundram
- Raherius
- Geoffrey Constable
- Nicholas, syn Klementa
- Richard de Umfraville
- Richard de Camera
- Philip de Hadham
- Richard Foliot II arciděkan z Middlesexu do roku 1248
- John de Chishull I. londýnský arciděkan do roku 1263. děkan ze St Paul’s do roku 1268. londýnský biskup do roku 1273
- Warin de Dyre
- Hugh z Collinghamu
- Solomon z Rochesteru
- Stephen de Gravesend
- Thomas de Northflete
- Stephen de Gravesend c. 1291
- Thomas de Northflete? -1317
- John de Middleton
- William de Hoo
- John Barnet ? -1361. Biskup z Worcesteru 1361
- Fortanerius Vassalli arcibiskup z Grada. 1361.
- John de Stretley 1362-1365
- John de Appleby 1365-1366
- John de Edington 1366
- John de Appleby (znovu) 1366-1389
- Thomas More 1390-?
- John Cokenache? -1391
- Thomas de Middleton 1391-1396
- Reginald Kentwood 1396-1400
- John Skyftelyng 1401-1406
- John Malverne 1406-1422
- James Cole 1422-1423
- John Preston 1423-1436
- Fulk Bermyngham 1436-1441. Prebend of Caddington Major 1441.
- Gerard Hesil 1441-1443. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1443.
- William Booth 1443-1447. Biskup z Coventry a Lichfield 1447. Arcibiskup z Yorku 1452.
- William Witham 1447-1454
- Edmund Booth 1454-1456. Arciděkan Stow 1445.
- William Saunders 1456-1472
- John Isaak 1472-1485
- William Lichfield 1485-1517
- William Knight 1517-1541. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1541.
- Andrew Tracy 1542-1545
- William květen 1545-1554
- Cuthbert Scott 1554-1556. Biskup z Chesteru 1556.
- John Fuller 1558
- John Weale 1558-1569
- Thomas Drant 1569-1570
- John Winter 1570-1606
- Ithel Griffith 1606-1616
- Nicholas Felton 1616-1617. Biskup z Bristolu 1617.
- Thomas Oates 1618-?
- Thomas Raymond 1623-1631
- William Haywood 1631-1663
- William Master 1663-1667. Prebend of Caddington Major 1667.
- John Wilkins 1667-1668. Biskup z Chesteru 1668.
- Henry Hibbert 1669-1678
- William Jane 1679-1707
- Thomas Houghton 1707-1718
- Robert Tomlinson 1719-1748.[24]
- Robert Gibson 1748-1781
- William Gibson 1781-1835
- Volný
- Thomas Henderson 1842-1861.[25]
Prebendaries of Chiswick
- Edmund
- William [de Mareni] děkan ze St Paul’s do července 1111
- Nigel z Calne Biskup z Ely od října 1133
- Richard de Amanvilla
- Richard FitzNeal Biskup Londýna z roku 1189
- William Coroner
- Ralph z Ely arciděkan z Middlesex c 1198
- Alan
- John Belemains
- Vilém z Bathu
- Edmund z Bathu
- Richard de Gravesend II arciděkan z Londýna do roku 1294
- Richard de Gravesend nebo Grene c. 1291.
- William de Scotho
- Philip de Weston 1338-?
- William de Retford 1359.
- John Maundour 1373, 1376.
- John de Wendlyngburgh 1377-1395.
- William Bryan 1395-1397.
- Richard Clifford senior 1397-1398. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1400
- Richard Clifford junior 1398-1406.
- Angelo II Acciaiuoli Kardinál. Biskup Ostia. 1400.
- John Notyngham 1406-1419.
- Thomas de la Pole 1419. Prebend of Brownswood od června 1419
- Richard Clifford junior (znovu) 1419-1422.
- Nicholas Dixon 1422-1448.
- William Cleve 1448-1469.
- Robert Newbald 1469-?
- John Colville 1469-1471.
- Henry Sharp 1471-1472.
- John Morton 1473-1478.
- Robert Morton 1478-1486. Biskup z Worcesteru 1486
- Christopher Urswick 1487-?
- Richard Sampson ?-1534.
- Richard Sparcheford 1534-1537.
- Edmund Bonner 1537-1538. Biskup z Herefordu 1538.
- Edward Moylle 1539-1554.
- Edward Moylle 1539-1554.
- William Chedsey 1554-1559.
- Gabriel Goodman 1559-1601.
- William Barlow 1601-1608. Biskup z Rochesteru 1605. Biskup z Lincolnu 1608.
- Valentine Cary 1608-? Biskup z Exeteru 1621
- John Donne 1622-1631.
- Richard Bayley 1631-1667.
- Richard Perrincheif 1667-1673.
- Charles Smith 1673-1674. Prebend of Pancratius 1674.
- William Beveridge 1674-1708. Biskup svatého Asafa 1704
- William Hall 1708-1726.
- William Crowe 1726-1727. Prebend of Pancratius 1727.
- White Kennett 1727-1740.
- Edmund Gibson 1740-1743. Prebend of Mapesbury 1743.
- Thomas Church 1744-1756.[26]
- Edmund Tyrwhit 1756-1788.[27]
- John Wright 1788-1793.
- George Gregory 1793-1798.
- Thomas Parkinson 1798-1830.
- John Smith 1830-1859.
- J H Hamilton -1872[28]
- Daniel Wilson 1872-[29]
Prebendaries of Consumpta-Per-Mare
- Robert Losinga Biskup z Herefordu 1079
- William Giffard
- Osbern
- Thurstan
- Ranulph Patin
- Richard [? Foliot I]
- Gilbert Banastre
- Alexander ze Swerfordu
- Silvester de Everdon Biskup Carlisle 1247
- William La Feite
- Vilém z Kilkenny Biskup z Ely 1255
- Philip de Eya
- William Passemer
- Thomas Eswy
- John Renger
- Simon de Stanbregg
- Philip de Willoughby
- Gilbert de Strattone
- John de Berewik
- John de Berewyk c. 1291.
- Peter de Tylloy? -1327.
- Richard de Brencheslee 1327-1337.
- William de Everdon 1337-?
- Richard de Piriton 1366.
- John Paxton? -1389.
- Robert Sutton 1389-?
- John Elvet 1395.
- John Yerdeburgh 1395-1401.
- Robert de Northwell 1401-1404.
- Robert Seynkele 1404.
- William Burton 1404-1421.
- William Booth 1421-1443. Prebend of Chamberlainwood 1443. Arcibiskup z Yorku 1452.
- William Sprever 1443-1460.
- Henry Sharp 1460-1464.
- Robert Morton 1464-1481.
- William Bolton 1481-1488.
- Henry Sutton 1488-1495.
- John Pickering 1495-1505. Prebend of Newington 1505.
- Richard Dudley 1505-1536.
- Thomas Thornham 1536-1548.
- Thomas Thornham 1536-1548.
- John Leyff 1548-1557.
- William Musmare 1557-1560.
- John Atherton 1562-1598.
- Robert Temple 1592.
- William Foxe 1594. Prebend of Harleston červen 1594
- David Dee 1598.
- Henry Wayland 1598-1614.
- Richard Francklin 1614-?
- Alexander Strange 1637-1650.
- Thomas Gale 1676-1702.
- Thomas Cook 1702-1731.[30]
- John Thomas 1731-1747. Biskup Peterborough 1747
- James Johnson 1748-1752. Biskup z Gloucesteru 1752
- Philip Yonge 1754-? Biskup z Bristolu 1758, biskup z Norwiche 1761
- Hon. Shute Barrington 1768-1776. Biskup z Llandaffu 1769
- John Douglas 1776-1787.
- Richard Farmer 1788-1797.[31]
- Charles Moss 1797-1807. Oxfordský biskup 1807
- Thomas Hughes 1807-1833.[32]
- James Tate 1833-1843.
- Ernest Hawkins 1844-1865.
Prebendaries of Ealdland
- Quintilian
- Cyprianův syn Quintilian
- Geoffrey
- Ailward arciděkan z Colchesteru
- Hugh z Londýna I.
- Laurence
- John of London
- Roger Niger Arciděkan Colchester 1218-1229
- Richard de Wendover alias Physicus (lékař papeže Řehoře IX. 1227-1241)
- John de Gatesdene
- Fulk Basset Arciděkan z Middlesexu, duben 1244
- Robert de Esthall arciděkan z Worcesteru
- Robert ze Scarborough
- John de Selvestone
- John de Selvestone c. 1291.
- Philip de Barton
- ? Pontius de Podio Barzaco? -1332.
- Itherius de Concoreto 1337.
- John de Thoresby 1339-?
- John de St Paul ? -1349. Arcibiskup z Dublinu 1349.
- David de Wollore 1349-1370.
- Michael de Northburgh senior 1349.
- John de Freton 1370-1376.
- Edward Cherdestok 1376-?
- John Dysseford? -1412.
- John Bathe 1412-1433.
- Stephen Wilton 1433-1450.
- Alexander Altham 1450-1458.
- Roger Radclyffe 1458-1471.
- Richard Martyn 1471-1472.
- Benedict Burgh 1472-1476.
- William Moreland 1476-1492.
- Adriano Castellesi 1492-? Biskup z Herefordu 1502
- Peter Carmelian? -1526.
- William Bennet 1526-1533.
- Hugh Baker 1533-1536.
- John Keale 1536-1539.
- John Tendring 1539-1548.
- John Tendring 1539-1548.
- William Ibrye 1548-1557.
- John Standish 1557-1570.
- John Wyllocke 1570-1585.
- William Chatburne 1585-?
- Giles Bury 1627-?
- John Cooke 1661-?
- Roger Wilford 1665-?
- John Tillotson 1675-1678. Prebend of Oxgate 1678
- Samuel Masters 1678-1693.
- John Younger 1693-1728.
- Samuel Baker 1728-1749.
- Richard Terrick 1749-1757. Biskup Peterborough 1757
- John Taylor 1757-1766.
- Thomas Winstanley 1766-1789.[33]
- Robert Lowth 1789-1822.
- John Honywood Randolph 1822-1868.
Prebendaries of Ealdstreet
- Ansketin nebo Ansketil
- Fulcher Bishop z Lisieux 1102
- Hamo de Rem
- Theodoric Junior
- Godfrey de Luci Biskup Winchesteru 1189
- Peter de Waltham londýnský arciděkan asi 1192
- Vilém ze Sainte-Mère-Église Bishop of London 1198
- Alan de Hertilande
- Hugh z Wellsu Arciděkan Wells 1204-1209, biskup Lincoln 1209
- Bartoloměj arciděkan z Winchesteru 1213
- Hugh de Sancto Edmundo arciděkan z Essexu 1248. arciděkan z Colchesteru 1257
- Amaury de Montfort
- William de Sardene
- William de Sardene c. 1291.
- Thomas Cobham ? -1317. Biskup z Worcesteru 1317
- Richard de Elsfield 1317-?
- Rigaud de Asserio 1317-1319.
- Vitalis de Furno Card. pr. SS. Silvester et Martinus. 1317-?
- Geoffrey de Eyton 1325.
- Robert de Donnsbrugg 1325.
- Adam Murimuth senior 1325-1328.
- Henry de Shorne 1327-?
- Roger de Hales 1328-?
- John de Eccleshale
- Thomas de Aston? -1399.
- John Kington 1399-?
- Nicholas Bubwith 1401.
- John Bremore? -1418.
- John Ixworth senior 1418-1419. Prebend of Reculversland 1419.
- Peter Hynewyk 1419-1426.
- John Piquet 1426-1432.
- Alan Kirketon 1432-1443.
- Philip ap Rees 1443-1445.
- William Byconyll 1445-1448.
- Roger Keyes 1448-1449.
- Richard Langstrother 1449-1467.
- Walter Hert 1467-1484.
- John Smith 1484-1487. Prebend of Caddington Major 1487.
- Richard Terynden 1487-1488.
- John Wyppyll 1488-?
- Thomas Norbury? -1510.
- Hugh Saunders nebo Breakspear 1510-1517. Prebend of Broomesbury 1517.
- Thomas Bennet 1517-1521. Prebend of Rugmere 1521.
- John Ashwell 1521-1541.
- Robert Higdon 1541-1544.
- John Crooke 1544-1547.
- John Warner 1547-1566.
- Richard Rogers 1566-?
- Robert Newman 1594, 1611.
- John Spencer 1612-1614.
- Thomas Westfield 1614-1615. Prebend of Caddington Major 1615.
- William Wilson 1615.
- John Whiting 1615-1625.
- Richard Taylor 1625-?
- William Walwyn 1660-?
- Henry Halsted 1671-1728.
- William Butler 1729-1736.[34]
- Richard Biscoe 1736-1748.
- Joseph Sims 1748-1776.
- Samuel Carr 1776-1794.[35]
- Matthew Field 1794-1796.[36]
- Robert Watts 1797-1842.[37]
- Lancelot Sharpe 1843-1851.[38]
- Frederick Charles Cook 1855-1865.
Prebendaries of Finsbury
- Levegar
- Robert, syn Generanna
- Ralph
- Walter, syn Waltera
- John of Kent
- Simon z Langtonu
- Philip Fortis Brachii
- Henry de Cornhill Děkan sv. Pavla z roku 1243
- Richard Talbot
- Walter de Merton Biskup z Rochesteru 1274
- William de Ewelle
- William de Ewell 1288, 1301.
- Robert de Baldock senior? -1326.
- Rhys ap Howel 1326-?
- Thomas de Astley 1327-1349.
- John Cok 1349-1358.
- Richard de Aston 1358-?
- William Fullborne? -1391.
- Roger Albryghton 1391-1393.
- John de Burton 1393-1394.
- Reginald Braybroke 1394-1405.
- Robert Clerk 1405-?
- Nicholas Herbury? -1425.
- Richard Caudray 1425-1458.
- James Stanley 1458-1481.
- Ralph Langley 1481-?
- John Hill 1493.
- Robert Sherborne B.M. 1493-1494.
- Geoffrey Simeon 1494-?
- William Horsey? -1513.
- James FitzJames 1513-1519.
- Richard Pace 1519-1527.
- Richard Woleman 1527-1537.
- John Spendlove 1537-1554.
- Edward Moylle 1554-1558.
- Thomas Collyer 1558-1559.
- John Spendlove (znovu)? -1581.
- Samuel Aylmer 1581-1583.
- Theophilus Aylmer 1583-1626.
- George Coke 1626-1636. Biskup z Bristolu 1633. Biskup z Herefordu 1636
- Thomas Wykes 1636-?
- William Collingwood 1660-1666.
- William Johnson 1666-1667.
- John Hall 1667-1707.
- William Whitfield 1707-1717.
- Henry Lambe 1717-1729.
- Thomas Stamper 1729-1733.[39]
- Lancelot Jackson 1734-1745.
- Christopher Wilson 1745-1792. Biskup z Bristolu 1783.[40]
- Východní Apthorpe 1792-1816.[41]
- Hon. Hugh Percy 1816-1856. Biskup z Rochesteru 1827. Biskup z Carlisle 1828
- Michael Gibbs 1856-1882.
Prebendaries of Harleston
- Harlesden, Middlesex
- Robert
- Hugh de Boklande
- Hugh II
- Hugh III
- Nicholas Scriba
- Godfrey
- Richard de Stortford
- Gilbert de Plesseto
- William de Sancte Marie Ecclesia I
- Jan z Bulmeru
- William La Feite
- Henry Lovel
- Hugh de Kendale
- Ralph de Malling arciděkan z Middlesexu 1295
- Ralph de Malling 1295-1301.
- Walter de Thorp? -1319/20.
- Michael de Bereham 1318.
- William de Boudon? -1336.
- Thomas Durant 1336-?
- Adam Murimuth mladší
- John de Amesbury? -1349.
- John Wade 1349-?
- Robert Manfeld 1398-1399.
- Richard Getingdon? -1398.
- Walter Malet 1398-1404.
- John Preston 1404-1423.
- James Cole 1423-1439
- John Prentys 1439-1445
- Henry Sever 1445-1471.
- John Tapton 1471-1485.
- Walter Oudeby 1485-1498.
- John Perott 1498-1499. Prebendary of Brownswood 1499.
- Edward Vaughan 1499-1503.
- John Smith 1503-1539 / 40.
- John Crayford 1540-1548.
- John Crayford 1540-1548.
- John Hodgkins Suffragan biskup z Bedfordu. 1548-1554.
- Nicholas Harpsfield 1554-1559.
- John Hodgkins Suffragan Bishop z Bedfordu. (znovu)? -1560.
- Humphrey Alcockson 1560-1561.
- David Kempe 1561-1582.
- Anthony Corano nebo Corro 1582-1591.
- George Dickins 1591-1594.
- Robert Temple 1594-1597.
- Thomas Montford 1597-1633.
- Edward Layfield 1633-1680.
- John Wells 1680-1685.
- Benjamin Calamy 1685-1686.
- Zacheus Isham 1686-1688. Prebend of Totenhall 1688.
- Samuel Freeman 1688-1707.
- Thomas Price 1707-1714.
- George Bell 1714-1734.
- Hugh Wyatt 1734-1762.
- John Jortin 1762-1770.[42]
- Peter Stephen Goddard 1770-1781.[43]
- Joseph Wharton 1782-1800.[44]
- Thomas Briggs 1800-1802. Prebend of Newington 1802.
- Thomas Rennell 1802-1840.[45]
- volný
- James William Bellamy 1843-1874.
- Charles Adolphus Row 1874-1896
Prebendaries of Holbourn
- Waltere
- Richard [Ruffus I]
- Richard Junior
- Robert Meldensis
- Alard de Burnham
- William Brunus
- Eustace z Fauconbergu Bishop of London 1221
- Peter II de Colmieu, arcibiskup v Rouenu 1237
- Alexander Halesský
- William de Wellebourne
- John Le Franceis
- Robert Burnell Biskup v Bath a Wells 1275
- Ralph Baldock Arciděkan z Middlesexu 1278
- Nicholas Lovetot
- Walter Langton Biskup z Coventry a Lichfield 1296
- William Greenfield Arcibiskup z Yorku 1306
- Thomas de Southwark 1306-1325.
- John de Middleton 1325-? Prebend of Chamberlainwood ca. 1328
- Henry de Idesworth Prebend of Cantlers 1338
- Richard de Chaddesley
- William de Stowe 1351.
- Walter de Alderbury 1361, 1366.
- William de Chuseldon 1374.
- Thomas Brightwell? -1390.
- Richard de Carleton 1390-1393.
- William Deghere 1390-?
- Walter Cook 1393-1395.
- Andrew Baret květen 1395. Biskup z Llandaffu do června 1395
- Walter Cook (znovu) 1395-1423.
- David Price 1423-1438.
- Thomas Beckington 1438-1443. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1443
- John Kette 1444-1455.
- John Hales 1455-1459. Biskup z Coventry a Lichfield 1459
- Thomas Manning 1459-1464.
- John Crall nebo Sudbury 1464-1479.
- Thomas Brent 1479-1511.
- John Young 1511-1512. Prebend of Newington 1512
- John Adams 1512-1521. Prebend of Mora 1521
- John Bulgyn 1521-1534.
- William Greene 1534-1540.
- Henry Cole 1540-1541. Prebend of Sneating 1541
- William Buckmaster 1541–1545.
- Robert Cousyn 1545-1554. Prebend of Mora 1554
- John Harpsfield 1554-1558. Prebend of Mapesbury 1558
- James Grindal 1561-1575.
- Edward Layfield 1575-1583.
- Richard Vaughan 1583-1595. Biskup z Bangoru 1595
- Thomas Puckering 1596-1627.
- Thomas Worrall 1627-1639.
- John Hansley 1640-1667.
- John Lake 1667-1682. Biskup Sodoru a člověka 1682
- Robert Corey 1683-1705.
- Samuel Edgeley 1705-1732.
- John Wilcox 1732-1762.[46]
- William Parker 1762-1776.
- Luke Heslop 1776-1825.[47]
- Henry Handley Norris 1825-1850.[48]
- Herbert Kynaston 1853-1878.
Prebendaries of Hoxton
- Osbern Masculus
- Geoffrey Masculus
- Hughu
- Henry syn Hugha
- John Comyn Bathský arciděkan 1166 a dublinský arcibiskup 1181
- Osbert de Camera
- Peter z Blois Arciděkan z Londýna
- Walter arciděkan z Londýna
- Gervase z Howbridge
- Thomas de Urso
- Peter de Newport arciděkan z Londýna
- John Maunsel také Prebend z Caddington Minor a Totenhall
- John de Wengham c. 1291.
- John Maunsel
- Edmund Trussel 1330, 1332.
- Richard Vaghan 1348.
- William de Bradley? -1361.
- Richard de Ravenser 1361-1363. Prebendary of Empingham v Lincolnské katedrále 1363
- John de Ludham 1363-?
- Thomas Chaloner 1400.
- Thomas Crocer? -1411.
- Thomas Feriby 1411-1420.
- Peter de Alcobasso 1420-1427.
- Richard Moresby 1427-1443.
- John Derby 1443-1468.
- John Gunthorpe 1468-1472. Prebendary of Wenlocksbam 1472
- Richard Martin 1472-1482. Biskup sv. Davida 1482
- John de Gigliis 1482-1490. Prebendary of Mora 1490
- John Forster Sch.Th. 1490-1512.
- Thomas Sewell 1512-1521. Prebendary of Pancratius 1521
- Thomas Bele biskup z Lyddy. 1521-1530.
- John Breerton 1530-1542.
- John Breerton 1530-1542.
- Nicholas Wilson 1542-1548.
- William Clyff 1548-1558.
- Hugh Evans 1558-1580.
- John Duffield 1580-?
- Henry Hamond 1585. Prebendary of Wenlocksbam listopadu 1585
- George Dickins 1585-1591. Prebend of Harleston 1591.
- William Hutchinson 1591-1606.
- John Simpson 1606-1633.
- Robert Cottesford 1633-?
- Thomas Holbech 1660-1680.
- Thomas Beaumont 1681-1711.
- John Gohier 1711-?
- Christopher Baynes 1713-1718.
- Francis Astrey 1718-1766.[49]
- James Waller 1766-1771. Prebend of Mora 1771.
- Townsend Andrews 1771-1811.[50]
- Edward Coplestone 1812-1849.[51]
- Charles Mackenzie 1852-1888.
Prebendaries of Islington
- Algar, syn Deremana
- Ulfran
- Richarde
- Jindřich
- Josceline de Bohon Biskup ze Salisbury 1142
- Robert z Chichesteru Biskup z Exeteru 1155
- John of Greenford Biskup z Chichesteru 1174
- Bohatší de Andelys
- Robert Banastre
- Robert [du Val]
- Peter of Ste.-Mère-Eglise
- Ralph Furnis
- Geoffrey de Lucy arciděkan z Londýna a děkan ze St Paul’s
- William de Haverhull
- Fulke Lovell Prebend of Caddington Major ca 1258
- Philip Lovel
- Hugh de Dodingham
- Peter de Rivaux
- Ralph de Dunion
- William de Montfort
- Ralph Baldock Arciděkan z Middlesexu 1278 děkan ze St Pauls 1294
- John de Luco c. 1291.
- William de Sardene
- Ralph Baldock Bishop of London 1304
- Richard Newport Bishop of London 1317
- Thomas de Astley Prebend z Finsbury z roku 1327
- Thomas de Charlton ? -1327. Biskup z Herefordu 1327
- Gerald de Engolisma 1327-?
- Robert de Reddeswell
- Humphrey de Hastanges 1343-1349.
- William de Rothwell 1351-1359.
- William de Loughburgh 1359-?
- John de Swynleigh 1361-1366.
- William de Hyndelee 1366-1368.
- John de Swynleigh (znovu) 1368-?
- Adam Holme? -1399.
- William Stortford 1399-1416.
- Richard Bruton 1416-1418.
- Richard Clifford junior 1418-1419. Prebend of Chiswick 1419
- John Ryder 1419-1443.
- William Briggeford 1443-1447. Prebend of Newington 1447.
- William Say 1447-1451.
- Richard Ewen 1451-1459. Prebend of Mapesbury 1459.
- James Goldwell 1459-1472. Biskup z Norwiche 1472.
- John Morton 1472-1473. Prebend of Chiswick 1473.
- William Kempe 1473-1478. Prebend of Cantlers 1478.
- Ralph Byrd 1478-1483.
- George Wandysford 1483-1497.
- William Haryndon 1497-1523.
- Geoffrey Wharton 1523-1529.
- Robert Ridley 1529-1536.
- John Spendlove 1536-1537. Prebend of Finsbury 1537.
- Eliseus Ambrose 1537-?
- Elisha Ambrose 1537-?
- Richard Fletcher 1572-1589. Biskup v Bristolu 1589.
- Thomas Marten 1589-1603.
- Simon Rogers 1603-1604.
- William Rogerson 1604-1638.
- Grenado Chester 1638-1646 / 7.
- William Hall 1660-1662.
- Mark Frank 1662-1664.
- John Hall 1664-1667. Prebend of Finsbury 1667.
- Edward Stillingfleet 1667-1672. Prebend of Newington 1672.
- William Holder 1672-1698.
- Edmund Kidby 1698-1713.
- Ptolomy James 1713-1729.
- Robert Drew 1729-1746.
- Joseph Butler 1746-1798.[52]
- Robert Nares 1798-1829.[53]
- William Hale Hale 1829-1846.
- Derwent Coleridge 1846-1883.
Prebendaries of Mapesbury
- Albert Lotaringus
- Hugh, syn Alberta
- Baldwin
- Geoffrey Plantagenet Biskup z Lincolnu asi 1173
- Walter Mapa
- Richard [de Fincheleya]
- Thomas ze Stortfordu
- Petra z Bordeaux
- Peter Chaceporc
- William de York Biskup ze Salisbury 1247.
- Stephen de Sandwic arciděkan z Essexu 1253
- Robert Parvus
- John Soudan
- Giles Filliol Arciděkan z Colchesteru do března 1287, do května 1299.
- Peter de Dene 1309.
- John de Bedford
- Bego de Cavomonte 1308-?
- ? Elias Talleyrand de Périgord 1320-?
- Robert de Canterbury? -1333.
- John de Claydon? -1351/2.
- Michael Northburgh senior 1351-1354. Bishop of London 1354.
- Richard de Norwich 1354-1361.
- John Bokyngham 1361-1362. Biskup z Lincolnu 1362.
- Roger le Scrope 1375-?
- William Pakyngton? -1390.
- Thomas Stowe 1390-1405.
- Richard de Kingston 1405-1418.
- Robert Rothbury 1419-?
- John Bernyngham 1425-1453. Prebend of Oxgate 1453.
- Lawrence Booth 1453-1456. Prebendary of Totenhall 1456. Arcibiskup z Yorku 1476.
- John Arundel 1456-1459. Chichesterský biskup 1459.
- Richard Ewen 1459-1464.
- John Booth 1464-1465. Biskup z Exeteru 1465.
- John Wodde 1465-1475.
- John Bourchier 1475-1495.
- John Hill 1495-?
- John Withers? -1534.
- John Spendlove 1534.
- William Wellyfed 1534.
- Thomas Bedyll 1534.
- William Wellyfed (znovu) 1534-1541.
- Gabriel Dunne 1541-1558.
- Gabriel Dunne 1541-1558.
- John Harpsfield 1558-1559.
- John Pilkington 1559-1562.
- John Ebden 1562-1596.
- John Ebden 1596-1598.
- Leonard Chambers 1598.
- Samuel Harsnett 1598-1609. Biskup z Chichesteru 1609.
- John Bancroft 1609-1632. Oxfordský biskup 1632.
- William Bray 1632-1643.
- Francis Hall 1660-1681.
- Thomas Turner 1682-1690. Prebendary of Brownswood 1690.
- Edward Norton 1690-1712.
- George Jackson 1712-1719.
- Edmund Chishull 1719-1733.[54]
- Edmund Simpson 1733-1743.
- Edmund Gibson 1743-1746. Prebend of Cantlers 1746.
- Walter Walker Ward 1747-1755.
- Nicholas Webb 1755-1775.
- Richard Beadon 1775-1802. Biskup v Gloucesteru 1789 a biskup v Bath a Wells 1802.
- Joseph Eyre 1802-1816.[55]
- Herbert Oakeley 1816-1825. Prebendary of Wenlocksbarn 1825.
- Jonathan Tyers Barrett 1825-1851.[56]
- William Windsor Berry 1853-1867.[57]
Prebendaries of Mora
- Nigel Medicus
- Everard z Calne Biskup z Norwiche 1121.
- Vilém z Calne
- Henry syn Roberta de Sigilla
- Alan kaplan
- Peter of Ste.-Mère-Eglise
- William Angevin
- Philip de Fauconberg Prebend z Caddington Major mezi červnem 1225 a říjnem 1228.
- Thomas de Fauconberg arciděkan z Essexu roku 1228.
- Richard Talbot
- Walter Chausehose
- Philip de Eya
- John de Chishull II arciděkan Colchester od 1304
- John de Chishull c. 1291.
- William de Meleford? -1336.
- Robert de Stratford Sch.Th. 1336-1337. Chichesterský biskup 1337.
- Richard Bentworth 1337-1338. Prebend of Cantlers 1338.
- William de Kyldesby 1338-?
- Nicholas de Hethe 1343-1363.
- Paul de Monte Florum
- Simon Islip? -1349.
- John Aleyne 1361
- William Wynel z Wenlocku 1363-1364.
- Henry de Snayth 1364-?
- Thomas de Horton 1382. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn do roku 1389
- Thomas de Eure? -1400.
- John Ethenham 1400-1438.
- Edmund Tebbot 1438-1440.
- Walter Sherrington 1440-1449.
- John Kirkeby 1449-1451.
- Thomas Purbior 1451-1469.
- William Russell 1469-?
- Thomas Winterborne 1469-1473. Prebend of Totenhall
- Thomas Graunt 1473-1474.
- John Russell 1474-1476. Biskup z Rochesteru 1476.
- Edmund Audley 1476-1480. Biskup z Rochesteru 1480.
- Lionel Woodville 1480-1481.
- John Forster 1481-1490.
- Giovanni de ‘Gigli 1490-1497. Biskup z Worcesteru 1497.
- Robert Sherborne 1497-1505. Bishop of St Davids 1505.
- John Colet 1505-1519.
- Thomas Hede 1519-1521.
- John Adams 1521-1524.
- Robert Ridley 1524-1527. Prebend of Pancratius 1527.
- John Tunstal 1527-1534.
- Thomas Barret 1534-1544.
- Thomas Barret 1534-1544.
- William Darbyshire 1544-1551.
- Edmund West 1551-1554.
- Robert Cousyn 1554-1559.
- John Veron 1559-1563.
- Robert Crowley 1563-1565.
- William Palmer 1565-1574.
- John Walker 1574-1588.
- Thomas White 1588-1624.
- Thomas Winniffe 1624-1642. Biskup z Lincolnu 1642.
- John Hacket 1642-1661. Biskup Coventry a Lichfield 1661.
- John Pritchett 1662-1681. Biskup z Gloucesteru
- Charles Alston 1681-1714.
- John Wyvill 1714.
- George Bell 1714-?
- Lancelot Smith 1717-1737.
- Fifield Allen 1738-1743. Prebend of Pancratius 1743.
- Richard Gray 1743-1771.
- Anthony Hamilton 1771. Prebend of Cantlers 1771
- James Waller 1771-1795.[58]
- Thomas Stinton 1795-1797.[59]
- Robert Porteus 1797-1803.[60]
- Henry Wintour 1803-1804.[61]
- William Herringham 1804-1819.[62]
- Samuel Gauntlett 1819-1822.[63]
- Joseph Holden Pott 1822-1847.[64]
- Thomas Robinson 1847-1856.
- Charles Marshall 1856-1883.
Prebendaries Of Nesden
- Neasden
- Reingerův arciděkan z Londýna 1102
- Wymund
- Roger de Clinton, biskup z Chesteru 1129.
- William de Vere Biskup z Herefordu 1186
- William z Northall Biskup z Worcesteru 1186
- Ralph Foliot Arciděkan z Herefordu 1182
- Benedikt Sausetunský
- Vilém z Purleigh
- Richard de Wendover alias Physicus Prebend of Rugmere 1238
- Hugh de Pateshull Biskup z Coventry a Lichfield 1240.
- Conrad
- Robert Passelewe
- Vilém z Louth Biskup z Ely 1290
- Hugh z Cressinghamu
- Hugh de Kersingham c. 1291.
- John de Swinfield
- Robert de Burghash
- John de Colchester 1326.
- Adam Murimuth senior 1328-?
- Richard de Plessis
- Richard de Skidby 1366.
- Thomas de Brantingham ? -1370. Biskup z Exeteru 1370
- Bartholomew Sidey 1370-?
- Simon Staynton ?-1395.
- Nicholas Braybroke 1395-1400.
- John Drewery or Salisbury 1400-?
- William Brewster 1442-1465.
- John Walter 1465-1467.
- Richard Luke 1467-1484.
- John Aleyne or Carver 1484-1497. Arciděkan z Middlesexu
- Edward Underwood 1497-1504.
- William Malhom 1504-1517.
- Rowland Philippes 1517-?
- Brian Higdon ?-1539.
- William Ermested 1539-1558.
- Richard Marshall ?-1560.
- Michael Fleming 1561-1591.
- John Fox 1591-1623.
- Thomas Wilson 1623-?
- Matthew Day 1660-1663.
- Richard Henchman 1663-1667. Prebend of Pancratius 1667.
- Samuel Wilkinson 1668-1670.
- Thomas Leader 1671-1678.
- William Sill 1678. Prebend of Pancratius 1678.
- Edward Norton 1679-1690. Prebend of Mapesbury 1690.
- Wright Burdett 1690-1694.
- William Whitfield 1695-1699. Prebend of Wilsden 1699.
- Henry Roby 1699-1707.
- Joshua Burton 1707.
- William Hawkins 1707-1736.[65]
- John Heylin 1736-1759.[66]
- Thomas Rayne 1759-1789.[67]
- Richard Ormerod 1789-1792.
- Thomas Jackson 1792-1797.
- Henry William Majendie 1798-1809. Bishop of Chester 1800. Bishop of Bangor 1809
- Hon. Gerald Valerian Wellesley 1809-1827.
- Robert James Carr Bishop of Chichester. 1827-1831.
- Sydney Smith 1831-1845.[68]
- Charles Browne Dalton 1845-1893.
Prebendaries of Newington
- Ailward son of Sired
- Fulku
- Walter de Belmeis (of Beaumais)
- Gilbert Foliot II Archdeacon of Middlesex
- John de Garland
- William Comin
- Ranulph de Bisacia
- William of York Prebend of Mapesbury, 1242.
- John de Ramesey
- Henry Wingham I Bishop of London 1260.
- Henry de Wengham II Archdeacon of Middlesex 1262
- Thomas Ingoldsthorpe Archdeacon of Middlesex 1268 Dean of St Paul’s
- Ralph Baldock Archdeacon of Middlesex 1278 Dean of St Paul’s 1294, Bishop of London 1304
- John Sandale ?-1316. Bishop of Winchester 1316
- Vitalis de Testa 1316-1322.
- Roger de Northburgh 1317-1319.
- John de Everdon 1322-?
- Roger de Stretton D.Th.
- Thomas de Lynton 1381-1387.
- John Barnet junior 1387-1391.
- Thomas More 1391-1421.
- John Langton 1425-1447. Bishop of St Davids 1447.
- William Briggeford 1447-?
- William Say ?-1464.
- John Chedworth 1464-1471.
- William Dudley 1471-1472. Prebend of Brownswood 1472.
- Richard Lichfield 1472-1497.
- Hugh Oldham 1497-1504. Bishop of Exeter 1504.
- John Pickering 1505-1512.
- John Young 1512-1516.
- William Warham 1516-1557.
- William Warham 1516-1557.
- John Boxall 1558-1560.
- Thomas Penny 1560-1577.
- Robert King 1577-1584.
- Hugh Lloyd 1584-1601.
- Zachary Pasfield 1601-1616.
- Richard Cluet 1616-1620.
- William Pritchard 1620-1629.
- Thomas Turner 1629-1672.
- Edward Stillingfleet 1672-1689. Bishop of Worcester 1689.
- John Tillotson 1689-1691. Archbishop of Canterbury 1691
- John Hunt 1691-1703.
- John Millington 1703-1728.
- Joseph Smith 1728-1756.
- Samuel Nicolls 1756-1763.
- Charles Weston 1763-1801.
- Thomas Briggs 1802-1831.
- John Lonsdale 1831-1843. Bishop of Lichfield 1843.
- Robert William Browne 1845-1860.
- ?
- George Hodson 1883-1904.[69][70]
- Henry Luke Paget 1904-1906.[71]
- Wilson Carlile 1906-[72]
- ?
- David Paton ?-2013
- Rosemia Brown 2013
Prebendaries of Oxgate
- Artur
- Nicholas Crocemannus
- Nicholas Archdeacon of London 1162
- Richard de Windesor
- Roger the chaplain
- Godfrey of Norfolk
- Aymer de Valence alias de Lusignan Bishop of Winchester 1260
- Robert Winchelsey Archdeacon of Essex 1288
- Reyner Lombardus
- Laurence de Fuscis de Bera Archdeacon of Essex.
- Aldebrand Riccardi de Militiis Archdeacon of Essex 1297
- Richard Riccardi de Militiis
- William Ayermin 1315-1325. Bishop of Norwich 1325
- Geoffrey de Eyton 1325. Prebend of Ealdstreet 1325
- William de Reynham 1327-?
- Adam de Limbergh ?-1331.
- John de Woodford 1331-?
- Richard de Murimuth 1339-?
- Edmund de la Beche 1339-1340.
- Thomas Hatfield ?-1345. Bishop of Durham 1345
- William de Ludeford 1345-1347.
- Nicholas de Stanwey 1347-?
- Richard de Bury 1354-?
- William of Wykeham 1361.
- John de Brinkele 1361-?
- John de Newport 1366.
- Thomas de Aston 1374.
- John Donewych ?-1392.
- William Eyremynne 1392-1401.
- Henry Merston 1401-1405.
- John Martyn 1405-1419.
- William Buckingham 1419-1427.
- Thomas Pulter 1427-1449.
- Lawrence Booth 1449-1453. Prebend of Weldland 1453. Archbishop of York 1476.
- John Bernyngham 1453-1457.
- John Druell 1457-1467.
- William Wylde 1467-1477. Prebend of Broomesbury 1477.
- Walter Bate 1477-1479.
- Edmund Albone 1479-1481.
- William Talbot 1481-?
- Thomas Hobbys ?-1509.
- John Prat 1509-1513.
- Polydore Vergil or Castellensis 1513-1555.
- John Braban 1555-1565.
- Edmund Bunney 1565-1618.
- William Paske 1618-1639.
- John Hansley 1639-1640. Prebend of Holbourn 1640.
- Robert Adams 1640-?
- John Barwick 1661-1664.
- William Sancroft 1664-1678. Archbishop of Canterbury 1678
- John Tillotson 1678-1689.
- Lawrence Newton 1690-1691.
- Thomas Felstead 1691-1711.
- Michael Stanhope 1711-1737.
- George Walker 1737-1771.
- Henry Green 1772-1797.
- Samuel Glasse 1797-1812.
- Richard Lendon 1812-1833.
- William Parker 1833-1843.
- Thomas Boyles Murray 1843-1860.
Prebendaries of Pancratius
St Pancras
- Osbern de Auco
- Robert de Auco
- Jan z Canterbury alias Bellesmains Bishop of Poitiers 1162
- William de Belmeis II (of Beaumais)
- John de Sancto Laurentio
- Luke the chaplain Archbishop of Dublin 1228
- William de Lichefeld
- Hugh de Mortuo Mari
- Antony Bek Prebend of Totenhall after 1280.
- Richard Swinefield Archdeacon of London 1281
- Robert de Ros II
- Robert de Ross c. 1291.
- William de Bray 1324.
- Richard de Feriby
- Henry de Lutiberugh ?-1363.
- Ralph de Daventry 1363.
- John Cruse ?-1363.
- Henry de Wakefield 1363-1369.
- Thomas Strete de Knesworth 1369-1390.
- William Bryan 1390-1395. Prebend of Chiswick 1395.
- John Sileby 1395-1417.
- Richard Clifford junior 1417-1418. Prebend of Islington 1418.
- John Ryder 1418-1419. Prebend of Islington 1419.
- John Ixworth senior 1419-1431.
- John Ixworth junior 1431-1447.
- Roger Martyn 1447-?
- Thomas Gawge ?-1470.
- Ralph Byrd 1470-1478. Prebend of Islington 1478.
- John Barville 1478-1481/2.
- Thomas Dulting ?-1494.
- William Whetley 1494-?
- John Fisher ?-1511.
- John Davis 1511-1521.
- Thomas Sewell 1521-1527.
- Robert Ridley 1527-1529. Prebend of Islington 1529.
- John Royston 1529-1551.
- John Rogers 1551-1553.
- Thomas Chetham Bishop of Sidon. 1553-1558.
- Robert Willanton 1558-1559.
- William Alley 1560-1562. Biskup z Exeteru
- James Calfhill 1562-1570.
- Thomas Sampson 1570-1589.
- Lancelot Andrewes 1589-1609. Bishop of Chichester 1605
- Roger Fenton 1609-1616.
- Henry King 1616-1641. Bishop of Chichester 1641.
- Richard Steward 1642-1651.
- Philip King 1660-1666.
- Richard Henchman 1667-1672.
- William Wigan 1672-1674. Prebend of Cantlers 1674.
- Charles Smith 1674-1678.
- William Sill 1678-1681. Prebend of Westminster 1681
- William Sherlock 1681-1707.
- James Williams 1707-1727.
- William Crowe 1727-1743.
- Fifield Allen 1743-1764.
- John Harris 1764-1794.
- William Paley 1794-1805.
- William Beloe 1805-1817.
- Arthur Robinson Chauvel 1817-1847.
- Thomas Bowdler 1849-1856.
- John Hampden Gurney 1857-1862.
Prebendaries of Portpool
Vidět Portpool
- Theobald
- Astan
- Robert son of Wulfred
- Gilbert
- Robert de Clifford
- William de La Fere
- William Heremita
- Roger de Orsett
- Edmund Brito
- Arcadulfus Burgund'
- Philip son of John son of Geoffrey
- Robert de Stowe
- Dionysius de Crienciis
- Gilbert de Segrave
- Dionysius de Crienciis c. 1291.
- Gilbert Segrave Bishop of London 1313
- Robert Stratford Bishop of Chichester 1337
- Thomas de Segrave ?-1338.
- Geoffrey le Scrope 1338-?
- William de Kyldesby
- William de Stowe
- Walter de Alderbury
- William Chamber ?-1412.
- Gilbert Stone 1412-1417.
- William Barrow 1417.
- Walter Medford 1417-1419. Prebend of Caddington Minor 1419
- William Barton 1419-1420.
- John Standolf 1420-1422.
- Robert Rolleston 1422-?
- John Saxton 1427-1447.
- Thomas Boleyn 1447-1451.
- Thomas Hall 1451-1479.
- John de Gigliis 1479-1482.
- John Smith 1482-1484. Prebend of Ealdstreet 1484.
- John Aleyne or Carver 1484 Prebend of Nesden 1484.
- John Newcourt 1484-1485.
- Richard FitzJames 1485-1497. Bishop of Rochester 1497.
- Richard Fenrother 1497-1501.
- Peter Greves 1501-?
- John Dowman ?-1514. Prebend of Twiford 1514
- John Palgrave 1514-1554.
- Edmund Brigott 1554-1565.
- Edmund Parkynson 1565-?
- Thomas Turswell 1580-1583.
- Richard Wood 1585-1609.
- Gabriel Powell 1609-1611.
- Thomas Sanderson 1611-1614.
- Gregory Dunkett 1614-1624.
- Thomas Worrall 1624-1627. Prebend of Holbourn 1627.
- John Harris 1628, 1633.
- Christopher Shute 1660-1663.
- Charles Mason 1663-1677/8.
- William Batty 1678-1706.
- Francis Hare 1707-1740.
- Joseph Butler Bishop of Bristol. 1740-1750.
- Thomas Secker Bishop of Oxford. 1750-1758.
- Thomas Newton Bishop of Bristol. 1761-1782.
- Thomas Thurlow Bishop of Lincoln. 1782-1787.
- George Pretyman Tomline Bishop-designate of Lincoln. 1787-1820. Bishop of Winchester 1820
- William van Mildert Bishop of Llandaff. 1820-1826. Bishop of Durham 1826
- Charles Richard Sumner Bishop-designate of Llandaff. 1826-1827. Bishop of Winchester 1827
- Charles Wodsworth 1828-1844.
- Alexander McCaul 1844-1863.
Prebendaries of Reculversland
- Aldred
- Robert Pictor
- Berbund de Waltham
- William [de Belmeis I (of Beaumais)]
- Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury
- Hugh de Reculver
- Henry de Civitate
- Giles de Erdington
- Ralph of Framingham
- Ralph de Stanford
- Ralph de Stanford c. 1291.
- Robert de Clothale D.Th.
- John de Elham ?-1331.
- Simon Flambard 1331-?
- William de Wykyngeston ?-1337.
- Robert de Chikewell 1337-1359.
- William de Coloinge 1371, 1389.
- John Wyke 1398-1419. Prebend of Wilsden 1419.
- John Ixworth senior 1419. Prebend of Pancratius 22 June.
- Richard Betty 1419-1440.
- Nicholas Sturgeon 1440-1452. Prebend of Cantlers 1452.
- Richard Bole 1452-1456.
- Thomas Arderne 1456-1471.
- Thomas Jane 1471-1480. Prebend of Rugmere 1480.
- William Lambert 1480-1493.
- John Hill 1493. Prebend of Finsbury 1493.
- Edward Vaughan 1493-1499. Prebend of Harleston 1499.
- Robert Frost 1499-?
- Charles Booth ?-1516. Bishop of Hereford 1516
- Roger Norton 1516-1527.
- John Alen 1527-1528. Archbishop of Dublin 1528
- John Bell 1528-1539. Bishop of Worcester 1539
- Edward Sepham 1539-1554.
- Henry Pendilton 1554-1557.
- Robert Willanton 1558. Prebend of Pancratius 1558.
- Edmund Bonner or Wymmesley 1559, 1577.
- Michael Reniger 1583-1609.
- Leonard Hutton 1609-?
- John Tolson 1632-1639. Prebend of Cantlers 1639.
- Benjamin Stone 1639-?.
- Richard Owen 1660-?
- Benjamin Stone (again) ?-1665.
- William Bell 1666-1683.
- Ambrose Atfield 1683-1684.
- Edward Carter 1684-1688.
- Robert Brabant 1688-1722.
- Henry Bridges 1722-1728.
- Thomas Spateman 1728-1761.
- Denison Cumberland 1761-1763.
- John Hotham 1763-1771. Prebend of Rugmere 1771.
- Stotherd Abdy 1771.
- Richard Beadon 1771-1775. Prebend of Mapesbury 1775.
- George Watson Hand 1775-1802.
- Francis John Hyde Wollaston 1802-1814.
- William Stanley Goddard 1814-1845.
- Anthony Grant 1845-1846.
- Robert George Baker 1846-1878.
- David Gordon Wilson 2002-2005.
Prebendaries of Rugmere
- Ralph son of Algod
- William son of Ralph
- Ralph de Chiltone
- John Witing
- Cinthius the Roman
- William de Rising Archdeacon of London 1234
- Nicholas de Bladintone
- Walter Niger alias of London
- Richard de Wendover alias Physicus
- Walter de Saleron alias of London Dean of St Pauls 1245 - 1257
- Rostand
- Jan z Crakehallu[74]
- Jordan Piruntus
- Osbert the Roman
- Obert the Roman c. 1291, 1303.
- Reginald de Sancto Albano ?-1303.
- William de Chaddleshunt
- Thomas de Wilton 1324.
- Balsamus Talami of Florence ?-1330.
- Gilbert de Bruera 1330-1354.
- John de Welwyk 1354-1356.
- William de Fieschi 1356-?
- William Dighton 1361-1364.
- William de Beverley 1364-1367.
- John Brettevill 1367-?
- John de Schingham
- John de Wylyot 1371.
- Robert Bradegare ?-1409.
- Robert Manfeld Provost of Beverley. 1409-1410. Prebend of Brownswood 1410.
- Richard Bruton 1410-1416. Prebend of Islington 1416.
- Henry Ware 1416-1418. Bishop of Chichester 1418.
- Thomas Damett 1418-1436.
- Thomas Lisieux 1436-1452. Prebend of Totenhall 1452.
- John Sutton 1452-1480.
- Thomas Jane 1480-1487. Prebend of Brownswood 1487.
- Oliver King 1487-1492. Bishop of Exeter 1492.
- John Morgan 1493-1496. Bishop of St Davids 1496
- Peter le Penec 1496-1500.
- Thomas Randolff 1500-1521.
- Thomas Bennet 1521-1558.
- Tristram Swaddell ?-1560.
- Thomas Cole 1560-1571.
- Robert Avys 1571-1581.
- William Goddell 1581-1590.
- Zachary Goddell 1590-?
- Matthew Smallwood 1660-1683.
- John Williams 1683-1696. Bishop of Chichester 1696.
- John Wright 1697-1701.
- James Barker 1701-1736.
- Fifield Allen 1736-1738. Prebend of Mora 1738.
- Edmund Gibson 1738-1740. Prebend of Chiswick 1740.
- Lancelot Jackson 1741. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1741.
- William Gibson 1741-1742. Prebend of Cantlers 1742.
- Thomas Archer 1743-1767.
- Anthony Hamilton 1767-1771. Prebend of Mora 1771.
- John Hotham 1771-1780.
- Drake Hollingbery 1780-1821.
- John Sleath 1822-1847.
- William Aldwin Soames 1847-1866.
Prebendaries of Sneating
- Living son of Leured
- Elias son of Ranulph Flambard
- William son of Otho
- Ralph son of Ranulph Flambard
- William Medicus
- Richard son of Nicholas
- Edmund de Suwella
- Robert de Watford
- Benedikt
- Robert Passelewe Prebend of Nesden 1242, and Caddington Minor 1243.
- Robert Le Moyne
- Reginald de Brandon
- John de Ditton
- Alan de Hotham 1331.
- Henry de Campeden ?-1352.
- William de Askeby or Scoter 1352-?
- Thomas de Brembre 1354-1361.
- William de Tiryngton 1361-1394.
- Richard Courtenay 1394-1413. Bishop of Norwich 1413.
- Nicholas Colnet 1413-1420.
- Nicholas Bildeston 1420-1441.
- Richard Wetwang 1441-1453.
- John Sendall 1453-1454.
- William Radclyffe 1454-1458.
- James Goldwell 1458-1459. Prebend of Islington 1459.
- John Weston 1459-?
- William Poteman ?-1466.
- Richard Bigod 1466-?
- Robert Pevesay ?-1495.
- Robert Blythe 1495-?
- Geoffrey Blythe ?-1503. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1503
- Edward Underwood 1503-1518.
- Thomas Brerewood 1518-1524.
- William Stillington 1524-1528.
- Walter Preston 1528-1533.
- Simon Matthew or Cour 1533-1541.
- Henry Cole 1541-1542. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1542.
- John Wymmesley 1542-1556.
- Robert Stoopes 1556-1559.
- David Padye 1559-1577.
- William Cotton 1577-1598. Bishop of Exeter 1598.
- John King 1599-1611. Bishop of London 1611.
- William Ballowe 1611-1618.
- John Montford 1618-1651/2.
- John Wilton 1660-1665.
- Thomas Grigg 1666-1669. Prebend of Wilsden 1669.
- Francis Turner 1669-1683. Bishop of Rochester 1683.
- Henry Godolphin 1683-1733.
- Thomas Machin Fiddes 1733-1734.
- Fifield Allen 1734-1736. Prebend of Rugmere 1736.
- Leonard Twells 1736-1742.
- Benjamin Bulkeley 1742-1757.
- John Pettingall 1757-1781.
- George Jubb 1781-1787.
- Thomas Carwardine 1788-1824.
- John Davison 1824-1831.
- Thomas Hartwell Horne 1831-1862.
Prebendaries of Totenhall
- Wulman
- Ranulph Flambard Bishop of Durham, June 1099-Sept. 1128.
- Humphrey Bigod
- William de Mareni
- Ralph of Langford Dean of St Paul’s c1154
- Hugh de Mareni Archdeacon of London c1154 Dean of St Paul’s 1157
- Ralph de Diceto Dean of St Paul’s 1180
- Alard de Burnham
- William son of Robert
- Geoffrey de Lucy
- John Maunsel
- Richard Gravesend Bishop of London 1280
- Antony Bek Bishop of Durham 1283
- James de Hispania ?-1330.
- Odard de Monte Martini 1304.
- John de Ufford 1330-1348. Archbishop of Canterbury 1348.
- John de Carleton 1348-1361.
- John de Brinkele 1361. Prebend of Oxgate 1361
- William z Wykehamu 1361-1362.
- John de Blewbury 1362-1363.
- William z Wykehamu (again) 1363-1366.
- John de Flamsted ?-1364.
- John Thebaud of Sudbury 1364-?
- William Dighton ?-1391.
- John Carp 1391-1400.
- Reginald Kentwood 1400-1441.
- Thomas Wodeford or Belton 1441-1452.
- Thomas Lisieux 1452-1456.
- Lawrence Booth 1456-1457. Bishop of Durham 1457. Archbishop of York 1476.
- Thomas Graunt 1457-1473. Prebend of Mora 1473
- Thomas Winterborne 1473-1478.
- Walter Knightley 1479-1501.
- Gonsalvo Ferdinand 1501-1513.
- William Horsey 1513-1543.
- Richard Gwent 1543.
- Thomas Darbyshire 1543-1559.
- Thomas Watts 1560-1577.
- Adam Squire 1577-1588.
- Alexander Nowell 1588-1602.
- Simon Rogers 1602.
- John celkově 1602-1614. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1614.
- William Shaw 1614-?
- Samuel Baker 1636-?
- Richard Marsh 1660-1687.
- Zacchaeus Isham 1688-1705.
- John Pelling 1705-1750.
- Hugh Wynne 1750-1754.
- Richard Browne 1754-1780.
- Michael Lort 1780-1790.
- Thomas Willis 1790-1827.
- Cholmeley Edward John Dering 1827-1848.
- Richard Burgess 1850-1881.
- Austin H. Thompson -1941.[75]
- H T Carnegie 1941-[76]
Prebendaries of Twiford
- Durande
- Robert z Caen
- Richard Ruffus II
- Thomas of Hurstbourne
- William of Potterne
- Maurice of Harlow
- William de Lodnes
- Robert de Insula Archdeacon of Colchester
- William Passemer Archdeacon of London 1272
- Robert de Drayton
- Bartholomew of Ferentino
- Robert de Drayton ?-1301.
- Bartholomew de Ferentino
- Laurence Fastolf 1354.
- Pascasius de Boloigne 1361.
- Thomas de Keynes 1361-1366.
- Alexander de Southo 1366-1370.
- Bartholomew Sidey 1370. Prebend of Nesden in Nov.
- John de Berking ?-1390.
- William de Waltham 1390-1391.
- William Sondey 1390-?
- Christopher Marini Card. priest of S. Cyriacus. 1391.
- Thomas Weston 1393-1397.
- John Danby 1397-1400.
- John Hildyard 1400-1409.
- Robert Wytton c. 1400-1403.
- Richard Clifford junior 1409-1414.
- John Wakering 1414-1415. Bishop of Norwich 1415.
- Thomas Walbere 1416-1446.
- Elias de Holcote 1446-1449.
- Richard Chester 1449-?
- John Wardall ?-1472.
- William Woodcock Lic.M. 1472-1488.
- John Bailly Inc.Cn.L. 1488-1495.
- Richard Draper 1495-1498.
- William FitzHerbert 1498-1514.
- John Dowman 1514-1526.
- William Cliffe 1526-1548. Prebend of Hoxton 1548.
- William Chedsey 1548-1554. Prebend of Chiswick 1554.
- Arthur Cole 1554-1558.
- Richard Smith ?-1563.
- Robert Greenacres 1563-1573.
- William Barkesdale 1573-1600.
- Hugh Johnson 1600-1614.
- Robert Kerchier 1614-1645.
- Thomas Cartwright 1665-1686. Bishop of Chester 1686.
- Lucas Beaulieu 1687-1723.
- Samuel Baker 1723-1727. Prebend of Brownswood 1727.
- Robert Kilburne ?-1730.
- Francis Stanley 1731-1775.
- John Mangey 1775-1782.
- Henry Waring 1782-1795.
- Henry Meen 1795-1817.
- James William Bellamy 1817-1819.
- Samuel Birch 1819-1848.
- Edward Murray 1848-1852.
- William Gilson Humphry 1852-1886.
- ?
- Herbert Priestley Cronshaw
- ?
- Neil Richardson ?-2013
- Mark Melluish 2013
Prebendaries of Weldland
- Karolus of Chichester
- Wulfred son of Goldman
- Geoffrey son of Wulfred
- Walter de Dunstanvill or d'Unfranville
- Walter de Insula
- Nicholas
- Simon of Gloucester
- John Belemains
- Henry de Cornhill
- Roger Weseham Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1245
- Stephen de Sandwic Archdeacon of Essex
- William Lupus Archdeacon of Lincoln
- Philip Lovel
- Henry ze Sandwiche Bishop of London 1263
- Nicholas z Ely Bishop of Worcester 1266
- Bartholomew de Regio
- John de Luco Prebend of Islington 1295
- Thomas de Northflete Prebend of Chamberlainwood 1299
- John de Sancto Claro
- John de Sancto Claro
- William de Chaddleshunt
- Reginald de Sancto Albano
- Walter Reynolds ?-1307/8? Bishop of Worcester 1308
- Gilbert de Middleton ?-1318. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1318.
- John Walwayne 1318-1326.
- Thomas de Burgh 1326-1330.
- Robert de Reddeswell 1330-?
- John de Gaddesden
- Simon de Stratford ?-1349.
- Thomas de Romeseye 1349-?
- John de Lech ?-1361.
- Richard de Chesterfield 1361-1365. Prebend of Oxton and Cropwell Prima in Southwell Collegiate Church 1365
- Richard Northwell 1365-?
- Robert Wavendon ?-1394. Prebend of Halley in collegiate church of Westbury-on-Trym, Glos. 1394
- Robert Whitteby 1394-?
- John Ryder 1417-1418. Prebend of Pancratius 1418.
- William Kynwollmerssh 1418-1422.
- William Alnwick 1422-1426. Bishop of Norwich 1426.
- John Snell 1426-1431.
- John Stokes 1431-1440.
- Adam Moleyns 1440-1443.
- Nicholas Upton 1443-1446.
- Robert Aiscough 1446-1447. Sacrists' prebend in Southwell Collegiate Church
- Richard Hayman 1447-1453.
- Lawrence Booth 1453. Prebend of Mapesbury 1453. Archbishop of York 1476.
- Richard Hayman (again) 1453-1457. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1457.
- James Goldwell 1457-1458. Prebend of Sneating 1458.
- John Wodde 1458-1461.
- William Freston 1461-?
- Thomas Chaundeler 1476-1489.
- Robert Sherborne B.M. 1489-1493. Prebend of Finsbury 1493
- John Hill 1493-1495. Prebend of Mapesbury 1495.
- Richard Rayader 1496-1506.
- John Underhill 1506-1519.
- John Incent 1519-1545.
- Gilbert Bourne 1545-1548. Prebend of Brownswood 1548.
- Robert Willanton 1548-1558. Prebend of Reculversland 1558.
- John Morren 1558-1560.
- Alexander Nowell 1560-1588. Prebend of Totenhall 1588.
- William Hutchinson 1589-1590.
- Arthur Bright 1590-1618.
- William Piers 1618-1630. Bishop of Peterborough 1630.
- Robert Thompson 1630-?
- Thomas Lant ?-1688.
- John Pulleyne 1689-1713.
- Thomas Sherlock 1713-1731. Bishop of Bangor 1728
- George Lavington 1731-1748. Bishop of Exeter 1747
- John Hume 1748-1766. Bishop of Oxford 1758. Bishop of Salisbury 1766.
- Hon. Frederick Cornwallis Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. 1766-1768.
- John Egerton Bishop of Bangor. 1768-1771. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1768 – 1771. Bishop of Durham 1771
- John Green Bishop of Lincoln. 1771-1779.
- John Jeffreys 1779-1798.
- Samuel Ryder Weston 1798-1822.
- Frederick William Blomberg 1822-1847.
- Thomas Jackson 1850-1886.
Prebendaries of Wenlocksbarn
- Adwin
- William z Winchesteru
- Richard z Winchesteru
- Alberic
- Walter of Hartpury
- Richard Foliot I.
- Robert Folet
- Ralph Neville Bishop of Chichester 1224
- Luke
- Geoffrey de Fering Dean of St Paul’s 1262
- Adam Bek
- John de Sancta Maria
- Hugh of Collingham
- Stephen Gravesend Bishop of London 1318
- Gilbert de Middleton 1318-1331.
- Richard de Bury 1331-1333. Bishop of Durham 1333
- Robert de Taunton 1335.
- William de Cusantia 1335-1360.
- John de Branketre 1360-1375.
- Pontius de Vereriis 1360.
- John de Hanney 1375-?
- Thomas de Horton ?-1394.
- Nicholas Slake 1394-1395.
- William de Styvecle 1395-?
- Thomas Bubwith ?-1429.
- John Horton 1429-1441.
- Richard Wetwang 1440-1441.
- John Cariter 1441-1443.
- Gerard Hesil 1443-1452.
- Thomas Graunt 1452-1457. Prebend of Totenhall 1457.
- Richard Hayman 1457-1462.
- John Chedworth 1462-1464. Prebend of Newington 1464
- William Say 1464-1468.
- Richard Lichfield 1468-1472. Prebend of Newington 1472.
- John Gunthorpe 1472. Archdeacon of Essex 1472
- William Pykenham 1472-?
- Humphrey de la Pole ?-1509.
- Edward Sharnbroke 1509-1530.
- Richard Foxford 1530-1533.
- Peter Ligham 1533-1538.
- Gilbert Wykes 1538-1542.
- Henry Cole 1542-1559.
- William May 1559-1560.
- John Pulleyne 1561-1565.
- John Bullingham 1565-1571.
- Robert Towers 1571-1585.
- Henry Hamond 1585-1592.
- John Leese 1592-1605.
- Griffin Vaughan 1605-1613.
- Samuel Fell 1613-1649.
- Brian Walton 1660. Bishop of Chester 1660
- George Stradling 1660-1688.
- Francis Hawkins 1688-1699.
- Roger Altham 1699-1730.
- Matthew Gibson 1730-1741.
- Lancelot Jackson 1741-1750.
- John Wickins 1750-1783.
- Samuel Parr 1783-1825.
- Herbert Oakeley 1825-1845.
- Thomas Grainger Hall 1845-1881.
- H.W. Tucker 1881[77]
- Rev. F. Hall ?-1902
- Rt. Rev. Henry Montgomery 1902–?[78]
- ?
- Philippa Boardman 2002-2013
- Stephen Coles 2013
Prebendaries of Wilsden
- Huctred
- Hugh son of Generannus
- Henry Banastre
- Jindřich
- William de Sancte Marie Ecclesia II Archdeacon of Middlesex by 1217
- Nicholas de Gamborile
- John de Norton Archdeacon of Middlesex by 1242
- Robert de Barton Dean of St Paul’s 1257
- William Passemer Archdeacon of London 1272
- Ralph de Bohun
- Ralph de Bohun c. 1291.
- William Passemere
- Henry de Chaddesden ?-1354.
- Thomas de Braose 1354-?
- John de Thorp 1361, 1366.
- Adam de Hertington 1375-?
- Thomas Baketon ?-1397.
- Roger Walden 1397. Archbishop of Canterbury 1397
- Thomas Wisbech 1397-1409.
- John Chitterne 1409-1419.
- John Wyke 1419-1428.
- Thomas Warde 1428-1452.
- John Pakenham 1452-1459.
- - Seth 1459-?
- William Worsley ?-1499.
- Richard Rawlins 1499-1523. Bishop of St Davids 1523.
- William Patenson 1523-1525.
- John Tunstal 1525-1527. Prebend of Mora 1527
- Peter Wylberfosse 1527-1533.
- Peter Ligham 1533. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn in 1533
- William Saxey 1533-1567.
- William Gravett 1567-1599.
- John Dixe 1599-1614.
- Thomas King 1614-1616.
- Henry Mason 1616-1637.
- Samuel Hoard 1637-1659.
- Robert Pory 1660-1669.
- Thomas Grigg 1669-1670.
- Thomas Cook 1670-1679.
- Robert Grove 1679-1691. Bishop of Chichester 1691.
- Stephen Bordley 1691-1695.
- Roger Altham 1695-1699. Prebend of Wenlocksbarn 1699.
- William Whitfield 1699-1707. Prebend of Finsbury 1707.
- Joshua Burton 1708-1730.
- Edmund Marten 1730-1751.
- Sackville Turner 1751-1752.
- Richard Browne 1752-1754. Prebend of Totenhall 1754.
- George Secker 1754-1768.
- Charles Sturges 1768-1805.
- Robert Wintle 1805-1848.
- George Robert Gleig 1848-1888.
- ^ The domesday of St. Paul's of the year M.CC.XXII. Printed for the Camden society, 1858
- ^ Annals of St Paul’s Cathedral, Henry Hart Milman, Murray, 1868.
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1790, lx p.275
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1839, cix p.209
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1749, xix p.524
- ^ Gentlemen’s Magazine 1783, liii p.366
- ^ Gentlemen’s Magazine 1807, lxxvii p. 987
- ^ Gentlemen’s Magazine 1841, cxi p.103
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1731, i p.449
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1733, iii p.158
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1783, liii p.629
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1823, xcii p.643
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1855, cxxxvii p.98
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1859, cxlv p.88
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1764, xxxiv p.198
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1841 cxi p.104
- ^ Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Friday 21 February 1873. p.4 Ecclesiastical Intelligence
- ^ Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Thursday 30 January 1896. p.7 Ecclesiastical News
- ^ Hampshire Advertiser - Saturday 03 April 1897. p.2 Ecclesiastical Intelligence
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1732, ii p.1031
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1742, xii p.331
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1771, xli p.192
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1812, lxxxii p.404
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1748, xviii p.187
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1861, cxlix p.332
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1756, xxvi p.595
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1788, lviii p.84
- ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000438/18720906/005/0002
- ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000438/18720906/005/0002
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1731, i p.220
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1797, lxvii p.805
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1833, ciii p.281
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1789, lix p.184
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1736, vi p.620
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1794, lxiv p.186
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1796, lxvi p.708, p.787
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1842, cxii p.558
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1852, cxxx p.99
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1733, iii p.550
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1792, lxii p.391
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1816, lxxxvi p382, pp.467-8
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1770, xl p.442
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1781, li p.541
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1800, lxx p.287
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1840, cx p.654
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1762, xxxii p.448)
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1826, xcvi p.89
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1851, cxxviii p.437
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine xxxvi p. 551
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1811, lxxxi p.660
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine 1849, cxxv p.643-7
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine. 1798, lxviii p.811
- ^ Gentleman’s Magazine.1829, xcix p.370
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1733, iii p.269
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1816, lxxxvi p.285
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1851, cxxviii p.563
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1868, clxii p.120
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1795, lxv p.972
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1797, lxvii p.621
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1803, lxxiii p.487
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1804, lxxiv p.384
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1819, lxxxix p.280
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1822, xcii p.375
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1847, cxxi p.210
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1736, vi p.487
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1759, xxix p.392
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1789, lix p.179
- ^ The Gentleman’s Magazine 1845, cxvi p.437
- ^ Cambridge Independent Press - Saturday 14 July 1883. p.5. The University Herald
- ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0002947/19041103/071/0010
- ^ Western Daily Press - Friday 04 November 1904. p.3. Preferments and Appointments
- ^ Western Daily Press - Friday 09 February 1906. p.6. Preferments and Appointments
- ^ "uk.linkedin.com". Linkedin.
- ^ Greenway, Diana E. (1977). Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln: Archdeacons: Bedford. Ústav historického výzkumu. Citováno 9. ledna 2017.
- ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000379/19410516/018/0003
- ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000379/19410516/018/0003
- ^ Cambridge Independent Press - Saturday 22 October 1881. p.5. Preferments and Appointments
- ^ „Církevní inteligence“. Časy (36891). Londýn. 6. října 1902. str. 5.