Seznam alb Varèse Sarabande - List of Varèse Sarabande albums
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Varèse Sarabande je Američan nahrávací společnost který je ve vlastnictví Concord Music, která se specializuje na skóre filmu a originální obsazení nahrávky.
Řada VC / VX (1978)
Počínaje rokem 1978 vydala Varèse Sarabande jak klasická díla, tak zvukové stopy filmů na vinylu (LP) pomocí stejné řady číslování štítků (předponou je VC nebo VX). Některé z těchto titulů by se později dočkaly vydání CD v sérii 47000 nebo později u labelu nebo by byly znovu vydány jinými soundtrackovými etiketami včetně Intrada Records, Kritzerland Records, Citadel Records a dalších.[1][2]
- VC 81028 První Nudie Musical - Bruce Kimmel
- VC 81040 Classical: Piano Improvisations, Duet From Act. Já - Korngold
- VC 81051 Classical: Milhaud, Joys Of Life / Globetrotter Suite - Milhaud
- VC 81053 Rózsa provádí Rózsa sv. 1 - Miklós Rózsa
- VC 81056 Classical: William Dawson: Negro Folk Symphony - Stokowski
- VC 81058 Classical: Rózsa: Lust For Life & Background Of Violence Suites - Comp
- VX 81060 Classical: Orchestral Space - Seiji Ozawa
- VX 81061 Klasika: Ohki: Noční meditace / Fukai: 4 pohyby / Kiyose: Japonské festivalové tance / Yamada: Mandara no hana - Yamaoka
- VX 81062 Classical: Saburo Moroi: Symphony # 2 - Yamaoka /Yomiuri Nippon Orchestra
- VC 81070 Mistr světa - Les Baxter
- VC 81071 36 hodin - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VC 81072 Tichý běh - Peter Schickele
- VC 81073 Tichý muž - Victor Young
- VC 81073 Samson And Delilah - Victor Young
- VC 81074 Napsáno ve větru - Frank Skinner, Victor Young / Čtyři dívky ve městě - Alex North
- VC 81075 Čas milovat a čas umírat - Miklós Rózsa
- VC 81076 This Earth Is Mine - Hugo Friedhofer
- Motivy VC 81077 z klasických sci-fi, fantasy a hororových filmů - různí umělci
- VC 81078 Goliáš a barbaři - Les Baxter
- Klavírní koncert VC 81080 č. 5 „Císař“ - Beethoven
- VC 81081 Udeřil! - Lalo Schifrin
- VC 81082 Mosazný terč - Laurence Rosenthal
- Fáze VC 81083 - Bruce Kimmel
- VC 81084 Yatsu Haka-mura - Yasushi Akutagawa
- VC 81085 Classical: Roy Harris: Koncert pro zesílený klavír, dechové nástroje a perkuse atd. - Harris / UCLA Brass
- VC 81090 Classical: Respighi: Koncert gregoriano / de Beriot: Scene de Ballet - Borsamsky / Kegel
- VC 81091 Classical: Prokofiev: Gypsy Fantasial Sym Suite of Waltzes / Balakirev: Overture on Russian Themes - Schwleger
- VC 81092 Classical: Felix Draeseke: Symphony No. 3 C dur "Symphonia tragica", op. 40 - Berlínský symfonický orchestr, Hermann Desser (Heinz Drewes) *Reedice Urania LP-7162
- VC 81097 Classical: Milhaud, Le Train Bleu, Auric, Les Facheux / Satie - Markevitch
- VC 81101 Dvě světové premiéry díla amerického mistra - Jerome Moross - Jerome Moross
- Turistická past VC 81102 - Pino Donaggio
- VC 81103 The Dunwich Horror - Les Baxter
- VC 81104 Král králů - Miklós Rózsa
- VC 81105 Phantasm - Fred Myrow, Malcolm Seagrave
- VC 81106 Dawn Of The Dead - Goblin
- VC 81107 Patrick - Brian May
- VC 81123 Classical: Roy Harris: Kvintet pro klavír a smyčce, Smyčcový kvartet č. 3
- VC 81127 Martin - Donald Rubinstein
Seriály STV a CTV (1979–1987)
Počínaje rokem 1979 změnila Varèse Sarabande své TV a Soundtracky na vlastní individuální předponu písma s písmeny STV, aby je oddělila od svých klasických verzí a vyhnula se nejasnostem. Mnoho z těchto titulů původně vydaných vydavatelstvím zaznamenalo vydání CD (viz série 47000 a seznamy vydání CD Club níže) vydávané samotným vydavatelstvím nebo prostřednictvím jiných vydavatelství za posledních několik desetiletí, mezi které patří Intrada Records, Citadel Records, Kritzerland Záznamy a další.
Oba protějšky CD a LP byly vytvořeny pro většinu titulů v letech 1984 až 1990, kdy se LP začínají prosazovat ve prospěch nového formátu vhodného pro média, který by také obsahoval více hudby, na rozdíl od LP, jejichž délka dosahuje pouze 45 minut . Mnoho z těchto titulů bylo k dispozici také v kazetové formě, označených předponou CTV, na rozdíl od předpon CD a LP, aby se odlišily tři formáty. Štítek by uzavřel dohodu s MCA Distributing v roce 1987 jako součást horečného nájezdu nahrávacích společností na nákup dalších menších nezávislých nahrávacích společností díky vzkvétající ekonomice toho období, kdy byl vysoký akciový trh, který zahrnoval i značky jako A&M Records , Island, a nakonec GRP Records v pozdějších letech.[3] Štítek by po dohodě s MCA zcela vzkvétal a rostl do velké délky a v 90. letech a do roku 2020 by se těšil velkému úspěchu se soundtracky a nakonec divizemi Broadway.
Film A Little Romance od Georgese Delerue by vyhrál velmi originální skóre roku 1979 na ceremoniálu Oscarů v roce 1980 díky velmi agresivní kampani vydavatelství a radám budoucího producenta Bruce Kimmela, které LP zvukových stop byly zaslány voličům akademie, kteří rok jim vynesl velmi jedinečnou poctu v tomto procesu.
- STV 81108 Fedora - Miklós Rózsa
- STV 81109 Malá romantika - Georges Delerue
- STV 81115 Mladí lvi - Hugo Friedhofer
- STV 81116 Island In The Sky - Alfred Newman / The Song Of Bernadette - Hugo Friedhofer, Emil Newman, Herbert W. Spencer
- STV 81117 Blood and Sand - Alfred Newman / Blood for Dracula - Claudio Gizzi / Golden Earrings - Victor Young
- STV 81118 Magnificent Obsession - Frank Skinner
- STV 81119 Chlapec na delfínovi - Hugo Friedhofer
- STV 81120 O krok dál - Harry Lubin
- STV 81121 Muž z tisíce tváří - Frank Skinner
- STV 81122 Začalo to v Neapoli - Carlo Savina / Alessandro Cicognini
- STV 81124 Rio Grande - Victor Young
- STV 81125 Anastasia - Alfred Newman
- STV 81126 Piranha - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81127 Martin - Donald Rubinstein
- STV 81128 Rytíři kulatého stolu - Miklós Rózsa
- Setkání STV 81129 s pozoruhodnými muži - Laurence Rosenthal / Thomas de Hartmann
- STV 81130 Destinační měsíc - Leith Stevens
- STV 81131 Bloodline - Ennio Morricone, Craig Hundley (další hudba)
- STV 81132 Téměř dokonalá aféra - Georges Delerue
- STV 81133 Eye Of The Needle - Miklós Rózsa (opětovné nahrávání)
- STV 81134 Útěk z New Yorku - John Carpenter, Alan Howarth
- STV 81135 7. plavba Sindibádem - Bernard Hermann
- STV 81136 The Devil At 4 O'Clock - George Duning
- STV 81137 Prince of the City - Paul Chihara
- STV 81138 1001 Arabian Nights - George Duning
- Domácí filmy STV 81139 - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81140 Den skončil - Richard Band
- STV 81141 Skutečné vyznání - Georges Delerue
- STV 81142 Sedm samurajů / Rashomon - Fumio Hayasaka
- STV 81143 Maniac - Jay Chattaway
- STV 81144 Mad Max - Brian May
- STV 81145 The Wild Bunch - Jerry Fielding
- STV 81146 John Paul Jones - Max Steiner
- Ostrov STV 81147, - Ennio Morricone
- STV 81148 Dressed To Kill - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81149 Enola Gay: Muži, mise, atomová bomba - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81150 The Howling - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81151 Night Of The Living Dead - Knihovní hudba
- STV 81152 Halloween II - John Carpenter, Alan Howarth
- STV 81153 The Formula - Bill Conti
- STV 81154 Swamp Thing - Harry Manfredini
- STV 81155 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior - Brian May
- STV 81156 Blood for Dracula - Claudio Gizzi
- STV 81157 Flesh For Frankenstein - Claudio Gizzi
- STV 81158 Meč a čaroděj - David Whitaker
- STV 81159 Dvanáct židlí - John Morris
- Creepshow STV 81160 - John Harrison
- STV 81162 The Burning - Rick Wakeman
- STV 81163 Slapstick (Of Another Kind) - Morton Stevens, Michel Legrand (Toto byl první soundtrack k vydání použitých i odmítnutých partitur konkrétního filmu, což bylo v té době velmi neobvyklé. Stevens byl ve filmu uveden a postaven na stranu A a Legrandovo zamítnuté skóre bylo na straně B.)
- STV 81164 Jíst Raoul - Arlon Ober
- Přátelské přesvědčování STV 81165 - Dimitri Tiomkin
- STV 81166 Last Embrace (re-recording) / Lydia - Miklós Rózsa
- STV 81167 Muž ze zasněžené řeky - Bruce Rowland
- STV 81169 The Secret Of NIMH - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81170 Zakázaná zóna - Danny Elfman / Oingo Boingo
- STV 81171 The Twilight Zone - Various Artists
- STV 81172 10 Do půlnoci - Robert O. Ragland
- Videodrom STV 81173 - Howard Shore
- STV 81174 The Beastmaster - Lee Holdridge
- STV 81175 La Notte Di San Lorenzo - Nicola Piovani
- STV 81176 Halloween - John Carpenter
- STV 81178 The Twilight Zone Volume Two - Various Artists
- STV 81179 Magic Fire - Erich Wolfgang Korngold
- STV 81180 Větry války - Robert Cobert
- STV 81181 Liquid Sky - Slava Tsukerman
- STV 81182 Rok nebezpečného života - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81184 The Hunger - Michel Rubini, Denny Jaeger / Various Artists
- STV 81185 The Twilight Zone Volume Three - Various Artists
- STV 81186 Mladí válečníci - Robert J. Walsh
- STV 81187 Hercules - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81188 Poslední možnost - Roy Budd / Jerry Donahue a Marc Donahue (film má v Evropě název „Kdo se odváží vyhrát“)
- STV 81189 Pozvánka na plavbu - Gabriel Yared
- STV 81190 Il Gattopardo - Nino Rota
- STV 81191 Mlha - John Carpenter
- STV 81192 The Twilight Zone Volume Four - Various Artists
- STV 81193 A Minor Miracle - Rick Patterson
- STV 81194 Teplo a prach - Richard Robbins, Zakir Hussan
- STV 81195 Revenge Of The Ninja - Robert J. Walsh
- STV 81197 Brainstorm - James Horner
- STV 81198 The Osterman Weekend - Lalo Schifrin
- STV 81199 The Evil Dead - Joseph Loduca
- STV 81202 Blind Date - Stanley Myers
- STV 81203 Děti kukuřice - Jonathan Elias
- STV 81204 Making the Grade - Basil Poledouris
- STV 81205 The Twilight Zone Volume Five - Various Artists
- STV 81206 Gorky Park - James Horner
- STV 81207 Vlnová délka - Mandarinkový sen
- STV 81208 Lassiter - Ken Thorne
- STV 81209 Mutant - Richard Band
- STV 81210 Blame It On Rio - Kenneth Wannberg /Různí umělci
- STV 81211 Sahara - Ennio Morricone
- STV 81212 Roy Rogers And The Sons Of The Pioneers - Various Artists
- STV 81213 Oltre La Porta - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81217 Berlin Alexanderplatz - Peer Raben
- STV 81219 Přísně tajné! - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81220 Cousteau - Amazon Část 1 Řeka - John Scott
- STV 81221 Opatrně, může vás slyšet - Ray Cook
- STV 81222 Čtvrtý muž - Loek Dikker
- STV 81224 Swann In Love - Hans Werner Henze / Verlorene Ehre Der Katharina Blum Odra: Wie Gewalt Entstehen Und Wohin Sie Führen Kann, Die -
- STV 81225 Sheena - Richard Hartley
- STV 81226 Do září - John Barry
- STV 81227 La Pirate - Philippe Sarde / Dimanche à La Campagne, Un - Louis Ducreux, Marc Perrone
- STV 81228 Bolero - Peter Bernstein / Elmer Bernstein
- STV 81229 Místa v srdci - John Kander / Howard Shore
- STV 81230 Phar Lap - Bruce Rowland
- STV 81231 Supergirl - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81232 The Flamingo Kid - Curt Sobel / Various Artists
- STV 81233 Starman - Jack Nitzsche
- STV 81234 Runaway - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81235 Střelba - John Scott
- STV 81236 A Nightmare On Elm Street - Charles Bernstein
- Svědek STV 81237 - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81239 Certain Fury - George Masenburg, Russell Kunkel, Bill Payne
- STV 81240 The Aviator - Dominic Frontiere
- STV 81241 Kočičí oko - Alan Silvestri
- STV 81242 Společnost vlků - George Fenton
- STV 81243 Bohové musí být blázni - John Bosshoff
- STV 81244 Smaragdový les - Junior Homrich s Brianem Gascoignem
- STV 81245 Kryštof Kolumbus - Riz Ortolani
- STV 81246 Rambo: First Blood Part II - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81247 Just The Way You Are - Vladimir Cosma / Wetherby - Nick Bicât
- STV 81248 Červená Sonja - Ennio Morricone
- STV 81249 Lifeforce - Henry Macini
- Seriály STV 81250 Music of the Republic Studios - William Lava, Cy Feuer, Paul Sawtell / James King Cond.
- STV 81251 Tanec s cizincem - Richard Hartley
- STV 81252 Jagged Edge - John Barry
- STV 81253 Černý kotel - Elmer Bernstein
- STV 81254 The Bride - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81255 Ediths Tagebuch - Jürgen Knieper
- STV 81256 Flesh + Blood - Basil Poledouris
- STV 81257 Božská Anežka - Georges Delerue
- STV 81258 Paroles Et Musique - Michel Legrand
- STV 81259 The Red Pony - Aaron Copland
- STV 81260 Návrat do Edenu - Brian May
- STV 81261 Re-Animator - Richard Band
- STV 81262 Zone Troopers / The Alchemist - Richard Band
- STV 81263 Invasion USA - Jay Chattaway
- Stříbrná kulka STV 81264 - Jay Chattaway
- STV 81265 Marie - Francis Lai
- STV 81266 Year of the Dragon - David Mansfield
- STV 81267 Transylvánie 6-5000 - Lee Holdridge
- STV 81268 Marie Ward - Elmer Bernstein
- Stanice metra STV 81269 - Eric Serra
- STV 81270 Špioni jako my - Elmer Bernstein
- STV 81271 Enemy Mine - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81272 The Final Conflict - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81273 Lord Mountbatten: Poslední místokrál - John Scott
- STV 81274 Klan jeskynního medvěda - Alan Silvestri
- STV 81275 A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge - Christopher Young
- STV 81276 F / X - Bill Conti
- STV 81277 Ginger E Fred - Nicola Piovani
- STV 81278 1. dubna - Charles Bernstein
- STV 81279 Procházení - Pino Donaggio
- STV 81281 Dobrodružství Ewok / Ewoks: Bitva o Endora - Peter Bernstein
- STV 81282 The Manhattan Project - Philippe Sarde
- STV 81283 Aliens - James Horner
- STV 81284 Omluva - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81285 Jake Speed - Mark Snow
- STV 81286 Raw Deal - Cinemascore
- STV 81287 Piráti - Philippe Sarde
- STV 81288 Vamp - Jonathan Elias
- STV 81289 Moucha - Howard Shore
- STV 81290 Where The River Runs Black - James Horner
- STV 81291 Deadly Friend - Charles Bernstein
- STV 81292 Modrý samet - Angelo Badalamenti
- STV 81293 Tai-Pan - Maurice Jarre
- Odkaz STV 81294 - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81295 Peggy Sue se vdala - John Barry
- STV 81296 Crocodile Dundee - Peter Best
- STV 81297 Sky Bandits - Alfi Kabiljo
- STV 81298 Zločiny srdce - Georges Delerue
- STV 81299 Chlapec, který mohl létat - Bruce Broughton
- STV 81300 52 Pick-up - Gary Chang
- STV 81301 Pojďme získat Harryho - Brad Fiedel
- STV 81303 Firewalker - Gary Chang
- STV 81304 Lionheart sv. 1 - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81305 Down Twisted - Berlin Game (Eric Allaman)
- STV 81306 84 Charing Cross Road - George Fenton
- STV 81307 Okno do ložnice - Michael Shrieve / Patrick Gleeson
- STV 81308 The Kindred - David Newman
- STV 81309 z boku - Paul Zaza
- STV 81310 Smrt před zneuctěním - Brian May
- STV 81311 Lionheart Volume Two - Jerry Goldsmith
- STV 81312 Amazing Grace And Chuck - Elmer Bernstein
- STV 81313 Evil Dead II - Joseph LoDuca
- STV 81314 A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - Angelo Badalamenti
- STV 81315 Whistle Blower - John Scott
- STV 81317 Dobré ráno, Babylon - Nicola Piovani
- STV 81318 Raising Arizona / Blood Simple - Carter Burwell
- STV 81319 Three For The Road - Barry Goldberg
- STV 81320 Zoufale hledající Susan - Thomas Newman / Making Mr. Right - Chaz Jankel
- STV 81321 Capriccio - Riz Ortolani
- STV 81322 My Demon Lover - David Newman / Ed Alton
- STV 81324 Dům / Dům II: Druhý příběh - Harry Manfredini
- STV 81327 Julia And Julia - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81328 The Believers - J. Peter Robinson
- STV 81329 Naděje a sláva - Peter Martin
- STV 81330 RoboCop - Basil Poledouris
- STV 81331 The Penitent - Alex North (Zrušeno, pásky byly ztraceny / nesprávně umístěny. Nikdy vydáno. Další informace viz CD 47299 níže)
- STV 81333 Masters Of The Universe - Bill Conti
- STV 81334 No Way Out - Maurice Jarre
- STV 81335 Russkies - James Newton Howard
- STV 81336 Kam se schovat - Brad Fiedel
- STV 81338 Hospodyně - Michael Gibbs
- STV 81339 Three O'Clock High - Tangerine Dream / Sylvester Levay / Jim Walker
- STV 81340 Prince of Darkness - John Carpenter, Alan Howarth
- STV 81341 The Dead / Journey Into Fear - Alex North
- STV 81343 Muž v ohni - John Scott
- STV 81344 Nightflyers - Doug Timm
- STV 81345 Near Dark - Tangerine Dream
- STV 81346 Tough Guys Don't Dance - Angelo Badalamenti
- STV 81347 Velryby srpna - Alan Price
- STV 81348 Surrender - Michel Colombier
- STV 81349 The Hidden - Michael Convertino
- STV 81350 Weeds - Angelo Badalamenti
- STV 81352 Země nikoho - Basil Poledouris
- STV 81353 Anna - Greg Hawkes
- STV 81354 Five Corners - James Newton Howard
- STV 81355 Sister, Sister - Richard Einhorn
- STV 81356 Běžící muž - Harold Faltermeyer
- STV 81357 Shy People - Tangerine Dream
- STV 81358 Květiny v podkroví - Christopher Young
- STV 81359 V mělkém hrobě - Jonathan Sheffer
- STV 81360 Noble House - Paul Chihara
- Věznice STV 81361 - Richard Band / Christopher L. Stone
- STV 81362 Had a duha - Brad Fiedel
Řada 47000 (1983–1987)
Varèse Sarabande nejprve začala vyrábět kompaktní disky zhruba kolem roku 1983, téměř na samém počátku úsvitu kompaktních disků, které obsahovaly také štítky jako GRP Records, Telarc, Mobile Fidelity a Polydor. Jejich počáteční vydání v této sérii si sběratelé velmi váží, zejména těch, kteří nemají čárový kód, který všechny disky vytiskl a vyrobil v Japonsku společnost Japan Victor Corporation (JVC).[4] Tyto disky se vyznačují výjimečnou kvalitou zvuku a zejména klasická vydání obsahují výjimečná umělecká díla, díky nimž jsou tyto tituly nesmírně cenné.[5][6] Prvních několik let se v Japonsku pro americký trh dostalo první vydání CD od JVC počínaje 47201, což je nejprodávanější CD Star Wars Trilogy, až do roku 47275 s Peggy Sue Got Married a poté značka přešla na Laservideo pro jeho vydání počínaje Link Jerryho Goldsmitha (VCD-47276) na konci roku 1986 až do konečného distribuovaného vydání pro tuto společnost s Lionheart Vol.2 (VCD-47288) v roce 1987.[7] Poté byla vydání labelu od konce roku 1987 do současnosti exkluzivně tisknuta společností JVC America.[8]
Na tuto sérii dohlížel a zahájil ji Tom Null, který dohlížel na klasická vydání spolu se zvukovými stopami s koproducentem Chrisem Kuchlerem a poté kolem roku 1986 přišel Richard Kraft a spolu s Null spolu s Null do konce roku 1988 ulehčili vydavatelství. přechod značky poté, co v roce 1987 dosáhli dohody s MCA Distributing, která se plně projevila až v polovině roku 1988.[3] Null zůstal se značkou až do roku 1993, kdy nakonec znovu aktivoval společnost Citadel Records, která byla dříve dceřinou společností značky a po určitou dobu znovu vydala mnoho Vareseových LP a mimo tisk Varese CD. [9] Pod novým producentem Robertem Townsonem, který během tohoto období vydal tři tituly, které zahrnovaly jeho vůbec první vydání jako producent, Poslední konflikt v roce 1986 pod jeho značkou Masters Film Music from Canada spolu s „Lionheart“, málo viděným dobrodružným filmem, který byl vydán značkou ve dvou samostatných svazcích hudby v roce 1987. Townson by převzal a dohlížel na značku počátkem roku 1989 po Kraftův odchod v mladém mladém věku.
Tato série byla proslulá mnoha mezerami v katalogových číslech, zejména na konci roku 1986 a po celý rok 1987, o nichž mnozí spekulují, že byly vydány jako LP a kazeta během tohoto období. Jeden takový titul, „King Kong Lives“, byl ve skutečnosti produkován značkou, ale získal jej MCA Records koncem roku 1986, protože film byl koncem téhož roku považován za velké sváteční vydání a místo toho byl vydán prostřednictvím nich.[10] Některé tituly, které byly divadelně vydány během tohoto období, obdržely CD protějšek k LP a kazetovým formátům (tj. Aliens, The Fly, Link, Enemy Mine atd.) A jiné by měly být vydány jako CD a byly zrušeny, byly vydány později štítkem prostřednictvím klubu Varese Sarabande nebo v některých případech jako součást běžného katalogu (tj. Vamp, Firewalker, 52 Pick-Up,[11] F / X atd.).
Townson s pomocí Kraft a Null pokračoval v založení klubu s omezenou edicí zásilkových vydání, která by se konečně uskutečnila na jaře 1989 poté, co byl povýšen na konci roku 1987 a v průběhu roku 1988 po velkých zpožděních.[12] Klub byl určen pro tituly pro nové nebo starší partitury minulých filmů, které byly vydány a které neobdržely soundtrack nebo partiturové album, zatímco film byl vydán divadelně a později zahrnoval mnoho titulů z mnoha mezer v jejich CD diskografii o desetiletí později . Townsonův štítek Masters Film Music by dostal první vydání, která zahrnovala reissues, která se skládala z „Obsession“, „Bernard Herrmann Concert Suites“, propracované sady reissue se 4 disky původního LP Decca LP s ohromujícím uměleckým dílem a byla plnohodnotnou produkcí a „Jerry Goldsmith Suites and Themes “, první živé koncertní vystoupení na CD slavného skladatele oceněného Oskarem, který také obsahoval stejně ohromující umělecká díla jako ostatní vydání zesnulého Boba Peak. Oficiální klubové tituly, které založili Kraft a Null, budou brzy vydány nedlouho poté „Cherry 2000“ [13] od zesnulého Basila Poledourise, který byl v jednom okamžiku nejcennějším soundtrackem na trhu před více než dvaceti lety, který v horké aukci vyšel až na 2 500 $. Null opustil Varese v roce 1993 a založil vlastní label Citadel Records a znovu vydal mnoho Varese starších out-of-print soundtracků LP, stejně jako některá klasická vydání, která vydal během svého působení v labelu.
„The Star Wars Trilogy“, „Man From Snowy River“, „Halloween“ a „Witness“ patří mezi nejprodávanější vydání této značky. [14] z tohoto období spolu s dalšími tituly jako „The Emerald Forest“, „Escape From New York“, „Aliens“, „The Fly“, „The Right Stuff / North And South“, „Pee Wee's Big Adventure / Back To School "," Starman "a" The Road Warrior ". Mnoho z těchto titulů zůstalo v tisku nejméně dvě desetiletí a více a jiné rychle vyšly z tisku.
Úplně poslední titul produkovaný značkou pro tento běh, „The Serpent And The Rainbow (VCD-47362)“, byl jedním z nejvzácnějších titulů v této sérii kvůli nízkému nákladu odhadem 400 kopií. Tento titul byl pravděpodobně chycen pod přechodem štítku s MCA Distributing a byl sotva vydán po celé zemi. Z tohoto důvodu byl tento titul po dlouhou dobu velmi cenný a nedávno byl znovu vydán jako součást kolekce CD Varese's Little Box of Horrors 12 CD Collection v roce 2016 v replice ve stylu repliky LP se stejným uměleckým dílem jako původní CD. To platí i pro podivné nakládání labelu s reedicemi „Phantasm“, „Liquid Sky“ a „Dawn of the Dead“, které také měly být vydány během nebo po přechodu MCA a dostaly velmi omezené série a také se staly sběratelskými předměty jako výsledek toho.
- VSD47105 Phantasm - Fred Myrow / Malcolm Seagrave (plánováno na americké vydání; v Evropě vyšel malý omezený počet CD)
- VCD47106 Dawn Of The Dead - Goblin (plánováno na americké vydání bylo vydáno malé omezené množství CD)
- VCD47144 Mad Max - Brian May
- VCD47148 Dressed To Kill - Pino Donaggio
- VCD47152 Halloween II - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VCD47180 The Winds of War - Robert Cobert
- VCD47181 Liquid Sky - Slava Tsukerman / Brenda I. Hutchinson / Clive Smith
- VCD47201 Trilogie hvězdných válek - John Williams / Varujan Kojian diriguje Utahský symfonický orchestr [14]
- VCD47202 The Adventures Of Robin Hood - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Varujan Kojian diriguje Utahský symfonický orchestr
- VCD47203 King's Row - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Charles Gerhardt diriguje, Národní filharmonie
- VCD47204 The Empire Strikes Back - John Williams / Charles Gerhardt diriguje, National Philharmonic Orchestra (znovu vydáno jako VSD-5353)
- VCD47205 North By Northwest - Bernard Herrmann / Laurie Johnson diriguje, The London Studio Orchestra (První lisování CD bylo digitální záznam, který je v brožuře uveden jako „digitální záznam“. Pozdější lisování však kvůli problémům využilo zdroje analogové pásky. s původním digitálním záznamem. Záznam digitálního záznamu byl odstraněn ze všech budoucích výtisků)
- VCD47206 Camelot (1982 OCR v hlavní roli Richard Harris) - Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
- VCD47207 Franz Liszt: Symphony No.2 "Dante" - Varujan Kojian & Utah Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47208 Scheherazade / Russian & Ludmilla Overture - Rimsky-Korsakov / Glinka, Loris Tjeknavorian & The London Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47209 Morton Gould diriguje díla Ravela, Šostakoviče, Weinbergera, Granadose, Turiny a Ginastery - Morton Gould
- VCD47210 Enrique Bátiz diriguje hudbu Španělska, první díl: Manuel de Falla: Noci v zahradách Španělska / Klobouk třírohý (kompletní balet) - Eva Maria Zuk (klavír), Maria Luisa Salinas (soprán), Enrique Batiz Orquestra Sinfonica del Estado de Mexico
- VCD47211 Aaron Copland: Saga Of The Prairies, An Outdoor Overture / Samuel Barber: Capricorn Concerto, First Essay for Orchestra / Charles Ives: Overture from the Third Orchestral Set - The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, Keith Clark (k dispozici také jako Andante ACD 85705)
- VCD47212 Čtvero ročních období - Antonio Vivaldi / Patrick Gleeson (syntezátory) (první „digitální digitální“ záznam digitálního syntetizátoru bez mikrofonů z roku 1980. Vynechává 1. větu Winter od Vivaldiho Winter Movement bez vysvětlení)
- VCD47213 V podzimní zahradě - Toru Takemitsu & The Tokyo Gagaku Orchestra
- VCD47214 Sinfonietta pro velký orchestr Opus 5 - diriguje Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Gerd Albrecht (později znovu vydán jako VSD-5311)
- VCD47215 Brainstorm - James Horner
- VCD47216 Symphony No. 9 In E Minor, op. 95 „Z Nového světa;“ Karnevalová předehra, op. 92 - Antonín Dvořák / Enrique Batiz & The London Philharmonic Orchestra
- VCD47217 Muž ze zasněžené řeky - Bruce Rowland [14]
- VCD47218 Supergirl - Jerry Goldsmith (Představuje orchestrální partituru pouze bez overdubů syntetizátoru. Později vydaný Silva Screen Records s overdubs)
- VCD47219 Enrique Bátiz diriguje hudbu Španělska, svazek dva: Rodrigo - Fantasia Para Un Gentilhombre / Concierto Andaluz / Falla - El Amor Brujo (Complete) - Enrique Bátiz, Orchestra Sinfónica Del Estado De México
- VCD47220 Starman - Jack Nitzsche
- VCD47221 Runaway - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47222 Rok nebezpečného života - Maurice Jarre
- VCD47223 Vlnová délka - Mandarinkový sen
- VCD47224 Útěk z New Yorku - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VCD47225 Hudba od Alfreda Hitchcocka Films - John Williams / Dimitri Tiomkin / Franz Waxman / Roy Webb, Charles Ketchum, kond. & Utahský symfonický orchestr
- VCD47226 The World, The Flesh & The Devil / New England Concerto / Because Of Him / Spellbound Concerto - Miklos Rozsa / Elmer Bernstein dir. představovat Dorothy Jonas & Joshua Pierce duo klavírní sólisty a Cynthia Millar na ondes Martenot & Utahský symfonický orchestr
- VCD47227 Svědek - Maurice Jarre [14]
- VCD47228 Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 4 - Bruno Walter & The Vienna Philharmonic, Irmgard Seefried (soprán) (nahráno živě na salcburském festivalu, 24. srpna 1950)
- VCD47229 Digital Space - Morton Gould diriguje, The London Symphony Orchestra (vůbec první „digitální“ LP nahrávka v roce 1978.)
- VCD47230 Halloween - John Carpenter [14]
- VCD47231 The Secret Of N.I.M.H. - Jerry Goldsmith (později znovu vydán jako VSD-5541)
- VCD47232 Symphony No. 3 In C Minor, op. 78 „Organ“; Koncertní předehra „Fingalova jeskyně“ („Hebridy“), op. 26 - Marie Saint-Saens / Felix Mendelssohn, Loris Tjeknavorian, The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
- VCD47233 The Best of Twilight Zone Volume One - Various Artists
- VCD47234 Rambo: First Blood Part II - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47235 Star Trek Volume One - Fred Steiner diriguje, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- VCD47236 John Wayne Westerns Volume One: Comancheros & True Grit - Elmer Bernstein & The Utah Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47237 Morton Gould diriguje svou latinskoamerickou symfonii - Morton Gould & The London Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47238 The Blue Max - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47239 Menotti / Barber Violin Concertos - Ruggiero Ricci / Keith Clark & The Pacific Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47240 Star Trek Volume Two - Fred Steiner diriguje, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- VCD47241 The Black Cauldron - Elmer Bernstein (re-recording with The Utah Symphony Orchestra)
- VCD47242 The Final Conflict - Jerry Goldsmith (první oficiální vydání štítku „Masters Film Music“ spojené s Varese Sarabande)
- VCD47243 Toru Takemitsu: Zima. Okrajové poznámky. Gitimalya. - Hiroyuki Iwaki a Tokijský metropolitní symfonický orchestr
- VCD47244 Filmová hudba Lee Holdridge - Lee Holdridge / Charles Gerhardt dir. London Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47245 Roy Harris: Symphony No. 6 "Gettysburg" / Aaron Copland Písně Emily Dickinsonové - Marni Nixon, Keith Clark & The Pacific Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47246 Špioni jako my - Elmer Bernstein
- VCD47247 The Best of Twilight Zone Volume Two - Various Artists
- VCD47248 Ralph Vaughan Williams: Směrem k neznámému regionu, Fantasia na téma Tallis, pět variant „Dives and Lazarus“, Norfolk Rhapsody č. 1 - Norman del Mar a Symfonický orchestr města Birmingham a sbor
- VCD47249 Enemy Mine - Maurice Jarre
- VCD47250 The Right Stuff / North And South (re-recording) - Bill Conti & The London Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47251 Smaragdový les - Junior Homrich / Brian Gascoigne
- VCD47252 Klan jeskynního medvěda - Alan Silvestri
- VCD47253 Orchestral Space - Seiji Ozawa & Yomiuri Nippon Symphony
- VCD47254 Duch a paní Muirová - Bernard Herrmann / Elmer Bernstein diriguje (reedice LP "Elmer Bernstein's Film Music Collection")
- VCD47255 A Nightmare On Elm Street 1 & 2 - Charles Bernstein / Christopher Young
- VCD47256 7. plavba Sindibádem - Bernard Herrmann
- VCD47257 Villa Lobos Diriguje Villa Lobos: Choros č. 6 a Bachianas Brasileiras č. 7 - dirigent Heitor Villa-Lobos
- VCD47258 Kniha džunglí / Zloděj z Bagdádu - Miklos Rozsa (opětovné nahrávání) se Norimberským symfonickým orchestrem
- VCD47259 Stone Flower: Symphonic Suite Of Waltzes / Gypsy Fantasia / Symphony In Three Movements - Stravinsky, The Vienna Philharmonic, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Sergei Prokofiev, Hans Schwieger, The Kansas City Philharmonic
- VCD47260 Gorky Park - James Horner
- VCD47261 The Hunger - Michel Rubini & Denny Jaeger / Various Artists
- VCD47262 The Road Warrior („Mad Max 2“) - Brian May
- VCD47263 Aliens - James Horner
- VCD47264 John Wayne Westerns Volume Two: Big Jake, Cahill & The Shootist - Elmer Bernstein & The Utah Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47265 Piráti Romana Polanského - Philippe Sarde (CD obsahuje více hudby než vydání LP)
- VCD47266 Poltergeist II: The Other Side - Jerry Goldsmith (pouze Colosseum Europe, vydané v USA společností Intrada Records)
- VCD47267 Mlha - John Carpenter
- VCD47268 Ben-Hur / El Cid / King of Kings - Miklos Rozsa / Richard Mullen-Lampertz diriguje, hamburský koncertní orchestr a sbor
- VCD47269 Knights Of The Round Table / Lydia - Miklos Rozsa
- VCD47270 The Avengers: The Television and Movie Music Of Laurie Johnson - Laurie Johnson & The London Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47271 Sedm samurajů / Rashomon - Fumio Hayazaka
- VCD47272 The Fly - Howard Shore (CD obsahuje více hudby než vydání LP)
- VCD47273 Where The River Runs Black - James Horner
- VCD47274 Tai-Pan - Maurice Jarre
- VCD47275 Peggy Sue se vdala - John Barry / Various Artists
- Odkaz VCD47276 - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47277 Modrý samet - Angelo Badalamenti
- VCD47278 Zločiny srdce - Georges Delerue
- VCD47279 The Boy Who Could Fly - Bruce Broughton (re-recording with Sinfonia of London)
- VCD47281 Pee-Wee's Big Adventure / Back To School - Danny Elfman / John Coleman kond. (opětovné nahrávání)
- VCD47282 Lionheart Volume One - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47283 Crocodile Dundee - Peter Best (Originál 1. lisování obsahuje chybu ve vložce, která uvádí „26 skladeb“ namísto 12 skladeb, které se staly vydáním v USA. Soundtrack byl vydán v Evropě společností Silva Screen Records s 26 skladbami)
- VCD47284 Raising Arizona / Blood Simple - Carter Burwell
- VCD47285 Amazing Grace And Chuck - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD47286 Raw Deal - Cinemascore (1992 Colosseum Europe pouze lisované znovu v USA jako VSD-5519)[15][16]
- VCD47288 Lionheart Volume Two - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCD47290 Naděje a sláva - Peter Martin
- VCD47291 Zoufale hledající Susan / Dělat pana pravého - Thomas Newman / Chaz Jankel
- VCD47293 A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - Angelo Badalamenti (skóre album)
- VCD47295 Dům / dům II: Druhý příběh - Harry Manfredini
- VCD47298 Robocop - Basil Poledouris
- VCD47299 The Penitent - Alex North (planned, assigned a catalog number and cancelled. Tapes are presumed lost)
- VCD47300 Masters Of The Universe - Bill Conti
- VCD47301 No Way Out - Maurice Jarre
- VCD47304 The Sea Hawk - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Varujan Kojian conducts The Utah Symphony Orchestra
- VCD47307 Three O'Clock High - Tangerine Dream / Sylvester Levay
- VCD47308 Housekeeping - Michael Gibbs
- VCD47309 Near Dark - Tangerine Dream
- VCD47310 Prince Of Darkness - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VCD47311 The Whales Of August - Alan Price
- VCD47312 Surrender - Michel Colombier
- VCD47313 Weeds - Angelo Badalamenti
- VCD47314 Man On Fire - John Scott
- VCD47315 Suspect - Michael Kamen
- VCD47327 Julia And Julia - Maurice Jarre
- VCD47341 The Dead / Journey Into Fear - Alex North
- VCD47349 The Hidden - Michael Convertino
- VCD47352 No Man's Land - Basil Poledouris
- VCD47354 5 Corners - James Newton Howard
- VCD47356 The Running Man - Harold Faltermeyer
- VCD47357 Shy People - Tangerine Dream
- VCD47360 Noble House - Paul Chihara
- VCD47362 The Serpent And The Rainbow [17] - Brad Fiedel (One of the first titles released under Varèse Sarabande's new distribution deal with MCA. The small run of the CD was released (approx. 400 copies exist) and erroneously adds a track that is not on any of the CD, LP and cassette releases. This mistake was later corrected in its reissue contained in "The Little Box of Horrors" box set in 2016.)[18]
70400 Series (1988)
This batch of a dozen titles between the 47000 series and the new mainline series starting from 5200 to 7500 series which started right after this after Varese's newly minted distribution deal with MCA (aka. UNI later on Universal Music Group (UMG)) in late 1987 which the label finally instituted a bar code system which included this series of titles which had a limited press run of over 500 copies or more during the label's transition with MCA into their distribution cycle. This numbering system stems from their Digital LP series of titles featuring a few soundtracks (i.e. Suspect) and also could be seen as 470 rearranged as 704. These titles featured specific lettering and package design not unlike the 47000 series and this lettering and package design would run until the first batch of the 5200 series, which would later reinstitute the font lettering they used during the 47000 series permanently until 1999.
This series features a few cancellations including one rumored title of "Dead Heat" by Ernest Troost and one confirmed but announced title, "Bad Dreams" [19] in which collectors were willing to pay top prices for until the label revealed and confirmed its cancellation when they finally released it on CD as part of their LP to CD Subscription Series that ran from June 2015 to May 2016.[20]
- VCD70440 Wall Street / Salvador - Stewart Copeland / Georges Delerue
- VCD70442 Zelly And Me - Pino Donaggio
- VCD70443 Au Revoir Les Enfants - Franz Schubert / Jean-François Heisser
- VCD70445 Off Limits - James Newton Howard
- VCD70446 Symphony No. 31 & 36 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- VCD70446 Sherlock Holmes - Patrick Gowers (This is the correct intended catalog number for this release but was delayed and later released as VSD-5221 but all discs contain this catalog number on the label side because it was never corrected since the disc was manufactured in France by MPO along with the preceding title, White Mischief)
- VCD70447 White Mischief - George Fenton
- VCD70451 Return To Snowy River - Bruce Rowland
- VCD70454 Dominick And Eugene - Trevor Jones
- VCD70456 Bad Dreams - Jay Ferguson (announced, assigned a catalog number and cancelled. Finally released as part of Varèse Sarabande's LP-to-CD Subscription Series)
- VCD70459 Stand And Deliver - Craig Safan
- VCD70460 Eight Men Out - Mason Daring/Various Artists
- VCD70461 D.O.A. - Chaz Jankel
- VCD70462 Poltergeist III - Joe Renzetti
- VCD70470 Betrayed - Bill Conti
5200–7500 series (1988–2018)
When Varèse Sarabande began its partnership with MCA Distribution in 1988, the benefits of this deal were nationwide availability of Varèse Sarabande CDs, LPs and cassettes. The label adopted the MCA catalog numbering system with the prefix VSD (which stood for Varese Sarabande Disc and VSC for Varese Sarabande cassette) and a subsequent number to denote multiple-disc sets (VSD2, VSD3, etc.) or a video release (VSV) if any as that was required for all labels in the MCA distribution system. When The MCA and PolyGram families merged in 1999, which created Universal Music, the newly merged company used PolyGram's catalog-numbering system, which used the main six digits of the UPC bar code (numbers 5 through 10 in the standard 12-number UPC set) as the basis for the catalog number and since the original MCA numbering was already based on part of the UPC number (specifically digits 7 through 10), the number sequence was not changed. This run starting from VSD-5200 ended during the 7500 series as Concord Records assumed control of the company during the middle of the year in 2018 and started a new numbered system as a result according to its own numbering system. Catalogue numbers without a title are usually assigned to a release that is not ready to be officially announced by the label. In some cases, older unassigned numbers are the result of a production delay, but usually it is because they have been canceled. For collectors, the curiosity of knowing what a number has been assigned to is part of the demand for a complete discography.
Colosseum Records which is featured here as well on this listing, was the label's international division located in Nurnberg, Germany which released all US soundtrack releases as well as European films that were able to release under their banner. Like the US versions of these soundtracks, the German pressings featured the same artwork, but instead of the black JVC design on the label side, they a silver label side with JVC design in red instead of black. The artwork also featured LC which stood for a Colosseum version. The label released titles that were only available through imports that were not released here and many of those titles featured numbers to what were cancelled releases to movies here in the US. (i.e. John Carpenter's Greatest Hits VSD-5336/Dutch VSD-5336 US, Evil Dead VSD-5362/Rock-A-Doodle VSD-5362 US). They also released titles for US films that did not receive a US equivalent which included "Dust Devil" by Simon Boswell, "Evil Dead" by Joseph LoDuca, "Goodbye Bafana" by Dario Marianelli and a few more. They also kept in print many of the out of print 47000 and 70400 series titles for a long period of time which included "D.O.A.", "Poltergiest 3", "Cocoon The Return", "John Carpenter's The Fog", "Thief of Bagdad/The Jungle Book", and "Lionheart Vol. 1 & 2". The label would later close in 2015 and Varese does not have a European distributor at the moment.[25]
Robert Townson, who produced his first title which was "The Final Conflict aka. Omen 3" under his Masters Film Music label in conjunction with the label in 1986 took over in early 1989 and oversaw the label's growth into one of the greatest soundtrack labels in the world with a yearly output of approximately 50 titles on average from newly released films, restorations and reissues from other labels which started with reissues of Sony LP titles (i.e. The Chase, Lion In Winter, Guns of Navarone, etc.) in 1989, then reissuing many titles from the MCA catalog (i.e. MacArthur, Ghost Story, Dracula, etc.) starting in 1990 which lasted until 2001 along with Arista Records (i.e. Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Taxi Driver, The Fury, etc.), the Decca catalog (i.e. The Robe, Airport, Anastasia, etc.), Bay Cities in 1997 (i.e. 1941, Private Lives of Elizabeth And Essex, etc.) and reissues from their LP catalog that appeared as regular releases (i.e. Lifeforce, The Manhattan Project, Videodrome, etc.) and as Soundtrack Club releases (i.e. F/X: The Deluxe Edition, Eye of the Needle, Last Embrace, Vamp, Silver Bullet, etc.). He also created a re-recording program which brought new audiences to older soundtrack recordings from composers who he had worked with personally on the label which included John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, John Barry, Alex North, Elmer Bernstein, Alan Silvestri, Stu Phillips and James Horner (i.e. Midway, Body Heat, To Kill A Mockingbird, Patton, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolf?, etc.) as well as produce new and complete re-recording of scores by Golden Age composers such as Bernard Herrmann, Franz Waxman and Miklos Rosza (i.e. Psycho, Vertigo, Sunset Boulevard, etc.). The first and more importantly his first re-recording of a film score was a historic event in that it was for Alex North's rejected score for Stanley Kubrick's Sci-Fi classic, "2001: A Space Odyssey" which the famed director completely threw out his score. Conducting the event was North's best friend and Oscar-winning composer Jerry Goldsmith with his favorite orchestra, the National Philharmonic of London with North's wife, Abby present during the recording. Before this event took place, no one outside of North or Goldsmith had heard this seemingly lost score until North's passing in late 1991 and this project came to light. His most important release was "Spartacus" by his favorite composer Alex North whom he was finally able to release his epic score (his personal all-time favorite) in 2010 to commemorate the film's 50th Anniversary with an elaborate 6-CD set. Coming in a close second and surprisingly was one of the best selling soundtracks of all-time in 1990 with the Oscar Winning film, "Ghost" which featured a score by Oscar Winner Maurice Jarre and more importantly, the hit song from the film "Unchained Melody" sung by the Righteous Brothers which Alex North co-wrote and was featured in North's full orchestrial composition in the film. The album sold over one million copies upon and after its release.[14] Townson recently left the label in late 2018 after Concord Music bought the label to concentrate on live-concerts throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Bruce Kimmel, who was once asked to be a part of the label [26] when it started in 1978 which was intended to be solely for classical music and reisuses of older Golden Age soundtracks that were really successful, released two soundtracks to films he had personally worked on "Last Nudie Musical" and "Stages", joined the label in 1993 after a successful run at the then defunct Bay Cities soundtrack label and much like Robert Townson for soundtracks, he was given the full responsibility of the Broadway Musical, Spotlight and Jazz imprints of the label. These divisions were dedicated to releasing or reissuing soundtracks to musicals that were performing on and off Broadway, which was a huge success for the label throughout the 1990s as they dominated the marketplace with stellar releases with many being best sellers and featured favorable reviews. Kimmel also showcased a lot of performers from these shows on the "Varese Spotlight" [21] banner which included the late Michelle Nicastro, Christianne Noll, Judy Kaye, Paige O'Hara, Mary Cleere Haran, Liz Callaway and many others. Kimmel also produced a few compilations dedicated to film music as well such as the Ennio Morricone jazz ensemble album "Once Upon A Time In Cinema", "Toonful" and its sequel, "Toonful Too" dedicated to popular Disney songs performed by Nicastro, and also dedicated himself to jazz as well with the label's Varese Jazz imprint that featured wonderful recordings by The Terry Trotter Trio producing albums inspired by movies, artists and Broadway shows by Stephen Soundheim. These include "The Star Wars Album", "The Michel Legrand Album", "Follies", "Passion...In Jazz" and many others. He also produced two of accomplished jazz pianist Fred Hersch's albums for the label "I Never Told You: Fred Hersch Plays The Music of Johnny Mandel" and a popular collaboration between Hersch and jazz singer Janis Siegel entitled "Slow Hot Wind." Sadly, his divisions were closed down by 2001 by the label as the company was no longer interested in producing or releasing Broadway or Jazz releases at that point in time. He would leave to work with Fynsworth Alley, a label dedicated to Broadway and off Broadway theater shows as well as vocals just as they had been doing at Varese Sarabande in 2000, which ended abruptly in late 2001 as he and the label had two completely different visions.[27] Kimmel would later form his own label, Kritzerland Records which is dedicated to movie soundtracks, musicals and some jazz albums in the late 2000s.[28]
The biggest curiosity of this series is the aborted release of the score album to that 1993 "Bound By Honor" which was originally titled "Blood In Blood Out". This soundtrack which was publicly announced at the time of the films' release, and abruptly cancelled because of Disney's last-minute decision to change the films' title due to a test screening that led to violence along with the turmoil going on in Los Angeles at time. The label was about part way deep through the run (an unspecified number of these CD's were produced) when the change was made. Proving it would be too costly to reprint and produce another run of CD's under the films' new title, the CD was never officially released despite its announcements in the film, the film's advertising and subsequent video releases along with the song laden soundtrack album released by Hollywood Records at the same time. This was an officially produced album that never got a release but an unnumbered number of copies of it have surfaced around Hollywood insiders and throughout the soundtrack community and has been dubbed the "Caine Mutiny" of soundtrack CD's due to its rarity.[29]
- VSD-5201 Crossing Delancey - Paul Chihara / The Roaches
- VSD-5202 Bat-21 - Christopher Young
- VSD-5203 A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master - Craig Safan (score album)
- VSD-5204 Madame Sousatzka - Gerard Gouriet/Various Artists
- VSD-5205 Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers - Alan Howarth
- VSD-5206 Miklos Rozsa: Hollywood Legend - Elmer Bernstein conducts
- VSD-5207 The Prince And The Pauper and other themes - Charles Gerhardt conducts
- VSD-5208 Screen Themes - Various Artists/John Scott conducts (This is a hybrid album of re-recordings conducted by Scott for scores such as Die Hard, Big, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Masquerade, Shoot To Kill and The Milagro Beanfield War with original tracks from Varese soundtracks such as Cocoon The Return, Criminal Law and Betrayed)
- VSD-5209 Wisdom - Danny Elfman
- VSD-5210 Criminal Law - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5211 Cocoon: The Return - James Horner
- VSD-5212 The Spirit Of St. Louis - Franz Waxman
- VSD-5213 The Bridge On The River Kwai- Malcolm Arnold
- VSD-5214 The Buccaneer - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5215 Talk Radio / Wall Street - Stewart Copeland
- VSD-5216 Farewell To The King - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5217 The Lion In Winter - John Barry
- VSD-5218 The Quiller Memorandum - John Barry
- VSD-5219 Three Fugitives - David McHugh
- VSD-5220 The Fly II - Christopher Young
- VSD-5221 Sherlock Holmes - Patrick Gowers (Originally intended to be released as VCD-704446 and first press run of this title was pressed under this number co-assigned with Mozart Symphonies 31 & 36 which was also released under this number in this series. Later pressings of this disc have the updated and corrected number on the disc itself as VSD-5221)
- VSD-5222 Is Paris Burning? - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5223 Heathers - David Newman
- VSD-5224 The Alamo - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5225 War And Peace - Nino Rota
- VSD-5226 Leviathan - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5227 Pet Sematary - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-5228 The Fall Of The Roman Empire - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5229 The Chase - John Barry
- VSD-5230 Red Scorpion - Jay Chattaway
- VSD-5231 Cold Feet - Tom Bahler
- VSD-5232 The Old Man And The Sea - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5233 55 Days At Peking - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5234 Ginger Ale Afternoon - Willie Dixon
- VSD-5235 The Abyss - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5236 The Guns Of Navarone - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5237 Wired - Michael Chiklis & The Wired Band / Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5238 A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child - Jay Ferguson (score album)
- VSD-5239 Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers - Alan Howarth
- VSD-5240 Christine - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VSD-5241 London Sessions Volume One - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5242 Franz Waxman: Legends Of Hollywood Volume 1 - Richard Mills conducts
- VSD-5243 Halloween III: Season Of The Witch - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VSD-5244 My Left Foot / Da - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5245 London Sessions Volume Two - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5246 Driving Miss Daisy - Hans Zimmer/Various Artists
- VSD-5247 Shocker - William Goldstein (Score album)(The films box office failure prevented a planned wide release by MCA distribution and made it an instant collectable. The back insert of the CD in later pressings has the MCA distribution information erased with a black Sharpie mark as evidence of this.)
- VSD-5248 Music Box - Philippe Sarde
- VSD-5249 Masada - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5250 Dracula - John Williams
- VSD-5251 Firestarter - Tangerine Dream
- VSD-5252 Psycho II - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5253 Enemies, A Love Story - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5254 Triumph Of The Spirit - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5255 Stanley & Iris - John Williams
- VSD-5256 London Sessions Volume Three - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5257 Franz Waxman: Legends Of Hollywood Volume 2 - Richard Mills conducts
- VSD-5258 The Egyptian - Alfred Newman / Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-5259 Ghost Story - Philippe Sarde
- VSD-5260 MacArthur - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5261 Explorers - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5262 Earthquake - John Williams
- VSD-5263 Lawrence Of Arabia - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5264 The Fury - John Williams
- VSD-5265 Casino Royale - Burt Bacharach
- VSD-5266 John Carpenter's Greatest Hits Volume 1 - John Carpenter (Colosseum Europe only release) [30]
- VSD-5267 Total Recall - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5268 Forbidden Zone - Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
- VSD-5269 Gremlins 2: The New Batch - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5270 Dead Poets Society/The Mosquito Coast/Witness/The Year of Living Dangerously - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5271 Robocop 2 - Leonard Rosenman
- VSD-5272 Back To The Future Part III - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5273 Die Hard 2: Die Harder - Michael Kamen
- VSD-5274 After Dark, My Sweet - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5275 Close Encounters Of The Third Kind - John Williams
- VSD-5276 Ghost - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5277 The Eiger Sanction - John Williams
- VSD-5278 The Thing - Ennio Morricone
- VSD-5279 Taxi Driver - Bernard Herrmann/Dave Blume
- VSD-5280 Presumed Innocent - John Williams
- VSD-5281 The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5282 The Final Conflict - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5283 Hardware - Simon Boswell
- VSD-5284 Desperate Hours - David Mansfield
- VSD-5285 Anthony Adverse (re-recording) - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / John Scott conducts
- VSD-5286 Pacific Heights - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-5287 The Last Butterfly - Alex North / Milan Svoboda
- VSD-5288 Miller's Crossing - Carter Burwell
- VSD-5289 White Palace - George Fenton
- VSD-5290 The Grifters - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5291 Jacob's Ladder - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5292 The Field - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5293 Memphis Belle - George Fenton
- VSD-5294 Henry & June - Mark Adler/Various Artists
- VSD-5295 The Robe - Alfred Newman
- VSD-5296 Torn Curtain - John Addison
- VSD-5297 The Sound And The Fury - Alex North
- VSD-5298 The River - John Williams
- VSD-5299 Mr. Destiny - David Newman
- VSD-5300 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael - Thomas Newman
- VSD-5301 Hollywood Soundstage: Big Movie Hits Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5302 Predator 2 - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5303 Class Action - James Horner
- VSD-5304 The Long Walk Home - George Fenton
- VSD-5305 Kindergarten Cop - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5306 Come See The Paradise - Randy Edelman/Various Artists
- VSD-5307 Almost An Angel - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-5308 Once Around - James Horner/Various Artists
- VSD-5309 Green Card - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-5310 Guilty By Suspicion - James Newton Howard/Various Artists
- VSD-5311 Sinfonietta for Large Orchestra Opus 5 - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Gerd Albrecht conducts
- VSD-5312 Switch - Henry Mancini (score album)
- VSD-5313 Oscar - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5314 La Femme Nikita - Eric Serra
- VSD-5315 The Hard Way - Arthur B. Rubinstein
- VSD-5316 Love Field - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5317 Out For Justice - David Michael Frank/Various Artists
- VSD-5318 Omen IV: The Awakening - Jonathan Sheffer
- VSD2-5319 Seville Film Music Concerts - Maurice Jarre / Jose Nieto
- VSD-5320 Lifeforce - Henry Mancini
- VSD-5321 City Slickers - Marc Shaiman/Various Artists
- VSD-5322 Soapdish - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5323 Hudson Hawk - Michael Kamen & Robert Kraft/Various Artists
- VSD-5324 Only The Lonely - Maurice Jarre/Various Artists
- VSD-5325 A Rage In Harlem - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5326 Crossing The Line (aka. "The Big Man" European Title) - Ennio Morricone
- VSD-5327 Dark Star - John Carpenter (Colosseum Records European Release, was not released in the US.)[31]
- VSD-5328 Jaws 2 - John Williams
- VSD-5329 Symphonic Hollywood - Lee Holdridge / Miklos Rozsa / Richard Kaufman conducts
- VSD-5330 Pure Luck - Jonathan Sheffer / Danny Elfman
- VSD-5331 The Naked Gun / The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear - Ira Newborn
- VSD-5332 Doc Hollywood - Carter Burwell/Various Artists
- VSD-5333 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare - Brian May (score album)
- VSD-5334 Mobsters - Michael Small
- VSD-5335 Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Brad Fiedel
- VSD-5336 Greatest Hits Volume 2 - John Carpenter (Colosseum Records European Release, was not released in the US.)[32]
- VSD-5336 Dutch - Alan Silvestri/Various Artists (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled)
- VSD-5337 Body Parts - Loek Dikker
- VSD-5338 Hot Shots! - Sylvester Levay
- VSD-5339 Dead Again - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5340 The Dark Half - Christopher Young
- VSD-5341 Highway To Hollywood: Big Movie Hits Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5343 Little Man Tate - Mark Isham
- VSD-5344 Ricochet - Alan Silvestri (The song "Ricochet" Performed by Ice -T)
- VSD-5345 Violin Concerto & Flute Concerto - John Williams / Leonard Slatkin conducts
- VSD-5346 Symphony In F-sharp Opus 40 - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Rudolf Kempe conducts
- VSD-5347 Storyville - Carter Burwell
- VSD-5348 Father Of The Bride - Alan Silvestri (Featuring songs by Steve Tyrell)
- VSD-5349 Black Robe - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5350 Medicine Man - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5351 Hollywood Chronicle: Great Movie Classics Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5352 Article 99 - Danny Elfman
- VSD-5353 The Empire Strikes Back - John Williams / Charles Gerhardt conducts (reissue of VCD 47204) [33][34]
- VSD-5354 K2 - Hans Zimmer (This soundtrack is for the European version of the film that is subsequently longer with the US version featuring a replacement score by Chaz Jankel not featured here. The CD features two different covers. The US edition features a painting by Matthew Joseph Peak and the European edition features the original film poster and stills from the film for its artwork. Coincidentally, the first pressing of this disc in the US has the European poster art and later repressed with Peak's artwork) [35][36]
- VSD-5355 Memoirs Of An Invisible Man - Shirley Walker
- VSD-5356 Final Analysis - George Fenton
- VSD-5357 Death In Venice - Various Artists
- VSD 5357-B Bed And Breakfast - David Shire (This release looks like a regular Varèse Sarabande release with a brown spine, logo and the inner ring of the CD contains an assigned VSD number which is 5357. A production issue arose as two titles were assigned the same number and this title was released with XCD -1008 as part of their Colossal Records series. May have possibly have been assigned the number first and Death In Venice may have been intended to be VSD-5358 but the pressing error caused the change for this title)[37]
- VSD-5359 The Great Mouse Detective - Henry Mancini
- VSD-5360 Basic Instinct - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5361 Hollywood Backlot: Big Movie Hits Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-5362 Evil Dead - Joseph LoDuca (Colosseum only release, not released in the US)[38]
- VSD-5362 Rock-A-Doodle - Robert Folk/T.J. Kunstler (assigned a number, planned for released and cancelled. Released in Germany)
- VSD-5363 Nightmare Cafe - J. Peter Robinson/Various Artists
- VSD-5364 My Cousin Vinny - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5365 Year Of The Comet - Hummie Mann
- VSD-5366 The Player - Thomas Newman
- VSD-5367 A Little Romance - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5368 Agnes Of God - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5369 Man Trouble - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5370 Rich In Love - Georges Delerue
- VSD-5371 Of Mice And Men - Mark Isham
- VSD-5372 The Linguini Incident - Thomas Newman/Various Artists
- VSD-5373 Universal Soldier - Christopher Franke
- VSD-5374 The Public Eye - Mark Isham
- VSD-5375 Death Becomes Her - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5376 Sketch Artist - Mark Isham
- VSD-5377 Johnny Guitar - Victor Young
- VSD-5378 Rio Grande - Victor Young / Sons Of The Pioneers
- VSD-5379 Diggstown - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5380 Unforgiven - Lennie Niehaus / Clint Eastwood
- VSD-5381 The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Volume One - Laurence Rosenthal / Joel McNeely
- VSD-5382 Cool World - Mark Isham
- VSD-5383 Mr. Baseball - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5384 Nails - Bill Conti
- VSD-5385 Mom And Dad Save The World - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5386 Breaking The Rules - Hidden Faces/David Kitay
- VSD-5387 Film Classics - Various Artists (Colosseum only release, not released in the US)
- VSD-5387 Whispers In The Dark - Thomas Newman (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled)
- VSD-5388 Rapid Fire - Christopher Young
- VSD-5389 Christopher Columbus: The Discovery - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5390 Conan The Barbarian - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5391 The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Volume Two - Laurence Rosenthal / Joel McNeely
- VSD-5392 Conan The Destroyer - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5393 New Music For Films Volume One - Christopher Franke
- VSD-5394 The Lover - Gabriel Yared
- VSD-5395 Dust Devil - Simon Boswell (Colosseum only release)
- VSD-5396 Blood In, Blood Out (Bound By Honor)- Bill Conti (A full run of this soundtrack was pressed and some copies have leaked out into the marketplace. Legal issues arose after Disney changed the film's title caused the run to be withdrawn after it was prepared for release.) [39]
- VSD-5397 Indochine - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5398 Arnold: Great Music From His Films - Various Artists
- VSD-5399 The London Concert - Christopher Franke
- VSD-5400 2001: A Space Odyssey (The Unused Score) - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith conducts
- VSD-5401 The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Volume Three - Laurence Rosenthal / Joel McNeely
- VSD-5402 The Distinguished Gentleman - Randy Edelman
- VSD2-5403 The Young Lions / This Earth Is Mine - Hugo Friedhofer
- VSD-5404 Untamed Heart - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5405 Lust For Life / Background To Violence Suite: The Killers, Brute Force, Naked City - Miklos Rozsa
- VSD-5406 Damage - Zbigniew Preisner
- VSD-5407 Themes From Classic Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Films - Dick Jacobs conducts
- VSD-5408 Matinee - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5409 Under Siege - Gary Chang
- VSD-5410 The Temp - Frederic Talgorn
- VSD-5411 Army Of Darkness - Joseph Lo Duca (Featuring the "March Of The Dead" Theme Composed by Danny Elfman)
- VSD-5412 The Cemetery Club - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5413 Orlando - David Motion / Sally Potter
- VSD-5414 Touch Of Evil - Henry Mancini
- VSD-5415 Mad Dog And Glory - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5416 Robocop 3 - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5417 Fire In The Sky - Mark Isham
- VSD-5418 The Adventures Of Huck Finn - Bill Conti
- VSD-5419 Lost In Yonkers - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5420 Othello - Francesco Lavagnino / Alberto Bargeris conducts.
- VSD-5421 The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Volume Four - Laurence Rosenthal / Joel McNeely
- VSD-5422 Anastasia - Alfred Newman
- VSD-5423 Rich Man, Poor Man - Alex North
- VSD-5424 Equinox - Various Artists
- VSD-5425 King Of The Hill - Cliff Martinez/Various Artists
- VSD-5426 Hot Shots! Part Deux - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5427 Freddy's Favorites: The Best of A Nightmare on Elm Street (Compilation) - Bernstein / Young / Badalamenti / Safan / Ferguson / May
- VSD-5432 Josh And S.A.M. - Thomas Newman/Various Artists
- VSD-5433 Unsung Sondheim - Stephen Sondheim
- VSD-5434 Anywhere I Wander...(Singing Frank Loesser) - Liz Callaway
- VSD-5435 M. Butterfly - Howard Shore
- VSD-5436 Airport - Alfred Newman
- VSD-5437 Toonful - Michelle Nicastro
- VSD-5438 Needful Things - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5439 Prettybelle (1993 Original Cast starring Angela Lansbury) - Bob Merrill & Jule Styne
- VSD-5440 Bring Back Birdie (1993 Original Cast) - Charles Strouse & Lee Adams
- VSD-5441 A Norman Rockwell Christmas - Pacific Chorale / All American Boys Choir
- VSD-5442 Malice - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5443 The Secret Garden - Zbigniew Preisner
- VSD-5444 The Saint Of Fort Washington - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5445 Hard Target - Graeme Revell Featuring Kodo
- VSD-5446 Rudy - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5447 Demolition Man - Elliot Goldenthal (score album)
- VSD-5448 Body Bags - John Carpenter / Jim Lang
- VSD-5449 And The Band Played On - Carter Burwell
- VSD-5450 The Real McCoy - Brad Fiedel
- VSD-5451 The Secret Garden (1993 World Premiere Cast Recording) - Alfred Shaughnessy & Sharon Burgess
- VSD-5452 Part Of Your World...(Singing Alan Menken) - Debbie Shapiro Gravitte
- VSD-5453 Sugar Babies (1993 OCR starring Mickey Rooney & Ann Miller) - Jimmy McHugh & Dorothy Fields
- VSD-5454 Farewell, My Concubine - Zhao Jiping
- VSD-5455 Once Upon A Time In China Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5456 Younger & Younger - Hans Zimmer/Alex Wurman
- VSD-5457 The Wedding Banquet - Mader
- VSD-5458 20 All-Time Movie Hits Video Hit Collection '93 - Various Artists (Colosseum Records release, not released in US)
- VSD-5458 The Good Son - Elmer Bernstein (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. Subsequently, released by Fox/Arista Records)
- VSD-5459 Wall Street / Talk Radio - Stewart Copeland (reissue)
- VSD-5460 Flesh And Bone - Thomas Newman/Various Artists
- VSD-5461 Lucky Stiff (1993 OCR) - Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
- VSD-5462 Unsung Musicals - Various Artists
- VSD-5463 Carlito's Way - Patrick Doyle (score album)
- VSD-5464 She Loves Me (1993 OCR) - Jerry Bock & Sheldon Harnick
- VSD-5465 Addams Family Values - Marc Shaiman (score album)
- VSD-5466 Timon Of Athens (1963 Original Theatrical Score) - Duke Ellington /Stanley Silverman conducts
- VSD-5467 Iron Will - Joel McNeely
- VSD-5468 On Deadly Ground - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5469 Angie - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5470 Golden Gate - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-5471 Mrs. Parker And The Vicious Circle - Mark Isham
- VSD-5472 Just In Time...(Singing Jule Styne) - Judy Kuhn
- VSD-5473 Collette Collage: 2 Musicals About Collette (1993 OCR) - Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones
- VSD-5474 I'll Do Anything - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-5474 Mother's Boys - George S. Clinton (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled)
- VSD-5475 Lost In Boston (Rejected songs from major musicals) - Various Artists
- VSD-5476 Ruthless The Musical (1993 OCR) - Joel Paley & Marvin Laird
- VSD-5477 The Hudsucker Proxy - Carter Burwell
- VSD-5478 Wipe Out: The Best Of... - The Surfaris
- VSD-5479 Being Human - Michael Gibbs
- VSD-5480 Franz Waxman: Legends Of Hollywood Volume 3 - Richard Mills conducts
- VSD-5481 The Surfing Songbook - Rincon Surfside Band
- VSD-5482 This Heart Of Mine - Mary Cleere Haran
- VSD-5483 No Escape - Graeme Revell
- VSD-5484 Lionheart - Jerry Goldsmith (condensed version of Lionheart Vol.1 & 2 albums with some music from both volumes omitted)
- VSD-5485 Lost In Boston II (More rejected songs from major musicals) - Various Artists
- VSD-5486 A Celebration Of Soul Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5487 Widow's Peak - Carl Davis
- VSD-5488 Kinky Friedman - Kinky Friedman
- VSD-5489 A Group Called Smith - Smith
- VSD-5490 From A Girl's Point Of View - Love Unlimited
- VSD-5491 Pipeline - The Chantays
- VSD-5492 I Love You - Eddie Holman
- VSD-5493 Bend Me, Shape Me: The Best Of... - The American Breed
- VSD-5494 A Celebration Of Soul Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5495 Leprechaun 2 - Jonathan Elias
- VSD-5496 The Stand - W.G. Snuffy Walden
- VSD-5497 Samson And Delilah / The Quiet Man - Victor Young
- VSD-5498 Hans Christian Andersen / The Court Jester - Danny Kaye
- VSD-5499 The Crow - Graeme Revell (score album)
- VSD-5500 A Streetcar Named Desire - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith conducts (re-recording)
- VSD-5501 The Avengers: The Television And Movie Music Of... (reissue) - Laurie Johnson
- VSD-5502 Renaissance Man - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-5503 All Rock 'N' Roll Oldies Volume One - L. A. Version (KCBS) - Various Artists
- VSD-5505 All Rock 'N' Roll Oldies Volume One - L. A. Version (WARW) - Various Artists
- VSD-5506 All Rock 'N' Roll Oldies Volume One - L. A. Version (KRRW) - Various Artists
- VSD-5510 I Love Trouble - David Newman
- VSD-5511 Where Were You When I Needed You? - The Grass Roots
- VSD-5512 The Road To Wellville - Rachel Portman/Various Artists
- VSD-5514 Ain't It The Truth 1964-1982: The Best Of... - Mary Wells
- VSD-5515 Nothing Can Stop Me: The Best Of... - Gene Chandler
- VSD-5516 A Grand Night For Singing (1994 OCR) - Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II
- VSD-5517 A Broadway Christmas - Various Artists
- VSD-5518 Two Moon Junction - Jonathan Elias
- VSD-5519 Raw Deal - Cinemascore
- VSD-5520 The Epoch Collection - Rupert Holmes
- VSD-5521 Beyond The Blue Horizon: More Of The Best Of Lou Christie - Lou Christie
- VSD-5522 More Greatest Hits - Pat Boone
- VSD-5523 Dark Moon: The Best Of... - Gale Storm
- VSD-5524 P. S. I Love You: The Best Of... - The Hilltoppers featuring Jimmy Sacca
- VSD-5525 Melody Of Love: The Best Of... - Billy Vaughn
- VSD-5526 Hearts Of Stone: The Best Of... - The Fontane Sisters
- VSD-5527 Heartbeats (1994 OCR) - Amanda McBroom
- VSD-5528 Eat Drink Man Woman - Mader
- VSD-5529 Our Private World...(Singing Betty Comden & Adolf Green) - Sally Mays
- VSD-5530 Days Of Wine & Roses: The Classic Songs Of Henry Mancini - Michael Lang
- VSD-5531 Hollywood '94 - Various Artists/ Joel McNeely conducts
- VSD-5532 Timecop - Mark Isham
- VSD-5533 Wagon's East! - Michael Small
- VSD-5534 Rhythm Of The Rain - Various Artists
- VSD-5535 Bubblegum Classics Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5536 The War Lord - Jerome Moross
- VSD-5537 Reel Imagination - Michelle Nicastro
- VSD-5538 A Simple Twist Of Fate - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5539 Laughter In The Rain: The Best Of Neil Sedaka - Neil Sedaka
- VSD-5540 The Cowboys - John Williams
- VSD-5541 The Secret Of N.I.M.H. - Jerry Goldsmith (reissue, album resequenced)
- VSD-5542 The Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public (1994 OCR) - Carol Hall
- VSD-5543 Exotica - Mychael Danna
- VSD-5544 Princess Caraboo - Richard Hartley
- VSD-5545 Widescreen - Rupert Holmes
- VSD-5546 Terminal Velocity - Joel McNeely
- VSD-5547 I Never Told You: The Songs Of Johnny Mandel - Fred Hersch
- VSD-5548 Merrily We Roll Along (1994 OCR) - Stephen Sondheim
- VSD-5549 Tuneweaver - Neil Sedaka
- VSD-5550 The Christmas Touch - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-5551 Fahrenheit 451 - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely conducts
- VSD-5552 Slow, Hot Wind - Fred Hersch / Janis Siegel
- VSD-5553 Exit To Eden - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5554 War Of The Buttons - Rachel Portman
- VSD-5555 Trapped In Paradise - Robert Folk
- VSD-5556 Passion... In Jazz - Stephen Sondheim / The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5557 Hello, Dolly! (1994 30th Anniversary OCR starring Carol Channing) - Jerry Herman
- VSD-5558 Junior - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5559 Souvenirs de Voyage / Echoes - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-5560 Street Fighter - Graeme Revell (score album)
- VSD-5561 Blood & Thunder: Hollywood's Most Famous Epics - Cliff Eidelman conducts
- VSD-5562 Sax And Violence: Music From The Dark Side Of The Screen - Various Artists
- VSD-5563 Lost In Boston III (Even more rejected songs from major musicals) - Various Artists
- VSD-5564 Unsung Musicals II - Various Artists
- VSD-5565 SeaQuest DSV - John Debney
- VSD-5566 The Best Of... - Ed Bruce
- VSD-5567 The Best Of... - Donna Fargo
- VSD-5568 The Best Of... - Joe Stampley
- VSD-5569 More Greatest Hits - Gene Pitney
- VSD-5570 Poetry In Motion: The Best Of... - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-5572 So You're The Star: The Best Of... - The Hudson Brothers
- VSD-5573 Lone Wolf McQuade - Francesco De Masi
- VSD-5574 Help Me Make It Through The Night: The Best Of... - Sammi Smith
- VSD-5575 Bubblegum Classics Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5576 The Best Of Dick & Dee Dee - Dick St. John & Dee Dee Sperling
- VSD-5577 The Best Of... - Fabian
- VSD-5578 The History Of Cadence Records Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5579 The History Of Cadence Records Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5580 Last Boogie In Paris - Johnny Rivers & His L. A. Boogie Band
- VSD-5581 Drop Zone - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-5582 Richie Rich - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5583 The Andrew Lloyd Webber Album - Laurie Beechman
- VSD-5584 This Funny World...(Singing Richard Rogers & Lorenz Hart) - Mary Cleere Haran
- VSD-5585 The Story Goes On: On & Off Broadway - Liz Callaway
- VSD-5586 Loving You...(Singing Jerry Herman) - Paige O'Hara
- VSD-5587 The Underneath - Cliff Martinez/Various Artists
- VSD-5588 Surfaris Stomp - The Surfaris
- VSD-5589 Diva By Diva: Legendary Ladies Of Broadway - Judy Kaye
- VSD-5590 Teen Suite 1958-1962: The Best Of... - Jan & Dean
- VSD-5591 Listen Listen: The Best Of... - Emitt Rhodes
- VSD-5592 Sweet And Lovely: The Best Of... - Nino Tempo & April Stevens
- VSD-5593 Das Barbecü (1995 Original Cast) - Scott Warrender / Jim Luigs
- VSD-5594 The Best Of... - Frankie Avalon
- VSD-5595 The Quick And The Dead - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5596 Just Cause - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5597 The Mystery Of Edwin Drood (1995 OCR) - Rupert Holmes
- VSD-5598 Sentimental Me: The Best Of... - Ames Brothers
- Vypuknutí VSD-5599 - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5600 Vertigo - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5601 Citizen X - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5602 Dolores Claiborne - Danny Elfman
- VSD-5603 Sweeny Todd ... In Jazz - Stephen Sondheim / The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5604 Radio Gals (1995 OCR) - Mike Craver a Mark Hardwick
- VSD-5605 Country Hits Through the Years: The 50s - Various Artists
- VSD-5606 Country Hits Through The Years: The 60s - Various Artists
- VSD-5607 Country Hits Through the Years: The 70s - Various Artists
- VSD-5608 Greatest Hits - Roy Clark
- VSD-5609 More Greatest Hits - B. J. Thomas
- VSD-5610 Blue Lady: The Nashville Sessions - Petula Clark
- VSD-5611 Jealous Kind Of Fella - Garland Breen
- Bicí VSD-5612! Bicí! A-Go-Go! - Hal Blaine
- VSD-5613 Hudba pana Spocka z vesmíru - Leonard Nimoy
- VSD-5614 Transformovaný muž - William Shatner
- VSD-5615 To nejlepší z ... - Terri Gibbs
- Hudba VSD-5616! Hudba! Hudba !: To nejlepší z ... - Teresa Brewer
- VSD-5617 More Greatest Hits - The Four Aces
- VSD-5618 Treat Her Right: The Best Of ... - Roy Head
- VSD-5619 Přijde čas - Betty Everett
- VSD-5620 Příběh lásky Pyromaniaka / Velké okamžiky v letectví / Kouř / Ethan Frome - Rachel Portman
- VSD-5621 A Hollywood Christmas - Various Artists
- VSD-5622 Shakespeare na Broadwayi - různí umělci
- VSD-5623 Nikdo není sám: Písně inspirace a naděje z Broadwaye - Laurie Beechman
- VSD-5624 Cinemotions - různí umělci
- Koncert VSD-5625 1976 v Japonsku - Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, Tommy Boyce a Bobby Hart
- VSD-5626 Miluj mě z celého srdce - Ray Charles se zpěváky Ray Charlese
- VSD-5627 Zatímco jste spali - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5628 Malá princezna - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5629 Village Of The Damned - John Carpenter / Dave Davies
- VSD-5630 Once Upon A Time In The Cinema - Ennio Morricone / Lanny Meyers diriguje
- VSD-5631 Henry, Sweet Henry (1967 OCR v hlavní roli Don Ameche) - Bob Merill
- VSD2-5632 Unsung Irving Berlin - Various Artists
- VSD-5633 Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain - Joel McNeely
- VSD-5634 Not Of This Earth!: The Film Music Of Ronald Stein - Ronald Stein
- VSD-5636 Persuasive Percussion - Terry Snyder And His All-Stars / Enoch Light
- VSD-5637 Provokativní perkuse - Příkaz All-Stars / Enoch Light
- VSD-5638 On The Waterfront: On Broadway (1995 Cast Recording) - David Amram
- VSD-5639 Jazz jde do Hollywoodu: 60. léta - různí umělci / Fred Karlin diriguje
- VSD-5640 Toonful Too - Michelle Nicastro
- VSD-5641 Voyages: The Film Music Journeys of Alan Silvestri - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5642 Kapitola 8 - Kapitola 8 s Anitou Bakerovou
- VSD-5643 Whispering Bill: The Greatest Hits Of ... - Bill Anderson
- VSD-5644 I Like Your Kind Of Love: The Cadence Sessions - Andy Williams
- VSD-5645 Legend - Tangerine Dream / Various Artists
- VSD-5646 To Die For - Danny Elfman
- VSD-5647 Anything Goes ... (Singing Cole Porter) - Rebecca Luker
- VSD-5648 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory - Basil Poledouris („After The Train Is Gone“ Účinkuje herec Steven Seagal)
- VSD-5649 Jeffery - Stephen Endelman / Various Artists
- VSD-5650 Time / Life: Lost Civilizations - Joe Delia
- VSD-5651 The Picture Bride - Cliff Eidelman (Zamítnuté skóre filmu z roku 1995 s uměleckými díly Matthewa Josepha Peak)
- VSD-5652 Dělat něco správného ... (Singing Cy Coleman) - Randy Graff
- VSD-5653 ARROW 95.7 Rock & Roll Classics - různí umělci
- VSD-5655 All Rock and Roll Oldies Vol. 2 - Různí umělci
- VSD-5656 ARROW 93,7 FM Rock & Roll Classics - různí umělci
- VSD-5658 Cliffhangers! Hudba z republikových filmů - diriguje James King
- VSD-5659 Magic In The Water - David Schwartz
- VSD-5660 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-5661 Babe - Nigel Westlake / Various Artists
- VSD-5662 The Net - Mark Isham
- VSD-5663 Náhlá smrt - John Debney
- VSD-5664 Něco k mluvení - Hans Zimmer / Graham Preskett
- VSD-5665 Ethel Merman's Broadway (1995 OCR v hlavní roli Rita McKenzie) - různí umělci
- VSD-5666 Shoot'em Ups! Hudba z republikových seriálů - diriguje James King
- VSD-5667 The Stars Fell On Henrietta - David Benoit
- VSD-5668 Spirit In The Sky: The Best Of ... - Norman Greenbaum
- VSD-5669 Zakázaný Hollywood (1995) Gerard Alessandrini
- Slova a hudba VSD-5670: To nejlepší z ... - Tommy Boyce a Bobby Hart
- VSD-5671 Hollywood '95 - různí umělci / Joel McNeely diriguje
- VSD-5672 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie - Graeme Revell (skóre album)
- Společnost VSD-5673 ... In Jazz - Stephen Sondheim / The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5674 Seřizovač / Mluvící části / Sledování rodiny - Mychael Danna
- VSD-5675 tu a tam - Cliff Eidelman (skóre album)
- VSD-5676 Broadway Bound: Noví spisovatelé pro hudební divadlo - různí umělci
- Čínská čtvrť VSD-5677 - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5678 Halloween: Prokletí Michaela Myerse - Alan Howarth
- VSD-5679 Frankie Starlight - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5680 You Are The One: The Best Of ... - The Vogues
- VSD-5682 John Travolta zpívá - John Travolta
- VSD-5683 When I Dream - Helen Reddy
- VSD-5684 Even Stevens - Ray Stevens
- VSD-5685 Guitarzan - Ray Stevens
- VSD-5686 History of Dot Records Volume One: Young Love - Various Artists
- VSD-5687 History of Dot Records Volume Two: Come Go With Me - Various Artists
- VSD-5688 John & Jen (1996 OCR) - Andrew Lippa & Tom Greenwald
- VSD-5689 Othello - Charlie Mole
- VSD-5690 The Best Of The Beatles Songbook - The Hollyride Strings
- VSD-5691 Akční sbírka Jean-Claude Van Damme - Various Artists (Colosseum Records European Release, NENÍ vydána v USA.)
- VSD-5692 Sherlock Holmes: Klasické motivy z 221 B Baker Street - diriguje Lanny Meyers
- VSD-5693 Hi-Fi hudba pro vlivné - Steve Allen
- VSD-5694 Dobrá práce, pokud ji můžete získat: To nejlepší z ... - Hi-Lo
- VSD-5695 The Sun Sessions - Charlie Rich
- VSD-5696 The Private Lives of Elizabeth And Essex - Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Carl Davis diriguje
- VSD-5697 Sugar Shack: The Best Of ... - Jimmy Gilmer And The Fireballs
- VSD-5698 sekačka na trávu Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace - Robert Folk
- Radnice VSD-5699 - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSDE-5700 Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire - Joel McNeely / John Williams (Star Wars Theme) (obsahuje vylepšený obsah CD-ROM)
- VSD-5701 It’s My Party - Basil Poledouris / Olivia Newton John
- VSD-5702 Dark Shadows: 30. výročí - Robert Colbert
- VSD-5703 On The Air: The Classic Comedy Of ... - Steve Allen
- VSD-5704 History of Challenge Records - Various Artists
- VSD-5705 Dick Bartley představuje Collector's Essentials Volume One: The 60s - Various Artists
- VSD-5706 Dick Bartley představuje Collector's Essentials Volume Two: The 70s - Various Artists
- VSD-5707 Na cestě na fórum se stala legrační věc ... In Jazz - Stephen Sondheim / The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5708 99,5 FM The Hawk: All Rock & Roll Hits - Various Artists
- Hity VSD-5709 Cinema Soundtrack - Various Artists (Colosseum Records European Release, NENÍ vydáno v USA.)
- VSD-5710 Cinema Soundtrack Classics - Various Artists (Colosseum Records European Release, NENÍ vydáno v USA.)
- VSD-5711 Nikdy nejste úplně oblečeni bez úsměvu ... (zpěv Charles Strouse) - Jason Graae
- VSD-5712 The Thorn Birds II: The Missing Years - Henry Mancini / Garry McDonald / Laurie Stone
- VSD-5713 Franz Waxman: Legends Of Hollywood Volume 4 - Richard Mills diriguje
- Výkonné rozhodnutí VSD-5714 - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5715 London Pride: Songs Of The London Stage - Twiggy
- VSD-5716 The Quest - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5717 Magic Moments: Klasické písně ... - Gerry a kardiostimulátory
- VSD-5718 Soulful Pop - různí umělci
- VSD-5719 Bubblegum Classics Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-5720 paní Winterbourne - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-5721 Drat! Kočka! (1997 OCR) - Ira Levin a Milton Schafer
- VSD-5722 The Musical Adventures of Peter Pan - Various Artists
- VSD-5723 Cool & Classic: Skvělá filmová témata 60. let - dirigent Fred Karlin
- VSD-5724 To nejlepší z ... - Bo Donaldson a Heywoods
- VSD-5725 Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes): The Voice Of ... - Tony Burrows
- VSD-5726 Wax, Board & Woodie: Surf & Hot Rod - Various Artists
- VSD-5727 Golden Summer Days: The Legendary Masked Surfers - Jan & Dean
- VSD-5728 Tales From The Crypt Presents: Bordello Of Blood - Chris Boardman (skóre album)
- VSD-5729 Bed & Sofa (1996 OCR) - Polly Pen a Laurence Klavan
- VSD-5730 ano! Dělám! (1996 OCR) - Tom Jones & Harvey Schmidt
- VSD-5731 The Beast - Don Davis
- VSD-5732 The Craft - Graeme Revell (skóre album)
- VSD-5733 This is the Way Love Goes: The Final Recordings Of ... - Lefty Frizzell
- VSD-5734 Momma, Gimme A Drink of Water - Didi Conn / Milton Schafer
- VSD-5735 The Michel Legrand Album - The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5736 The Songs Of Steven Allen - Various Artists
- VSD-5737 One More Tomorrow: The Best Of ... - Henry Gross se Shannonem
- VSD-5738 Seattle Years 1978-1984 - Iain Matthews
- VSD-5739 Midnight Mission - Carla Olson & The Textones
- VSD-5740 Cowgirls (1996 OCR) - Mary Murfitt
- VSD-5741 Album Alana Menkena - Debbie Shapiro Gravitte
- VSD-5742 Album Metro Goldwyn Meyer - Debbie Shapiro Gravitte
- VSD-5743 Under Paris Skies - Andy Williams
- VSD-5744 Možná ... Možná ne - Torsten Breuer / Max Raabe
- Řetězová reakce VSD-5746 - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5747 1966-1979: The Best Of .. - Hank Thompson
- VSD-5748 The Harper Valley P. T. A .: The Best Of ... - Jeannie C. Riley
- Kolekce VSD-5749 - Trio Chad Mitchell
- VSD-5750 Xena: Warrior Princess - Joseph Lo Duca
- VSD-5751 American Buffalo / Threesome - Thomas Newman
- VSD-5752 Romeo a Julie: Shakespearovské klasiky z jeviště a obrazovky - dirigent Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5753 Alien Trilogy - Jerry Goldsmith / James Horner / Elliot Goldenthal - Cliff Eidelman diriguje
- VSD-5754 To Kill A Mockingbird - Elmer Bernstein diriguje
- VSD-5755 Last Man Standing - Elmer Bernstein (Zamítnuté skóre za film z roku 1996 v hlavní roli s Brucem Willisem s uměleckými díly Matthewa Josepha Peak)[40]
- VSD-5756 Maximum Risk - Robert Folk
- Neprůstřelná VSD-5757 - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5758 The Chamber - Carter Burwell
- VSD-5759 Vertigo (původní filmové skladby) - diriguje Bernard Herrmann / Muir Mathieson
- VSD-5760 Cool & Classic: Skvělé filmové motivy 70. let - dirigent Fred Karlin
- Ředidlo VSD-5761 Stephen King - Daniel Licht
- VSD-5762 Star Trek: 30. narozeniny - Fred Steiner diriguje
- VSD-5763 Král a já (1996 OCR v hlavní roli Lou Diamond Phillips) - Richard Rodgers a Oscar Hammerstein II
- VSD-5764 Hollywood '96 - různí umělci / Joel McNeely diriguje
- VSD-5765 Psycho - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5766 The Batman Trilogy - Danny Elfman / Elliot Goldenthal / Neal Hefti / Joel McNeely diriguje (původní první vydání CD představovalo originální malovaná umělecká díla Matthew Joseph Peak, která byla zachována pro evropská vydání. Pozdější americké tisky obsahovaly jiný obal, který byl trochu obecnější.)
- VSD-5767 Extreme Measures - Danny Elfman
- VSD-5768 Lost In Boston IV (další písně odmítnuty z hlavních muzikálů) - Various Artists
- VSD-5769 Unsung Musicals III - Various Artists
- Hlavní vlastnosti VSD-5770 od Unsung Irving Berlin - Various Artists
- VSD-5771 Miluji tě, jsi perfektní, teď se změň! (Originální obsazení z roku 1996) - Joe Di Pietro a Jimmy Roberts
- VSD-5772 Hey, Love: The Songs Of Mary Rodgers (1997 původní obsazení v hlavní roli Faith Prince) - Various Artists
- VSD-5773 The Best Of Halloween 1-6 - John Carpenter / Alan Howarth
- VSD-5774 The Very Best Of ... - Talíře
- VSD-5775 Dolů na zem - Jimmy Buffett
- VSD-5776 High Cumberland Jubilee - Jimmy Buffett
- VSD-5777 The Very Best Of ... - Chuck Jackson
- VSD-5778 Johns - Danny Caron / Charles Brown
- VSD-5779 Set It Off - Christopher Young (skóre album)
- VSD-5780 Mother Night - Michael Convertino
- VSD-5781 The First Wives Club - Marc Shaiman (skóre album)
- VSD-5782 The Fifties Remembered: Mužský zpěvák Era - Haymes / Dale / Desmond / Cherry
- VSD-5783 The Fifties Remembered: Female Vocalist Era - Arden / Kallen / Morgan / Sims
- VSD-5784 La Paloma - Billy Vaughn
- VSD-5785 Vintage Rock - Bill Deal & The Rhondells
- VSD-5786 Pak mi můžete říct Goodbye: The Best Of ... - Kasina
- VSD-5787 Let's All Chant: The Michael Zager Dance Collection - Michael Zager
- VSD-5788 Moog: Elektrická eklektika ... - Dick Hyman
- VSD-5789 Sbírka záznamů Ernieho Kovacse - Ernie Kovacs
- VSD-5790 Cugie A-Go-Go - Xavier Cugat
- VSD-5791 Blast Off - Ferrane & Teicher
- VSD-5792 Divoká stvoření - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5793 Dante's Peak - John Frizzell / James Newton Howard (motivy)
- VSD-5794 Sketch On Star Wars - John Williams / The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5795 The Sand Pebbles - Jerry Goldsmith (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5796 Patton / Tora Tora Tora - Jerry Goldsmith (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5797 Okouzlující slečna Edie Adams - Edie Adams
- VSD-5798 Chicago ... And All That Jazz - The Brad Ellis Group
- VSD-5800 Kdo se bojí Virginie Woolfové - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith diriguje
- VSD-5801 Sunshine Days Pop 60s Classics Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5802 Sunshine Days Pop 60s Classics Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5803 Sunshine Days Pop 60s Classics Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-5804 You Gotta Have Heart ... (Singing Richard Adler) - Marlene VerPlanck
- VSD-5805 Sondheim At The Movies - různí umělci
- VSD-5806 Citizen Kane - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje
- VSD-5807 The Towering Inferno: Great Disaster Classics - chování Joel McNeely a John Debney
- VSD-5808 Absolute Power - Lennie Niehaus / Clint Eastwood
- VSD-5810 On My Own: Michelle Nicastro On Broadway - Michelle Nicastro
- VSD-5811 Unikátní originální mistři RKO - The Vagabonds
- VSD-5812 Unikátní originální RKO Masters - Harmonicats
- VSD-5813 The Very Best Of ... - B. J. Thomas
- VSD-5815 No Way To Treat A Lady (1997 OCR) - Douglas J. Cohen
- VSD-5816 Out Of Africa - John Barry / Joel McNeely diriguje
- VSD-5817 Torn Curtain - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje
- VSD-5818 Surrender (remix single) - Helen Reddy
- VSD-5819 Malá noční hudba - vystupuje Stephen Sondheim / Terry Trotter
- VSD2-5820 Sondheim, Oslava - různí umělci
- VSD-5821 Batmania: Songs Inspired By Batman - Various Artists
- VSD-5822 The Jane Morgan Collection - Jane Morgan
- VSD-5823 Kolekce Caterina Valente - Caterina Valente
- VSD-5824 Golden Age Of Lounge - Ian Whitcomb
- VSD-5825 Air Force One - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD2-5826 Cole Porter: Hudební přípitek - různí umělci
- VSD-5827 Jak čas plyne - Rudy Vallee
- Přátelské přesvědčování VSD-5828 - Dimitri Tiomkin
- VSD-5829 Buddy - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-5830 Free Willy 3: The Rescue - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5831 Kvůli tobě: Zlato 50. let ... - Jeff Harnar
- VSD-5832 1941 - John Williams
- Sopka VSD-5833 - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5834 Donnie Brasco - Patrick Doyle (skóre album)
- VSD-5835 8 hlav v tašce - Andrew Gross
- VSD-5836 Bliss - Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-5837 Play On (1997 OCR) - Duke Ellington
- VSD-5838 Nechte to na bobra - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5839 Pledging My Love - Lou Christie
- VSD-5840 The Legendary Singing Cowboy: Chapter One - Gene Autry
- VSD-5841 Gene Autry s legendárními zpívajícími skupinami Západu - Gene Autry
- VSD-5842 Greatest Hits Volume Two - Roy Clark
- VSD-5843 Whispering Bill: Greatest Hits Volume Two - Bill Anderson
- VSD-5844 Sbírka Country Hits - Ray Stevens
- VSD-5845 Sbírka Country Hits - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-5846 v rádiu: Dick Bartley představuje Collector's Essentials Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-5847 On the Radio: Dick Bartley Presents Collector's Essentials Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-5848 Planeta opic / Útěk z planety opic - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5849 Cesta do středu Země - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-5850 Duch a paní Muirová - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-5851 The Mephisto Waltz / The Other - Jerry Goldsmith
- VHV-5852 Jerry Herman's Broadway At The Hollywood Bowl - Various Artists
- VSD-5853 Wedding Bell Blues - různí umělci
- VSD-5854 To nejlepší z kabaretu - různí umělci
- VSD-5855 The Best Of The Broadway Divas - Various Artists
- VSD-5856 The Best Of Off-Broadway - Various Artists
- VSD-5857 Forever Amber - David Raksin / Alfred Newman diriguje
- VSD-5858 Prime Time Musicals - různí umělci
- VSD-5859 Příběhy z paralelního vesmíru - Marty Simon
- VSD-5860 This World, Then the Fireworks - Pete Rugolo
- VSD-5861 Terminator 2: Judgement Day - speciální edice - Brad Fiedel
- VSD-5862 Kull Dobyvatel - Joel Goldsmith
- VSD-5863 Mimic - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-5865 Science Fiction & Fantasy: TV Sound Treks - Various Artists
- VSD-5866 Singin 'And Swingin' - The Modernaires
- VSD-5867 The Gay 90s Musical (1997 OCR) - Various Artists
- VSD-5868 Lilie - Mychael Danna
- VSD-5869 Washington Square - Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-5870 Tisíc akrů - Richard Hartley
- VSD-5871 Frontiers - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5872 Live At The Village Gate - Flip Wilson
- VSD-5873 Zpěvník Burt Bacharach - Burt Bacharach
- VSD-5874 The Very Best Of ... - Johnny Bond
- VSD-5875 Popelka: Písně z klasické pohádky - různí umělci
- VSD-5876 Night Of The Hunter (1998 OCR) - Claibe Richardson a Stephen Cole
- VSD-5877 Starship Troopers - Basil Poledouris
- VSD-5878 Erock For Kids: Songs You Can't Get Out of Your Head - Erock
- VSD-5879 Erock For Kids: Songs You Can't Get Out of Your Head (Blister Pack) - Erock
- VSD-5880 Ragtime: Themes From The Hit Musical - Brad Ellis
- VSD-5881 Classic TV Game Show Themes - Various Artists
- VSD-5882 It Came From Outer Space: Alien Songbook - Various Artists
- VSD-5883 Xena: Warrior Princess Volume 2 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-5884 Hercules: The Legenadary Journeys Volume 2 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-5885 L.A. Confidential - Jerry Goldsmith (skóre album)
- VSD-5886 Muž, který věděl příliš málo - Christopher Young
- VSD-5887 Mad City - Thomas Newman
- VSD-5888 The Paul Simon Album - Various Artists
- VSD-5889 The Burt Bacharach Album - Various Artists
- VSD-5890 Bubblegum Classics Volume 4: Soulful Pop - Various Artists
- VSD-5891 Pro bohatší nebo chudší - Randy Edelman
- VSD-5892 Mouse Hunt - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-5893 Shiloh - Joel Goldsmith
- Písně VSD-5894 ze stříbrného plátna - Judy Kaye
- VSD-5895 The Winter Guest - Michael Kamen
- VSD-5896 Bubblegum Classics Volume 5: The Voice Of Tony Burrows - Various Artists
- VSD-5897 You Turn Me On: The Best Of ... - Ian Whitcomb
- VSD-5898 Live At Caesars Palace - Tom Jones
- VSD-5899 Live At The Riviera, Las Vegas - Engelbert Humperdinck
- VSD-5900 Viva Zapata! - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5901 Agony And The Ecstasy - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith diriguje
- VSD-5902 Sedaka's Back - Neil Sedaka
- VSD-5903 Inspirativní kolekce - Pat Boone
- VSD-5904 Inspirativní sbírka - B. J. Thomas
- VSD-5905 Louie, Louie: The Very Best Of ... - The Kingsmen
- VSD-5906 Bůh, láska a rock & roll - různí umělci
- VSD-5907 Kolekce Della Reese - Della Reese
- VSD-5908 The Roger Williams Collection - Roger Williams
- VSD-5909 Zpívající kovboj: Kapitola druhá - Gene Autry
- VSD-5910 Gene Autry And His Little Darlin 'Mary Lee - Gene Autry & Mary Lee
- VSD-5911 Somewhere In Time - John Barry / John Debney diriguje
- VSD-5912 Neexistuje žádný obchod jako show business - Irving Berlin / Alfred Newman
- VSD-5913 Sphere - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-5914 US Marshals - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5915 The Replacement Killers - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-5916 The Irish ... And How They Got That Way (1998 Original Cast) - Various Artists
- VSD2-5917 Lerner, Loewe, Lane & Friends: 14th Annual S. T. A. G. E. Benefit - Various Artists
- VSD-5918 Xena: Warrior Princess Volume 3: The Bitter Suite - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-5919 Kolekce Ferrante & Teicher - Ferrante & Teicher
- VSD-5920 Godzilla: 50 Years Of Themes - Randy Miller diriguje
- VSD-5921 Moby Dick - Christopher Gordon
- VSD-5922 Kissing A Fool - Joseph Vitarelli / Various Artists
- VSD-5923 Broadway's Biggest '97 -'98 - Various Artists
- VSD-5924 Divoké věci - George S. Clinton
- VSD-5925 Mercury Rising - John Barry
- VSD-5926 Titanic: The Ultimate Collection - Various Artists / Randy Miller diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5927 Drop Down and Get Me - Del Shannon
- VSD-5928 The Very Best Of ... - Jimmy Wakely
- VSD-5929 Merlin - Trevor Jones
- VSD-5930 To nejlepší z ... - Al Hibbler
- VSD-5931 Zpěvník Les Brown - Less Brown
- VSD-5932 Sunshine Days: Pop 60s Classics Volume 4 - Various Artists
- VSD-5933 Sunshine Days: Pop 60s Classics Volume 5 - Various Artists
- VSD-5934 Follies: Themes from the Legendary Musical - The Trotter Trio
- VSD-5935 In Like Flint / Our Man Flint - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-5936 Paulie - John Debney / Various Artists
- VSD-5937 Music from the Golden Age: Classic 20th Century Fox Films - Various Artists
- VSD-5938 The Very Best Of ... - Gary U. S. Bonds
- VSD-5939 Color, Rhythm & Magic: Classic Disney Instrumentals - Earl Rose
- VSD-5940 Midway - John Williams / Richard Wentworth diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5941 Amazing Stories - John Williams / Georges Delerue / John Debney diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5942 Othello (skóre baletu 1998) - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-5943 Titanic: Klasické skóre filmu Jamese Hornera - James Horner / John Debney kond. (opětovné nahrávání sady „Titanic“)
- VSD-5944 Sám společně - Linda Purl
- VSD-5945 Cabaret: Themes From The Hit Musical - John Kander & Fred Ebb / The Brad Ellis Little Big Band
- VSD-5946 Perfektní vražda - James Newton Howard
- VSD-5947 Beyond The Blue Horizon - Lou Christie
- VHV-5947 Rock 'N' Roll Legends Live - Various Artists
- VSD-5948 Hladová léta - Neil Sedaka
- VSD-5949 Battlestar Galactica - Stu Phillips (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5950 Back To The Future Trilogy - Alan Silvestri / John Debney diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5951 Body Heat - John Barry / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5952 Steppin 'Out - Neil Sedaka
- VSD-5953 The Clique - The Clique
- Draci VSD-5954 jsou zábavné: to nejlepší z ... - bezplatný design
- VSD-5955 Barry Scott uvádí ztracené 45. roky 70. a 80. let - různí umělci
- VSD-5956 Příběh lásky na Broadwayi - Christiane Noll
- VSD-5957 Hit TV: Nejlepší témata televize - různí umělci
- Duety VSD-5958 - Emily Skinner a Alice Ripley
- VSD-5959 Scream / Scream 2 - Marco Beltrami (skóre album)
- VSD-5961 7. Voyage Of Sinbad - Bernard Herrmann / John Debney diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5962 Center Stage - Helen Reddy
- VSD-5963 Malí vojáci - Jerry Goldsmith (skóre album)
- VSD-5964 Návrat do ráje - Mark Mancina
- VSD-5965 Titanic Tunes: A Sing-A-Long In Steerage - Ian Whitcomb & The Musical Murrays
- VSD-5966 Songs From The Titanic Era - Ian Whitcomb & The New White Star Orchestra
- Saténové listy VSD-5967: Největší hity ... - Jeanne Pruett
- VSD-5968 The Very Best Of ... - Tommy Overstreet
- VSD-5969 Monster Mania: The Classic Music From Godzilla Movies - Randy Miller diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5970 Halloween: 20. výroční vydání - John Carpenter
- VSD-5971 Potíž s Harrym - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5972 One True Thing - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-5973 On The Radio: Dick Bartley Presents Collector's Essentials Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-5974 On the Radio: Dick Bartley Presents Collector's Essentials Volume Four - Various Artists
- Videodrom VSD-5975 - Howard Shore
- VSD-5976 Blade - Mark Isham (skóre album)
- VSD-5977 Ronin - Elia Cmeral
- VSD-5978 zde pro vás - Petula Clarková
- VSD-5979 To neznamená věc, pokud to nemá tu houpačku - Buddy Bregman Band
- Zaoblovače VSD-5980 - Christopher Young
- VSD2-5981 Superman The Movie - John Williams / John Debney diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD2-5982 The English Patient And Other Arthouse klasics - Gabriel Yared / David Hirschfelder / Wojeich Kilar / John Debney diriguje, Lydia Cochrane (sólový klavír)
- VSD-5983 Young Hercules - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-5984 Softly As I Leave You - Roger Williams
- Voják VSD-5985 - Joel McNeely
- VSD-5986 Portrét teroru - John Ottman / John Carpenter („Theme from Halloween“) (Zamítnuto zaznamenat film z roku 1998 „Halloween H2O: o dvacet let později“)[41]
- VSD-5987 Další písně ze zpěvníku Burta Bacharacha - různí umělci
- VSD-5988 Pleasantville - Randy Newman (skóre album)
- VSD-5989 The Siege - Graeme Revell
- VSD-5990 20 Největší filmový hit - Gene Autry
- VSD-5991 Love Songs - Gene Autry
- VSD-5992 Dick Bartley představuje největší rockové a milostné písně různých umělců
- VSD-5993 Here For You (Special Sunset Blvd. Tour Edition) - Petula Clark
- VSD-5994 Laso z El Pasa - Kinky Friedman
- VSD-5995 Live At The Hotel Seville - The Lovin 'Spoonful
- VSD-5996 The Magic Circle - The Mamas & The Papas
- VSD-5997 The Very Best Of ... - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-5998 Superman: The Ultimate Collection - Various Artists / Randy Miller diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-5999 As Thousands Cheer (1999 Original Cast Recording) - Irving Berlin
- VSD-6001 In Dreams - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-6002 25 všech dob největší hity - Gene Pitney
- VSD-6003 Payback - Chris Boardman / Various Artists
- VSD-6004 Swingin 'The Standards - Bobby Darin
- Regenerace VSD-6005 - Mychael Danna
- VSD-6006 To nejlepší z dřevěných niklových let (1971–1973) - Siegel-Schwall Band
- VSD-6007 If I Were A Carpenter: 1966-1969 The Very Best Of ... - Bobby Darin
- VSD-6008 Objevy představuje stereofonní oldies - různí umělci
- VSD-6009 Objevy představuje klasické instrumentální oldies - různí umělci
- VSD-6010 Grass Harp (1999 OCR) - Claibe Richardson a Kenward Elmslie
- VSD-6011 Little Me (1999 OCR) - Cy Coleman & Carolyn Leigh
- VSD-6012 The Sondheim Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6013 Jawbreaker - Stephen Endelman (skóre album)
- VSD-6014 The Corruptor - Carter Burwell (skóre album)
- VSD-6015 You've Got Mail - George Fenton (skóre album)
- VSD-6016 Analyze This - Howard Shore / Various Artists (oznámeno, přiděleno katalogové číslo a zrušeno)
- VSD-6017 The West Coast East Side Sound Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-6018 The West Coast East Side Sound Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-6019 The West Coast East Side Sound Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-6020 The West Coast East Side Sound Volume Four - Various Artists
- VSD-6021 Alenka v říši divů - Richard Hartley
- VSD-6022 Dobrá věc - Jerry McCain
- VSD-6023 I Believe in Music - Wayne Newton
- VSD-6024 Malý po malém (1999 OCR) - Brad Ross, Ellen Greenfield a Hall Hackady
- VSD2-6025 Píseň o Bernadetě - Alfred Newman
- VSD-6026 The Matrix - Don Davis (skóre album)
- VSD-6027 Noemova archa - Paul Grabowsky
- VSD-6028 16 největších hitů - Susan Raye
- VSD-6029 25 Největší hity všech dob - Shirelles
- VSD-6030 Trojan Songs: The Very Best Of ... - Tom Fogerty
- VSD-6031 Xena: Warrior Princess Volume 4 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-6032 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Volume 3 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-6033 Cinema Romance - Omoté-Sando
- VSD-6034 Here Comes Santa Claus - Gene Autry
- VSD-6035 Happy Together: The Very Best of White Whale Records - Various Artists
- VSD-6036 All Strung Out - Nino Tempo & April Stevens
- VSD-6037 To nejlepší z ... - Blues Band
- VSD-6038 13. válečník - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6039 I Paralyze - Cher
- VSD-6040 Bowfinger - David Newman / Various Artists
- Instinkt VSD-6041 - Danny Elfman
- VSD-6042 Wild Wild West - Elmer Bernstein / Peter Bernstein (skóre album)
- VSD-6043 The Minus Man - Marco Beltrami / Various Artists
- VSD-6044 Album Kander & Ebb - Brent Barrett
- VSD-6045 Album Stephena Schwartze - různí umělci
- VSD-6046 Out At The Movies - Various Artists
- VSD-6047 Velcí skladatelé - John Williams
- VSD-6048 Sun Records představuje 25 největších hitů všech dob - různí umělci
- VSD-6049 Klavírní kvintet / Smyčcový kvartet č. 2 - Erich Wolfgang Korngold
- VSD-6050 Lo Mucho Que Te Quiero - Rene & Rene
- VSD-6051 The Ellington Legacy - Duke Ellington
- VSD-6052 Tender Is The Night / A Hatful of Rain / The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-6053 Garden Of Evil / Prince of Player / King Of The Khyber Rifles - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-6054 The Haunting - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6055 Lake Placid - John Ottman
- VSD-6056 The Complete Original Sun Singles - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6057 The First Time Live, A Long Time Ago At Washington University, Missouri 1962 - The Dillards
- VSD-6058 Matters Of The Heart - Patti LuPone
- VSD-6059 You Go-Go Girl - Nancy Sinatra
- VSD-6060 Muppets From Space - Jamsheid Sharifi (skóre album)
- VSD-6061 Šestý smysl - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6062 The Iron Giant - Michael Kamen (skóre album)
- VSD-6063 Deep Blue Sea - Trevor Rabin (skóre album)
- VSD-6064 Teaching Mrs. Tingle - John Frizzell (skóre album)
- VSD-6065 Frank Guida představuje If You Wanna Be Happy: The Best Of The Norfolk Sound - Various Artists
- VSD-6066 Dark Shadows - Robert Cobert
- VSD-6067 Live In Concert - Freda Payne
- VSD-6068 Universal Soldier: The Return - Don Davis (skóre album)
- VSD-6069 Cesta do středu Země - Bruce Rowland
- VSD-6070 Peyton Place - Franz Waxman / Frederic Talgorn diriguje
- VSD-6071 Vánoční koleda - Stephen Warbeck
- VSD-6072 In Too Deep - Christopher Young (skóre album)
- VSD-6073 Bacharach: The Instrumental Side - Various Artists
- VSD-6074 Nic netušící srdce - Emily Skinnerová a Alice Ripleyová
- VSD-6075 After The Fair (1999 OCR) - Matthew Ward a Stephen Cole
- VSD-6076 Hodina příběhu - Sally Mayes
- VSD-6077 Velcí skladatelé - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-6078 Jaws - John Williams / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-6079 16 největších hitů - The Kendalls
- VSD-6080 Kimberly - Basil Poledouris
- Farma zvířat VSD-6082 - Richard Hartley
- VSD-6083 If Love Were All (1999 OCR) - Twiggy & Harry Groewer / Noël Coward
- VSD-6084 Born Free - John Barry / Frederic Talgorn diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-6085 Surfin '- The Beach Boys
- VSD-6086 The Phantom Menace And Other Movie Hits - Various Artists / Frederic Talgorn diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD2-6087 The Twilight Zone - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-6088 Dům na strašidelném kopci - Don Davis
- VSD-6089 Rose Of Washington Square - Al Jolson a Alice Faye
- Státní veletrh VSD-6090 (1945 a 1962) - Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II / Alfred Newman diriguje
- VSD-6091 Anna a král Siamu - Bernard Herrmann
- VSD-6092 For The Love Of The Game - Basil Poledouris (skóre album)
- VSD-6093 The Adventures of Superman: Music from the 50s TV Series - Various Artists
- VSD-6094 Marnie - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-6095 Horečka sobotní noci: Témata z muzikálu Hit - Grant Geissman
- VSD-6096 oddaný vám ... Milostné písně - Everly Brothers
- VSD-6097 25 největších nahrávek všech dob - Chordettes
- VSD-6098 The Very Best Of ... - Chad & Jeremy
- VSD-6099 End Of Days - John Debney (skóre album)
- VSD-6101 25 největších hitů všech dob - Joe Tex
- VSD-6102 The Best Of The 50s Masters (1957–1959) - Billy Ward & His Dominoes
- VSD-6103 Shake It Up, Baby - The Isley Brothers
- VSD-6104 Greatesr Hits Volume One - B. J. Thomas
- VSD-6105 Tighter, Tighter - Tommy James
- VSD-6106 My Dog Skip - William Ross
- VSD-6107 Diamonds - Joel Goldsmith
- VSD-6108 This Is El Chicano - El Chicano
- VSD-6109 Ohřátý - konzervované teplo
- VSD-6110 Dick Bartley Presents: The Greatest All-Girl Groups - Various Artists
- VSD-6111 Palisades Park: The Best Of The Swan Recordings - Freddy Cannon
- VSD-6112 Barry Scott Presents: Lost 45s Of The 70s & 80s Volume 2 - Various Artists
- VSD-6113 25 největších hitů všech dob - Champs
- VSD-6114 The Whole Nine Yards - Randy Edelman / Various Artists
- VSD-6115 10. království - Anne Dudley
- VSD-6116 Scream 3 - Marco Beltrami (skóre album)
- VSD-6117 Warmth Of The Sun: Music Inspired by The Beach Boys - Various Artists
- VSD-6118 The Very Best Of ... - Claudine Longet
- VSD-6119 Lonely Street - Andy Williams
- VSD-6120 Hanging Up - David Hirschfelder / Various Artists
- VSD-6121 & The Strawberry Point 4th Grade Class - Miss Abrams
- VSD-6122 Swinging With The Duke - Duke Ellington
- VSD-6123 Blues And Ballads - Duke Ellington
- VSD-6124 Movie Memories: A Golden Age Revisited - Various Artists / Richard Kaufman diriguje (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-6125 Hamlet - Carter Burwell (skóre album)
- VSD-6126 Wonder Boys - Christopher Young (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. A promo was produced and released)
- VSD-6128 Up At The Villa - Pino Donaggio
- VSD-6129 25 All-Time Greatest Sun Records Hits - Jerry Lee Lewis
- VSD-6130 The Complete Sun Singles - Carl Perkins
- VSD-6131 The Very Best Of... - Bobby Sherman
- VSD-6132 25 All-Time Greatest Bubblegum Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6133 Paleophonic - Rubinoos
- VSD-6134 The Very Best Of... - Jimmy Wakely
- VSD-6135 The Very Best Of... - Tex Ritter
- VSD-6136 The Very Best Of... - Eddie Dean
- VSD-6137 The Very Best Of... - Tex Williams
- VSD-6138 The Very Best Of... - Noel Boggs
- VSD-6139 Christmas Collection - Jimmy Wakely
- VSD-6140 The Big Kahuna - Christopher Young/Various Artists
- VSD-6141 Arabian Nights - Richard Harvey
- VSD-6142 Don Quixote - Richard Hartley
- VSD-6143 I Dreamed Of Africa - Maurice Jarre
- VSD-6144 Battlefield Earth - Elia Cmiral
- VSD-6145 Xena: Warrior Princess Volume 5: Lyre, Lyre, Hearts On Fire - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-6146 Screen Magic - Songs From Animated Film Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6147 Rockin' - The Crickets
- VSD-6148 25-All Time Greatest Summer Songs - Various Artists
- VSD-6149 Sons Of The Beaches - Flash Cadillac And The Continental Kids
- VSD-6150 Last Kiss: Songs Of Teen Tragedy - Various Artists
- VSD-6151 28 Days - Richard Gibbs/Various Artists
- VSD-6152 Running Free - Nicola Piovani
- VSD-6153 On The Beach - Christopher Gordon
- VSD-6154 Shanghai Noon - Randy Edelman
- VSD-6155 First Blood - Jerry Goldsmith (Reissue of Intrada Records release)
- VSD-6156 The Night Stalker & Other Classic Themes - Robert Cobert
- VSD-6157 Child Of Our Times: The Trousdale Demo Sessions - P. F. Sloan
- VSD-6158 The Sound Of Music - Ferrante & Teicher
- VSD-6159 The Best of TV Quiz & Game Show Themes - Various Artists
- VSD-6160 Rebecca - Franz Waxman / Joel McNeely conducts
- VSD-6161 Last Of The Mohicans - Trevor Jones / Randy Edelman / Joel McNeely conducts (re-recording)
- VSD-6162 The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely conducts (re-recording)
- VSD-6163 The Ultimate Star Trek - Various Artists/Jerry Goldsmith, Cliff Eidelman & Frederic Talgorn conduct (re-recording)
- VSD-6164 20 Number One Hits - Merle Haggard
- VSD-6165 25 All-Time Greatest 4-Star Recordings - Patsy Cline
- VSD-6166 The Gene Autry Show Volume 1 - Gene Autry
- VSD-6167 The Gene Autry Show Volume 2 - Gene Autry
- VSD-6168 The Gene Autry Show Volume 3 - Gene Autry
- VSD-6169 You Know Me - Jackie DeShannon
- VSD-6170 Dragon Heart: A New Beginning - Mark McKenzie/Randy Edelman (Theme from Dragonheart)
- VSD-6171 Hollow Man - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6172 What Lies Beneath - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-6173 Lover's Prayer - Joel McNeely
- VSD-6174 The Doo-Wop Sound: Street Corner Harmony Volume 1 - Various Artists
- VSD-6175 The Doo-Wop Sound: Street Corner Harmony Volume 2 - Various Artists
- VSD-6176 Bali - Wondermints
- VSD-6177 Steal This Movie - Mader (score album)
- VSD-6178 Live At The Kalidescope 1969 - Canned Heat
- VSD-6179 Urban Legends: Final Cut - John Ottman (also directed and co-edited the film)
- VSD-6180 The Replacements - John Debney/Various Artists
- VSD-6181 The Watcher - Marco Beltrami (Hidden Bonus Track Included)
- VSD-6182 Gone In 60 Seconds - Trevor Rabin (score album)
- VSD-6183 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Volume 4 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-6184 Nurse Betty - Rolfe Kent/Various Artists
- VSD-6185 On The Radio: Collectors Essentials Volume 5 - Dick Bartley presents
- VSD-6186 On The Radio: Collectors Essentials Volume 6 - Dick Bartley presents
- VSD-6187 All The Love - Fran Jeffries
- VSD-6188 Latin Broadway - Various Artists
- VSD-6189 Rita Moreno - Rita Moreno
- VSD-6190 The Gene Autry Show - Gene Autry
- VSD-6191 Lost Souls - Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-6192 Ban This! Live From Cavestomp - The Standells
- VSD-6193 Let's Start A Beat! Live From Cavestomp - The Monks
- VSD-6194 Bounce - Mychael Danna (score album)
- VSD-6195 Pay It Forward - Thomas Newman
- VSD-6196 The 6th Day - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6197 Total Recall: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith (Hidden Bonus Track included on Album: The Rekall Theme Song)
- VSD-6198 Love Decides - Jane Oliver
- VSD-6199 The Home Recordings - Johnny Bond
- VSD-6200 Cruel Intentions (rejected score) and Selected Suites & Themes - John Ottman
- VSD-6201 Mech Warrior 4: Vengeance - Duane Decker
- VSD-6202 An Everlasting Piece - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-6203 Legend: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. Reissued by Silva Screen Records)
- VSD-6204 20 Greatest Songs - Roy Acuff
- VSD-6205 20 Greatest Songs - Don Gibson
- VSD-6206 There Goes The Neighborhood - The Dillard/Haynes Band
- VSD-6207 Vertical Limit - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6208 Proof Of Life - Danny Elfman
- VSD-6209 Have A Heart: The Love Songs Collection - B. J. Thomas
- VSD-6210 25-All Time Greatest Hits - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-6211 All-Time Greatest Hits (Ray Stevens album)|All Time Greatest Hits - Ray Stevens
- VSD-6212 Philadelphia USA - Various Artists
- VSD-6213 Cast Away: The Films Of Robert Zemeckis - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-6214 Roads Less Travelled - Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Two
- VSD-6215 Echoes Of The Stanley Brothers - Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys
- VSD-6216 This Love Is For Real - Brenton Wood
- VSD-6217 The Complete Cadence Recordings (1957–1960) - The Everly Brothers
- VSD-6218 Beatles Classics - Enoch Light
- VSD-6219 Then: Totally Oldies Volume One - Various Artists
- VSD-6220 One Night - Susan Anton
- VSD-6221 Best Foot Forward (1963 Original Cast Recording) - Hugh Martin & Ralph Blant
- VSD-6222 Live At Symphony Hall, Boston, Massachusetts - Tom Rush
- VSD2-6223 Great Composers - Georges Delerue
- VSD2-6224 Cleopatra - Alex North
- VSD2-6225 In Sessions: A Film Music Celebration - Various Artists (re-recording)
- VSD-6226 The Dish - Edmund Choi/Various Artists
- VSD-6227 Monkeybone - Anne Dudley
- VSD-6228 You Were On My Mind: The Very Best Of... - Sylvia Tyson
- VSD-6229 Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum
- VSD-6230 Waiting For A Song - Denny Doherty
- VSD-6231 1958-1962: The Very Best Of... - Wynn Stewart
- VSD-6232 The Sun Sessions - Ike Turner & The Kings Of Rhythm
- VSD-6233 The Complete Sun Sessions - Roy Orbison
- VSD-6234 Then: Totally Oldies Volume Two - Various Artists
- VSD-6235 Best Of The Boston Sound - Various Artists
- VSD-6236 The Very Best Of... - Orpheus
- VSD-6237 The Very Best Of... - Ultimate Spinach
- VSD-6238 Along Came A Spider - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6239 Just Visiting - John Powell
- VSD-6240 Boy Singer - Peter Marshall
- VSD-6241 Aliens: The Deluxe Edition - James Horner
- VSD-6242 The Very Best Of... - Johnny And The Hurricanes
- VSD-6243 The Tailor Of Panama - Shaun Davey
- VSD-6244 "O" - Jeff Danna (score album)
- VSD-6245 Pavilion Of Women - Conrad Pope
- VSD-6246 The Girl Group Sound: 25 All-Time Greatest From Red Bird Records - Various Artists
- VSD-6247 Downhearted Blues: Live At The Cookery - Alberta Hunter
- VSD-6248 20 All-Time Greatest Hits - Johnny Maestro & The Crests
- VSD-6249 The Best Of... - Bobby Day
- VSD-6250 Never My Love: The Lost Album Sessions - The Addrisi Brothers
- VSD-6251 Wow & Flutter - Kyle Vincent
- VSD-6252 20 Classics - Conway Twitty
- VSD-6253 To You Sweetheart, Aloha - Andy Williams
- VSD-6254 Sun Records: 25 Blues Classics - Various Artists
- VSD2-6255 Xena: Warrior Princess Volume 6 - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-6256 Evolution - John Powell
- VSD-6257 Sordid Lives - George S. Clinton / Olivia Newton-John
- VSD-6258 Meisner, Swan & Rich Jr. - Meisner, Swan & Rich Jr.
- VSD-6259 Greatest Hits Live - Vancouver 1986 - Donovan
- VSD-6260 Live Anthology 1965-1968 - The Spencer Davis Group
- VSD-6261 Denizens Of The Deep - Ferrante & Teicher
- VSD-6262 A Lot Of Things Different - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6263 96 Tears: The Very Best Of... - Question Mark & The Mysterians
- VSD-6264 Out Of This World - Live At The Bitter End - Kenny Vance & The Planotones
- VSD-6265 Remember Pearl Harbor: Songs That Won Pearl Harbor - Various Artists
- VSD-6266 The Mists Of Avalon - Lee Holdridge
- VSD-6267 The Score - Howard Shore
- VSD-6268 Sister Mary Explains It All / Lovesick / The Manhattan Project - Philippe Sarde
- VSD-6269 The Rockets - The Rockets
- VSD-6270 25 All-Time Greatest Hits - Del Shannon
- VSD-6271 The Western Collection: 25 Cowboy Classics - Gene Autry
- VSD-6272 Goin' Back To Texas: 25 Texas Classics - Gene Autry
- VSD-6273 Greatest Hits - Dorothy Moore
- VSD-6274 All-Time Greatest Hits - Kris Kristofferson
- VSD-6275 The Ventures Play The Greatest Surf Hits Of All Time - The Ventures
- VSD-6276 American Outlaws - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6277 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back - James L. Venable (score album)
- VSD-6278 Cats & Dogs - John Debney
- VSD-6279 Rush Hour 2 - Lalo Schifrin (score album)
- VSD-6280 Baby Boy - David Arnold (score album)
- VSD-6281 When Good Ghouls Go Bad - Christopher Gordon
- VSD-6282 The Glass House - Christopher Young
- VSD-6283 Bubble Boy - John Ottman
- VSD-6284 Incurably Romantic - Toni Tennille
- VSD-6285 Songs Of The Season - Jane Olivor
- VSD-6286 John Carpenter's Ghosts Of Mars - John Carpenter
- VSD-6287 The Mole - David Michael Frank
- VSD-6288 The Omen: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6289 The Final Conflict: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6290 Joy Ride - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6291 Don't Say A Word - Mark Isham
- VSD-6292 Collateral Damage - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6293 I'll Be Home For Christmas - Various Artists
- VSD-6294 Christmas Jump & Jive - Various Artists
- VSD-6295 Alleluia - Benedictine Monks Of St. Michael's
- VSD-6296 From Hell - Trevor Jones/Marilyn Manson
- VSD-6297 Life As A House - Mark Isham
- VSD-6298 Thirteen Ghosts - John Frizzell
- VSD-6299 Heart & Soul - Dusty Springfield
- VSD-6300 Love Songs - Patsy Cline
- VSD-6301 Heart & Soul Guitar - Tony Mottola
- VSD-6302 You Belong To My Heart - Engelbert Humperdinck
- VSD-6303 25 All-Time Greatest Hits: 1956-1961 The Cadence Years - Andy Williams
- VSD-6304 25 All-Time Greatest Hits - Frankie Avalon
- VSD-6305 A Sign Of The Times - Petula Clark
- VSD-6306 The Diamond Collection - Marilyn Monroe
- VSD-6307 Black Knight - Randy Edelman
- VSD-6308 Shrek - Harry Gregson-Williams / John Powell (score album)
- VSD-6309 Damien: Omen II: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6310 The One - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6311 Come To My Garden - Minnie Riperton
- VSD-6312 America Forever - Ferrante & Teicher
- VSD-6313 Domestic Disturbance - Mark Mancina
- VSD-6314 The Day The Earth Stood Still - Bernard Herrmann / Joel Mcneely conducts (re-recording)
- VSD-6315 The Billy Vaughn Collection - Billy Vaughn
- VSD-6316 Sunset Boulevard - Franz Waxman / Joel McNeely conducts (re-recording)
- VSD-6317 I Am Sam - John Powell (score album)
- VSD-6318 The Affair Of The Necklace - David Newman
- VSD-6319 In The Bedroom - Thomas Newman
- VSD-6320 Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius - John Debney (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled)
- VSD-6321 Mountain Breakdown: The Bluegrass Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6322 The Best Of... - The McCormick Brothers
- VSD-6323 The Very Best Of... - Wilma Lee Cooper & Stoney
- VSD-6324 Then: Totally Oldies Volume Three - Various Artists
- VSD-6326 The Very Best Of... - Arthur Lyman
- VSD-6327 Her Very Best - Gogi Grant
- VSD-6328 Live In Las Vegas - Paul Anka
- VSD-6329 25 All-Time Greatest Novelty Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6330 Last Orders - Paul Grabowsky
- VSD-6331 Harrison's Flowers - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-6332 Essential Sun Singles - Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Two
- VSD-6333 25 Hits From The British Invasion - Various Artists
- VSD-6334 American Roots Of The British Invasion - Various Artists
- VSD-6335 Original Hit Recordings: The Very Best Of... - The Bachelors
- VSD-6336 Green Dragon - Mychael & Jeff Danna
- VSD-6337 The Time Machine - Klaus Badelt
- VSD-6338 Dragonfly - John Debney
- VSD-6339 25 All-Time Greatest Doo-Wop Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6340 At This Moment - Billy Vera & The Beaters
- VSD-6341 Where The Action Is (1964–1981): The Very Best Of... - Freddy Cannon
- VSD-6342 Roger Miller Classics - Roger Miller
- VSD-6343 The Very Best Of... - Jeannie C. Riley
- VSD-6344 Live In San Francisco 1966 - Big Brother & The Holding Company
- VSD-6345 Don't Forget To Boogie: Vintage Heat - Canned Heat
- VSD-6346 Panic Room - Howard Shore
- VSD-6347 Greatest Hits - Doug & Rusty Kershaw
- VSD-6348 Gail Davies - Gail Davies
- VSD-6349 Legendary Masked Surfer: The Dean Torrence Anthology - Dean Torrence
- VSD-6350 Andy & David - The Williams Brothers
- VSD-6351 The Salton Sea - Thomas Newman
- VSD-6352 Dinotopia - Trevor Jones (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. Released on CMP Recordings)
- VSD-6353 Changing Lanes - David Arnold
- VSD-6354 Rollerball - André Previn/Various Artists
- VSD-6355 Jason X - Harry Manfredini
- VSD-6356 Unfaithful - Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-6357 Insomnia - David Julyan
- VSD-6358 Ice Age - David Newman
- VSD-6359 Anthology 1953-1961 - Little Milton
- VSD-6361 All-Time Greatest Hits - The Duprees
- VSD-6362 The Very Best Of... - Olympics
- VSD-6363 A Tribute To The King - Ronnie McDowell
- VSD-6364 Totally Classic Country - Various Artists
- VSD-6365 Blade II - Marco Beltrami (score album)
- VSD-6366 Enough - David Arnold
- VSD-6367 The Bourne Identity - John Powell
- VSD-6368 The Scorpion King - John Debney (score album)
- VSD-6369 Johnny Cash With His Hot And Blue Guitar - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6370 The Very Best Of... - Merle Travis
- VSD-6371 The Singing Cowboy - Jimmy Wakely
- VSD-6372 Country Pioneer - Rusty Richards
- VSD-6373 The Singing Cowboys Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6374 Reign Of Fire - Edward Shearmur
- VSD-6375 The Complete Red Bird Recordings - The Dixie Cups
- VSD-6376 Tracey Takes On The Hits - Tracey Ullman
- VSD-6377 Collection - The Irish Rovers
- VSD-6378 25 All-Time Greatest Hits - Maxine Brown
- VSD-6379 Halloween: Resurrection - Danny Lux
- VSD-6380 Eight Legged Freaks - John Ottman
- VSD-6381 Sun Records: 25 Red-Hot Rockabilly Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6382 The Sun Songbook - Various Artists
- VSD-6383 Sun Records: 25 More Blues Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6384 The Rockin' Blues: 25 Great Sun Recordings - Jerry Lee Lewis
- VSD-6385 I'm Gonna Shake It: The Sun Recordings - Rosco Gordon
- VSD3-6386 Sun Records: 50th Anniversary Box - Various Artists
- VSD-6387 Simone - Carter Burwell
- VSD-6388 Fear Dot Com - Nicholas Pike
- VSD-6389 All Time Greatest Hits Live... - Tommy James & The Shondells
- VSD-6390 Play The Instrumental Hits - The Ventures
- VSD-6391 12 Classics - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6392 12 Classlcs - Duke Ellington
- VSD-6393 12 Hits - The Everly Brothers
- VSD-6394 12 Hits - The Kendalls
- VSD-6395 12 Hits - Ray Stevens
- VSD-6396 12 Hits - Joe Tex
- VSD-6397 12 Hits Of The 60s Volume 1 - Various Artists
- VSD-6398 12 Hits Of The 60s Volume 2 - Various Artists
- VSD-6399 Great Science Fiction Blockbusters - Various Artists
- VSD-6400 Great Movie Love Themes - Various Artists
- VSD-6401 Christmas Joy - The Ventures
- VSD-6402 City By The Sea - John Murphy/Various Artists
- VSD-6403 An Irish Christmas - The Irish Rovers
- VSD-6404 Winter Wonderland - Various Artists
- VSD-6405 Santa's Greatest Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6406 Holiday Magic - Beautiful Music For Christmas - Various Artists
- VSD-6407 Then: Totally Oldies Volume Four - Various Artists
- VSD-6408 The Cowboy Is A Patriot - Gene Autry
- VSD-6409 Casino Royale - Burt Bacharach (reissue of VSD-5265)
- VSD-6410 No Place Like Home On Christmas - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6411 Trapped - John Ottman
- VSD-6412 Star Trek: Nemesis - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6413 Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever - Don Davis/Various Artists
- VSD-6414 The Tuxedo - John Debney / Christophe Beck
- VSD-6415 Swept Away - Michel Colombier
- VSD-6416 Below - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6417 White Oleander - Thomas Newman
- VSD-6418 The Man From The Elysian Fields - Anthony Marinelli
- VSD-6419 Ghost Ship - John Frizzell
- VSD-6420 Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever - Don Davis (score album)
- VSD-6421 Far From Heaven - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-6422 The Boys Of Belfast: A Collection Of Irish Favorites - The Irish Rovers
- VSD-6423 XXX - Randy Edelman (score album)
- VSD-6424 The Emperor's Club - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6425 First Offering - The Peasall Sisters
- VSD-6426 The Quiet American - Craig Armstrong
- VSD-6427 In The Wind: The Folk Music Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6429 Robocop - Basil Poledouris (semi-expansion of VCD-47300)
- VSD-6430 Star Trek: Nemesis (SACD) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6432 Rock & Roll's Classic Love Songs - Various Artists
- VSD-6433 The Recruit - Klaus Badelt
- VSD-6434 Two Weeks Notice - John Powell
- VSD-6435 Nicholas Nickelby - Rachel Portman
- VSD-6436 The Zombies - The Zombies
- VSD-6437 The Very Best Of... - The Easybeats
- VSD-6438 First Sessions - Warren Zevon
- VSD2-6439 Essential Sons of the Pioneers - Sons of the Pioneers
- VSD-6440 Frank Yankovic & His Yanks - Frankie Yankovic
- VSD-6441 Sings The Songs That Made Him Famous - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6442 The Greatest - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6443 Play The Greatest Instrumental Hits Of All-Time Volume 2 - The Ventures
- VSD-6444 Then: Totally Oldies 1980s - Various Artists
- VSD-6445 Play The Country Classics - The Bluegrass All-Stars
- VSD-6446 The Essential Cadence Singles - Everly Brothers
- VSD-6447 The Lost '60s Recordings - Rick Nelson / Jerry Fuller / Glen Campbell / Dave Burgess
- VSD-6448 Daredevil - Graeme Revell (score album)
- VSD-6449 Darkness Falls - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6450 The Hunted - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6451 12 Classics - Ed Bruce
- VSD-6452 12 Country Classics Volume 1 - Various Artists
- VSD-6453 12 Country Classics Volume 2 - Various Artists
- VSD-6454 Children Of Dune - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6455 Love Is A Long Hard Road - The Kendalls
- VSD-6456 Dreamcatcher - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6457 Tears Of The Sun - Hans Zimmer Featuring Lebo M
- VSD-6458 25 More All-Time Doo-Wop Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6459 Identity - Alan Silvestri
- VSD4-6460 Varèse Sarabande 25th Anniversary Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6461 The Hank Williams Songbook - Hank Williams
- VSD-6462 Hal Lifson's 1966 - Various Artists
- VSD-6463 Classics - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6464 Sings Hank Williams And Other Favorites - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6465 20 Disco Classics: The 30th Anniversary Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6466 Invitation Only - Mickey Gilley
- VSD-6467 25 Beach Music Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6468 Now Here's Johnny Cash - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6469 Something Wild - Aaron Copland
- VSD-6470 Get Down Tonight: Greatest Hits Live - K. C. & The Sunshine Band
- VSD-6471 Hemispheres - Dan Siegel
- VSD-6472 Garden Of Earthly Delights: The Best Of... - Mark Winkler
- VSD-6473 Sun Records 25 Rare Blues Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6474 Wrong Turn - Elia Cmiral (score album)
- VSD-6475 Bruce Almighty - John Debney/Various Artists
- VSD-6476 Classic Country Volume 2: 16 Original Hits - Various Artists
- VSD-6477 Girls! Holky! Holky! 25 All-Time Classics - Various Artists
- VSD3-6478 Sun Records Ultimate Blues Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6479 The Fabulous Jimmy Dorsey - The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra
- VSD-6480 Essential Western Swing - Cooley Spade
- VSD-6481 Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6482 The Italian Job - John Powell
- VSD-6483 The Very Best Of... - Sue Thompson
- VSD-6484 25 Rockin' Instrumentals - Various Artists
- VSD-6485 The Best Of The Gap Band 1984-1988 - The Gap Band
- VSD-6486 Guilty - Yarbrough & Peoples
- VSD-6487 All Aboard The Blue Train - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6488 The Original Sun Sound Of... - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6489 Classics Volume One - Ernest Tubb
- VSD-6490 Louisiana Man: Best Of Live - Doug Kershaw
- VSD-6491 Along The Blues Highway - Chris Thomas King & Blind Mississippi Morris
- VSD-6492 The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Trevor Jones (Issued in the US via Varèse Sarabande website, Colosseum Records wide release in Europe)
- VSD-6493 Then: Totally Oldies Volume Six: The Seventies - Various Artists
- VSD-6494 The Very Best Of (1987–1989)... - Charley Pride
- VSD-6495 The Very Best Of... - The Newbeats
- VSD-6496 Jeepers Creepers 2 - Bennett Salvay
- VSD-6497 Passionada - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-6498 Freddy Vs. Jason - Graeme Revell/Charles Bernstein (Nightmare On Elm Street theme) (score album)
- VSD-6499 Gigli - John Powell
- VSD-6500 The Great Train Robbery: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6501 S.W.A.T. - Elliot Goldenthal
- VSD-6502 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life - Alan Silvestri (score album)
- VSD-6503 Life Is Large - The Kennedys
- VSD-6504 River Of Fallen Stars - The Kennedys
- VSD-6505 Complete UK Recordings 1972-1974 - 10cc
- VSD-6506 Complete Singles Plus: 1958-1963 The Sun Years - Charlie Rich
- VSD-6507 More Than You Know - Toni Tennille
- VSD-6508 Lost Cabin Sessions - Ozark Mountain Daredevils
- VSD-6509 Five-A-Side: The Best Of... - Ace featuring Paul Carrack
- VSD-6510 Along The Blues Highway - Rockin' Tabby Thomas / Annette Taborn
- VSD-6512 All-Time Greatest Hits - Bobby Vinton
- VSD-6513 The Event - Christophe Beck/Various Artists
- VSD-6514 Out Of Time - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6515 Matchstick Men - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-6516 The Rundown ("Welcome To The Jungle" (European Title) - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-6517 Live At McCabe's - Townes Van Zandt
- VSD-6518 Poltergeist II: The Other Side : The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6519 Lost Treasures: Sentimental Journey - Doris Day / Les Brown
- VSD-6520 Gothika - John Ottman
- VSD-6521 Alias: Season 1 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6522 Taken - Laura Karpman
- VSD-6523 Looney Tunes: Back In Action - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6524 Runaway Jury - Christopher Young
- VSD-6525 Elf - John Debney (score album)
- VSD-6526 Sylvia - Gabriel Yared
- VSD-6527 21 Grams - Gustavo Santaolalla/Various Artists
- VSD-6528 Dreamkeeper - Stephen Warbeck
- VSD-6529 Beyond Borders - James Horner
- VSD-6530 The Gospel Of John - Jeff Danna
- VSD-6531 Timeline - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6532 House Of Sand And Fog - James Horner
- VSD-6533 Scary Movie 3 - James L. Venable/Various Artists
- VSD-6534 Peter Pan - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6535 Paycheck - John Powell
- VSD-6536 Surfin' To Baja - The Ventures
- VSD-6537 Cash Sings Cash - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6538 Romantic Standards: The Great American Love Songs Collection - Various Artists
- VSD-6539 The Statement - Normand Corbell
- VSD-6540 Heartache - Wanda Jackson
- VSD2-6541 British Invasion Box - Various Artists
- VSD-6542 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Richard M. & Robert B. Sherman
- VSD-6543 Twisted - Mark Isham
- VSD-6544 Traffic: The Miniseries - Jeff Rona
- VSD2-6545 The Blues Is Alright - Little Milton with Sam McClain & Reverend Raven
- VSD-6546 Then: Totally Oldies Volume 7: The 80s Again - Various Artists
- VSD-6547 The B. T. Puppy Years 1964-1967: The Very Best Of...- The Tokens
- VSD-6548 The Best Of... - Zydeco Party Band
- VSD-6549 The Best Of (1951–1954)... - Bill Haley And His Comets
- VSD-6550 Dance Album - Carl Perkins
- VSD-6551 The Essential King Masters - Billy Ward & The Dominoes
- VSD-6552 The Big Bounce - George S. Clinton
- VSD-6553 Essential Masters - Jackie Wilson / Billy Ward & His Dominoes
- VSD-6554 Rock & Roll: The First 50 Years: The 50s - Various Artists
- VSD-6555 25 Classic Do-Wap Ballads - Various Artists
- VSD-6556 1963–1965, The Very Best Of... - Fats Domino
- VSD-6557 Rock & Roll: The First 50 Years: The Early 60s - Various Artists
- VSD-6558 The Inspirational Collection - The Oak Ridge Boys
- VSD-6559 The Magnificent Seven - Elmer Bernstein (reissue)
- VSD-6560 The Thomas Crown Affair - Michel Legrand (reissue)
- VSD-6561 The Complete Plantation Recordings - The Flatlanders
- VSD-6562 Hellboy - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6563 Godsend - Brian Tyler
- VSD2-6564 The Thorn Birds - Henry Mancini
- VSD-6565 Garage Rock Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6566 Big Sur - Bobby Darin
- VSD-6567 Best Gospel - Various Artists
- VSD-6568 Miluji tě - The Zombies
- VSD-6569 Essential First Recordings - Patsy Cline
- VSD-6570 Last Tango In Paris - Gato Barbieri (reissue)
- VSD-6571 The Lion In Winter - Richard Hartley
- VSD-6572 The Day After Tomorrow - Harald Kloser
- VSD-6573 Rancho Deluxe - Jimmy Buffett (reissue)
- VSD-6574 Greatest Hits: Live At The Bottom Line - Lou Christie
- VSD-6575 Wynn Stewart & Joan Howard - Wynn Stewart & Joan Howard
- VSD-6576 Command Performance - Patti Page
- VSD-6577 Bobby Jones: Stroke Of Genius - James Horner
- VSD-6578 The Battle Of Britain - Ron Goodwin / Sir William Walton
- VSD-6579 The Very Best Of... - Peggy Scott & Jo Jo Benson
- VSD-6580 The Chronicles Of Riddick - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6581 Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of The Federation - John Morgan & William Stromberg
- VSD-6582 The Great Escape - Elmer Bernstein (reissue)
- VSD-6583 Man On Fire - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-6584 The Intimate Mel Tormé: Isn't It Romantic - Mel Tormé
- VSD-6585 The Clearing - Craig Armstrong
- VSD-6586 Salem's Lot - Christopher Gordon/Lisa Gerrard)
- VSD-6587 The Missouri Breaks - John Williams (reissue)
- VSD-6588 Monk - Jeff Beal
- VSD-6589 Drift Away And Other Classics - Dobie Gray
- VSD-6590 Good Rockin' Tonight: 25 Essential Rock & Rhythm Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6591 I, Robot - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6592 The Bourne Supremacy - John Powell
- VSD-6593 Complete Columbia Christmas Recordings - Gene Autry
- VSD-6594 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Rosemary Clooney
- VSD-6595 Some Like It Hot - Adolph Deutch (reissue)
- VSD-6596 The Misfits - Alex North (reissue)
- VSD-6597 I'm A Boogie Man: The Essential Masters (1948–1953) - John Lee Hooker
- VSD-6598 Dealing With The Devil: 25 Essential Blues Masters - Various Artists
- VSD-6599 Shining Through The Rain - Percy Sledge
- VSD-6600 Timeline: The Unused Score (SACD) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6601 Tom Sawyer / Huckleberry Finn - Richard M.-Sherman & Robert B. Sherman
- VSD-6602 Jerry Lee Lewis - Jerry Lee Lewis
- VSD-6603 The Manchurian Candidate - Rachel Portman w. Wycliff Jean/ David Amram (Also included is part of the score from the 1962 film by Amram)
- VSD3-6604 The Greatest Story Ever Told - Alfred Newman
- VSD-6605 Alien vs. Predator - Harald Kloser
- VSD-6606 Paparazzi - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6607 Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid - Nerida Tyson-Chew
- VSD-6608 Rear View Mirror: Volume 2 - Townes Van Sant
- VSD-6609 The Essential Masters - The Stanley Brothers
- VSD-6610 A Private Concert - Townes Van Zandt
- VSD-6611 Space Guitar: The Essential Early Masters - Johnny Watson
- VSD-6612 Sex And The '60s - Various Artists
- VSD-6613 Sun Records: 25 Rock & Roll Classics - Various Artists
- VSD-6614 Rock & Roll: The First 50 Years: The Mid 60s - Various Artists
- VSD-6615 The Final Cut - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6616 Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Jeff Danna (score album)
- VSD-6617 The Cutting Edge: The Deluxe Edition - Patrick Williams/Various Artists
- VSD-6618 Carrie - Pino Donaggio (reissue)
- VSD-6619 The Forgotten - James Horner
- VSD-6620 Surviving Christmas - Randy Edelman/Various Artists
- VSD-6621 Being Julia - Mychael Danna/Various Artists
- VSD-6622 Alias: Season 2 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6623 The Grudge - Christopher Young
- VSD-6624 A Tribute To... - Brian Wilson
- VSD-6625 Earthsea - Jeff Rona
- VSD-6626 24: Seasons 1, 2 & 3 - Sean Callery
- VSD-6627 Carnivalé - Jeff Beal
- VSD-6628 Flight Of The Phoenix - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6629 Shrek 2 - Harry Gregson-Williams (score album)
- VSD-6630 Meet The Fockers - Randy Newman
- VSD-6631 Racing Stripes - Mark Isham
- VSD-6632 Spanglish - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-6633 Elektra - Christophe Beck (score album)
- VSD-6634 Assault On Precinct 13 - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6635 Days Of Our Lives: Love Songs - Various Artists
- VSD-6636 Constantine - Brian Tyler / Klaus Badelt
- VSD-6637 Rock & Roll: The First 50 Years: The Late 60s - Various Artists
- VHV-6638 In Dublin: A Little Bit Of Irish - Bing Crosby
- VSD-6639 Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood
- VSD-6640 Robots - John Powell (score album)
- VSD-6641 Too Good To be True - Everly Brothers
- VSD-6642 Complete 60s Duets - George Jones & Gene Pitney with The Jordanaires
- VSD-6643 Dust To Glory - Nathan Furst
- VSD-6644 Sin City - Robert Rodriguez, John Debney & Graeme Revell
- VSD-6645 Kung Fu Hustle - Raymond Wong/Various Artists
- VSD-6646 Country Comes To Carnage Hall - Roy Clark, Freddy Fender, Hank Thompson & Don Williams
- VSD-6647 Promises, Promises (1968 OCR) - Burt Bacharach & Hal David
- VSD-6648 Man Of La Mancha - Mitch Leigh & Joe Darion / Laurence Rosenthal conducts
- VSD-6649 Scattered, Smothered & Covered - Webb Wilder
- VSD-6650 Champagne Favorites - Lawrence Welk
- VSD-6651 The Interpreter - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6652 House Of Wax - John Ottman (score album)
- VSD-6653 Under Western Skies - Sons Of The Pioneers
- VSD-6654 Hour Of The Gun - Jerry Goldsmith (reissue)
- VSD7-6655 Original Albums: Complete Collection - Johnny Cash
- VSD-6656 Then: Totally Oldies Volume 8: Classic Rock - Various Artists
- VSD-6657 Greatest Hits - Red Sorvine
- VSD-6658 The Adventures Of Shark Boy And Lava Girl - Robert Rodriguez, John Debney & Graeme Revell
- VSD-6659 Guys And Dolls: Solo Piano - Earl Rose
- VSD-6660 The Way I Feel - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6661 All My Love Belongs To You - Steve Lawrence
- VSD-6662 All Night Long (Live!) - Muddy Waters
- VSD-6663 Stripes - Elmer Bernstein
- VSD-6664 Alive Five-O: Greatest Hits Live - The Ventures
- VSD-6665 The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants - Cliff Eidelman (score album)
- VSD-6666 Land Of The Dead - Reinhold Heil & Johnny Klimek
- VSD-6667 Fantastic Four - John Ottman (score album)
- VSD-6668 Power Pops - Various Artists
- VSD-6669 Essential Gospel Masters - The Stanley Brothers
- VSD-6670 The Skeleton Key - Edward Shearmur/Various Artists
- VSD-6671 Live At The Ice House 1978 - Modern Folk Quartet
- VSD-6672 Crazy Rhythm - Les Paul & His Trio
- VSD-6673 The Great Raid - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6674 East L.A.: Rockin' The Bario - Various Artists
- VSD-6675 Land of a Thousand Dances - Cannibal & The Headhunters
- VSD-6676 Stealth - Brian Transeau (as B.T.)/Trevor Morris (score album)
- VSD-6677 Back To Back Bacharach - Casino Royale
- VSD-6678 Proof - Steven Warbeck
- VSD-6679 Four Brothers - David Arnold (score album)
- VSD-6680 It's About Time, It's About Me - Roy Clark
- VSD-6681 Give Me A Future - Everly Brothers
- VSD-6682 Serenity - David Newman
- VSD-6683 An Unfinished Life - Deborah Lurie
- VSD-6684 Greatest Hits - The Wilburn Brothers
- VSD-6685 Country Legend - Johnny Horton
- VSD-6686 Wallace And Gromit: Curse Of The Were-Rabbit - Julian Nott/Rupert Gregson-Williams, etc.
- VSD3-6687 The Omen Trilogy - Jerry Goldsmith (Repackaging of all the Deluxe Editions of the soundtracks in a slipcase box set)
- VSD2-6688 The Fly I & II - Howard Shore / Christopher Young (reissue)
- VSD-6689 A Nightmare On Elm Street - Charles Bernstein (reissue)
- VSD-6690 Nanny McPhee - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6691 All-Time Greatest Hits Live On Stage - Ferrante & Teicher
- VSD-6692 Lovers Island - Kenny Vance & The Planotones
- VSD-6693 Stay - Thad Spencer & Mark Asche
- VSD-6694 Prime - Ryan Shore/Various Artists
- VSD-6695 Water - Mychael Danna
- VSD-6696 Where The Truth Lies - Mychael Danna
- VSD-6697 The Fog - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6698 A Private Concert - Townes Van Sant
- VSD-6699 Firefly - Greg Edmonson
- VSD-6700 Stargate: Atlantis - Joel Goldsmith
- VSD-6701 Duma - John Debney / George Acogny
- VSD-6702 Doom - Clint Mansell
- VSD-6703 Music To Watch Girls By: The Best Of... - The Bob Crewe Generation
- VSD-6704 The High And The Mighty - Richard Kaufman conducts
- VSD-6705 Zathura - John Debney
- VSD-6706 Doom - Clint Mansell
- VSD-6707 Aeon Flux - Graeme Revell
- VSD-6708 Take Another Piece Of My Heart - Betty Lavette
- VSD-6709 Annapolis - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6710 Hostel - Nathan Barr
- VSD-6711 Fun With Dick And Jane - Theodore Shapiro
- VSD-6712 The Family Stone - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6713 Tristan & Isolde - Anne Dudley
- VSD-6714 The Ten Commandments - Randy Edelman
- VSD-6715 Firewall - Axelandre Desplat
- VSD-6716 Early Recordings 1959 - The Dillards
- VSD-6717 Freedomland - James Newton Howard
- VHV-6718 40 Years Of Classic Country - Bill Anderson
- VSD-6719 Echoes Of The Louvin Brothers - Charlie Louvin
- VSD-6720 Running Scared - Mark Isham
- VSD-6721 Lost: Season 1 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6722 Inside Man - Terence Blanchard
- VSD-6723 The Pink Panther - Christophe Beck
- VSD-6724 Beach Music Sound: Sand In My Shoes - Various Artists
- VSD-6725 Ice Age: The Meltdown - John Powell
- VSD-6726 True Grit: The Classic Westerns Of John Wayne - Elmer Bernstein (complete single disc reissue of both Best of John Wayne Western Vol.1 & 2 from 47000 series)
- VSD-6727 Retrospective - Tish Hinojosa
- VSD-6728 Because Of You: The Love Songs Collection - Bobby Vinton
- VSD-6729 The Sentinel - Christophe Beck
- VSD-6730 Great Train Songs: An American Legend - Roy Acuff
- VSD-6731 Punk Rock! 20 Classics From The World Of Mystic Records - Various Artists
- VSD-6732 X-Men: The Last Stand - John Powell
- VSD-6733 Mission: Impossible III - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6734 The Best Of... - The Vogues
- VSD-6735 Scary Movie 4 - James L. Venable
- VSD-6736 The Omen (2006)- Marco Beltrami (Featuring Jerry Goldsmith's themes from the 1976 version)
- VSD-6737 Classic Cowboy Songs - Sons Of The Pioneers
- VSD-6738 Year-Round Cowboy Songs For The Whole Year - Gene Autry
- VSD-6739 Stardust: The Bette Davis Story - Earl Rose
- VSD-6740 United 93 - John Powell
- VHV-6741 Sings His All-Time Greatest Hits - Johnny Tillotson
- VSD-6742 Summer Beach Party Various Artists
- VSD-6743 Stargate: The Deluxe Edition - David Arnold
- VSD-6744 The Philadelphia Years - Hall & Oates
- VSD-6745 The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift - Brian Tyler (score album)
- VSD-6746 Monster House - Douglas Pipes
- VSD-6747 1980 Reunion Concert - Ozark Mountain Daredevils
- VSD-6748 The Ant Bully - John Debney (score album)
- VSD-6749 Winners - Tommy Cash
- VSD-6750 Country Heart - John Conlee
- VSD-6751 Idlewild - John Debney (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. FYC Promo exists)
- VSD-6752 John The Wolfking Of L. A. - John Phillips
- VSD-6753 The Republic Years - Sons Of The Pioneers with Roy Rogers
- VSD-6754 Hollywoodland - Marcelo Zarvos (score album)
- VSD-6755 Gridiron Gang - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6756 All The King's Men - James Horner
- VSD-6757 Complete Phil Specter Sessions - Paris Sisters
- VSD-6758 Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer And Other Christmas Favorites - Gene Autry
- VSD-6759 Lost: Season 2 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6760 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - Steve Jablonsky
- VSD-6762 36 Unreleased Recordings From The Late 50s & Early 60s - Everly Brothers
- VSD-6763 Flyboys - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6764 Texas Legend - Don Walser & The Pure Texas Band
- VSD-6765 Retrospective - The Derailers
- VSD-6766 Killer Rock 'N' Roll - Jerry Lee Lewis
- VSD-6767 Bluest Eyes - Storyville
- VHV-6768 A Night At The Ozarks: An Audiograph - The Dillards
- VSD-6769 Children Of Men - John Tavener
- VSD-6770 The Malford Milligan Band Rides Again - Malford Milligan
- VSD-6771 The Grudge 2 - Christopher Young
- VSD-6772 24: Seasons 4 & 5 - Sean Callery
- VSD-6775 Wah-Wah - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6776 Flicka - Aaron Zigman
- VSD3-6777 Franz Waxman: A Centenary Celebration - Joel McNeely & Frederick Talgorn conduct
- VSD-6778 Night At The Museum - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-6779 We Are Marshall - Christophe Beck (score album)
- VSD-6780 Blood Diamond - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6781 The Good German - Thomas Newman
- VSD-6782 The Good Shepard - Marcelo Zarvos / Bruce Fowler
- VSD-6783 The Pursuit Of Happyness - Andrea Guerra
- VSD-6784 The Holiday - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-6785 Code Name: The Cleaner - George S. Clinton
- VSD-6786 Partition - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6787 Beat The Drum - Klaus Badelt / Ramin Djanadi
- VSD3-6788 Jerry Goldsmith: His Final Recordings (Looney Tunes/Star Trek Nemesis/Timeline: Unused Score) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6789 Ghost Rider - Christopher Young
- VSD-6790 The Astronaut Farmer - Stewart Matthewman
- VSD-6791 Duets - Petula Clark
- VSD-6792 Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles - Scott Glasgow
- VSD-6793 Catch & Release - Brian Transeau / Tommy Stinton (score album)
- VHV-6794 Petula! - Petula Clark
- VSD-6795 Breach - Mychael Danna
- VSD-6796 Nomad: The Warrior - Carlo Siliotto
- VSD-6797 Couldn't Have Come At A Better Time: The Best Of... - The Fenians
- VSD-6798 Snakes On A Plane - Trevor Rabin (score album)
- VSD-6799 Zodiac - David Shire (score album)
- VSD-6800 His Best - Tex Ritter
- VSD-6801 His Best - Johnny Bond
- VSD-6802 The Reaping - John Frizzell
- VHV-6803 1980 Reunion Concert: Rhythm & Joy - Ozark Mountain Daredevils
- VSD-6804 Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Foy Willing & The Riders Of The Purple Sage
- VSD-6805 I Fall To Pieces: Ten Timeless Country Songs - Various Artists
- VSD-6806 Pathfinder: Legend Of The Ghost Warrior - Jonathan Elias
- VSD-6807 Grindhouse: Planet Terror - Robert Rodriguez (score album)
- VSD-6808 Premonition - Klaus Badelt
- VSD-6809 The Ultimate Gift - Mark McKenzie
- VSD3-6810 Miklós Rózsa: A Centenary Celebration - Elmer Bernstein, Joel McNeely & Cliff Eidelman conduct
- VSD-6811 Goodbye, Bafana - Dario Marianelli (Colosseum Records release, planned for US release but released in Europe only)
- VSD-6812 Live At The Improv - Shelley Berman
- VSD2-6813 Dolů na zem a High Cumberland Gap - Jimmy Buffett
- VSD-6814 Sings Hank Williams - Roy Acuff
- VSD-6815 Collection (reissue) - The Chad Mitchell Trio
- VSD-6816 Then: Ultimate Rock Mix - Various Artists
- VSD-6818 The Lives Of Others - Gabriel Yared / Stéphane Moucha
- VSD-6819 Jack Of Diamonds - John Philips
- VSD-6820 The Last Legion - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6821 The Music Of The Wild West - John McEuen
- VSD-6822 Lucky You - Christopher Young (assigned a number, planned for release and cancelled. Composer promo exists)
- VSD-6823 The Classic Songs Of... - Ray Price
- VSD-6824 Live Free Or Die Hard - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6825 Evan Almighty - John Debney (score album)
- VSD-6826 Shrek The Third - Harry Gregson-Williams (score album)
- VSD-6827 The Other Conquest - Samuel Zigman / Jorge Reyes
- VSD-6828 1408 - Gabriel Yared
- VSD-6829 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Christopher Franke
- VSD-6830 As You Like It - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6831 Hostel Part 2 - Nathan Barr
- VSD-6832 Toussaint - Allen Toussaint
- VSD-6833 I Know Who Killed Me - Joel McNeely
- VSD-6834 Rush Hour 3 - Lalo Schifrin
- VSD-6835 Side By Side - Faron Young & Ray Price
- VSD-6836 Night Of Fear: A Collection Of Spooky Novelty Songs - Various Artists
- VSD-6837 The Invasion - John Ottman
- VSD-6838 Balls Of Fury - Randy Edelman (score album)
- VSD-6839 Prison Break - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-6840 Shoot 'Em Up - Paul Haslinger
- VSD-6841 The Brave One - Dario Marianelli
- VSD-6842 The Kingdom - Danny Elfman
- VSD-6843 The Essential Masters - Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys
- VSD-6844 Down Home - The Coasters
- VSD-6845 Seven Miles Out Of Town - Bob Willis & The Texas Playboys featuring Tommy Duncan
- VSD-6846 The Classic Songs Of... - Spike Jones And His City Slickers
- VSD-6847 The Folk Hits Collection - The Highwaymen
- VSD-6848 A Crosby Christmas - Bing Crosby
- VSD-6849 Sea Of Dreams - Luis Bacalov
- VSD-6850 Michael Clayton - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6851 The Bronze Age Of Radio - The Credibility Gap
- VSD-6852 Rhapsodies For Young Lovers - The Midnight Strings Quartet
- VSD-6853 In The Valley Of Elah - Mark Isham
- VSD-6854 Sleuth - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6855 Return To House On Haunted Hill - Frederik Wiedmann
- VSD-6856 The Jane Austen Book Club - Aaron Zigman
- VSD-6857 The Best Of... - Jerry Wallace
- VSD-6858 30 Days Of Night - Brian Reitzell (announced, assigned a catalog number and cancelled. Eventually released by Ipac Recordings)
- VSD-6859 Take My Album Please - Henny Youngman
- VSD-6860 Peace In The Valley: Country Gospel Favorites Volume 1 - Various Artists
- VSD-6861 How Great Thou Art: Country Gospel Favorites Volume 2 - Various Artists
- VSD-6862 Lions For Lambs - Mark Isham
- VSD-6863 Roy Rogers with the Sons Of The Pioneers: The Centennial Collection
- VSD-6864 Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium - Alexandre Desplat / Aaron Zigman
- VSD-6865 Alien vs. Predator: Requiem - Brian Tyler / Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell (témata)
- VSD-6866 Tin Man - Simon Boswell
- VSD-6867 The Tudors: Season 1 - Trevor Morris
- VSD-6868 Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - George S. Clinton
- VSD-6869 The Great Debaters - James Newton Howard / Peter Golub (skóre album)
- Válka VSD-6870 Charlieho Wilsona - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6872 ručně tleskající gospelové písně - Roy Acuff
- VSD-6873 The Mist - Mark Isham
- VSD-6874 American Gangster - Marc Streitenfeld (skóre album)
- VSD-6875 Water of Life: A Celtic Collection - The Highwaymen
- VSD-6876 Když se irské oči usmívají - Bing Crosby
- VSD-6877 The Bucket List / Solo Piano Themes od Marca Shaimana - Marc Shaiman
- VSD-6878 I Am Legend - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6879 The Ventures hrají své největší hity - The Ventures
- VSD-6880 Greatest: The Singles Collection - Argent
- VSD-6881 27 Šaty - Randy Edelman
- VSD-6882 Slečna Pettigrew žije na jeden den - Paul Englishby
- VSD-6883 Vantage Point - Atli Örvarsson
- VSD-6884 The Other Boleyn Girl - Paul Cantelon
- VSD-6885 Bláznovo zlato - George Fenton
- VSD-6886 Stop-Loss - John Powell
- VSD-6887 Leatherheads - Randy Newman
- VSD-6888 Dr. Seuss 'Horton slyší Who! - John Powell
- VSD-6889 Nimův ostrov - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6890 Návštěvník - Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-6891 P.S. I Love You - John Powell (skóre album)
- VSD2-6892 Lost: Season 3 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6893 John Adams - Rob Lane / Joseph Vitarelli
- VSD-6894 Cowboy Hymns And Songs of Inspiration - Gene Autry
- VSD-6895 Od Genesis po Zjevení - Genesis
- VSD-6896 To nejlepší z ... - Julius LaRosa
- Standardní operační postup VSD-6897 - Danny Elfman
- VSD-6898 Speed Racer - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6899 Western Hymns And Spirituals - Synové průkopníků
- VSD4-6900 Oslava 30. výročí - různí umělci
- VSD-6901 The Happening - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6902 Mongol - Tuomas Kantelinen
- VSD-6903 Pussycat - John Phillips
- VSD-6904 Chytrý - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-6905 Písně z jeho slavného rozhlasového vysílání - Bing Crosby
- VSD-6906 Seznamte se s Daveem - John Debney
- VSD-6907 20 klasických písní ... - Tommy Overstreet
- VSD-6908 Hancock - John Powell
- VSD-6909 Timeless: The Classic Concert Performances - Roy Clark
- VSD-6910 Hellboy 2: The Golden Army - Danny Elfman
- VSD-6915 She's About A Mover: Complete Singles 1964-1967 - Sir Douglas Quintet
- VSD-6916 Mumie: Hrob Dračího císaře - Randy Edelman
- VSD-6917 Just You Wait - Walter Scott
- VSD-6918 The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2 - Rachel Portman (skóre album)
- VSD-6919 The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. - Dave Grusin / Jerry Goldsmith
- VSD-6920 Greatest Hits 1973-1985 - Gladys Knight & The Pips
- Zrádce VSD-6921 - Mark Kilian
- VSD-6922 Fly Me To The Moon - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-6923 Body Of Lies - Marc Streitenfeld
- VSD-6924 Nights In Rodanthe - Jeanie Tesori (skóre album)
- VSD-6925 Babylon A.D. - Alti Örvarsson
- VSD-6926 Igor - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-6927 Eagle Eye - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6928 Plant And See - Plant And See
- VSD-6929 Ché - Alberto Iglesias
- Cestující VSD-6930 - Edward Shearmur
- VSD-6931 Pride and Glory - Mark Isham
- VSD-6932 Pushing Daisies - James Dooley
- VSD-6933 Flash of Genius - Aaron Zigman
- VSD-6934 Changeling - Clint Eastwood
- VSD-6935 Righteous Kill - Edward Shearmur (přiděleno číslo, plánováno na vydání a zrušeno)
- VSD-6936 24: Redemption - Sean Callery
- VSD-6937 Valkyrie - John Ottman
- VSD-6938 Den, kdy se zastavila Země - Tyler Bates
- VSD-6939 Live At The Blues Warehouse - Foghat
- VSD-6940 Keith Emerson Band - Keith Emerson Band představující Marca Bonillu
- VSD-6941 Sedm liber - Angelo Milli
- VSD-6942 Frost / Nixon - Hans Zimmer
- VSD-6943 Largo Winch - Alexandre Desplat (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-6944 Family Joules - Foghat
- VSD-6946 Mezinárodní - Tom Tykwer / Reinhold Heil / Johnny Klimek
- VSD-6947 Riskovat - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSD-6948 The Lazarus Project - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6949 They Very Best - The Amazing Rhythm Aces
- VSD-6950 Myrtle Beach Days: Klasický zvuk plážové hudby - různí umělci
- VSD-6951 Generace genů - Scott Glasgow
- VSD-6952 Phoebe v říši divů - Christophe Beck
- VSD-6954 Dragonball: Evolution - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6955 Duplicity - James Newton Howard
- VSD-6956 Knowing - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-6957 Vande Mataram - AR Rahman
- VSD-6958 Crossing Over - Mark Isham
- VSD-6959 The Tudors: Season 2 - Trevor Morris
- VSD-6960 Fast & Furious - Brian Tyler (skóre album)
- VSD-6961 Chéri - Alexandre Desplat
- VSD-6962 Our Little Planet - Tish Hinojosa
- VSD-6963 Šedé zahrady - Rachel Portman
- VSD-6964 Lost: Season 4 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6965 Andy Warhol představuje muže na Měsíci - John Phillips
- VSD-6966 Star Trek - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-6967 X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-6968 Coco Avant Chanel (americký titul „Coco Before Chanel“) - Alexandre Desplat
- VSD-6969 Noc v muzeu: Bitva o Smithsonian - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-6970 The Very Best Of - David Frizzell a Shelley West
- VSD-6973 Prison Break: Seasons 3 & 4 - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-6975 Land of the Lost - Michael Giacchnio
- VSD-6977 My Sister's Keeper - Aaron Zigman (skóre album)
- VSD-6978 Doba ledová: Úsvit dinosaurů - John Powell
- VSD-6980 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-6981 Sirotek - John Ottman
- VSD-6982 Mimozemšťané v podkroví - John Debney
- VSD-6983 The Final Destination - Brian Tyler
- VSD-6984 True Blood - Nathan Barr
- VSD-6985 The Hills Run Red - Frederik Wiedmann
- VSD-6986 Whiteout - John Frizzell
- VSD-6989 Astro Boy - John Ottman
- VSD-6990 The Vampire's Assistant - Stephen Trask
- VSD-6991 Kukuřičné děti (2009) - Jonathan Elias / Nathanel Morgan
- VSD-6992 44 palcová truhla - Angelo Badalamenti / 100 sluncí
- VSD-6993 Cracks - Javier Navarrete (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-6994 Amelia - Gabriel Yared
- VSD-6995 The Fourth Kind - Atli Örvarsson
- VSD-6996 Vězeň - Rupert Gregson-Williams
- VSD-6997 Alice - Ben Mink
- VSD-6998 Poslední stanice - Sergey Yevtushenko
- VSD-6999 Všichni jsou v pořádku - Dario Marianelli
- Revoluce VSD-7000 - John Corigliano
- Přestupný rok VSD-7002 - Randy Edelman
- VSD-7003 Tooth Fairy - George S. Clinton
- VSD-7004 Blackwood Brothers
- VSD-7005 Hovie Lister a Státníci
- VSD-7007 Duchový spisovatel - Alexandre Desplat
- VSD-7008 Jižně od hranice: Písně starého Mexika - Gene Autry
- VSD-7009 The Crazies - Mark Isham
- VSD-7010 The Wolfman - Danny Elfman
- VSD-7011 Zelená zóna - John Powell
- VSD-7012 Jak vycvičit draka - John Powell
- VSD-7013 Fringe - Michael Giacchino, Chris Tilton a Chad Seitzer
- VSD-7014 Brooklyn's Finest - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSD-7015 Nanny McPhee se vrací - James Newton Howard
- VSD-7016 Mnoho Mamas, Mnoho Papas - John Phillips
- VSD-7017 Still Rovin 'After All These Years - The Irish Rovers
- VSD-7018 Tipping the Velvet - Annie Minogue Band (pouze digitální)
- VSD-7020 Robin Hood - Marc Streitenfeld
- VSD-7021 Matka a dítě - Edward Shearmur
- VSD-7022 Zpívejte zpěvník Stephena Fostera - Synové průkopníků
- VSD-7023 The Essential Sun Records Country Hits - Jerry Lee Lewis
- VSD-7024 Shrek Forever After - Harry Gregson-Williams (skóre album)
- VSD-7025 Lost: Season 5 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7026 Palindrome - Billy Cobham
- VSD-7027 Písně inspirace - Brenda Lee
- Písně inspirace VSD-7028 - Wilma Lee a Stoney Cooper
- VSD-7029 Songs of Inspiration - The Jordanaires
- VSD-7030 V Ježíšových očích - Ed Bruce
- VSD-7032 A-Team - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-7033 Marmaduke - Christopher Lennertz
- VSD-7034 Rytíř a den - John Powell
- VSD-7035 The Special Relationship - Alexandre Desplat (přiděleno číslo, plánováno na vydání a zrušeno. Vydáno jako součást série Limited Edition)
- VSD-7036 Poslední slovo v Ježíši jsme my (Roy Clark)
- VSD-7037 Charlie St. Cloud - Rolfe Kent
- VSD-7039 The Tudors: Season 3 - Trevor Morris
- VSD-7040 Lost: The Final Season - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7041 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore - Christopher Lennertz (skóre album)
- VSD-7042 Live! Z Texasu - Derailers
- VSD-7043 Never Let Me Go - Rachel Portman
- VSD-7044 True Blood: Sezóna 2 - Nathan Barr
- VSD-7045 Spartakus: Krev a písek - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7046 Labor Of Love IV - UB40
- VSD-7047 Sloupy Země - Trevor Morris
- VSD-7048 Hachi: Psí příběh - Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
- VSD-7049 The Tudors: Season 4 - Trevor Morris
- VSD-7050 Moskva - Kapela Keitha Emersona s Marcem Bonillou
- VSD-7051 Get Low - Jan A.P. Kaczmarek (skóre album)
- VSD-7052 Hudba pro film a televizi - Angelo Badalamenti
- VSD-7053 Let Me In - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7057 Skyline - Matthew Margeson
- VSD-7058 Little Fockers - Stephen Trask
- VSD-7059 20th Century Fox: 75 let skvělé filmové hudby - různí umělci
- VSD-7060 Pushing Daisies: Season 2 - Jim Dooley
- VSD-7062 Cesta zpět - Burkhard Dallwitz
- VSD-7063 Sanctum - David Hirschfelder
- VSD-7064 Neznámý - John Ottman a Alexander Rudd
- Písně inspirace VSD-7065 (Ray Price)
- VSD-7066 The Pacific Flow to Abbey Road - Randy Edelman
- VSD-7067 Fringe: Sezóna 2 - Chris Tilton
- VSD-7068 Battle: Los Angeles - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7069 Ironclad - Lorne Balfe (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7070 La Ligne Droite - Patrick Doyle (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7071 Vaše Výsosti - Steve Jablonsky
- VSD-7072 Largo Winch 2 - Alexandre Desplat (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7073 Moskva - skupina Keitha Emersona s Marcem Bonillou
- VSD-7074 Písně inspirace (The Wilburn Brothers)
- VSD-7075 Turista - James Newton Howard
- VSD-7076 Gulliver's Travels - Henry Jackman
- VSD-7077 Songs Of Inspiration (Buck Owens & the Buckaroos)
- VSD-7078 The Very Best of Buck Owens & Susan Raye
- VSD-7079 Princezna z Montpensier - Philippe Sarde
- VSD-7080 Les yeux de sa mère (Jeho matka oči) - Gustavo Santaolalla (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7081 The Very Best of Wanda Jackson
- VSD-7082 Hop - Christopher Lennertz (skóre album)
- VSD-7083 Scream 4 - Marco Beltrami (skóre album)
- VSD-7084 Rio - John Powell (skóre album)
- VSD-7085 La Fille du Puisatier - Alexandre Desplat (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7086 Mildred Pierce - Carter Burwell
- VSD-7087 The Very Best of Dan Seals
- VSD-7088 Fast Five - Brian Tyler (skóre album)
- VSD-7089 Camelot - Mychael Danna a Jeff Danna
- VSD-7090 Jsem číslo čtyři - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-7091 Borgias - Trevor Morris
- VSD-7092 Kung Fu Panda 2 - Hans Zimmer a John Powell
- VSD-7093 The Best of Angel Voices - The St. Philip's Boys Choir
- VSD-7094 Muž, kterému říkají pan Piano, hraje romantické melodie naší doby - Roger Williams
- VSD-7095 The Family Way - Paul McCartney
- VSD-7096 The Very Best of Earl Klugh: The Blue Note Years - Earl Klugh
- VSD-7097 Hra o trůny - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7098 Další rok - Gary Yershon
- VSD-7099 První srovnávač - Alex Heffes
- VSD-7100 Monte Carlo - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7101 Super 8 - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7102 Too Big To Fail - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSD-7103 Mr. Popper's Penguins - Rolfe Kent
- Souprava VSD-7104 - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7105 Cowboys & Aliens - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-7106 Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7107 Klasické písně Dickey Lee - Dickey Lee
- VSD-7108 The Wilburn Brothers Show - The Wilburn Brothers
- VSD-7109 Final Destination 5 - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7110 John Carpenter's The Ward - Mark Kilian
- VSD-7111 Fright Night - Ramin Djawadi
- Soundtrack VSD-7112 - Dwight Twilley
- VSD-7113 Jsi připraven?: Sweet Live - Sweet
- VSD-7114 The Help - Thomas Newman (skóre album)
- Dům snů VSD-7115 - John Debney
- VSD-7116 Věc - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7117 Johnny English Reborn - Ilan Ehskeri
- VSD-7118 The Centennial Collection - Roy Rogers with the Sons Of The Pioneers
- VSD-7119 Lost Weekend, The Best of Wall Of Voodoo (The I.R.S Years) - Wall of Voodoo
- Příběh delfínů VSD-7120 - Mark Isham
- VSD-7121 Tower Heist - Christophe Beck
- VSD-7122 Real Steel - Danny Elfman (skóre album)
- VSD-7123 The Ides of March - Alexandre Desplat
- VSD-7124 Will - Nigel Clarke a Michael Csányi-Wills (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7125 A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas - William Ross (skóre album)
- VSD-7126 Albert Nobbs - Brian Byrne
- VSD-7127 Power Play - Billy Cobham
- VSD-7128 Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7129 Reflections of Life - Dale Evans
- VSD-7130 Golden Inspirational Hymns - Roger Williams
- VSD-7131 Big Miracle - Cliff Eidelman
- VSD-7132 Fringe: Sezóna 3 - Chris Tilton
- VSD-7133 In the Land of Blood and Honey - Gabriel Yared / Various Artists
- VSD-7134 černé zlato (americký titul „Day Of The Falcon“) - James Horner
- VSD-7135 There Be Dragons (Secretos de Pasión) - Robert Folk
- VSD-7136 Gracious Days - Demolition String Band s Elenou Skye a Boo Reiners
- VSD-7137 Safe House - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7138 Dr. Seuss 'The Lorax - John Powell (skóre album)
- VSD-7139 Spartacus: Vengeance - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7140 Jacaranda - Trevor Rabin
- VSD-7141 Coriolanus - Ilan Eshkeri
- VSD-7142 Bel Ami - Lakshman Joseph De Saram a Rachel Portman
- Brzda VSD-7143 - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7144 Green Blimp - Dwight Twilley
- VSD-7145 Kabina v lese - David Julyan
- Bitevní loď VSD-7146 - Steve Jablonsky
- VSD-7147 Picture This - Billy Cobham (GRP Records reissue)
- VSD-7148 Game of Thrones: Season 2 - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7149 Touchback - William Ross
- Varování VSD-7150 - Billy Cobham (reedice GRP Records)
- VSD-7151 Hemingway & Gellhorn - Javier Navarrete
- VSD-7152 Doba ledová: Kontinentální drift - John Powell
- VSD-7153 The Chorus (Les Choristes) - Bruno Coulais (nové vydání)
- VSD-7154 Savages - Adam Peters / Various Artists
- VSD-7155 It’s Your Night - James Ingram
- VSD-7156 Dobrodruzi - Quincy Jones a The Ray Brown Orchestra (reedice LP)
- VSD-7157 Basie & Beyond - The Quincy Jones - Sammy Nestico Orchestra
- VSD-7158 The Bourne Legacy - James Newton Howard
- VSD-7159 Samsara - Michael Stearns, Lisa Gerrard a Marcello De Francisci
- VSD-7160 Baraka: Deluxe Edition - Michael Stearns
- VSD-7161 High Ground - Chris Bacon (oznámeno, přiděleno katalogové číslo a zrušeno. Pouze digitální vydání)
- VSD-7162 Zjevení - tomandandy
- VSD-7163 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada - James Horner
- VSD-7164 Zajímavá osoba - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7165 Projekt Tři osudy - Kapela Keitha Emersona
- VSD-7166 The Very Best Of Adrian Legg - Adrian Legg
- VSD-7167 Winged Migration - Bruno Coulais (nové vydání)
- VSD-7168 Bad Karma - Bryce Jacobs (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7169 Problémy s křivkou - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7170 Parade's End - Dirk Brossé (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7171 Vánoční písně - Roberta Flack
- VSD-7172 Fringe: Sezóna 4 - Chris Tilton
- VSD-7173 Sinister - Christopher Young
- Shadow Dancer VSD-7174 - Dickon Hinchliffe (vydání Colosseum Records, POUZE v Evropě)
- VSD-7175 Rise of the Guardians - Alexandre Desplat
- VSD-7177 Microcosmos - Bruno Coulais (nové vydání)
- VSD-7178 Gangster Squad - Steve Jablonsky (skóre album)
- VSD-7179 Parker - David Buckley
- Kulka VSD-7180 do hlavy - Steve Mazzaro
- VSD-7181 Transmigration Macabre - Ravi Shankar
- Vedlejší účinky VSD-7182 - Thomas Newman
- VSD-7183 Existují ale čtyři malé tváře - malé tváře
- VSD-7184 Spartacus: War of the Damned - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7185 Varèse Sarabande: Oslava 35. výročí
- VSD-7186 Show Boat: A London Studio Cast Recording - hudba od Jerome Kerna, texty od Oscara Hammersteina II
- VSD-7188 The Idolmaker - Jeff Bary
- VSD-7189 Himálaj - Bruno Coulais
- VSD-7190 G.I. Joe: Odplata - Henry Jackman
- Dům karet VSD-7191 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7192 Dead Man Down - Jacob Groth
- VSD-7193 Pain & Gain - Steve Jablonsky
- VSD-7194 Dojmy Ameriky - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7195 Flash Harry - Harry Nilsson
- VSD-7196 Fringe: Sezóna 5 - Chris Tilton
- VSD-7197 Stuck In Love - Mike Mogis a Nathaniel Walcott / Various Artists
- VSD-7198 Star Trek Into Darkness - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7200 1985 At The Movies - David Newman and the Varèse Symphony Orchestra (disk 1 ze 6 CD Back In Time ... 1985 At The Movies)
- VSD-7203 Copperhead - Laurent Eyquem
- VSD-7204 The Boys Club: Live from California, The Complete Concert - Keith Emerson, Glenn Hughes a Marc Bonilla
- VSD-7205 The Hangover Trilogy (obsahuje hudbu z The Hangover, The Hangover 2 a The Hangover 3) - Christophe Beck
- VSD-7206 Mull of Kintyre - The Campbeltown Pipe Band
- VSD-7207 Beatles Bondovi a Bachovi - George Martin & His Orchestra
- VSD-7208 No Place on Earth - John Piscitello (oznámeno, přiděleno katalogové číslo a zrušeno. Pouze digitální vydání)
- VSD-7209 One Track Heart - J Mascis & Devadas
- VSD-7210 White House Down - Thomas Wander a Harald Kloser
- VSD-7211 The Smurfs 2 - Heitor Pereira (skóre album)
- VSD-7212 Elysium - Ryan Amon
- VSD-7213 Evidence - Atli Örvarsson (název Amazon On Demand. Vydání Digital & CDR)
- VSD-7214 Imogene (US Direct to Digital title "Girl Most Likely") - Rob Simonsen (Amazon On Demand Title, Digital & CDR release)
- VSD-7215 After the Fair - Tish Hinojosa
- VSD-7216 Adore - Christopher Gordon / Antony Pardos
- VSD-7217 Hemlock Grove - Nathan Barr
- VSD-7219 The Ultimate Life - Mark McKenzie
- VSD-7220 vstávání - Brian Tyler
- Útěk VSD-7221 - Justin Burnett (Limited)
- VSD-7222 Chlapec jménem Charlie Brown - Rod McKuen (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7226 Kapitán Phillips - Henry Jackman
- VSD-7227 Enderova hra - Steve Jablonsky
- VSD-7229 Person of Interest: Season 2 - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7233 Arrested Development - David Schwartz / Various Artists
- VSD-7234 Last Vegas - Mark Mothersbaugh / Various Artists
- VSD-7236 Any Which Way You Can - Various Artists (Reissue of Warner Bros. Records LP)
- VSD-7237 Honkytonk Man - Various Artists (Reissue of Warner Bros. Records LP)
- VSD-7238 Sharky's Machine - Various Artists (Reissue of Warner Bros. Records LP)
- VSD-7239 Strike Back - Scott Shields
- VSD-7240 Oldboy - Roque Baños
- VSD-7241 Hours - Benjamin Wallfisch
- VSD-7242 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7245 Ride Along - Christopher Lennertz
- VSD-7246 47 Ronin - Ilan Eshkeri
- Pevný disk VSD-7247 - Bryce Jacobs (vydání CDR pro Amazon On Demand a digitální stažení)
- VSD-7248 Lock Up - Bill Conti (omezené vydání nového titulu Intrada Special Collection)
- VSD-7250 That Awkward Moment - David Torn / Various Artists
- VSD-7251 Non-Stop - John Ottman / Edwin Wendler
- VSD-7252 Železniční muž - David Hirschfelder
- VSD-7253 Songs Our Daddy Taught Us - The Everly Brothers
- VSD-7255 Enough Said - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSD-7256 After the Dark (The Philosophers) - Nicholas O'Toole a Jonathan Davis
- VSD-7257 Správný druh špatného - Rachel Portman
- VSD-7258 Porky's Revenge - Various Artists (Reissue of Mobile Fidelity & Sony Legacy CD's)
- VSD-7259 Nestyda - různí umělci
- VSD-7262 One On One - Charles Fox / Seals & Crofts (LP reedice)
- VSD-7263 Oculus - The Newton Brothers
- VSD-7266 R.I.P. - Zombie
- VSD-7267 Bates Motel - Chris Bacon
- VSD-7268 Kdo zabíjí skvělé kuchaře v Evropě? - Henry Mancini (Limited Reissue of MCA Records LP)
- VSD-7270 The Quiet Ones - Lucas Vidal
- VSD-7271 House of Cards: Sezóna 2 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7272 Need for Speed - Nathan Furst (skóre album)
- VSD-7273 The Long Night - Michael Bradford
- VSD-7274 Dracula Dana Curtise - Robert Cobert
- VSD-7278 Belle - Rachel Portman
- VSD-7279 Kalvárie - Patrick Cassidy
- VSD-7280 Hidden Moon - Luis Bacalov / Various Artists
- VSD-7284 The Signal - Nima Fakhrara
- VSD-7286 Whiplash - Justin Hurwitz, Tim Simonec / Various Artists
- VSD-7287 Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu - Jay Vincent a Michael Kramer
- VSD-7292 Into The Storm - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7294 Ekvalizér - Harry Gregson-Williams
- VSD-7295 Listopadový muž - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7296 Snowpiercer - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7297 Procházka mezi náhrobky - Carlos Rafael Rivera
- VSD-7298 Penny Dreadful: Season 1 - Abel Korzeniowski
- VSD-7299 Chuck - Tim Jones
- VSD-7303 Loft - John Frizzell
- VSD-7305 Addicted - Aaron Zigman
- VSD-7306 The Hero of Color City - Zoe Poledouris-Roche / Angel Roche
- VSD-7307 Pomsta zelených draků - Mark Kilian
- VSD-7308 Fury - Steven Price
- VSD-7309 John Wick - Tyler Bates / Joel J. Richard / Various Artists
- VSD-7312 Elmer Bernstein: The Wild Side - Elmer Bernstein / Big Band De Canarias
- VSD-7314 Orange Is The New Black - Gwendolyn Sanford, Brandon Jay & Scott Doherty
- VSD-7315 Keep On Keepin 'On - Justin Kauflin / Quincy Jones / Various Artists
- VSD-7317 The Homesman - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7318 Mr. Turner - Gary Yernshon
- VSD-7319 Woman In Black 2: Angel of Death - Marco Beltrami, Marcus Trumpp a Brandon Roberts
- VSD-7320 Noc v muzeu: Tajemství hrobky - Alan Silvestri
- VSD-7321 Orphan Black - Trevor Yulie (skóre album)
- VSD-7322 Orphan Black - Various Artists
- VSD-7323 The Newsroom - Thomas Newman / John Beal (oznámeno, přiděleno katalogové číslo a zrušeno)
- VSD-7324 Chlapec od vedle - Randy Edelman / Nathan Barr
- VSD-7325 Virunga - Patrick Jonsson (omezený)
- VSD-7327 Velká lidská odysea - Darren Fung
- Pouštní tanečník VSD-7340 - Benjamin Wallifisch
- VSD-7342 At Long Last Love - Cole Porter
- VSD-7343 The Music of Patrick Doyle: Piano Solo - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7344 Jane Got A Gun - Lisa Gerrard / Marcello DiFrancesi (oznámeno, přiděleno katalogové číslo a zrušeno)
- VSD-7345 Killer Klowns from Outer Space: Reimagined - John Massari (opětovné nahrávání)
- VSD-7348 I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story - Joshua Johnson
- VSD-7349 The Woman Astronaut - Penka Kouneva
- VSD-7353 12 Monkeys (TV Series) - Trevor Rabin / Paul Linford
- VSD-7354 Jonathan Strange And Mr. Norell - Benoit Cherest / Benoit Groulx
- VSD-7355 Knihovníci - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7356 Self / Less - Antonio Pinto / Dudu Aram
- Pixely VSD-7359 - Henry Jackman
- VSD-7360 Maggie - David Wingo (vydání Digital Download, CD bylo plánováno, ale zrušeno)
- VSD-7363 House of Cards Season 3 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7364 Extinction - Sergio Moure De Oteyza (Limited)
- VSD-7365 Z pro Zachariáše - Heather McIntosh
- VSD-7368 Everest - Dario Marianelli
- VSD-7369 Sicario - Johann Johansson
- VSD-7370 Jennyina svatba - Brian Byrne
- VSD-7371 Procházka v lese - Nathan Larson / Various Artists
- VSD-7373 Rock The Kasbah - Marcelo Zavros / Various Artists
- VSD-7374 Aféra - Marcelo Zavros
- VSD-7377 Momentum - Laurent Eqyuem
- VSD-7380 Carol - Carter Burwell / Různí umělci
- VSD-7381 Ray Donovan - Marcelo Zavros / Various Artists
- Pravda VSD-7383 - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7384 The Final Girls - Gregory James Jenkins
- VSD-7585 Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans - Jim Copperthwaite
- VSD-7386 Flesh and Bone (Starz! Original Series) - Dave Porter
- VSD-7387 Ash vs. Evil Dead - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7388 Pamatujte - Mychael Danna
- VSD-7392 Pýcha a předsudek a zombie - Fernando Velasquez
- VSD-7393 Person of Interest Seasons 3 & 4 - Ramin Djawadi
- VSD-7395 The Electric Horseman - Dave Grusin / Willie Nelson (CD Reissue of Columbia Records)
- VSD-7397 Star Trek Beyond - Michael Giacchino
- VSD-7398 Jesse Stone: The Ultimate Collection - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7399 House of Cards Season 4 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7401 Bohové Egypta - Marco Beltrami
- VSD-7402 Revelation - Neal Acree
- VSD-7407 American Flyers - Lee Ritenour / Greg Mathison (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7411 Nighthawks - Keith Emerson
- VSD-7412 Before I Wake - The Newton Brothers & Danny Elfman (původně určen pro veřejné vydání, nyní omezený název)
- VSD-7413 Eddie The Eagle - Matthew Margeson
- VSD-7419 Faul Play - Charles Fox (nové vydání)
- VSD-7420 The Champ - Dave Grusin (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7425 Roots: The Saga of an American Family - Quincy Jones (Reissue of A&M Records CD)
- Velká dovolená VSD-7426 Pee Wee - Mark Mothersbaugh
- VSD-7427 Dobré časy - Sonny Bono & Cher
- Hlasy VSD-7428 - Jimmy Webb (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7429 Z: Začátek všeho - Marcelo Zavros
- VSD2-7430 Popeye: The Deluxe Edition - Harry Nilsson / Various Artists (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7436 Barbarella - Charles Fox & Bob Crewe (poprvé na CD)
- VSD-7438 Now You See Me 2 - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7439 Howard Lovecraft a The Frozen Kingdom - George Streicher
- VSD-7441 City Heat - Lennie Niehaus / Various Artists (Reissue of Warner Bros. Records LP)
- VSD-7445 Doba ledová: Collison Course - John Debney
- VSD-7446 Jejich nejlepší - Rachel Portman
- VSD-7447 Devátý život Louise Draxe - Patrick Watson
- Elektronická meditace VSD-7448 - mandarínkový sen
- VSD-7450 The Very Best of England Dan a John Ford Coley
- VSD-7452 Sully - Clint Eastwood, Christian Jacob And The Tierney Sutton Band
- VSD-7453 ABZU - Austin Wintory
- VSD-7458 Hacksaw Ridge - Rupert Gregson-Williams
- VSD-7459 Wheeler - Stephen Dorff / Various Artists
- VSD-7460 Penny Dreadful Seasons 2 & 3 - Abel Korzeniowski
- VSD-7469 Muhammad Ali: The Greatest - Michael Masser / George Benson (nové vydání)
- VSD-7471 XXX: Return of Xander Cage - Brian Tyler And Robert Lydecker
- VSD-7472 John Wick Kapitola 2 - Tyler Bates & Joel J. Richard / Various Artists
- VSD-7454 Orange Sunshine - Matt Costa
- VSD-7475 The Man In The High Castle: Seasons 1 & 2 - Henry Jackman & Dominic Lewis
- VSD-7476 Sleepless - Michael Kamm & Jaro Messerschmidt
- VSD-7477 Muž ze zasněžené řeky a další motivy pro klavír - Bruce Rowland
- VSD-7478 John Williams: Témata a přepisy pro klavír - John Williams / Simone Pedroni
- VSD-7482 zlato - různí umělci
- VSD-7483 Zakladatel - Carter Burwell
- VSD-7484 Power Rangers - Brian Tyler
- VSD-7485 A Velká Británie - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7486 On Golden Pond - Dave Grusin (Reissue of MCA Records LP - includes dialog by Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda)
- VSD-7487 Julie's Greenroom - Ryan Shore & Julie Andrews
- VSD-7488 Bosch - Jesse Voccia
- VSD-7490 The House - Andrew Feltenstein & John Nau / Various Artists
- VSD-7494 2:22 - Lisa Gerrard & James Orr
- VSD-7495 Thief Of Hearts - Giorgio Moroder a Harold Faltermeyer / Various Artists (CD Reissue of Casablanca Records)
- VSD-7501 The Big Sick - Michael Andrews / Various Artists
- VSD2-7504 House of Cards Season 5 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-7505 The Putin Interviews - Jeff Beal (Limited)
- VSD-7507 Harper Valley P.T.A. - Various Artists (LP reissue)
- VSD-7508 Kodachrome - Agatha Kaspar
- VSD-7509 Jasmine - Shie Rozow (omezeno na 300 výtisků a rovněž zahrnuto a určeno k zahájení série podpisů, která obsahovala podepsané brožury s každým CD)
- VSD-7511 Shimmer Lake - Joseph Trapanese (Limited)
- VSD-7512 E.B. Web White's Charlotte - Richard M. Sherman a Robert B. Sherman (reedice CD)
- VSD2-7514 Gypsy Season 1 - Jeff Beal (Limited)
- VSD-7516 American Assassin - Steven Price
- VSD-7519 12 Monkeys Season 3 - Stephen Barton
- VSD-7522 Loveless - Evgueni Galperine & Sacha Galperine
- VSD-7523 Jean-Michel Bernard hraje Lalo Schifrin - Lalo Schifrin / Jean-Michel Bernard
- VSD-7524 violoncello - Randy Kerber
- VSD-7525 The Limehouse Golem - Johan Söderqvist (Limited)
- VSD-7527 American Made - Christophe Beck / Various Artists
- VSD-7528 Breathe - Nitin Sawhney
- VSD-7529 Hampstead - Stephen Warbeck (omezený)
- VSD-7530 Smokey & The Bandit: 40th Anniversary - Bill Justis / Various Artists & Smokey & The Bandit II - Various Artists (Reissue of MCA Records LP's)
- Soundbar VSD-7532 - Taj Mahal (Reissue of MCA Records CD)
- VSD-7535 Zub a nehty - Austin Wintory
- VSD-7536 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri - Carter Burwell / Various Artists
- VSD-7540 Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature - Heitor Pereira (Limited)
- VSD-7541 Only The Brave - Joseph Trapanese
- VSD-7543 Chappaquiddick - Garth Stevenson
- VSD-7545 Jungle - Johnny Klimek
- VSD-7547 24 hodin života - Tyler Bates
- VSD-7550 Znovuzrození ID - Penka Kouvena
- VSD-7554 Fletch Harold Faltermeyer / Various Artists (Reissue of MCA Records LP)
- VSD-7555 Hangman - Frederik Weidmann
- VSD2-7556 Knight Rider - Stu Phillips (Limited Reissue a expanze původního CD Film Score Měsíční limitovaná edice 2005)
- VSD-7557 The Commuter - Roque Banos
- VSD-7559 Do Badlands - David Shepard
- Sirény VSD-7560 (hudba inspirovaná Homerovou Odyssey) - Craig Safan
- VSD-7562 Ponoření - Fernando Velázquez
- VSD-7563 Wilsonovo srdce - Christopher Young
- Duchové příběhy VSD-7564 - Frank Ilfman
- VSD-7565 Life Of The Party - Fil Eisler / Various Artists
- VSD-7567 The Strangers: Prey At Night - Adrian Johnston
- VSD-7568 I Kill Giants - Laurent Perez Del Mar
- VSD-7569 Into The Badlands Sezóna 2 - Trevor Yulie
- VSD-7570 Nostalgia - Laurent Eyquem
- VSD-7571 Bad Samartan - Joseph LoDuca
- VSD-7579 Timeless - Robert Duncan
- VSD-7580 Sgt. Stubby: The American Hero - Patrick Doyle
- VSD-7582 Hrajte znovu, Marvine! - Marvin Hamlisch / J. Ernest Green kond. (Živý koncert)
- VSD-7584 Sicario: Day Of The Soldado - Hildur Guðnadóttir
- VSD-7585 Shock And Awe - Jeff Beal
Nová řada VSD (2018 – současnost)
Štítek získal Concord Music v roce 2018 a opustil systém číslování PolyGram / Universal. Nová série byla zahájena v důsledku prefixu UPC společnosti Concord. Zbytek UPC nemusí nutně odpovídat katalogovému číslu vydání a všechny mají předponu VSD bez ohledu na to, na jaký formát byl vydán. Všechny vydané verze LP nebyly zahrnuty a měly by být v samostatné části. Tento seznam se soustředí na část CD, nikoli na digitální vydání.
- VSD-00003 Soukromá válka - H. Scott Salinas
- VSD-00011 Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas - Paul Williams
- VSD-00013 Leaving on a Jet Plane - The Mitchell Trio & Denver, Boise, and Johnson
- VSD-00020 The Zombies: The Complete Studio Recordings
- VSD-00021 The Old Man & the Gun - Daniel Hart
- VSD-00031 The Other Side of the Mountain Part 2 - Lee Holdridge
- VSD-00039 Krypton - Pinar Toprek
- VSD-00072 Lonesome Dove - Basil Poledouris (nové vydání)
- VSD-00082 House of Cards Season 6 - Jeff Beal
- VSD-00085 Syn - Nathan Barr (oficiální katalogové číslo TBA brzy)
- VSD-00086 Hotel Mumbai - Volker Bertelmann (aka. Hauschka)
- VSD-00090 Cold Pursuit - George Fenton
- VSD-00105 John Wick Kapitola 3: Parabellum - Tyler Bates & Joel J. Richard
- VSD-00110 The Goonies - Dave Grusin (Pravidelné veřejné vydání populárního skóre minus bonusové skladby obsažené v původním vydání klubu Varese Club 25. výročí 2010)
- VSD-00124 Anne s „E“ - Amin Bhatia a Ari Posner
- VSD-00133 The Peanut Butter Falcon - Jonathan Sadoff & Zachary Dawes & Noam Pikelny & Gabe Witcher / Various Artists
- VSD-00161 The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Vol. 1 - Daniel Pemberton
- VSD-00164 The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Vol. 2 - Daniel Pemberton / Samuel Sim
- VSD-00168 Whiplash: The Deluxe Edition - Justin Hurtwitz & Tim Simonec / Various Artists
- VSD-00222 Hackers - Simon Boswell / Various Artists
- VSD-00238 The Buddy Holly Story: The Deluxe Edition - Various Artists
- VSD-00247 Army of Darkness - Joseph LoDuca, Danny Elfman („March of the Dead Theme“) (nové vydání alba VSD-5411 z roku 1993 jako limitovaná edice 1500 prodávaných výhradně značkou)
- VSD-07216 Dracula 2000 - Marco Beltrami (nové vydání alba uvedeného v krabici „The Little Box of Horrors“ jako samostatná limitovaná edice 1 500 exkluzivně prodávaných značkou)
Varese Sarabande CD Club (1989-1992)
V důsledku nového spojení Varèse Sarabande s MCA Distribution Corp., dlouho inzerovaný CD Club konečně debutoval v březnu 1989 jako zásilkový exkluzivní produkt po řadě výrobních problémů. Ti, kteří zasílali kontaktní údaje na štítek, jak je inzerováno na mnoha kartách s vložkami CD Varèse Sarabande, obdrželi každoroční leták oznamující disky s omezenou edicí. Tato první inkarnace klubu probíhala od roku 1989 do roku 1992 a jasně využila výhod partnerství MCA, protože několik titulů pocházelo přímo z jejich trezoru. To také pomohlo Varèse Sarabande znovu vydat partitury ze starších filmů a vydat soundtracky k divadelním verzím, které nebyly úspěšné nebo soundtrack v té době nebyl k dispozici. Rovněž byli schopni vydat konkrétní tituly ze svého vlastního katalogu LP, které v té době z logistických důvodů nebyly možné jako běžné mainstreamové vydání. Všechna vydání byla ručně očíslována a omezena na série 1000, 1200, 1500 nebo 2500 a každá byla prodána za 19,98 $. The assigned catalog numbers correspond to the month and year of release with the volume number following the decimal. All first-generation club titles were produced by Robert Townson and Tom Null.[12]
In their mail order flyer, the original group of composers that were slated to appear in the original series of club releases included Jerry Goldsmith, Alex North, James Horner, Bill Conti, Georges Delerue, Miklos Rosza, Elmer Bernstein, Basil Poledouris amongst others. The label did release soundtracks by these composers and sometimes, than one at time. However, Conti's and Delerue's titles without any definitive explanation were never released at that time and it is assumed that the Conti title may possibly have been "The Karate Kid" [44][45] and the Delerue title may have been "Joe vs. The Volcano".[46][47] Both titles were eventually released as part of the reactivated version of the club after 2001.
- VCL 8903.1 Cherry 2000 - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 8903.2 Fedora / Crisis ("Guitar Suite") - Miklos Rozsa
- VCL 8903.3 Symphonic Suites - Pino Donaggio (Featuring Suites from Piranha, Tourist Trap, The Howling and Home Movies)
- VCL 9001.4 Vibes - James Horner
- VCL 9001.5 The Rose Tattoo - Alex North
- VCL 9001.6 Red Sonja / Bloodline - Ennio Morricone
- VCL 9101.7 Raggedy Man - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 9101.8 Stars And Bars - Elmer Bernstein (This is a score for a 1988 comedy that was rejected by Columbia Pictures)
- VCL 9101.9 Eye Of The Needle / Last Embrace - Miklos Rozsa
- VCL 9201.10 The 'Burbs - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 9201.11 The Film Music Of Alfred Newman - Alfred Newman
- VCL 9201.12 We're No Angels - George Fenton
Two special budget releases appeared in 1992 for the final club year with the following two albums selling for the midline price of $10.98 apiece more as an experiment to see if titles from the club would sell at this price. These sold out instantly and were the last of this batch of the club ever to be featured at this price point. Later on Jagged Edge would be reissued as a part of the relaunched Club under the Varese Encore banner with new artwork and at the price of $15.98 which also sold out at the same 1000 copy run of its original release from 1992.
- BCL 6001 Jagged Edge - John Barry
- BCL 6002 Flesh + Blood - Basil Poledouris
Varese Sarabande CD Club (2001 – současnost)
After an over nine-year hiatus, the Varese Club officially returned after it was announced in 1998 by the label with no progress being made for almost three years until it was reactivated in November 2001, thanks to a change in re-use fee policies involving the American Federation of Musicians (AFM),[48] more cooperative studio licensing and the internet boom of the late 1990s that helped with sales for all the record labels. The reactivation was in light of Film Score Monthly's success in marketing limited edition scores from the archives of major studios that started with Twentieth Century-Fox and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and expanding to Warner Bros., Turner Entertainment, Paramount Pictures and more recently, Universal Pictures that has finally opened their vaults. Other labels such as Intrada Records, Percepto Records. Citadel Records and Prometheus Records also began their own Limited Edition series starting in 1999, which put Varese in a very strong position to make good on their 1998 announcement.[12]
This time, the club would release titles at a quarterly interval with as many as four releases per batch and as low as one (i.e. Spartacus: Deluxe Edition, The List of Adrian Messenger). Their record for an announced batch is six titles which happened in December 2013 which was unprecedented for the label. Unlike the original series, this version of the club also featured more box sets (i.e. Jerry Goldsmith at Fox, Bernard Herrmann at Fox, The Karate Kid, North & South, etc.), Deluxe Editions of previously released catalog titles greatly expanded from their commercial releases, live concert recordings that were featured in a CD/DVD hybrid (i.e. Alien: Biomechanical Symphony, Filmucite' Closing Night Gala) and a celebration set dedicated to the Films of 1985 called At The Movies 1985 which came in a Gatefold LP styled packaging featuring 6 CD's in LP reproduction slipcases. A new numbering system was devised consisting of the month then year followed by the limited edition number of copies.[12] The label has since reduced their output of club releases that had started with four then lowering it two or three titles at a time and three batches per year instead of four which they had done as recently as 2013.
This series also featured a popular staple to the Club called the Encore Series, which were reissues of out-of-print catalog titles from the label's very beginning. This part of the Club gave fans the opportunity to acquire these long out-of-print titles which also included some original Varese Sarabande Club titles from the original series at the price of 15.98 with the run limited to 1000 copies only. Amongst the titles that were reissued they included Jagged Edge, Vibes, Eye of the Needle, The Boy Who Could Fly and the very last produced Encore title, Raggedy Man by Jerry Goldsmith which was amongst the final releases by producer Robert Townson for the label.[49]
The first three releases of the reactivated Club announced in November 2001 were Heartbeeps by John Williams (which was originally intended to be a part of the original Club as part of the Masters Film Music Series), Project X by the late James Horner and a reissue of one of the LP catalog releases in Marie Ward by Elmer Bernstein.[50]
- VCL 1101-1001 Pípání srdce - John Williams
- VCL 1101-1002 Projekt X - James Horner
- VCL 1101-1003 Marie Ward - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0202-1004 Těžce zemřít - Michael Kamen
- VCL 0202-1005 Dlouhé horké léto / Svatyně - Alex North
- VCL 0202-1006 Láska je mnohostranná věc - Alfred Newman
- VCL 0502-1007 The Ballad Of Cable Hogue - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0502-1008 Cast a Giant Shadow - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0502-1009 Panna královna - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0702-1010 Pískové oblázky - The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0702-1011 Fury - The Deluxe Edition - John Williams
- VCL 0702-1012 Romancing the Stone - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 0702-1013 Nevěsta - Maurice Jarre
- VCL 1102-1014 Home Alone 2: Lost In New York: The Deluxe Edition - John Williams
- VCL 1102-1015 Velký - Howard Shore
- VCL 1102-1016 Hřeby Lonigan - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0403-1017 Hawaii: The Deluxe Edition - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0403-1018 Kouzlo - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0403-1019 Milovaný nevěřící - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0403-1020 The Return Of A Man Called Horse: The Deluxe Edition - Laurence Rosenthal
- VCL 0703-1021 Varèse Sarabande 25th Anniversary Collection Volume Two - Various Artists
- VCL 0803-1022 Dravec - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 0803-1023 Justine: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0803-1024 Příběh Ruth - Franz Waxman
- VCL 1103-1025 Župan - The Deluxe Edition - Alfred Newman
- VCL 1103-1026 Komando - James Horner
- VCL 1103-1027 Ostrov - Ennio Morricone
- VCL 0204-1028 Jerry Goldsmith At 20th Century Fox - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0804-1029 Velký útěk - The Deluxe Edition - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0804-1030 Fitzwilly / Dlouhé sbohem - John Williams
- VCL 0804-1031 Piraňa - Pino Donaggio
- VCL 1104-1032 The Agony And The Ecstasy: The Deluxe Edition/The Artist Who Couldn't Paint - Alex North / Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1104-1033 Tři mince ve fontáně - Victor Young
- VCL 1104-1034 Sheena - Richard Hartley
- VCL 0505-1035 Alien Nation (rejected score) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0505-1036 Desireé - Alex North / Alfred Newman
- VCL 0505-1037 Tvorba třídy - Basil Poledouris /Různí umělci
- VCL 0805-1038 Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0805-1039 PĚST. / Pomalý tanec ve velkém městě - Bill Conti
- VCL 0805-1040 Skutečné vyznání - Georges Delerue
- VCL 0805-1041 Kindred - David Newman
- VCL 1105-1042 Broadcast News - Bill Conti
- VCL 1105-1043 Scalphunters - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 1105-1044 Levá ruka Boží - Victor Young
- VCL 1105-1045 Přísně tajné! - Maurice Jarre
- VCL 0306-1046 Krotitelé duchů - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0306-1047 Nováček roku / Noc v životě Jimmyho Reardona / Bushwhacked - Bill Conti
- VCL 0306-1048 Vraťte se na Peyton Place - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0306-1049 An Almost Perfect Affair - Georges Delerue
- VCL 0706-1050 Gloria - Bill Conti
- VCL 0706-1051 The War Of The Roses / Sandlot - David Newman
- VCL 0706-1052 Nedokončený život (rejected score) - Christopher Young
- VCL 0706-1053 Sky Bandits - Alfi Kabiljo
- VCL 1106-1054 Birdman z Alcatrazu - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 1106-1055 Runaway: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1106-1056 Lucas - Dave Grusin
- VCL 1106-1057 Sedm měst zlata / The Rains of Ranchipur - Hugo Friedhofer
- VCL 1106-1058 Opatrně, mohl by vás slyšet - Ray Cook
- VCL 0307-1059 Karate Kid Box (Karate Kid /Karate Kid část II /Karate Kid část III /The Next Karate Kid ) - Bill Conti
- VCL 0307-1060 Mizející - Jerry Goldsmith'
- VCL 0307-1061 Author! Autor! - Dave Grusin / Johnny Mandel (rejected score)
- VCL 0307-1062 84 Charing Cross Road - George Fenton
- VCL 0707-1063 The 'Burbs: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0707-1064 F/X: The Deluxe Edition - Bill Conti
- VCL 0707-1065 Les Misérables - Alex North
- VCL 0707-1066 Anne Of The Indies / Man On A Tightrope - Franz Waxman
- VCL 1107-1067 North By Northwest - Bernard Herrmann / Joel McNeely conducts (re-recording)
- VCL 1107-1068 Neighbors - Bill Conti / Tom Scott (rejected score)
- VCL 1107-1069 By Love Possessed - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 1107-1070 The Tall Men - Victor Young
- VCL 1107-1071 Magic Fire - Richard Wagner arranged by Erich Wolfgang Korngold
- VCL 0208-1072 North And South - Bill Conti
- VCL 0208-1073 The Caretakers / The Young Doctors - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0208-1074 Viva Zapata! / The 13th Letter - Alex North
- VCL 0208-1075 Matilda - David Newman
- VCL 0608-1076 Gangs Of New York / The Journey Of Natty Gann / The Scarlet Letter (rejected scores box set)- Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0608-1077 Iron Eagle - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 0608-1078 My Cousin Rachel - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0608-1079 The Man Who Loved Women - Henry Mancini
- VCL 0608-1080 In A Shallow Grave - Jonathan Sheffer
- VCL 0908-1081 The Matrix: The Deluxe Edition - Don Davis
- VCL 0908-1082 North And South: Book II - Bill Conti
- VCL 0908-1083 Anna Lucasta - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0908-1084 Pony Soldier - Alex North
- VCL 0908-1085 Vamp - Jonathan Elias
- VCL 1108-1086 Short Circuit - David Shire
- VCL 1108-1087 Report To The Commissioner - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 1108-1088 The President's Lady - Alfred Newman
- VCL 1108-1089 Silver Bullet - Jay Chattaway
- VCL 0309-1090 Hanover Street - John Barry
- VCL 0309-1091 Nightwing - Henry Mancini
- VCL 0309-1092 Lure Of The Wilderness - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0309-1093 Russkies - James Newton Howard
- VCL 0609-1094 Lonely Are The Brave - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0609-1095 The Right Stuff - Bill Conti
- VCL 0609-1096 Norma Rae - David Shire
- VCL 0609-1097 Hard Contract - Alex North
- VCL 0909-1098 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0909-1099 Crime In The Streets - Franz Waxman
- VCL 0909-1100 A Walk In The Spring Rain - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0909-1101 Children Of The Corn - Jonathan Elias
- VCL 1209-1102 Freud: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1209-1103 Bird Of Paradise - Daniele Amfitheatrof / Lydia Bailey - Hugo Friedhofer
- VCL 0310-1104 The Goonies - Dave Grusin
- VCL 0310-1105 The Spiral Road - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0310-1106 The Scout / Dreamer - Bill Conti
- VCL 0310-1107 The Manhattan Project - Philippe Sarde
- VCL 0410-1108 Star Trek: The Deluxe Edition - Michael Giacchino
- VCL 0610-1109 Spartacus - Alex North
- VCL 0910-1110 A Gathering of Eagles - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0910-1111 The Snake Pit / The Three Faces of Eve - Alfred Newman & Robert Emmett Dolan
- VCL 0910-1112 The Formula - Bill Conti
- VCL 0910-1113 Fimucité 2: Closing Night Gala 2008 (DVD & CD) - conducted by Diego Navarro and Joel McNeely
- VCL 0910-1114 Nightflyers - Doug Timm
- VCL 1110-1115 Family Plot - John Williams
- VCL 1110-1116 Taps - Maurice Jarre
- VCL 1110-1117 The Karate Kid - Bill Conti (single disc)
- VCL 1110-1118 Home Movies - Pino Donaggio
- VCL 0511-1119 The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Vol. 1 - Bernard Herrmann
- VCL 0511-1120 Scream: The Deluxe edition - Marco Beltrami
- VCL 0511-1121 My Demon Lover - David Newman
- VCL 0511-1122 Fimucité 3: Jerry Goldsmith 80th Birthday Tribute Concert (DVD & CD) - conducted by Mark Snow and Diego Navarro
- VCL 0711-1123 The Egyptian: The Deluxe Edition - Alfred Newman and Bernard Herrmann
- VCL 1011-1124 Midway - John Williams
- VCL 1011-1125 The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Vol. 2 - Bernard Herrmann
- VCL 1011-1126 Mimic: The Deluxe Edition - Marco Beltrami
- VCL 1011-1127 The Karate Kid: Part II - Bill Conti (single disc)
- VCL 1211-1128 Bernard Herrmann at 20th Century Fox - Bernard Herrmann
- VCL 0512-1129 Chinatown - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0512-1130 The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Vol. 3 - Lyn Murray, Leonard Rosenman, Lalo Schifrin and Benny Carter
- VCL 0512-1131 The Karate Kid: Part III - Bill Conti (single disc)
- VCL 0512-1132 Eye of the Needle (Varèse Encore) - Miklós Rózsa
- VCL 0512-1133 Amazing Grace and Chuck (Varèse Encore) - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0512-1134 The Clan of the Cave Bear (Varèse Encore) - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 0512-1135 Alien: A Biomechanical Symphony - Fimucité 3 (DVD & CD) - conducted by Diego Navarro
- VCL 0712-1136 Crimes of the Heart (Varèse Encore) - Georges Delerue
- VCL 0712-1137 Tai-Pan (Varèse Encore) - Maurice Jarre
- VCL 1012-1138 Die Hard 2: Die Harder: The Deluxe Edition - Michael Kamen
- VCL 1012-1139 The Red Pony - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1012-1140 Enemy Mine: The Deluxe Edition - Maurice Jarre
- VCL 1012-1141 The Boy Who Could Fly (Varèse Encore) - Bruce Broughton
- VCL 1012-1142 Man On Fire (Varèse Encore) - John Scott
- VCL 1213-1143 Star Trek: Nemesis : The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1213-1144 The Abyss: The Deluxe Edition - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 1213-1145 Brass Target - Laurence Rosenthal
- VCL 1213-1146 Suspect (Varèse Encore) - Michael Kamen
- VCL 1213-1147 Vibes (Varèse Encore) - James Horner
- VCL 1213-1148 Runaway (Varèse Encore) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0214-1149 The List of Adrian Messenger - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0714-1150 Star Trek Into Darkness: The Deluxe Edition - Michael Giacchino
- VCL 1114-1151 Predator 2: The Deluxe Edition - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 1114-1152 Peggy Sue Got Married: The Deluxe Edition - John Barry
- VCL 1114-1153 For Whom The Bell Tolls - Victor Young
- VCL 1114-1154 Fedora (Varèse Encore) - Miklós Rózsa (does not contain "The Crisis Guitar Suite" from original Club release)
- VCL 0615-1155 Back In Time...1985 At The Movies - David Newman conductor/Various Artists (6-CD set also includes The Goonies by Dave Grusin/1985 At Varèse Sarabande/The Songs/The Back To The Future Trilogy conducted by John Debney/Out of Africa conducted by Joel McNeely)
- VCL 0615-1156 Gremlins 2: The New Batch: 25th Anniversary Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0615-1157 Outbreak: The Deluxe Edition - James Newton Howard
- VCL 0715-1158 Fimucite 6: Universal Pictures 100th Anniversary Gala - Diego Navarro conducts the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and Tenerife Film Choir
- VCL 1015-1159 Back To The Future Part 3: 25th Anniversary Edition - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 1015-1160 Chain Reaction: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1015-1161 Where The River Runs Black (Varèse Encore) - James Horner
- VCL 1215-1162 North And South Highlights - Bill Conti (single disc condensed version of 4 CD Club set)
- VCL 1215-1163 Spies Like Us (Varèse Encore) - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0216-1164 Executive Decision: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0216-1165 Cocoon The Return: The Deluxe Edition - James Horner
- VCL 0216-1166 Bloodline - Ennio Morricone
- VCL 0216-1167 The Whales of August (Varèse Encore) - Alan Price
- VCL 0516-1168 Starship Troopers: The Deluxe Edition - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 0516-1169 Volcano: The Deluxe Edition - Alan Silvestri
- VCL 0516-1170 Spartacus: The Complete Album Masters - Alex North
- VCL 0516-1171 Zelly And Me (Varèse Encore) - Pino Donaggio
- VCL 0916-1172 Hellboy: The Deluxe Edition - Marco Beltrami
- VCL 0916-1173 Robocop 3: The Deluxe Edition - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 0916-1174 Jagged Edge (Varèse Encore) - John Barry
- VCL 1016-1175 The Omen: 40th Anniversary Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1016-1176 Scream 2: The Deluxe Edition - Marco Beltrami
- VCL 1216-1177 Star Trek Beyond: The Deluxe Edition - Michael Giacchino
- VCL 0317-1178 Stanley & Iris: The Deluxe Edition/Pete'N'Tillie - John Williams
- VCL 0317-1179 Under Siege 2 - Dark Territory: The Deluxe Edition - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 0317-1180 The Black Cauldron (Varèse Encore) - Elmer Bernstein
- VCL 0618-1184 The Cowboys: The Deluxe Edition - John Williams
- VCL 0618-1185 Small Soldiers: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0618-1186 Georges Delerue: The Complete London Sessions - Georges Delerue
- VCL 0618-1187 Heathers (Varese Encore) - David Newman
- VCL 1018-1188 Dracula: The Deluxe Edition - John Williams
- VCL 1018-1189 On Deadly Ground: The Deluxe Edition - Basil Poledouris
- VCL 1018-1190 A Show of Force (Varese Encore) - Georges Delerue
- VCL 0919 1191 RoboCop 2: The Deluxe Edition - Leonard Rosenman
- VCL 0919-1192 Dreamcatcher: The Deluxe Edition - James Newton Howard (Individual two disc reissue of score contained in "Stephen King Collection" Limited Edition set contents are identical with no additional music added)
- VCL 0919-1193 Raggedy Man (Varese Encore) - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 0919-1194 Star Trek: The Deluxe Edition - Michael Giacchino (Reissue of 2010 Digipak 2 disc set, no additional music included)
- VCL 0919-1195 Air Force One: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith/Joel McNeely
- VCL 0919-1196 Rooster Cogburn: The Deluxe Edition - Laurence Rosenthal
- VCL 1115-1197 The Stand: The Deluxe Edition - W.G. Snuffy Walden (Individual two disc reissue of score contained in "Stephen King Collection" Limited Edition set contents are identical with no additional music added)
- VCL 1115-1198 U.S. Marshals: The Deluxe Edition - Jerry Goldsmith
- VCL 1115-1199 Dolores Claiborne: The Deluxe Edition - Danny Elfman
- VCL 0520 1201 The Running Man: The Deluxe Edition - Harold Faltermeyer
- VCL 0520-1202 Seaquest DSV: The Deluxe Edition - John Debney
- VSD-00198 The Big Fix - Bill Conti (This one was assigned a non-sequential number following in line with the other current club releases)
Série limitovaných edic (2009–2018)
The Limited Edition Series was created in 2009 as an offshoot of the Varèse Sarabande CD Club with one major difference. The Limited Edition series concentrates more on soundtrack titles for films that either have gone direct to digital, DVD or Blu-Ray as well as some theatrical titles that received a very brief run, mini-series and television series such as Lost or Hemlock Grove. The majority of titles under this banner are limited to 1000 copies and look like the standard regular Varèse Sarabande mainstream releases with a small brown part containing the label's logo and white with their familiar lettering. Lost: The Last Episodes has the distinction of being the only title of more than 1000 copies produced with 5000 in this series. The label on occasion offered signed autographed booklets of these releases when available.[51]
The first releases in its debut were "The Stoning of Soraya M" by John Debney and "In The Electric Mist" by Marco Beltrami in June 2009.
- VLE-3201 Film Music Festival Kraków 2015 - Various Artists
- VLE-3202 Film Music Festival Kraków 2016 - Various Artists
- VLE-3209 Film Music Festival Kraków 2017 - Various Artists
- VLE-4201 The Stoning of Soraya M - John Debney
- VLE-4202 In The Electric Mist - Marco Beltrami
- VLE-4203 Jessie Stone: Stone Cold - Jeff Beal
- VLE-4204 The Killing Room - Brian Tyler
- VLE-4205 Oscar: Color Of Destiny/Mira La Luna (Look At The Moon) - Diego Navarro
- VLE-4206 Passchendaele - Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
- VLE-4207 Lost: The Final Episodes - Michael Giacchino
- VLE-4208 The Special Relationship - Alexandre Desplat
- VLE-4209 Devil - Fernando Velasquez
- VLE-4210 Hostel Part 3 - Frederik Wiedmann
- VLE-4211 Columbus Circle - Brian Tyler
- VLE-4212 The Mighty Macs - William Ross
- VLE-4213 A Thousand Words - John Debney
- VLE-4214 Mimesis: Night Of The Living Dead - Diego Navarro
- VLE-4215 Riddle - Scott Glasgow
- VLE-4216 The Adventurer: The Curse of The Midas Box - Fernando Velasquez
- VLE-4217 Haunt - Reinhold Heil
- VLE-4218 Wicked Blood - Elia Cmiral
- VLE-4219 No God, No Master - Nuno Malo
- VLE-4220 Third Person - Dario Marianelli
- VLE-4221 Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse - Mark McKenzie/Randy Edelman (Themes From Dragonheart)
- VLE-4222 Hemlock Grove: Season 2 - Nathan Barr
- VLE-4223 Jupiter Ascending - Michael Giacchino
- VLE-4224 SpongeBob: The Sponge Out of Water - John Debney
- VLE-4225 Chappie - Hans Zimmer/Steve Mazzaro/Andrew Kaczynski
- VLE-4226 The Lovers - Dirk Brosse
- VLE-4227 The Dovekeepers - Jeff Beal
- VLE-4228 The Seventh Son - Marco Beltrami
- VLE-4229 Rise of the Legend -Shigeru Umebayashi
- VLE-4230 Devil's Knot - Mychael Danna
- VLE-4231 Gamba - Benjamin Wallifisch
- VLE-4232 Open Season: Scared Silly - Dominic Lewis/Rupert Gregson-Williams
- VLE-4233 Of Mind And Music - Carlos Jose Alvarez
- VLE-4234 U.S.S. Indianapolis: Men of Courage - Laurent Eyquem
- VLE-4235 Bitter Harvest - Benjamin Wallfisch
- VLE-4236 The Exception - Ilan Eshkeri
- VLE-4237 Passage To Dawn - Diego Navarro
- VLE-4238 Mully - Benjamin Wallfisch
- VLE-4239 The Rendezvous - Austin Wintory
- VLE-4240 The Long Road Home - Jeff Beal
- VLE-9201 Xena Warrior Princess: 20th Anniversary Anthology - Joseph LoDuca
- VLE-9203 A Nightmare On Elm Street 8 CD Collection (Expanded scores) - Charles Bernstein/Christopher Young/Angelo Badalamenti/Ken Harrison/Craig Safan/Jay Ferguson/Brian May/J. Peter Robinson/Graeme Revell
- VLE-9204 Revenge of the Ninja: Enhanced Edition - Robert J. Walsh
- VLE-9206 The Little Box of Horrors (Deadly Friend/Dracula 2000/The Fly/The Hidden/Maniac/The Mephisto Waltz/The Other/Mimic: Deluxe Edition/A Nightmare on Elm Street/Pumpkinhead/Scream: Deluxe Edition/The Serpent And The Rainbow/The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde) - Charles Bernstein/Howard Shore/Michael Convertino/Jay Chattaway/Jerry Goldsmith/Marco Beltrami/Richard Stone/Brad Fiedel/Robert Cobert
- VLE 9207 Barefoot In The Park/The Odd Couple - Neal Hefti
- VLE-9208 Boulevard Nights - Lalo Schifrin/George Benson
- VLE-9209 Down Twisted - Eric Allaman & Reinhard Scheuregger (as Berlin Game)
- VLE-9210 Stephen King Collection - James Newton Howard ("Dreamcatcher: The Deluxe Edition")/Tangerine Dream ("Firestarter")(reissue)/W.G. Snuffy Walden ("The Stand: The Deluxe Edition")/Nicholas Pike ("The Shining" (1997)) (Eight disc limited edition set dedicated to famous author and features scores from four of his book to film adaptations.)
- VLE-9212 Heaven Can Wait/Racing With The Moon - Dave Grusin (Reissue)
- VLE-9213 9/30/55 - Leonard Rosenman
- VLE-9214 21 Jump Street (TV Series) - Peter Bernstein
- VLE-9215 The Yakuza - Dave Grusin (Reissue, expanded)
- VLE-9218 Murder By Death/The Pursuit of Happiness - Dave Grusin
- VLE-9220 ...And Justice For All - Dave Grusin
- VLE-9221 Absence Of Malice - Dave Grusin
- VLE-9222 Firewalker - Gary Chang
- VLE-9225 Jim Henson's The StoryTeller - Rachel Portman
Série LP To CD (2015–2016)
LP To CD Subscription Series is another part of the label that was created and began in June 2015, which released titles from their past LP catalog that could be transferred from vinyl records to CDs for a fee of 10.00 per title per month plus 4.50 for shipping costs (automatically billed to a credit card) for 12 months finally ending in May 2016). This originally caused problems because many collectors did not want all of the titles being offered, only a few particular ones. The label then relented and offered the titles for sale individually at their choice for the same amount as the regular subscription. Many chose to complete the run of twelve titles not wanting to miss out on the titles being offered randomly and others chose to stop at some point.[52]
Each title was strictly limited for that particular month of release and would go out of print after that month passed. All the titles were announced randomly and not in the order of the number assigned to them. Each title was housed in reproduction LP jacket slipcases with all original artwork and lettering from their LP counterpart intact along with a disclaimer stating if the title came from a vinyl source in small print in which most cases were LP transfers because of missing master tapes in the Varese Sarabande vaults. A few titles did come from master tapes that were available (i.e. Invitation Au Voyage).
The first title issued was Apríl by Charles Bernstein (VLE-9200-02, June 2015) which came housed in a mini LP-style carrying case with the Varèse Sarabande logo embossed in gold foil lettering and room to store all subsequent future LP to CD titles in the series. "Magnificent Obsession" was the final release of the subscription set released in May 2016. There are no plans to bring this series back at the current time.
- VLE 9200-01 A Minor Miracle - Rick Patterson
- VLE 9200-2 April Fool's Day - Charles Bernstein (1st Official Subscription Release of the Series that came with the LP to CD CD Holding case issued by the label)
- VLE 9200-03 The Whistle Blower - John Scott
- VLE 9200-04 Sister Sister - Richard Einhorn
- VLE 9200-05 Let's Get Harry - Brad Fiedel
- VLE 9200-06 Bad Dreams - Jay Ferguson
- VLE 9200-07 Invitation Au Voyage - Gabriel Yared
- VLE 9200-08 Enola Gay - Maurice Jarre
- VLE 9200-09 Blind Date - Stanley Myers / John Kongos
- VLE 9200-10 52 Pick-Up - Gary Chang
- VLE 9200-11 Mountbatten: The Last Viceroy - John Scott
- VLE 9200-12 Magnificent Obsession - Frank Skinner
Masters Film Music (1986–1987, 1989–1992, 2002–2016)
This label imprint founded by Robert Townson in Canada with a Record Store and a few partners, first appeared with the original release of "The Final Conflict" [54] in 1986 after agreeing to a distribution deal after securing the rights to release the soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith through Twentieth Century-Fox. The sales of the album were an immediate success for both labels. Then the following year the soundtrack to Lionheart,[55] was released in two separate albums with the cooperation of the composer and forming a positive relationship with Goldsmith that would help Townson and the label move forward in its eventual success.
The label then became a full-fledged series of CDs when the club launched in 1989 and was also a part of the reactivated club in 2001 with the designation of Special Release Series (SRS). These albums were licensed through A&M Canada and Decca International as Townson had secured the rights to reissue Goldsmith's The Boys From Brazil, Roy Budd's The Wild Geese, Goldsmith's Live Concert Series with the London Philharmonia entitled "Suites And Themes" [56] and Bernard Herrmann's Obsession, which was one of his two final film scores before his untimely passing in 1975.[57] These were "the" first set of Club CD's that were released and sold in unison with Varèse Sarabande CD Club releases. Unlike the second generation of club volumes, did not change its numbering system when the club resumed production in 2001. This series also includes the first box set Varèse Sarabande ever produced Bernard Herrmann: The Concert Suites, which was an audiophile set of Decca re-recordings conducted by the composer [58] and two extremely short soundtracks at 20 minutes each in both Under The Volcano [59] which was nominated for an Academy Award in 1984 for its composer Alex North and Those Secrets by Oscar nominee Thomas Newman [60] dubbed as "Mini-Classics".
There were two confirmed cancellations of titles from the original set of releases which were Jerry Goldsmith's Lilies of the Field and John Williams' Heartbeeps. No explanation to their cancellation has ever been stated, but Heartbeeps would be the 1st title to be released as part of the reactivated Varese Sarabande Club in 2001 after 3 years of rumors and speculation that this title would be the one the label would reactivate the Soundtrack Club with after its announcement in 1998.[12]
- SRS 2001 The Boys From Brazil - Jerry Goldsmith
- SRS 2002 The Wild Geese - Roy Budd
- SRS 2003 Suites And Themes - Jerry Goldsmith
- SRS 2004 Obsession - Bernard Herrmann
- SRS 2005-SRS 2008 Bernard Herrmann Concert Suites (Elaborate 4-CD box set not issued individually release of 1970s Decca audiophile albums recorded by the late composer in London featuring a well produced booklet and lavish artwork by the late artist Bob Peak in both paper insert and an outer slipcase to hold the clamshell cases. All titles and contents of this set are listed below.)
- SRS 2005 The Concert Suites Volume 1: The Early Classics - Bernard Herrmann
- SRS 2006 The Concert Suites Volume 2: Science Fiction - Bernard Herrmann
- SRS 2007 The Concert Suites Volume 3: Alfred Hitchcock - Bernard Herrmann
- SRS 2008 The Concert Suites Volume 4: The Fantasy Films - Bernard Herrmann
- SRS 2009 The Reivers - John Williams
- SRS 2010 Lilies of the Field - Jerry Goldsmith (planned, but cancelled. Reissued by Perseverance Records)
- SRS 2011 Under The Volcano - Alex North
- SRS 2012 Heartbeeps - John Williams (planned, but cancelled – was the 1st title released in under the reactivated club as well as being the first long-rumored titles in announced in 1998 but finally released in 2001)
- SRS 2013 Those Secrets - Thomas Newman
- SRS 2014 Joe Versus The Volcano - Georges Delerue
- SRS 2015 The Racers / Daddy Long Legs (ballet) - Alex North
- SRS 2016 The Wonderful Country / The King And Four Queens - Alex North
- SRS 2017 Viva Maria! / King Of Hearts - Georges Delerue
- SRS 2018 The Hallelujah Trail - Elmer Bernstein
- SRS 2019 Cannon For Cordoba / From Noon Until Three - Elmer Bernstein
- SRS 2020 Joe Versus The Volcano: The Big Woo Edition - Georges Delerue
Řada Varese 500 (2016-2017)
This was a very short-lived series that was unveiled in December 2016 which was similar to the "Varese Encore Series" which was designed to reissue out-of-print titles from the commercial catalog from the beginning to the present time. These featured new artwork and liner notes for each release which was limited to only 500 copies which is half the run of the Encore Series which was only 1000. Each disc was priced at 15.98 apiece which look similar to their standard releases released commercially with the distinct 500 prefix as part of the catalog number and a beautiful logo on the artwork featured.
The series looks to be dormant and unsuccessful as Concord has other plans for the label which include releasing new, older scores and expansions of their vast catalog at the present time.[61]
- VSD-500 Agnes of God - Georges Delerue
- VSD-501 The Winds of War - Bob Cobert
- VSD-502 Journey To The Center Of The Earth - Bernard Herrmann (This is the version contained in the Bernard Herrmann at 20th Century-Fox Collection box)
Colossal Records (1989-1992)
This peculiar offshoot of Varèse Sarabande with a name inspired by their German counterpart, Colosseum Schallplatten, was a short-lived (1989–1992) series that made available scores that were either vanity titles from television mini-series (i.e. Till We Meet Again, Phantom of the Opera) or titles to lower-profile films (i.e. A Show of Force, Eve of Destruction). The lettering is similar to the regular Varèse Sarabande soundtrack releases with a major difference in both the logo and the spine which contained different colors (i.e. blue, green, purple, etc.) as well as the lettering as opposed to the regular Varèse Sarabande titles which had brown spines and white lettering as well as containing the catalog number (i.e. VSD-5200).[62]
The only title in this series, Bed and Breakfast looks like the standard Varèse Sarabande regular releases due to an error in the number sequence.
- XCD-1001 Tiger Warsaw - Ernest Troost (released on LP only, planned for a CD release but cancelled)
- XCD-1002 The Film & Stage Music Of Bruce Kimmel (Last Nudie Musical/The Creature That Wasn't Nice (Spaceship)/Stages/The Good Ones) - Bruce Kimmel
- XCD-1003 Till We Meet Again - Vladimr Cosma
- XCD-1004 The Phantom Of The Opera - John Addison
- XCD-1005 A Show Of Force - Georges Delerue
- XCD-1006 Eve Of Destruction - Philippe Sarde
- XCD-1008 Bed And Breakfast - David Shire (technically this title was originally a part of Varèse Sarabande's regular run of mainstream titles). An error occurred during pressing as the title was assigned the catalog no. VSD-5357 (see above) as Death In Venice was also assigned this number which may have been intended as VSD-5358. Rather than cancel the run, the label reassigned it to this series.[37]
- XCD-1009 Frozen Assets - Michael Tavera / Billy Martin
Digital Release Series (2003 - dosud)
This section is dedicated to Varese Sarabande titles that have been exclusively released as digital releases via various online websites that include iTunes, Amazon, Tidal and other digital sources. Varese first dabbled into this field in 2003 with their release of Trevor Jones' action score to the Alan Moore adaptation of "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman" [63] which was met with a bad reception due to collectors wanting an actual physical CD and not a download. A similar situation occurred a year later with the score to the remake of Muž v ohni [64] starring Oscar Winner Denzel Washington, which was only released only as a digital release with nearly 80 minutes of music and later on in the Summer of 2004, a physical CD of that score was announced and released due to high demand. However, it was released as a condensed version with the digital release exclusively having nearly the extra music than the CD itself.
In later years, the label released titles as digital-only due to the soundtracks running times or lack of commercial sales. These were often titles to smaller films in the independent market with some studio films being released only in this fashion as well as Direct to Video or straight Blu-Ray or streamed movie titles or television series. Some titles such as "The Limehouse Golem", "Jasmine" and "Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature" have been the only titles thus far to be released as physical CD albeit in very limited quantities of up to 500 copies at most. A few titles as "Erased", "Drive Hard", "Evidence" and "Imogene (Girl Most Likely)" have appeared on Amazon in the past as part of "On Demand" CDR series in conjunction with labels such as Sony Classical and Watertower Music which have also appeared in this manner. Numbers in this series are totally random and do not go according to release date. They might also coincide with potential physical release numbers assigned from the main series (5200–7500) from announced releases that were later cancelled as physical CDs (e.g. Maggie, Jane Got Her Gun, etc.).
The label's website also announces these digital only releases along with upcoming CDs and LPs in their "Upcoming Releases".[65]
- VSDD-0001 The League of Extraordinary Gentleman - Trevor Jones (The music is identical to the official CD release)
- VSDD-0002 Man On Fire (2004) - Harry Gregson-Williams (Features additional music not available on the official Varese CD)
- VSDD-5609 Disobedience - Matthew Herbert
- VSDD-5708 Lean On Pete - James Edward Barker
- VSDD-6720 No Place On Earth - John Piscitello
- VSDD-6721 Evidence - Atli Örvarsson
- VSDD-6722 Erased - Jeff Danna (Released as Amazon On Demand title)
- VSDD-6761 Open Window - Cliff Eidelman
- VSDD-6928 Torn - Garry Schyman
- VSDD-7161 High Ground - Chris Bacon
- VSDD-7168 Bad Karma - Bryce Jacobs
- VSDD-7214 Imogene (Girl Most Likely) - Rob Simonsen (Released as Amazon On Demand title)
- VSDD-7223 Face of Love - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSDD-7224 +1 - Nathan Larson
- VSDD-7228 A Haunted House 2 - Jessie Voccia/Various Artists
- VSDD-7235 Plush The Movie - Nick Launay/Various Artists
- VSDD-7247 Drive Hard - Bryce Jacobs (Released as Amazon On Demand title)
- VSDD-7264 Crave - Justin Burnett
- VSDD-7265 Siberia - Corey Wallace
- VSDD-7281 Life of Crime - The Newton Brothers (Shares identical UPC numbers with Decoding Annie Parker which was released the same year.[66])
- VSDD-7281 Decoding Annie Parker - Steven Bramson (Shares identical UPC numbers with Life of Crime which was released the same year.[67])
- VSDD-7282 Felony - Bryony Marks
- VSDD-7288 Ninjago Masters Of Spinjitzu: Season Two - Jay Vincent & Michael Kramer
- VSDD-7289 Rosemary's Baby (2014) - Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz
- VSDD-7310 Hector And The Search For Happiness -Dan Mangan & Jesse Zubot
- VSDD-7313 Riot Club - Kasper Winding
- VSDD-7326 Tracers - Lucas Vidal
- VSDD-7328 Gloria - Lorne Balfe & Sofía Espinosa
- VSDD-7338 Seymour: An Introduction - Seymour Bernstein
- VSDD-7344 Jane Got Her Gun - Lisa Gerrard & Marcello De Francisci (Announced as a CD originally with catalog number and subsequently cancelled)
- VSDD-7347 The Voices - Olivier Bernet
- VSDD-7366 Maggie - David Wingo (Announced as a CD originally with catalog number and subsequently cancelled)
- VSDD-7367 Sinister 2 - tomandandy
- VSDD-7379 American Ultra - Marcelo Zarvos & Paul Hartnoll (Announced as a CD originally with catalog number and subsequently cancelled)
- VSDD-7396 Flesh And Bone (Ballet Music From The Starz Original Series) - Adam Crystal
- VSDD-7400 Misconduct - Federico Jusid
- VSDD-7435 Tallulah - Michael Brook (Announced as CD originally with catalog number and subsequently cancelled)
- VSDD-7456 A Boy Called Po - Burt Bacharach/Joseph Bauer
- VSDD-7462 The Affair Season 2 - Marcelo Zarvos
- VSDD-7479 What Happened To Monday - Christian Wibe
- VSDD-7493 Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street: Season 1 & 2 - Sasha Gordon
- VSDD-7498 Norman: The Moderate Rise And Tragic Fall Of A New York Fixer - Jun Miyake
- VSDD-7503 Barry (Netflix Film)- Danny Bensi & Saunder Jurriaans
- VSDD-7506 Random Tropical Paradise - Bryce Jacobs
- VSDD-7509 Jasmine - Shie Rozow (Vydáno jako CD s limitovanou edicí jako součást zamýšlené Signature Series včetně podepsaných brožur)
- VSDD-7518 68 Kill - Frank Ilfman a James Griffiths
- VSDD-7538 The Man In The High Castle Season 3 - Dominic Lewis
- VSDD-7540 Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature - Heitor Pereira (vydáván jako limitovaná edice CD jako součást limitované série)
- VSDD-7542 teprve začínáme - Alex Wurman
- VSDD-7540 Home Again - John Debney
- VSDD-7549 5 až 7 - Danny Bensi & Saunder Jurriaans
- VSDD-7553 Tiny Christmas - Ryan Shore
- VSDD-7739 Kde se dotýkají ruce - Anne Chmelewsky
- VSDD-7561 Parní motory Oz - George Streicher
- Repliky VSDD-7581 - Jose "Pepe" Ojeda a Mark Kilian
- VSDD-7670 The Children Act - Stephen Warbeck
- VSDD-7919 Time Share - Giorgio Giampà
- VSDD-8040 Ďábel, kterého známe - Brian Tyler
- VSDD-8065 Co jsme měli - Danny Mulhern
- VSDD-8220 Ben je zpět - Dickon Hinchliffe
- VSDD-8891 The Outpost - James Schafer
- VSDD-8800 The Hole In The Ground - Stephen McKeon (katalogové číslo TBD po vydání)
- VSDD-8800 Crypto - Nima Fakhrara (katalogové číslo TBD po vydání)
- VSDD-8800 Předseda slečny Jean Brodie - Rod McKuen
- VSDD-8000 The Borrowers - Rod McKuen
- VSDD-8072099562 Domino - Pino Donaggio
- VSDD-8072118645 Vita & Virginia - Isobel Waller-Bridge
- ^
- ^ „Varèse Sarabande“. Diskotéky.
- ^ A b „Polygram koupí ostrovní rekordy za přibližně 300 milionů dolarů“. Los Angeles Times. 28. července 1989.
- ^ „Victor Company Of Japan, Ltd“. Diskotéky.
- ^
- ^ „Historie kompaktního disku“.
- ^ „CD vyráběná společností LaserVideo / Disctronics / Disc Mfg. (USA) (pouze moje sbírka) od mjb | Seznamy diskoték“.
- ^ „JVC Disc America“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Citadela (3)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „John Scott / Graunke Symphony Orchestra * - King Kong Lives (originální soundtrack k filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Gary Chang - 52 Pick-Up (originální filmový soundtrack) (2016, CD) | Discogs“.
- ^ A b C d E „CD klub Varèse Sarabande“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Basil Poledouris - Cherry 2000 (soundtrack k původnímu filmu)“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ A b C d E F G Burlingame, Jon (8. prosince 2018). „Seznam 10 nejlepších prodejců Varèse Sarabande vedený alba„ Ghost “,„ T2 “,„ Star Wars ““. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Various - Raw Deal (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Various - Raw Deal (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Brad Fiedel - Had a duha (soundtrack k původnímu filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Various, Charles Bernstein, Marco Beltrami, Howard Shore, Michael Convertino, Jay Chattaway, Jerry Goldsmith, Robert Cobert, Richard Stone (2), Brad Fiedel - Little Box of Horrors“. Diskotéky.
- ^ "Jay Ferguson - Bad Dreams". Diskotéky.
- ^ „Řada předplatného LP na CD“. Diskotéky.
- ^ A b „Série reflektorů Varèse Sarabande“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Varèse Sarabande Jazz“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ Sarabande, Varèse. „Varѐse Vintage“. Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Fuel 2000“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Colosseum Schallplatten GmbH“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Fynsworth Alley“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Kritzerland Records - těžko dostupné klasiky, nové vydání a nová vydání“. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ A b „Bill Conti - Blood in Blood Out (hudba z původního skóre filmu)“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „John Carpenter - Greatest Hits“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „John Carpenter - Dark Star (původní filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „John Carpenter - Greatest Hits Volume II“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „John Williams (4) · Národní filharmonický orchestr · Charles Gerhardt - Impérium vrací úder (Symphonic Suite z původního filmu). Diskotéky.
- ^ „John Williams (4) · Národní filharmonický orchestr · Charles Gerhardt - Impérium vrací úder (Symphonic Suite z původního filmu). Diskotéky.
- ^ „Hans Zimmer - K2 (původní filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Hans Zimmer - hudba inspirovaná filmem K2“. Diskotéky.
- ^ A b „David Shire - Bed & Breakfast (originální filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Joseph LoDuca - The Evil Dead (originální filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Bill Conti - Blood in Blood Out (hudba z původního skóre filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Last Man Standing (1996) - IMDb“.
- ^ „John Ottman - Portrait of Terror (A Soundtrack of Horror)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Stu Phillips - Knight Rider (originální televizní soundtrack)“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ A b „Varèse Sarabande“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Bill Conti - Karate Kid (původní skóre filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Bill Conti - Karate Kid: I · II · III · IV (skóre původního filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Georges Delerue - Joe Versus The Volcano (originální filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Georges Delerue - Joe Versus The Volcano (původní filmový soundtrack) - edice Big Woo“. Diskotéky.
- ^ "Domov". Americká federace hudebníků.
- ^ „Varèse Encore“. Diskotéky.
- ^ Sarabande, Varèse. "CD Club". Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ Sarabande, Varèse. „Series Limited Edition“. Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Various - Varese Sarabande LP To CD Subscription Series“. Diskotéky.
- ^
- ^ „Jerry Goldsmith - The Final Conflict (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Jerry Goldsmith - Lionheart (původní filmový soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Jerry Goldsmith, Philharmonia Orchestra - Suites & Themes“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Bernard Herrmann, National Philharmonic Orchestra - Obsession“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Bernard Herrmann, London Philharmonic Orchestra *, National Philharmonic Orchestra - The Concert Suites“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Alex North - Under The Volcano (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ "Thomas Newman - These Secrets (1992, CD) | Discogs".
- ^ „Varèse 500“. Diskotéky.
- ^ „Colossal Records (7)“. Diskotéky. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ "Trevor Jones - Liga výjimečných (2003, CD) | Discogs".
- ^ „Harry Gregson-Williams - Muž v ohni (soundtrack k původnímu filmu)“. Diskotéky.
- ^ A b Sarabande, Varèse. "Digitální". Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ A b Sarabande, Varèse. „Dekódování Annie Parkerové (pouze digitální) - digitální“. Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ A b Sarabande, Varèse. „Life of Crime (Digital Only) - Digital“. Varèse Sarabande. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Evidence Soundtrack“. 2. srpna 2013. Citováno 16. května 2019 - přes Amazon.
- ^ „Muž v ohni (soundtrack k původnímu filmu) Harryho Gregsona-Williamse ve službě Amazon Music -“. Citováno 16. května 2019.
- ^ „Znovu doma (soundtrack k původnímu filmu) od Johna Debneyho na Amazonu Music -“. Citováno 16. května 2019.
Výsledek filmu