Seznam členů městské rady v Bostonu - List of members of Boston City Council

Tohle je seznam členů Městská rada v Bostonu, v minulosti i současnosti, slouží lidem v Boston, Massachusetts.[2]
Výběr člena rady
Od roku 1984 má rada 13 členů; čtyři členové byli voleni celkem a devět členů volených podle okresů. O každých 13 křesel se bojuje každé dva roky. The předběžné volby a všeobecné volby se konají v září, respektive v listopadu lichých let, přičemž vítězové začínají své termíny v lednu sudých let. Například; v září 2017 se konaly předběžné volby pro všeobecné volby v listopadu 2017, přičemž volení členové rady začínají funkční období v lednu 2018.
Historicky se složení rady několikrát změnilo. Od roku 1910:
Let | Celková velikost | Sedadla | |
Celkově | Ward nebo District | ||
1910–1925 | 9 | 9 | 0 |
1926–1951 | 22 | 0 | 22 |
1952–1983 | 9 | 9 | 0 |
1984 – dosud | 13 | 4 | 9 |
Členové rady podle roku
- 1822 - Aldermen: Samuel Billings; Ephraim Eliot; Jacob Hall; Joseph Head; Joseph Jenkins; Joseph Lovering; Nathaniel Pope Russell; Bryant Parrott Tilden. - Společná rada: William Barry; Thaddeus Page; Charles Wells; Simon Wilkinson; Martin Bates; Benjamin Lamson; Henry Orne; Joseph Stodder; Theodore Dexter; Joshua Emmons; Samuel Jones; Joseph Coolidge; Samuel Perkins; Robert Gould Shaw; Joel Thayer; George Washington Coffin; Thomas Kendall; Horatio Gates Ware; Isaac Winslow; Samuel Appleton; Thomas Motley; Jesse Shaw; William Sullivan; Jonathan Amory; Patrick Tracy Jackson; Augustus Peabody; Enoch Silsby; Jonathan Davis; Hawkes Lincoln; William Prescott; John Welles; David Watts Bradlee; Peter Chardon Brooks; James Perkins; Benjamin Russell; Andrew Drake; Daniel Lewis Gibbens; David Collson Moseley; Isaac Stevens; George Watson Brimmer; Asa Bullard; Barzillai Holmes; Winslow Lewis; Cyrus Alger; John French; John Howe; Mojžíš Williams.
- 1823 - Aldermen: Daniel Baxter; George Odiorne; David Weld Child; Joseph Hawley Dorr; Asher Benjamin; Enoch Patterson; Caleb Eddy; Stephen Hooper. - Společná rada: John Welles, prezident; John Elliot; Joseph Wheeler; John Parker Boyd; John Richardson Adan; John Damarisque Dyer; Henry Farnam; Elias Haskell; John Sullivan Perkins; Joseph Stacy Hastings; Joel Prouty; William Wright; Samuel Swett; Charles Pelham Curtis; Lewis Tappan; James Savage; Eliphalet Williams; Samuel King Williams; Aaron Baldwin; David Francis; Francis Johonnot Oliver; Thomas Beale Wales; Charles Howard; Josiah Stedman; Joseph Willet; Samuel Bradlee; Noah Brooks; Francis Jackson; Charles Sprague.
- 1824 - Alderman: Cyrus Alger. - Společná rada: Michael Tombs; William Little Jr.; Oliver Reed; Joseph Stone; Edward Page; William Sprague; Jeremiah Fitch; William Rounsville Pierce Washburn; Eliphalet Porter Hartshorn; George Washington Otis; Winslow Wright; Thomas Wiley; William Goddard; Elijah Morse; Isaac Parker; John Ballard; John Chipman Gray; Benjamin Willis; Phineas Upham; Samuel Frothingham; Giles Lodge; Isaac Thorn; Charles Bemis.
- 1825 - Aldermen: Daniel Carney; John Bellows; Josiah Marshall; John Damarisque Dyer; Thomas Welsh Jr.; George Blake; Henry Jackson Oliver; John Bryant. - Společná rada: Robert Fennelly; Lewis Lerow; Scammel Penniman; Benjamin Clark; John Fenno; Thomas Wells; Abraham William Fuller; Amos Farnsworth; George Hallet; Ezra Dyer; Charles Tracy; William Simonds; Isaac Waters; Samuel Thaxter; Franklin Dexter; Jeremiah Smith Boies; Levi Meriam; Jeffrey Richardson; Josiah Bradlee; Jonathan Simonds; John Parker Rice; George Morey mladší; Joshua Vose; Adam Bent; Oliver Fisher; Ephraim Groves Ware.
- 1826 - Aldermen: John Foster Loring; Francis Jackson; Edward Hutchinson Robbins. - Společná rada: Lemuel Putnam Grosvenor; Samuel Aspinwall; Nathaniel Faxon; Asa Adams; William Howe; John Warren James; Joseph Eveleth; Jonathan Thaxter; William Parker; Edward Brooks; Charles Torrey; Francis Bassett; Joseph Helger Thayer; Joseph Hawley Dorr; John Baker; Solomon Piper; Charles Barnard; Thomas Brewer; Henry Hatch.
- 1827 - Aldermen: Jeremiah Smith Boies; Robert Fennelly; Thomas Beale Wales; James Savage. — Společná rada: John Floyd Truman; Thomas Gould; Quincy chumáče; Lewis Glover Modlete se; George Lane; Jonathan Loring; Joseph Warren Lewis; Samuel Dorr; Samuel Dexter Ward; John Arno Bacon; Thomas Walley Phillips; Gamaliel Bradford; John Prescott Bigelow; Joshua Sears; George Brinley; William Parker; Josiah Vose; George Gay.
- 1828 - Aldermen: Thomas Kendall; James Hall; Phineas Upham; John Pickering; Samuel Turell Armstrong. - Společná rada: Ninian Clark Betton; Horace Fox; Eleazer Pratt; Frederick Gould; Henry Fowle Jr.; George Washington Johnson; Levi Roberts Lincoln; James Lendall Pitts Orrok; Andrew Cunningham Jr.; James znamená; Ebenezer Appleton; David Moody; John Belknap; George Washington Adams; Thomas Wren; Waldo Flint; Benjamin Toppan Pickman; Norman Seaver; Thomas Lamb; Robert Treat Paine; John Lowell Jr.; George Bethune; Otis Everett; Otis Turner; Perez Gill; Payson Perrin; Alpheus Cary; Walter Cornell; Joseph Neale Howe; Benjamin Stevens.
- 1829 - Aldermen: Benjamin Russell; Winslow Lewis; Charles Wells. - Společná rada: John Wells; Christopher Gore; Henry Sewall Kent; Samuel Ellis; Thomas Reed; Daniel Ballard; Joseph Bradley; Amos Bradley Parker; John Rayner; Samuel Davenport Torrey; Samuel Austin Jr.; Jared Lincoln; Samuel Goodhue; Thomas Wetmore; Walter Frost; Isaac Danforth; Jacob Aniee; Levi Brigham; Thomas Minns; James Brackett Richardson; Samuel Leonard Abbot; Charles Casey Starbuck; Aaron Willard Jr.; Isaac Parker Townsend.
- 1830 - Aldermen: John Burbeck McCleary; Mojžíš Williams. - Společná rada: Simon Wiggin Robinson; Larra Crane; Michael Lovell; Washington Parker Gragg; Levi Haskell; Charles Leighton; Joshua Seaver Jr.; Benjamin Parker; Elias Hasket Derby; Edward Goldsborough Prescott; Joseph Reynolds Newell; Leach Harris; Levi Bliss; Jabez Ellis; Joseph Hay; Thomas Melville Vinson; James Wright.
- 1831 - Aldermen: Henry Farnam; Adam Bent; John Binney; Richard Devens Harris. - Společná rada: John Brigden Tremere; Charles French; Ephraim Milton; Daniel Dickinson; James Clark; Asa vlaštovka; Samuel šachová figurka; Joshua Baker Flint; Ensign Sargent; Stephen Titcomb; Levi Bartlett; Abbott Lawrence; Edward Hutchinson Robbins; Ebenezer Bailey; Josiah Pierce.
- 1832 - Aldermen: Jabez Ellis; James Bowdoin; John Stevens; William Tileston. - Společná rada: John Center; Bill Richardson; Jonathan Porter; Grenville Temple Winthrop; Henry Rice; Richard Hildreth; James Brown; John Lewis Dimmock; Francis Brinley Jr.; John Collamore Jr.; John Lillie Phillips; Gilman Prichard; Henry Willis Kinsman; Thomas Hunting; Ebenezer Hayward; Joseph Harris Jr.
- 1833 - Aldermen: Thomas Wetmore; Samuel Fales; Joseph Warren ctí; Benjamin Fiske. - Společná rada: Enoch Howes Snelling; Thomas Hart Thompson; Henry Andrews; George Priest Thomas; Philip Adams; Edward Blake; Henry Rice; Silas Pierce Tarbell; Abel Phelps; Perez Loring; Luther Parks; William Tappan Eustis; Josiah Quincy Jr; Oliver William Bourne Peabody; Silas Bullard; Francis Osborn Watts; Abner Bourne; Daniel Messinger; Israel Martin; Thomas Richards Dascomb; John Doggett; Samuel Gilbert ml .; Ruel Baker; James Blake; Josiah Dunham.
- 1834 - Aldermen: Charles Leighton; Josiah Dunham; Nathan Gurney; Samuel Atkins Eliot; Samuel Greele. - Společná rada: Henry D. Gray; Robert Keith; Henry Jackson Oliver; George Washington Smith; Henry Rice; Joseph Melcher Leavitt; John Snelling; Simon Green Shipley; Řezačka Ammi; Ezra Trull; Asa Lewis; George Worthington Lewis; Michael Roulstone; Nathaniel Fellowes Cunningham; Calvin Washburn; Enoch Hobart; George Washington Bazin; Benjamin Apthorp Gould; Isaac McLellan Jr.; Henry Sargent; Edward Cruft Jr.; William Reed; Elias Bond Thayer; Philip Marett; Josiah Lee Currell Amee.
- 1835 - Alderman: Joseph Henshaw Hay. - Společná rada: Isaac Harris; Caleb Gould Loring; Stephen William Olney; Lewis Josselyn; Thomas Hollis; William Truman Spear; Mojžíš Grant; George William Gordon; Henry Lincoln; Benajah Brigham; Abraham Waters Blanchard; John C. Park; Jonathan Chapman; Amos Wood; Horatio Masa Willis; Zebedee Cook Jr; James Harris; Horace Dupee; Richard Sullivan Fay; Jedediah Tuttle; John Thompson; William Bradlee Dorr; John Green Jr.; John Bliss Stebbins.
- 1836 - Aldermen: Thomas Hunting; Samuel Quincy. - Společná rada: Joseph Bassett; Gilbert Nurse; William Eaton; Thatcher Rich Raymond; Nathan Carruth; Thomas Moulton; John Boles; Benjamin Kimball; Bitvy Jasona Dyera; Asa Barker Snow; George Washington Edmands; Ebenezer Ellis; Henry Upham; Henry Edwards; James Thomas Hobart; Thomas Coffin Amory Wd; William Greene Eaton; Aaron Breed; Elbridge Gerry Austin; Benjamin Yeaton; Benjamin Marshall Nevers; Alpheus Stetson; Stephen Child; George Savage; Solon Jenkins.
- 1837 - Aldermen: John B. Wells; Thomas Richardson. - Společná rada: Erasmus Thompson; Thomas Hudson; Samuel Lock Cutter; William Orne Haskell; Joseph Thornton Adams; Edmund Trowbridge Hastings; Philip Greely Jr; Francis Brown; Ezra Lincoln; Thomas Buckminster Curtis; Simon Davis Leavens; Charles Brooks; Lemuel Shattuck; Calvin Bullard; Thomas Vose; Josiah Dunham Jr.; John Thomas Dingley.
- 1838 - Aldermen: Isaac Harris; Martin Brimmer. - Společná rada: Benjamin Dodd; Bradley Newcomb Cumings; Rowland Ellis; Charles Arnold; James Morris Whiton; Nathaniel Hammond; James McAllaster; Theophilus Burr; Henry Rice; Newell Aldrich Thompson; John Brooks Russell; Benjamin Parker Richardson; John Brooks Parker; Thomas Jefferson Shelton Jonathan Preston Stephen Shelton; Jeremy Drake; Nehemiah Pitman Mann; Samuel Wheeler; Warren White.
- 1839 - Alderman: James Harris. - Společná rada: Zebina Lee Raymond; William Dillaway; Richard Brackett; Freeborn Fairfield Raymond; Samuel Emmes; Jacob Stearns; Ezekiel Bates; Charles Wilkins; James Haughton; Alfred Augustus Wellington; William Vinal Kent; Ephraim Larkin Snow; Horace Williams; Ezra Child Hutchins; William Walker Parrott; Gideon French Thayer; Winslow Lewis Jr; Elisha Copeland Jr.; John Stevens; Nicholas Noyes; George Page; Horatio Nelson Crane.
- 1840 - Aldermen: James Clark; Charles Wilkins; Abraham Thompson Lowe; William Turell Andrews; Charles Amory. - Společná rada: Henry Leeds; William Russell Lovejoy; Peter Dunbar; Erastus Wilson Sanborn; Dexter Follett; Lucius Doolittle; George Washington Otis Jr.; John Hubbard Wilkins; Elijah Williams Jr.; George William Phillips; Daniel Kimball; Holmes Hinckley; Eben Jackson.
- 1841 - Alderman: Benson Leavitt. - Společná rada: Henry Northey Hooper; Pelham Bonney; Freeman Stowe; Edward Parker Meriam; Enoch Train; Joseph Neale Howe Jr.; John Plummer Healy; Theophilus Rogers Marvin; Moses Whitney Jr.; Luther Blodgett; John Gardner Nazro; Richard Urann; Edward Shirley Erving; John Gray Roberts; Samuel Leeds; William Henry Howard; Seriah Stevens; William Burton Harding.
- 1842 - Aldermen: Larra Crane; William Parker, Joseph Tilden; James Longley; Richard Urann. - Společná rada: Norton Newcomb; Cyrus Buttrick; Perkins Boynton; Aaron Adams; Joseph Cullen Ayer; Abner Williams Pollard; Enoch Hemenway Wakefield; Francis Boardman Crowninshield; William Brown Spooner; Noah Sturtevant; George Wheelwright; Henry Plimpton; Samuel Ripley Townsend; William Augustus Weeks; Josiah Moore Jones; Benjamin Burchstead; Charles Edward Cook; John Rice Bradlee; William Hayden; Jonathan Ellis; Henry Worthington Dutton; William Dall; Asaph Parmelee; Robert Cowdin; Willis Howes; John Tillson; Caleb Thurston.
- 1843 - Aldermen: Simon Wilkinson; Josiah Stedman; Jonathan Preston. - Společná rada: Jacob George Lewis Libbey; Daniel Bartlett ml .; William Henry Learnard; Joshua B. Fowle; Henry Davis; James Whiting; James Harvey Dudley; George Washington Crockett; Willard Nason Fisher; James Fowle; Kimball Gibson; Peleg Whitman Chandler; John Slade Jr; George Tyler Bigelow; Andrew Townsend Hall; Clement Willis; Isaac Cary; Greenleaf Connor Sanborn; Romanus Emerson.
- 1844 - Aldermen: Simon Wiggin Robinson; Henry Bromfield Rogers. - Společná rada: Obraceč úloh; John Plummer Ober; Timothy Converse Kendall; Oliver Dyer; James Boynton; Samuel Whitney Hall; Charles Boardman; Loring Norcross; John Gardner; Otis Clapp; Benjamin Barnard Appleton; Joseph Bradlee; Samuel Topliff; George Whittemore; Samuel Harris; Charles H. Brown; William Pope; Asa Brown; Henry Wadsworth Fletcher; Isaac Jones.
- 1845 - Aldermen: William Pope; John Hathaway; Samuel Shurtleff Perkins; Simon Green Shipley; Joseph Cullen Ayer; Lyman Reed; James Sullivan Savage. - Společná rada: Samuel Parkman Oliver; James Munroe; William R. Carnes; Benjamin Wood; John Turner; Artemus Ward; Cyrus Cummings; Samuel Abbott Lawrence; Sargent Smith Littlehale; Benjamin Seaver; George R. Sampson; George Stillman Hillard; James Hayward; Daniel Denny; James Dennison; George Davis; Calvin Whiting Haven; Samuel C. Demerest; Thomas Jones; Samuel Whittemore Sloan; Theophilus Stover.
- 1846 - Aldermen: Frederick Gould; Charles Allyn Wells; Thomas Jones; George Edward Head. - Společná rada: Samuel C. Nottage; Noah Harrod; George Carlisle; George Cofran; Jeremiah Ross; Thomas Butler Pope; Thomas Haviland; Charles Henry Parker; Rakev Nathaniel Wheeler; William Whitney; Walter Bryent; Henry Waldo Cushing; James Dodd; John L. Emmons; Stephen Tucker; George Washington Frothingham; William Eaton; Seth Adams; John W. Crafts.
- 1847 - Aldermen: John Hubbard Wilkins; Billings Briggs. - Společná rada: Noah Lincoln Jr.; William Wildes; Edwin Curtis Bailey; George W. Felt; William Whitwell Greenough; Darwin Erasmus Jewett; Eliphalet Jones; William Dawes Coolidge; George Whiting Abbot; Richard Bridge Carter; William Gray Brooks; Cech Samuela Eliota; Francis Gardner; Willard Adams Harrington; William Blake; Tisdale Drake; Samuel Wales ml .; Ezra Lincoln Jr.; Jabez Coney; Samuel Shurtleff Perkins; Alvan Simonds.
- 1848 - Aldermen: John Plummer Ober; Mojžíš Grant. - Společná rada: John Hillard Bowker; Abel B. Munroe; William Palfrey; George D. Boardman Blanchard; Thomas Critchet; John Phelps Putnam; Josiah Putnam Bradlee; Nathaniel Brewer; Solomon Hopkins; Jesse Maynard; Benjamin James; Joseph Smith.
- 1849 - Alderman: Samuel Hall. - Společná rada: Isaiah Faxon; William Parkman; Emory Goss; Julius Auboineau Palmer; Robert Marsh; John Atkins; Nathaniel Seaver; Frederick Crosby; Benjamin Beal; John M. Wright; Charles Brown; Edward Hennessey; Daniel Noyes Haskell; Richard B. Callender; Calvin Whiting Clark; George Woodman; Mojžíš Kimball; Reuben Lovejoy; Manlius Stimson Clarke; George William McLellan; Albert T. Minot; Francis Richards; Samuel Dexter Crane.
- 1850 - Aldermen: Solomon Piper; Henry Manning Holbrook; James Perkins. - Společná rada: John Cushing; Solomon Carter; Charles Emerson; Henry Joseph Gardner; William C. Ford; Abraham Gibson Wyman; Avery Plumer Jr; Ebenezer Dale; Samuel Appleton Appleton; David Chapin; John B. Dexter ml .; James W. Sever; Joseph W. Merriam; Aaron Heywood Bean.
- 1851 - Aldermen: Abel B. Munroe; Calvin Whiting Clark; Mojžíš Kimball; Benjamin Smith. - Společná rada: James G. Hovey; Joel M. Holden; Charles H. Stearns; Cyrus Washburn; James B. Allen; William Howard Calrow; Richard Shackford; Hiram Bosworth; Thomas Sprague; Andrew Abbot; James Lawrence; Harvey Jewell; Ezekiel Kendall; Oliver B. Dorrance; Francis C. Manning; Peter C. Jones; Otis Kimball; Edward Reed; Andrew J. Loud; Theodore P. Hale; Zibeon Southard.
- 1852 - Aldermen: Benjamin James; Sampson Reed; Jacob Sleeper; Lyman Perry; Benjamin Leach Allen; Thomas Phillips Rich; Isaac Cary. - Společná rada: Elijah Stearns; Benjamin Fessenden; Edward A. Vose; George Wilson; Andrew Burnham; Samuel A. Bradbury; Dexter Roby; John James Rayner; Joseph D. Roberts; Paul Adams; William Thomas; Frederick H. Stimpson; Samuel Nicolson; Edward H. Eldredge; Farnham Plummer; Amos Cutler; George Washington Warren; John Odin ml .; John F. Banister; Horace A. Breed; Aaron Hobart; David Hamblen; John Proctor; George N. Noyes; Samuel Rogers Spinney.
- 1853 - Aldermen: James Whiting; Benjamin Franklin White; Oliver Frost. - Společná rada: Charles Todd Woodman; Charles A. Turner; Henry D. Gardiner; Daniel Dole Kelly; Benjamin F. Russell; Mical Tubbs; Charles Dupee; William F. Goodwin; Martin L. Hall; Izrael C. Rice; Matthew Binney; Ezra Forristall; Francis B. Winter; Henry Fowle Durant; William Washburn; Samuel Hatch; William Burrage; Charles Demond; John H. Thorndike; Calvin P. Hinds; Thacher Beal; Joseph Lawrence Drew; Jonas Harrod francouzsky; Samuel J. M. Homer; Joel Richards; Alexander Hamilton Rice; Stephen Tilton Jr.; Gardner P. Drury; John A. Cummings; Charles C. Conley; Joshua Jenkins; William S. Thacher; James F. Whittemore.
- 1854 - Aldermen: John Thomas Dingley; Josiah Dunham Jr.; William Washburn; Tisdale Drake; George Frederick Williams; George Odiorne. - Společná rada: William P. Howard; John Davis; Morrill Cole; Watson G. Mayo; Ebenezer Atkins; Caleb S. Johnson; Benjamin F. Mahan; George Washington Messinger; John Morehead Clark; George W. Chipman; Levi Boles; Daniel Warren; George S. Jones; Jonathan Amory Davis; Hiram Simmons; Ebenezer Johnson; Artemas Stone; David Whiton; Charles Owen Rogers; John W. T. Stodder; David Bryant; Ezechiáš Prince; John R. Mullin; John W. F. Hobbs; Charles Mayo; Edward H. Brainard.
- 1855[3] - Aldermen: Robert Cowdin; Samuel Topliff; Thomas Sprague; Joseph Lawrence Drew; Charles Todd Woodman; John Morehead Clark; Salma Elger Gould; Charles Woodberry; Albion Keith Parris Joy; Benjamin Franklin Cooke; Goorge Washington Messinger. - Společná rada: William Marble; Samuel P. Whitman; George Dexter Ricker; Bradbury G. Prescott; Austin Gove; Amos A. Dunnels; Edward Francis Porter; Samuel Jepson; Jonathan B. Severance; William H. Lounsbury; Edward W. Hinks; Robert I. Burbank; Charles B. Farley; Lorenzo S. Cragin; Jerome W. Tyler; Joseph Story; Joseph A. Pond; William Giles Harris; George W. Learnard; Benjamin Franklin Stevens; Alvin Vinal; Hales Wallace Suter; Joseph Buckley; Sylvester P. Gilbert; Frederick L. Washburn; Charles Nowell; William B. Merrill; William Augustus Bell; Samuel W. Ropes; Charles S. Burgess; Eben Tarbell; Jairus A. Frost; George S. Dexter; Daniel Hall; Jedediah P. Bean.
Joseph A. Pond, ca. 1855
Edward F. Porter, ca. 1855
Charles Woodberry, cca 1855
Oznámení o komunálních volbách, Ward 7, 1855
- 1856 - Aldermen: Eben Jackson; Pelham Bonney; Timothy Converse Kendall; William Howard Calrow; Farnham Plummer; James Cheever; Osmyn Brewster; Levi Benjamin Meriam; Otis Rich; George Washington Torrey; Robert Codman; Joseph Milner Wightman. - Společná rada: Oliver Frost; William A. Kruger; Henry A. Dalton; William S. Albertson; James M. Stevens; Lucius A. Bigelow; James W. Russell; John Peak; Jacob Albert Dresser; Oliver Stevens; Reuben Reed; Barnet F. Warner; Daniel J. Coburn; Ezra Farnsworth; John G. Webster; Davis B. Roberts; Rufus B. Bradford; Daniel Cragin; David F. McGilvray; Nahum Morrill Morrison; Lemuel Miles Standish; Robert Slade; Nathaniel Cushing Nash; Francis Jewett Parker; William Fox Richardson; Frederick Fessenden Thayer; Julian Ovando Mason; Ezra Harlow; Freeman Marshall Josselyn Jr.; Lewis Gary Whiton; Sumner Crosby.
- 1857 - Aldermen: Solomon Carter; Samuel Hatch; Silas Peirce; James Nute; Timothy Allen Sumner. - Společná rada: John B. Wedger; Nehemiah Gibson; Benjamin F. Palmer; Benjamin Pond; James J. Cobb; Samuel Talbot Jr.; Francis Edwin Faxon; George N. Nichols; George Atwood Shaw 6; John Stanhope Damrell; George W. Tuxbury; John H. Barry; Henry E. Bayley; George Silsbee Hale; James H. Beal; Benjamin French; Sidney Algernon Stetson; John Tyler; Josiah B. Richardson; Samuel Wallis Waldron Jr.; Davis W. Bailey; Henry Mason.
- 1858 - Aldermen: Samuel Dexter Crane; Charles Emerson; Rufus B. Bradford; George Dennie; George Augustus Curtis; Jesse Holbrook; Ebenezer Atkins. - Společná rada: John W. Bartlett; Albert Betteley; Horace Polsko; John C. Tucker; Francis Dana Stedman; Alexander Wadsworth; William Cross Williamson; Joseph L. Bates; Jairus Beal; Lucius Slade; Joseph Lyman Henshaw; Prescott Barker; Henry Williamson Haynes; Elijah Drew; Timothy R. Page; Thomas M. Howard; Edward F. Robinson; John A. Warren; Edward F. Hall; William S. McGowan; Calvin Allen Richards; Benjamin B. Brown; George P. French; Henry B. Janes; Chauncy Page.
- 1859 - Aldermen: Clement Willis; William Welden Allen; Joseph Tilden Bailey; Thomas Coffin Amory Jr; Otis Clapp. - Společná rada: Samuel Brown Krogman; Cornelius Doherty; Gilbert E. Pierce; Joseph Robbins; William Clark Burgess; Thomas Mooney; Theophilus Burr Jr; John H. Robinson; Philip Howes Sears; Jabez Frederick; Gharles J. McCarthy; James Riley; John Steele Tyler; Jonas Fitch; John Langdon Batchelder; William Carpenter; Horace Jenkins; Levi Lincoln Willcutt; Justin Jones; Ansel Lothrop; William Warland Clapp Jr.; Joseph Frost Paul; Osborn Howes; Joel Baker Jr.
- 1860 - Aldermen: Francis Edwin Faxon; Harrison Otis Briggs; James Laighton Hanson. - Společná rada: John Dacey; Thomas A. Mathews; Albert P. Morrison; Daniel Goodwin; George Thomas Sampson; John Allison; John Milton Roberts; William Edward Webster; Lyman Sawin Hapgood; Nathaniel C. A. Preble; Benjamin Greenleaf Boardman; Gardiner Howland Shaw; John Leahy; Joseph Hildreth Bradley; Samuel A. B. Bragg; George Partridge Sanger; William Bentley Fowle Jr.; Joseph W. Howard; Henry Souther; George Washington Sprague; Benjamin Pope.
- 1861 - Aldermen: Samuel Rogers Spinney; Nehemiah Gibson; George Washington Parmenter; Moses Clark; John Francis Pray; Elisha Tyson Wilson. - Společná rada: Andrew Ainsworth; John William Leighton; Cornelius Murphy; Horace Dodd; Albert Bowker; Stephen N. Stockwell; Sylvanus Allen Denio; John Rogers; Philip O. Donnell; Seldon Crockett; Elias E. Davison; Benjamin Franklin Edmands; Daniel H. Whitney; Daniel Carr Jr.; John S. Pear; Daniel Davies; Henry W. Foley; Morris C. Fitch; Frederick Grant; John Coffin Jones Brown; William A. Clark; Francis H. Ward; John Borrowscale; Joseph F. Huntress; Joshua Dorsey Ball; John C. Fallon; Hollis Randall Gray.
- 1862 - Aldermen: Francis Richards Ne; Joseph Lyman Henshaw; Joseph Frost Paul; Calvin Allen Richards; Otis Norcross. - Společná rada: Dennis Bonner; Matthew Keany; Richard Beeching; George Hinman; Augustus Reed; Bernard Cullen; John Glancy; Joseph Andrew Brown; Linus Mason Child; Michael F. Wells; William Emery Bicknell; George P. Clapp; George Otis Shattuck; Edward Ryan; Windsor Hatch; Franklin H. Sprague; Samuel G. Bowdlear; William Hormby Irsko; Loring B. Barnes; Cyrus Hicks; Horace Bullard Fisher; Lucius A. Cutler; Henry A. Drake; Stanley Gore.
- 1863 - Aldermen: Sylvanus Allen Denio; Robert Marsh; Lemuel Miles Standish; John Steele Tyler; Hiram Ambrose Stevens. - Společná rada: Patrick McLaughlin; Charles Rankin McLean; Nicholas J. Bean; John Minot Fiske; Granville Mears; William Wilkins Warren; Joseph Allen; Joseph Richardson; David Hill Coolidge; Charles Woodbury; John P. Ordway; Daniel J. Sweeney; John Tisdale Bradlee; Gilbert C. Brown; John C. Haynes; Patrick F. Logan; Nathaniel Adams; William Cumston; Nathan Morse; William Gallagher; Lewis J. Bird.
- 1864 - Aldermen: George Washington Warren; Nathaniel Cushing Nash; William Warland Clapp Jr.; George Washington Sprague; Daniel Davies; Charles Francis Dana. - Společná rada: Jabez Fisher Hewes; Albert Stevens Pratt; John Turner; William W. Elliott; Nathaniel McKay; Edwin Mason Putnam; Lewis Rice; Patrick H. Farren; Robert Bunten; Thomas Gaffield; Patrick Tracy Jackson; William Mooney; Samuel Harvey Loring; Thomas Francis Richardson; Joshua Putnam Preston; Cadis Barney Boyce; Solomon Bliss Stebbins; George Parmer Darrow; Moses Wright Richardson; Charles W. Livermore; Thomas Gogin; Horace Smith; Mojžíš Colman.
- 1865 - Aldermen: Edward Francis Porter; Thomas Gaffield. - Společná rada: John Miller; Andrew Hall; Allen Riley; John F. Flynn; Joel Gray; Noah Webster Farley; Augustine G. Stimson; Weston Lewis; Jarvis Dwight Braman; Francis Winthrop Palfrey; James Joseph Flynn; William Driver Park; Walbridge Abner Field; Horace Leander Bowker; Job T. Souther; Benjamin Dean; Freeborn Adams Jr.
- 1866 - Aldermen: Jonas Fitch; Charles Wesley Slack; Gilbert Wait; Noah Mayo Jr. - Společná rada: William James Ellis; Francis James Munroe; Moses B. Tower; Dennis Cawley Jr.; Murdock Matheson; Elam W. Hale; Zvětšit Eldredge Noyes; Alfonso Bowman; Christopher Augustus Connor; Thomas Leavitt; Hugh Ambrose Madden; Michael Carney; Israel Smith Trafton; Edward Augustus White; William Sanford Hills; George Nowell; Jeremiah L. Newton; Daniel Gorton Grafton; Samuel W. Hodges; Charles Caverly Jr; Matthias Rich; Jonas Ball; Hubbard Winslow Tilton; Henry Dwight Hyde; Solomon S. Gray; Henry E. Bradlee.

- 1867 - Aldermen: William Cumston; Charles Rankin McLean; Albert Stevens Pratt; Jarvis Dwight Braman; Edward Augustus White; Walter Edward Hawes; Newton Talbot. - Společná rada: William Woolley; George E. Young; Michael Carney; John Furness Jarvis; Edward R. Merritt; Charles R. Train; Edward E. Batchelder; Francis Augustus Osborn; Hiram Burr Crandall; Oliver Cromwell Livermore; William H. Emerson; Warren Lothrop Tower; Henry Clement Lougee; George Baxter ml .; Sewall B. Bond; Lucius W. Knight; William R. Bryden; Frederick A. Wilkins; Albert F. Upton; Charles Hastings Allen; Slonovinová fazole; Henry Warren Wilson; Howard A. Doe.
- 1868 - Aldermen: Nathaniel Seaver; Samuel Crocker Cobb; Mojžíš Fairbanks. - Společná rada: James Byron Nason; Joshua Weston; Thomas Dinsmore; Edward Malone; Thomas Leighton Jenks; Lyman Alonzo Belknap; Zimri B. Heywood; Michael J. Driscoll; William M. Flanders; Francis Wayland Jacobs -; Sereno T. Thayer; Horace Goodman Tucker; Robert Bishop; Michael G. Minon; John White; Sidney Squires; Samuel Rice; Ebenezer Nelson; Charles S. Butler; George P. Denny; Horace Tyler Rockwell; Samuel B. Hopkins; Samuel Thomas Snow; Albert Judd Wright; William Treadwell Van Nostrand; Thomas Dolan; Benjamin Franklin; Lemuel Foster Morse; Joseph T. Ryan; William Hobbs Jr.; Augustus Parker; Henry B. Phelps; Henry White Pickering; James Monroe Keith; Everett C. Kingsbury; John Austin Rogers; Horace H. White.
- 1869 - Aldermen: Lewis Rice; John Tisdale Bradlee; William Treadwell Van Nostrand; George Partridge Baldwin. - Společná rada: Jeremiah Hobbs Pote; Thomas Doherty; George Going; Nathan Hagar Daniels; Amos Lucian Noyes; Milford Joy Coyle; Grenville Temple Winthrop Braman; Albert Frye Cole; Winslow Bradford Lucas; James K. Crowley; Edmund B. Vannevar; William Frost; Albert Gay; George Edward se učil; John Osborne Chudák; George H. Johnston; Solomon Adams Woods; Melville Ezra Ingalls; Jeremiah M. Mullane; George C. Pearson; David P. Davis; Gurdon C. Judson; Giles Hopkins Rich; Nathan D. Conant.
- 1870 - Aldermen: Christopher Augustus Connor; Francis Wayland Jacobs; Grenville Temple Winthrop Braman; George Washington Pope; Charles Edwin Jenkins; George Oliver Carpenter; Henry Lillie Pierce. - Společná rada: Joseph H. Barnes; William Francis Brooks; Thomas W. Brown ml .; William Taylor; Rybník Albert Cushman; Eugene C. Donnelly; Charles Brooks Perkins; Barney Hull; John Joseph Murphy; John Quinn; Stephen Rensselaer Niles; George Middleton Barnard Jr.; John O. Brien; John Henry Giblin; Patrick O. Connor; Isaac Hale Robbins; John Sam Moulton; Calvin M. Winch; Solomon Sewall Rowe; William Jamieson Smith; Daniel Augustus Patch; William C. Roberts; John Bullard Meads; William Morse; Franklin Williams; Joel Seaverns; Adams Ayer; Herman D. Bradt; James Devine; Patrick Henry Rogers; Charles D. Bickford; William Pope; William Say; Thomas French Temple; George soustruh Burt.
- 1871 - Aldermen: Avery Plumer; George Dexter Ricker; Samuel Talbot Jr.; William Woolley; Samuel Little; Leonard Richardson Cutter. — Společná rada: James Smith; Frederick Pease; William Cunningham; George S. Kendall; Thomas R. Jacobs; Stephen Decatur Salmon Jr.; Alfred Alonzo Clatur; John Robertson; John W. Foye; Henry Nathan Stone; William Edward Perkins; David Locke Webster; Robert McDevitt; Edward J. Long; Washington L. Prescott; James Davis Knowles Willis; Stephen Locke Emery; Wallace Fullam Robinson; Markýz Fayette Dickinson ml .; Charles Henry Hersey; John Henry Locke; Thomas Brennan; Theodore C. Faxon; Isaac Paul Gregg; Alfred Heyer Perry; William Henry West.
- 1872 - Aldermen: Thomas Leighton Jenks; Sidney Squires; William Say; Stephen Abbot Stackpole; John Taylor Clark; William Chadwell Polsko; James Power. - Společná rada: Neil Doherty; Patrick Collins; Timothy J. Dacey; Thomas J. Anderson; George Parkman Kingsley; Horace E. Walker; Edward Olcott Shepard; Horace Loring; Francis Michael Hughes; Edward J. Holmes; John Bernard Martin; John Edward Fitzgerald; Abraham John Lamb; Charles Darrow; Benjamin Heath; David Whiston; Cyrus Andrew Page; Edward Payson Wilbur; James Freeman Marston; John Johnson McNutt; Frederick Samuel Risteen; Wilmon Whilldin Blackmar; Asa Harden Caton; William Henry Hart; Daniel Dowd; Bartoloměj Dolan; William Hatch Jones; William G. Thacher; Hiram Augustus Wright; Charles Augustus Burditt; Hartford Davenport.
- 1873 - Aldermen: Solomon Bliss Stebbins; John Brown; Alanson Bigelow; Hiram Emery; Charles Hulbert; Samuel Miller Quincy. - Společná rada: William McKenney; Thomas H. Doherty; Jacob Abbott; Charles Edward Powers; Michael James Flatley; John W. Mahan; Robert McCue; Elijah B. Hine; John Madden; Henry W. Harrington; Edwin Hutton Woods; John Quincy Adams Brackett; Andrew Jackson Hall; Samuel S. Cudworth; Hillman B. Barnes; Harrison Loring; Hiram A. Bowles; Alonzo Warren; William G. Train; William Elliot Woodward; Charles G. Davis; Ebenezer Adams; Halsey Joseph Boardman; Pierpont Edwards; Frederick Bleiler; Michael Kelley; James Humphreys Upham.
- 1874 - Aldermen: William Francis Brooks; Andrew Jackson Hall; Charles Jones Prescott; Thomas Burdett Harris; Francis Alonzo Peters; Roland Worthington. - Společná rada: Frederick B. Day; Rufus Cushman; Michael D. Collins; James Bent; Thomas Mooney; George F. Gordon; Thomas Charles Butler; Henry Harrison Sprague; Michael H. McCarty; Richard Jennings; David Pulsifer Kimball; Samuel H. Russell; Uriel Haskell Crocker; Edward William Barry; Frank B. Brown; Francis H. Peabody; John Sweetser; Zenas E. Smith; Henry Lowell Leach; John Goldthwait; Horace M. Bearce; Frederick Griswold Walbridge; Nathan S. Wilbur; Thacher F. Pot; Henry Ware Putnam; Henry W. Fuller; Samuel Cony Perkiris; Alexander Beal; William Minot ml .; Francis Hunnewell; Patrick Moley; Edwin Sibley; James F. Dacey; William H. Kent; Francis William Pray; George H. Long; John Tyler Hicks.
- 1875 - Aldermen: William Pope; Abraham Orlando Bigelow; Alvah Augustus Burrage; Clinton Viles; Hugh O'Brien; - Společná rada: Emery Dyer Leighton; Jeremiah Harrigan; Charles Marvel Kingsley; Jeremiah A. Murray; Albus R. Cushing; William Henry Whitmore; Alexander Fairfield Wadsworth; John H. Walsh; John Augustus Duggan; Ward; Curtis Guild; Walter Harmon; Patrick Barry; Thomas J. Fitzpatrick; John Osborne Jr.; Francis Jaques; Eugene Henry Sampson; Joseph Augustus Felt; Otis H. Pierce; Osborne Howes Jr.; George Leonard Damon; James A. Lappen; Ephraim D. Whitcomb; George J. Coyle; Lowell Brigham Hiscock; John F. Newton; Isaac P. Clarke; Omar Loring; Charles F. Curtis; Charles E. Rice; Ezra Jackson Trull; Benjamin Franklin Stacey; John Kelley; John N. Devereux; Richard Power.
- 1876 - Aldermen: George Thomas Sampson; Liverus Hull; Francis Thompson; Choate Burnham; Thomas Jones Whidden. - Společná rada: Edwin R. Webster; Edward Pearl; William J. Burke; Albert H. Taylor; Marcellus Day; Phinehas J. Stone ml .; Stephen G. Jones; Franklin Oliver Reed; George F. Shepard; Sidney E. Adams; Michael Barr; John William Fraser; Daniel Doherty; Joseph Doherty; James O. Donnell; Warren Kendall Blodgett; James Hall Jr.; George Lewis Ruffin; John A. Smardon; Alfred Israel Woodbury; James W. Fox; John Mullen; Martin Luther Ham; Richard Pope; Francis Allen Davis; Abraham Firth; William Tuttle; William Everett Shay; Christopher J. Spenceley; James Benton Graham; Joseph Morrill Jr.; William Blanchard; Benjamin Holt Ticknor; John Wilder May; James Homer Pierce.
- 1877 - Aldermen: Lucius Slade; John Edward Fitzgerald; Charles Henry Bass Breck; George Dunbar; Richard Worth Robinson; Charles Woodard Wilder. - Společná rada: James J. Doherty; George Larkin Thorndike; George B. Webster; Peter Stillings Roberts; Frederick B. Day; Norman Young Brintnall; John H. Dee; John Kelley; Ledvina Johna Augustina; Richard Roach; Peter Cannon; Edward O. Donnell; Patrick F. McGaragle; Thomas O. Connor; Robert znamená Thompson; James Bailey Richardson; James Hutchins Danforth; Oscar Brownell Mowry; Roger Wolcott; Jeremiah Henry Mullane; Patrick Francis McDonald; James F. McClusky; James W. Loughlin; Joaquin Kilvert Souther; Oliver George Fernald; Robert Cox; John Cross; Andrew Jackson; Dennis Ambrose Flynn; Losos P. Hibbard; Charles Henry Reed; James Henry Nugent; James Fagan; Charles Edward Pratt; James Joseph Barry; Henry Francis Coe; Alfred Staniford Brown; Charles S. Perham; Coolidge Barnard; Robert Vose Jr; Webster F. Warren.
- 1878 - Aldermen: Lewis Cary Whiton; Samuel Cony Perkins; Curtis Guild; George Burrell Faunce; Charles Hayden,; Josiah Shepard Robinson; John Perrin Spaulding. - Common Council: James Woolley; Harvey Newton Shepard; Benjamin Brintnall; Nathaniel D. Toppan; George H. Lovering; Charles W. Howland; John Drynan; Alexander B. McGahey; Dennis O. Connor; Lemuel Meader Ham; John J. Smith; Nathaniel Johnson Rust; Charles Wheeler; Thomas Joseph Denney; Thomas Henry Devlin; James Aloysius McGeough; Howard Clapp; Thomas Hill; Albert Frederic Lauten; John Tavlor; Isaac Rosnosky; Jesse Leonard Nason; John Freeman Colby; Oscar Hallett Sampson; Nathan Sawyer; John P. Santry; John Patrick Brawley; Paul Henry Kendricken; William E. Whitcher; Thomas Edwin Wilson; George H. Wyman; Francis J; Charles Herbert Plimpton; Henry Nathan Sawyer; George Warren Hollis; Jacob F. Taylor.
- 1879 - Aldermen: Daniel Dole Kelly; Benjamin Pope; James Joseph Flynn; Joseph Augustus Tucker; George Edwin Bell. - Common Council: Martin Moore Hancock; Cornelius Francis Doherty; John Thomas Hayes; Frank Eliot Sweetser; William Hanson Howard; Otis B. Dudley; John Paul Hilton; Andrew A. O'Dowd; Stephen F. McLaughlin; Roger John Kelley; John Doherty; Charles V. Bunten; James Christal; Henry Parkman; Malcolm Scollay Greenough; Henry Walton Swift; Joseph Healy; Charles F. Austin; Nicholas Furlong; Francis O. Brien; John Cannon; George Henry Cavanagh; Evan H. Morgan; John Elliott Bowker; George T. Perkins; John William Morrison; Thomas Norton Hart; Benjamin Franklin Anthony; Patrick James Maguire; John Andrew Slattery; Timothy A. Murphy; Michael William Costello; John Eli Blakemore; Albert Thomas Stearns; George Albert Fisher; John A. Sawyer.
- 1880 - Aldermen: Asa Harden Caton; Frederick Griswold Walbridge; George Larkin Thorndike; Charles Varney Whitten; Joseph Caldwell. - Common Council: Clarence Parker Lovell; Daniel J. Sweeney; Hiram I. Nason; Matthew Walsh; Andrew Jackson Bailey; Philip J. McLaughlin; Edward Dixon; John Patrick Joseph; William Joseph Welch; John Bernard Fitzpatrick; Alden Everett Viles; James Goldthwaite Freeman Alder; muž; Eugene Bigelow Hagar; William Fisher Wharton; Charles Herbert Williams; Patrick H. Cronin; Martin Thomas Folan; John I. Lane; Lewis Raymond Tucker; Charles William Donahoe; Frank Foster Farwell; Henry Elisha Hosley; David Franklin Barry; Dudley Richards Child; Nathaniel Brimbecom; Jeremiah J. McNamara; Abraham Theobald Rogers; Horace Beals Clapp; Austin Bigelow.
- 1881 - Aldermen: Charles Henry Hersey; George Curtis; Cyrus Summerfield Haldeman; William Frost. - Common Council: Peter Morrison; Jesse Morse Gove,; Christopher Patrick Conlin; Charles Francis Quigley; William L. Harding; Francis J. Murphy; Henry Ward Beecher Cotton; Samuel Josiah Harrison; George Frederick Mullett; James F. Daly; Martin Sumner McCormick; John Aloysius McLaughlin; John Joseph Foyle; James W. Pope; Prentiss Cummings; George Lewis Huntress; Charles A. Powers; Joseph Binard Gomez; Otis Dexter Dana; William Eustis Bartlett; Leander Beal; William H. Ford; Thomas Jefferson Emery; James Teevan; William Caverly Fisk; Arthur Frederick Means; Joseph Patrick Connell; Nathan Gilman Smith; Thomas Richard Mathews; Nelson Sumner Wakefield; Reuben Samuel Swan; Otis Eddy.
- 1882 - Aldermen: Benjamin Franklin Anthony; Thomas Norton Hart; Laban Pratt; Clinton White. - Common Council: Benjamin P. Bates; James Edmund Fitzgerald; Alfred N. Proctor; Ernest Clifton Marshall; Horace E. Boynton; Patrick John Donovan; Michael J. Houghton; Daniel McLaughlin; John Joseph Cannon; Godfrey Morse; Edward Perry Fisk; John Davis Williams French; James Henry Stack; James Ambrose Murphy; William Henry Frizzell; Charles H. Orr; James Donovan; Frederick Bourne Taylor; John Good; Felix Aloysius Strange; Michael J. Killion; Charles Henry Wise; Munroe Chickering; Joseph Francis Howland; John Henry Lee.
- 1883 - Aldermen: Francis William Pray; Thomas Henry Devlin; Paul Henry Kendricken; William Joseph Welch; Edwin Forrest Leighton. - Common Council: Edwin Grosvenor Smith; Walter F. Burk; William Abraham Foss; George E. Bacon; Joseph W. Peterson; Samuel Lombard; Harvey Newton Collison; James H. Gallagher; Robert Donnelly; Francis Patrick Maguire; Andreas Blume; Eugene David Sullivan; Patrick Leo Cassidy; George Francis Henry Murray; Benjamin W. Dean; Charles Michael Bromwich; George Henry Bond; John Edward Lappen; James F. Marley; Aaron Francis Richards; Samuel Hichborn; Francis L. White; William A. Thomes; John Albree; Edward Jacob Hathorne; Thomas O Flynn; John P. O'Brien; Francis Anthony Strater; Chauncey Thomas; Lewis Wheaton Morse; James Goodman; Edward Finnerty; Asa Spalding Weld.
- 1884 - Aldermen: Oliver George Fernald; James Henry Nugent Coundlman; Malcolm Scollay Greenough; John William McDonald; Andrew Marathon Morton. - Common Council: John E. Lynch; William Henry Harrison Emmons; John Henry Sullivan; Michael G. Lynch; Francis W. Curry; Hugh E. Brady; Elbridge Gerry Brown; Lyman Haven Bigelow; Thomas Hinds Green; Patrick Kearins; John Doherty; William Taylor Jr; William J. Reagan; John E. McNellev; Alfred D wight Foster; Herbert Lee Harding; Daniel Foster Farrar; Michael H. Burke; Henry J. McKee; Samuel Kelley; Dennis A.Horgan; Charles Wilbur Whitcomb; William J. Kilduff; Lewis Grieve Farmer; William McKinley Osborne; Henry Phillips Oakman; Frank E. Brigham; James Granville Young Jr; William Mackin.
- 1885 - Aldermen: James Smith; Patrick John Donovan; Jeremiah Henry Mullane; Charles Hastings Allen; Benjamin French Cutter. - Common Council: Bedfield Erskine; William Henry Murphy; George Nelson Fisher Jr; William H. Miller; William P. Henry; Edward L. Quigley; John Gallagher; Richard J. Murray; William Oscar Armstrong; Benjamin B. Jenks; Jacob Fottler; Thomas Prince Beal; Edward John Jenkins; William Peter Cherrington; William A. Daly; James F. Murphy; Thomas Joseph Keliher; William English; William Edward Hodgkins; Thomas F. Fallon; Patrick Edward Riddle; Albert Watson Hersey; Henry S. Dewey; Patrick Henry Costello; Francis B. Kelley; Edward Payson Butler; John F. Brown.
- 1886 - Aldermen: John Henry Sullivan; Michael Barr; James Goldthwaite Freeman; William Patrick Carroll; Charles Michael Bromwich; Patrick James Maguire; Nathan Gilman Smith; Henry Francis Coe; Samuel John Capen. - Common Council: Nathaniel March Jewett; John Archibald Webster; Thomas Owen McEnaney; Benjamin Joseph Sullivan; WardS; Joseph H. Carroll; Patrick Coyle; Edwin F. Dunn; Samuel J. Cochran; Edward F. Reilly; William J. Mahoney; Christopher O. Brien; Edward A. Rogan; William Bernarden Francis Whall; William Power Wilson; Nathaniel Watson Ladd; William Reuben Richards; George Partridge Sanger Jr; John J. Egan; Edward Joseph Leary; Edward J. Powers; William Sarsfield McNary; Robert Provan; John W. Hayes; Whittemore Rowell; Alpheus Sanford; Henry Frost; Augustus Gordon Perkins; Frank Bartlett Thayer; Bartholomew J. Connolly; Thomas Hugh Duggan; James F. Davern; John Murphy; Cassius Clay Powers; Julius D. Whipple; Thomas Hendee Hickey; Robert William Light; William Scollans.
- 1887 - Aldermen: John Aloysius McLaughlin; Tilly Haynes; Charles Whipple Smith; John Henry Lee. - Common Council: Henry Carstensen; Frank Robert Morrison; Jeremiah F. Coleman; Peter J. Gallagher; John F. Sundberg; Maurice Joseph McKenna; Augustus L. Perry; John J. Murphy; Roger Haggerty; Edward J. Harrington; Thomas Francis Kelley; John J. Kennedy; Andrew Berkley Lattimore; Frank Morison; Edward Sullivan; Cornelius Francis Desmond; Thomas Francis Tracy; John James Teevens; Frank Jefferson Tuttle; Michael Joseph Carroll; Thomas Francis Nunan; Robert Howard Bowman; John William O Mealey; Samuel Edward Shaw; Ward; James H. Sullivan; Charles Havey Dolan; John Homans Norton; See No; John Charles Short; Richard Sullivan; Lewis L. P. Atwood; Sidney Leeland Burr; George Robert Fowler; Louis Munroe Clark; Edmund Francis Snow; John T. Chamberlain.
- 1888 - Aldermen: Jesse Morse Gove; Philip Joseph Doherty; William Power Wilson; James Ambrose Murphy; Samuel Kelley; John Charles Short; Homer Rogers; Otis Eddy. - Common Council: Joseph Benjamin Maccabe; Frank Casey; Robert C. Fanning; Frank Eugene Bagley; Francis Henry Dillon; Michael John Mitchell; William Herbert Oakes; Israel Frank Pierce; Patrick Cannon; Neil J. Gillespie; Thomas Francis Keenan; Joseph Patrick Lomasney; George Wesley Boynton; Charles Joseph Brooks; Francis William Sprague; James Means; Frank Ellery Winslow; James Bernard Hayes; Jeremiah Stephen Mahoney; Michael William Norris; John McNamara; James Francis Mullen; William James Murphy; William Henry Vialle; William Stanford Stevens; Thomas Francis Lyons; John James Hoar; John Patrick Kelley; Horace Gwynne Allen; William Gardner Reed; Sidney Cushing; Anton Peters; Andrew J. Robinson; John Comerford.
- 1889 - Aldermen: Benjamin Franklin Stacey; Albert Alonzo Folsom; William Gardner Reed. - Common Council: Lewis Burnham; John Andolph Campbell; Frank Cushing Wood; Patrick H. Quinn; William Joseph Doherty; Tobias Beck; Edward Everett Drew; Benjamin Franklin Hatch; William Thomas Graham; Neil Francis Doherty; James Daniel Doherty; James Joseph Donnelly; Daniel Francis Breen; Nathaniel Goddard Robinson; Albert Harrison Hall; Charles Edward Harris; George von Lengerke Meyer; Bowdoin Strong Parker; Charles Franklin Sprague; Perlie Appleton Dyar; Francis Cabot Lowell; Ira Loriston Moore; John Francis Joseph Mulhall; Charles James Chance; Nicholas Francis McCarthy; Samuel Hood Wise; Edward Patrick Barry; James M. O'Brien; John Augustine Keefe; William Warren Towle; Maurice J. Hahlo; George Evans Lovett; Andrew Peter McCauley; Benjamin Franklin Brown; Melancthon Ware Burlen; John Francis Kinney; Frederick Peterson Knapp; Franklin Plummer Pierce; Walter Lawton Hayes; Harlan Page Paige; Henry B. Goodenough; George Francis Mitchell.
- 1890 - Aldermen: Thomas William Flood; Charles Burr Woolley; Herbert Schaw Carruth; Wesley Austin Gove; Edward Joseph Leary; Sidney Cushing. - Common Council: John Joseph Cotter; Patrick Cornelius Kelly; John Joseph Mahoney; John Patrick Reed; Henry Warren Woodbury; James Gilfillian Jones; Charles Carroll; Edward William Dixon; John James Irving; Edward Patrick Clark; James Benjamin Hamilton; Michael Bartholomew Gilbride; Arthur Langdon Spring; Charles Wallace Hallstram; Patrick Joseph Heffernin; Daniel Patrick Toomey; John Henry Griffin; George Augustus Whiteley; Jacob Nelson Goodnough; Francis Edwin Park; Osgood Chandler Blaney; Joseph James Casey; Isaac Paul Hutchinson; Abraham Captaine Ratshesky; Thomas Talbot; Paul Cuff Brooks; Charles Henry Bryant; Thomas Caldwell Thompson; John Davidson Wayne; Charles Edward Wiggin Jr; Horace Bacon; Bernice Jenkins Noyes; James Benjamin Light; Frederic Eaton.
- 1891 - Aldermen: Thomas Francis Keenan; George von Lengerke Meyer; Nathaniel Johnson Rust; Weston Lewis; Martin Regan; Lewis Grieve Farmer. - Common Council: John L. Bates; Hugh L. Stalker; Thomas Arthur; William J. Donovan; Michael J. Tierney; William H. Boardman; Myron D. Cressy; John Hurley; James W. O Brien; Elliott D. Robbins; Patrick F. Brogan; Cornelius H. Toland; Patrick Higgins; Hugh McLaughlin; Nelson G. Gaskins; Seth P. Smith; Clarence P. Weston; Frank H. Briggs; John Quinn Jr; Andrew J. Quinn; James H. Coughlin; John A. Daunt; Josiah S. Dean; Charles H. Dirksmeyer; Timothy J. Sullivan; John B. Cadigan; Abraham Levy; William R. Browne; William Gordon; Mark H. Lynch; Hugh Gilligan; William B. McClellan; George H. Murray; Frank F. Proctor; John J. Kane; Charles E. Folsom Jr Aldemian; Fred H. Young.
- 1892 - Aldermen: Michael John Mitchell; Jacob Fottler; William Alonzo Folsom; John Francis Dever. - Common Council: James A. Cochran; Cornelius J. Flynn; Frank McGinniss; John M. O Hara; Albert W. Forbush; Frank A. Teeling; John F. Fitzgerald; Cornelius Doherty; Timothy F. Murphy; William Francis Donovan; Walden Banks; Sidney B. Everett; William C. Parker; Royal Robbins; Michael T. Callahan; William J. Welch; John Merrill; William J. Sullivan; Frederick S. Gore; John J. Healy; James Keenan; Charles H. Reinhart; Charles E. Clark; Andrew J. Patterson; Nicholas J. Quinn; Albert C. Smith; Hubert B. Curley; Thomas H. Boyd; Albert C. Burrage; George M. Scates; Frederick C. Bleiler; William F. Finneran; Patrick F. Gormley; Edward F. Draper; John B. Patterson; Edward Farrell; Frank H. Ricker.
- 1893 - Aldermen: Charles Thomas Witt; Martin Michael Lomasney; John J. Maguire; Alpheus Sanford; William L. Mooney; Charles Wallace Hallstram; Charles Edward Folsom. - Common Council: George R. W. Battis; David H. Jones Jr; Manassah E. Bradley; Michael W. Collins; William H. Fallon; Timothy J. Donovan; William H. Marnell; Jeremiah E. Mahoney; Christopher F. O Brien; Daniel D. Rourke; Bernard McMackin; David T. King; Charles H. Hall; Joshua B. Holden; Timothy J. Crowley; John B. Collins; William E. Mansfield; John P. O Connor; Daniel A. McCarthy; William Berwin; Freeman O. Emerson; John H. Colby; Henry S. Fisher; Charles C. Collins; Norman Mintz; Michael J. Lyons; Albert Wise; Richard F. Andrews Jr; Walter C. Brown; Charles J. Jacobs; William A. Davis; James H. Kelly; Herbert M. Manks; George I. Robinson Jr; J. Harris Aubin; Samuel H. Mitchell.
- 1894 - Aldermen: Charles Henry Bryant; Bordman Hall; Edward Webb Presho; David Franklin Barry. - Common Council: John W. Hayes; Michael J. Leary; Peter F. Tague; Martin F. Connorton; William J. Miller; James T. Roche; Patrick J. Carroll; George F. Coleman; Daniel A. Whelton; J. Henderson Allston; Stanley Ruffin; Calvin M. Lewis; Edward H. McGuire; Walter L. Sears; John J. Browne; John E. Baldwin; Jeffrey R. Eager; Michael J. Reidy; Timothy J. Wholey; Joseph L. Bartlett; Daniel F. Connor; Edwin S. Fields; William W. Davis; William M. Mclnness; Edward H. Costello; Thomas Reynolds; Frederick A. Wood; Eugene A. Reed Jr.
- 1895 - Aldermen: Perlie Appleton Dyar; Horace Gwynne Allen. - Common Council: Joseph H. Barnes Jr; John E. Lowden; Joseph H. Corny; John L. Kelly; James F. Haley; John J. O'Callaghan; George A. Garland; William E. Mahoney; James J. Brock; James A. Doherty; James C. Murphy; Simon Hirshon; John R. Foster; Edward S. Crockett; George U. Crocker; Timothy J. Butler; William H. Woods; John H. Dunn; Edward C. Cadigan; John J. Mahoney; Patrick Bowen; John J. Gartland Jr; Benjamin C. Lane; John W. Johnson; G. Waldon Smith; George W. Bennett; Michael E. Gaddis; Timothy E. McCarthy; Samuel C. Jones; Alfred Newmarch; Chauncey K. Bullock; Edward Orchard; Franklin L. Codman; Walter W. Strangman; William M. Farrington; Francis F. Morton.
- 1896 - Aldermen: Samuel Darius Charles; William Francis Donovan; William Joseph Donovan; John Joseph Mahoney. - Common Council: Collingwood C. Millar; William B. Whitney; John E. McCarthy; Dennis J. Falvey; John A. Ryan; James H. Shannon; Michael J. McColgan; John A. Rowan; Francis J. Horgan; Daniel J. Kiley; Nelson I. Southwick; Alfred H. Colby; Alfred F. Kenney; John J. Falvey; Hugh W. Bresnahan; James T. Mahoney Jr; Patrick J. O Toole; William P. Hickey; Thomas F. Donovan; John Dugan; David F. McCarthy; George G. Banchor; Charles Hiller Innes; Sidney Moulthorp; Arthur G. Wood; Thomas L. Noonan; George Whittaker; Timothy L. Connolly; Albert C. Sawyer; Charles P. Nangle; Charles W. Dennis; John A. Maier Jr; Thomas C. Bachelder; Elmer E. Chain.
- 1897 - Aldermen: William Berwin; Franklin Lincoln Codman; John Henry Colby; Josiah Stevens Dean; William Henry Lott; Milton Coburn Paige. - Common Council: Charles I. Albee; A. Dudley Bagley; William J. Cronin; James H. Donovan; Henry B. Carroll; John I. Toland; John W. Donahue; Joseph A. Turnbull; Michael J. Donovan; W. T. A. Fitzgerald; Thomas Mackey; William H. Roth; Louis Sonnabend; Michael Leonard; Maurice J. McCarthy; George S. Brooks; Walter E. Nichols; Charles R. Saunders; George H. Tinkham; John B. Dumond; Edward P. Sands; James F. Mulcahy; Daniel V. Mclsaac; Oliver F. Davenport; Frederick W. Farwell; Arthur P. Russell; John P. Lanergan; James J. Casey; John H. Daly; John F. Dempsey; John J. Flanagan; Wilbur F. Adams; Edwin D. Bell; Louis T Ho; Charles F. Adams; William Dallow Jr; Konrad Young; William E. Harvey; Willard W. Hibbard; Harry B. Whall; Ezra N. Rolland; William D. Wheeler.
- 1898 - Aldermen: Michael Henry Cleary; Joseph Aloysius Conry; Edward William Dixon; Joseph James Norton; Frank John O Toole. - Common Council: Joseph F. Hickey; William F. Harrington; Charles A. Horrigan; John F. Desmond; John P. Sullivan; William E. Bennett; Edward H. Madden; Samuel H. Borofsky; Daniel J. Donnelly; John L. Donovan; William H. Cuddy; Michael F. Hart; Frank H. Cowin; Samuel Kasanof; Charles A. Atkins; David R. Robinson; Edward A. Armistead; William S. B. Stevens; David B. Chamberlain; Thomas J. Collins; Michael J. Lydon; John D. Fenton; William Martin; Charles E. Eddy; Patrick H. Brennan; John J. Curley; James A. Watson; Michael T. Athridge; Frederick W. Klemm; Paul F. Folsom; Abram Jordan; Andrew Brauer; Clarence W. Sanderson,.
- 1899 - Aldermen: Wilbur Fiske Adams; Michael William Brick; Frederick William Day; James Henry Doyle; Patrick Francis McDonald. - Common Council: George H. Battis; David W. Simpson; Frank J. Johnson; Thomas F. Rice; Francis J. Doherty; Thomas A. Kelley; John F. Gibbons; Andrew A. Badaracco; Patrick H. Bradley; William J. O Brien; James H. Stone; James A. Sweeney; Martin Leftovith; John J. Tobin; John Bordman Jr; Walter R. Mansfield; George H. Moore; Lawrence M. Stockton; Donald N. MacDonald; Arthur K. Peck; Frank J. Linehan; George A. Donahoe; Edward L. Logan; John H. Giblin, A; Frank S. Atwood; Frank E. Wells; George A. Flynn; William H. Doyle; James Mclnerney; George R. Miller; George O. Wood; Fred A. Emery; Temple A. Winsloe; George W. Lorey; William G. Roemer; John H. Broderick; Guy F. Newhall; Samuel H. Mildram.
- 1900 - Aldermen: Philip O Brien; Patrick Bowen; Michael William Norris; Michael Joseph O Brien; George Holden Tinkham; Robert Anson Jordan; Edwin Peabody Gerry. - Common Council: William B. Jackson; William C. S. Healey; Daniel J. Sheehan; William J. Carley; George H. Cadigan; Arthur W. Dolan; John C. Hurley; Thomas J. Grady; Daniel L. Flanagan; Osborn A. Newton; Harry S. Upham; Lawrence J. Kelly; John E. L. Monaghan; J. Frank O Hare; William L. White; William McG Grant; James M. Curley; William E. Good; Michael W. Kelley; William O. S. Hennigan; William M. Curtis; Clarence W. Starratt; William H. Nitz; William L. Strickland; Walter E. Henderson; J. Henry Smith; Frederick W. Whiteley; Herbert W. Burr; William E. Hannan; Frank H. Howe.
- 1901 - Aldermen: John Lawrence Kelly; George Robert Miller; Joseph Irving Stewart. - Common Council: Walter J. Staples; Joseph F. Carter; Thomas F. Clark; Edward L. Cauley; Henry M. Wing; Ward A; Philip C. McMahon; John J. Mullen; Frank P. Murphy; Maurice J. Power; Henry S. Fitzgerald; George A. Scigliano;[5] James F. McDermott; John L. Sullivan; Hyman Weinberg; John L. Curry; Edward F. Fitzgerald; Harry Alexander; James F. Phelan; March G. Bennett,; Robert Homans; S. William Simms; Frank E. Gaylord; Andrew L. O Toole; Patrick J. Shiels; John J. Teevens Jr; William E. Hickey; James M. Lane; William H. Gavin; Hugh J. Young; William H. Murphy; William J. Barrett; Thomas E. Raftery; John F. Egan; Peter A. Hoban; Bernard W. Kenney; Frank W. Thayer; Edmund Weber; Thomas D. Roberts; George P. Beckford; Edward J. Bromberg; Edward W. Brown; George McKee.
- 1902 - Aldermen: Edward Louis Quigley; Thomas Henry Dowd; Charles Henry Slattery; Frederick Walter Farwell; Timothy Edward McCarthy; William Blackman Heath. - Common Council: Robert J. Gove; James J. Donnelly; John J. Flaherty; John J. Conway; Daniel J. McDonald; Peter A. McDonald; George A. Murdock; Philip J. McGonagle; William A. H. Crowley; Joseph A. Maynard; Aaron E. Myers; Guy W. Cox; Daniel W. Lane; Everett H. Jenney; Edward F. McGrady; Robert J. Ware; Charles E. Walsh; Arthur L. Gavin; William J. Lyons; Jeremiah J. Good; John F. Hoar; Martin Milmore; David M. Owens; John J. Burke; John Grauman; John J. Conway; Henry S. Clark.
- 1903 - Aldermen: James Francis Nolan; Hugh William Bresnahan; John Joseph Flanagan; Henry Adams Frothingham; Fred Eldridge Bolton; Edward Justin Bromberg. - Common Council: Thomas H. Dalton; Gilbert M. Stalker; John D. Cadogan; John F. Collins; James E. Fitzgerald; Patrick J. Long; Thomas J. McMackin; William J. Foley; David Mancovitz; Robert J. McKirdy; Frank J. Gethro; Edward N. Lacey; George Nicols; Charles W. M. Williams; Fred A. Ewell; Eugene T. Brazzell; William L. Newton; William J. Drummond; Joseph H. Reagan; Thomas B. Bradley; Clement H. Coleman; Charles M. Callahan; John M. McDonald; Theodore A. Glynn; William P. Grady; Thomas J. Fay; William H. Curley; Michael A. Spillane; Tilton S. Bell; Thomas Leavitt; Edwin T. McKnight; John E. Crook; William F. Howes; William H. Jordan; Gideon B. Abbott; Charles Patterson; Joseph B. Brown; Hammond B. Hazelwood; Edward M. Richardson.
- 1904 - Aldermen: John Edward Baldwin, No; James Michael Curley; William John Hennessey; Fred James Kneeland; Daniel Aloysius Whelton. - Common Council: William G. Harrington; Lewis B. McKie; Edward F. Colbert; Joseph F. Crowley; Michael J. Eagan; Thomas F. Fitzgerald; William F. Murray Jr; Max L. Rachkowsky; John W. Craig; Daniel L. Sullivan; J. Bernard Ferber; Philip S. Dalton; Myron E. Pierce; Humphrey J. Collins; Nathan B. McLoud; James J. Moynihan; John J. Driscoll; Timothy J. Sullivan Jr; George F. Coughlin; James J. Conboy; William J. Gleason; Joseph P. Good; James J. Kelley; Charles F. Mackenzie; Sherwin L. Cook; Fred P. Warner; Matthew J. Hanley; Jeremiah J. Hourin; Paul L. Jepson; James A. Price; James Oliver Higgins; Patrick H. Barry; Francis B. McKinney.
- 1905 - Aldermen: Edward Lawrence Cauley; Louis Munroe Clark; Frank J. Linehan. - Common Council: Robert E. Sexton; Ernest W. Woodside; William G. Donovan; Michael H. Fitzgerald; Bernard F. Hanrahan; William E. Magurn; Joseph M. Sullivan; Alfred J. Lill Jr; Jeremiah J. McCarthy; David T. Montague; Malcolm E. Nichols; James B. Noyes; Isaac L. Roberts; William E. Chester; Florence H. Fitzgerald; Leo F. McCullough; Thomas P. McDavitt; Thomas F. Coogan,; James J. Hughes; Hugh Mealey Jr; Patrick H. O Connor; John P. Noonan; Thomas M. Joyce; Daniel J. Cuttey Jr; Samuel J. Madden; Timothy F. Murphy; Charles E. Beatty; James J. McCarty; John J. Shea Jr; George W. Carruth; Harry B. Fowler; J. Henry Leonard; William E. Cose; Edward C. Webster.
- 1906 - Aldermen: Francis Reginald Bangs; George H. Battis; Tilton Stuart Bell; Charles Martin Draper. - Common Council: Edward C. R. Bagley; Thomas F. Doherty; Joseph E. Donovan; James E. Ducey; John J. Hayes; John J. McDermott; J. Frank O Brien; Joseph Santosuosso; Bartholomew A. Brickley; Matthew J. Dacey; Jacob Rosenberg; John S. Driscoll; John B. McGregor; Patrick D. McGrath; John Troy; John D. McGivern,; William S. Bramhall; Charles A. Clark; Donald J. Ferguson; E. Howard George; Joseph H. Wentworth; William C. Clark; Edward M. Green; William B. Willcutt.
- 1907 - Aldermen: Frederick Andrew Finigan; Daniel Lawrence Flanagan, Michael John Leary; William Henry Woods. - Common Council: Theodore L. Sorenson; Joseph H. Pendergast; John J. McCormack; James A. Hatton; John J. Buckley; James T. Purcell; John T. Kennedy; Edward D. Spellman; Joseph Leonard; Solomon Sacks; George P. Anderson; Joseph W. Wharton; George T. Daley; Augustus D. McLennan; James J. Doyle; Edward T. J. Noonan; Cornelius J. Fitzgerald; Thomas F. O Brien; Francis L. Colpoys; John L. Costello; James H. Kelly; Francis L. Daly; Frederick J. J. Sheenan; Daniel F. Cronin,; Michael F. O Brien; William J. Kohler; Charles T. Harding; William N. Hackett; William H. Morgan; George Penshorn; George M. Brown; Earl E. Davidson; George C. McCabe; Axel E. Zetterman.[6]
- 1909: George C. McCabe, President; Edward C. R. Bagley; J. Henderson Allston; Daniel F. Cronin; Frank A. Goodwin; Channing H. Cox; Michael F. O'Brien; Joseph A. Hoey; William S. Kinney; George Kenney; Joseph H. Pendergast; Courtenay Crocker; Peter A. Hoban; Dannis A. O'Neil; Theodore Hoague; William J. Kohler; Michael J. Brophy; Charles H. Moore; John J. Donovan; James J. Brennan; Seth Fenelon Arno; Charles T. Harding; Joseph A. Dart; Alfred G. Davis; Harry H. Cumming; William J. Murray; Francis J. H. Jones; William Smith Jr.; Francis M. Ducey; Leo F. McCullough; William N. Hackett; Patrick B. Carr; Stephen A. Welch; John Ballantyne; James I. Green; Coleman E. Kelly; Walter R. Meins; John J. Buckley; Cornelius J. Fitzgerald; William H. Morgan; William E. Carney; Thomas J. Casey; George Penshorn; Edward A. Troy; Joseph L. Collins; Bernhard G. Krug; Stephen Gardella; John O'Hara; George W. Carruth; Francis D. O'Donnell; William T. Conway; George W. Smith; Alfred Scigliano; Joseph A. O'Bryan; Ward D. Prescott; John L. Donovan; John D. McGivern; Frank B. Crane; John T. Kennedy; Hugh M. Garrity; James A. Hart; Dominick F.; Spellman; William D. McCarthy; Clifford C. Best; James J. Ryan; Thomas M. Joyce; Edward C. Webster; James A. Bragan; Francis J. Brennan; George C. McCabe; Adolphus M. Burroughs; John D. Connors; Charles H. Warren; Issac Gordon; Joseph O'Kane, Clerk; Robert J. Howell; Thomas B. McKeagney.
- 1910: Walter Ballantyne, President; John J. Attridge; James M. Curley; Frederick J. Brand; Matthew Hale; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; Thomas J. Kenny; Timothy J. Buckley.
- 1911: Daniel J. McDonald; John J. Attridge; James M. Curley; Timothy J. Buckley; Matthew Hale; Walter Ballantyne; Ernest E. Smith; Walter L. Collins; Thomas J. Kenny.
- 1912: John J. Attridge, President; Walter Ballantyne; Daniel J. McDonald; Thomas J. Kenny; Timothy J. Buckley; Matthew Hale; John A. Coulthurst; Ernest E. Smith; Walter L. Collins.
- 1913: Thomas J. Kenny, President; John J. Attridge; Walter Ballantyne; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; Timothy J. Buckley; James A. Watson; John A. Coulthurst; Ernest E. Smith.
- 1914: Daniel J. Mcdonald, President; John J. Attridge; Walter Ballantyne; George W. Coleman; Walter L. Collins; Thomas J. Kenny; William H. Woods; James A. Watson; John A. Coulthurst.
- 1915: George E. Coleman, President; Walter Ballantyne; George W. Coleman; John J. Attridge; John A. Coulthurst; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; Henry E. Hagan; William H. Woods; James A. Watson; James J. Storrow.
- 1916: Henry E. Hagan, President; John J. Attridge; Walter Ballantyne; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; John A. Coulthurst; George W. Coleman; James Storrow; Thomas J. Kenny; Geoffrey B. Lehy.
- 1917: James J. Storrow, President; Fran J. W. Ford; John J. Attridge; Walter Ballantyne; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; Henry E. Hagan; James A. Watson; Alfred E. Wellington.
- 1918: Wavier L. Collins, President; Henry E. Hagan; Francis J. W. Ford; John J. Attridge; Daniel W. Lane; Daniel J. McDonald; Walter L. Collins; James T. Moriarty; James A. Watson; James J. Storrow.
- 1919: Francis J. W. Ford, President; Walter L. Collins; Henry E. Hagan; John A. Donoghue; Daniel W. Lane; Daniel J. McDonald; Edward F. McLaughlin; James T. Moriarty; James A. Watson.
- 1920: James T. Moriarty, President; David J. Brickley; Walter L. Collins; Henry E. Hagan; Francis J. W. Ford; John A. Donoghue; Daniel W. Lane; James A. Watson; Edward F. McLaughlin.
- 1921: James W. Watson, President; Henry E. Hagan; David J. Brickley; Walter L. Collins; Daniel W. Lane; Francis J. W. Ford; John A. Donoghue; James T. Moriarty; James A. Watson; Edward F. McLaughlin.
- 1922: David J. Buckley, President; John A. Donoghue; Henry E. Hagan; David J. Brickley; George F. Gilbody; Daniel W. Lane; Francis J. W. Ford; William J. Walsh; James T. Moriarty; James A. Watson.
- 1923: Daniel W. Lane, President; David J. Brickley; John A. Donoghue; Henry E. Hagan; William C.S. Healey; George F. Gilbody; James A. Watson; William J. Walsh; James T. Moriarty.
- 1924: John A. Donoghue, President; Daniel W. Lane; David J. Brickley; James T. Moriarty; William C.S. Healey; George F. Gilbody; James T. Purcell; James A. Watson; William J. Walsh.
- 1925: James T. Moriarty, President; Daniel W. Lane; David J. Brickley; John A. Donoghue; William C.S. Healey; George F. Gilbody; James T. Purcell; James A. Watson; William J. Walsh.
In November 1924, Boston voters approved replacing the 9-person City Council (all elected na svobodě ) with a 22-person City Council (elected by oddělení ). The first such election was held in November 1925, for terms starting in January 1926.[7]
- 1926: Charles G. Keene, President; Timothy F. Donovan; John F. Dowd; Thomas W. Mcmahon; Thomas H. Green; Michael J. Ward; George F. Gilbody; John I. Fitzgerald; Walter J. Freeley; Robert Gardiner Wilson Jr.; Seth F. Arnold; Edward L. Englert; Walter E. Wragg; Michael J. Mahoney; Herman L. Bush; Horace Guild; Henry Parkman Jr.; Joseph McGrath; Frederick E. Dowling; William G. Lynch; Israel Ruby; John J. Heffernan.
- 1927: John J. Heffernan, President; Timothy F. Donovan; John F. Dowd; Thomas W. McMahon; Thomas H. Green; Michael J. Ward; George F. Gilbody; John I. Fitzgerald; Walter J. Freeley; Robert Gardiner Wilson Jr.; Seth F. Arnold; Edward L. Englert; Walter E. Wragg; Michael J. Mahoney; Herman L. Bush; Horace Guild; Henry Parkman Jr.; Joseph McGrath; Charles C. Keene; William G. Lynch; Israel Ruby; Frederic E. Dowling.
- 1928: Thomas H. Green, President; Timothy F. Donovan; Michael J. Ward; Albert L. Fish; John I. Fitzgerald; Roger E. Deveney; Robert Gardiner Wilson Jr.; Seth F. Arnold; William A. Motle Jr. Peter J. Murphy; Henry Parkman Jr.; Herman L. Bush; Peter A. Murray; Michael J. Mahoney; Frank E. Sullivan; Charles G. Keene; William G. Lynch; Israel Ruby; Frederic E. Dowling; John F. Dowd; Thomas W. McMahon; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1929: Timothy F. Donovan, President; Thomas H. Green; Michael J. Ward; Albert L. Fish; John I. Fitzgerald; Roger E. Deveney; Robert Cardiner Wilson Jr.; Seth F. Arnold; William A. Motley Jr. Peter J. Murphy; Henry Parkman Jr.; Herman L. Bush; Peter A. Murray; Michael J. Mahoney; Frank E. Sullivan; Charles G. Keene; William G. Lynch; Israel Ruby; Frederic E. Dowling; John F. Dowd; Thomas W. McMahon; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1930: William G. Lynch, President; Timothy F. Donovan; Richard D. Gleason; Albert L. Fish; Thomas H. Green; Leo F. Power; Robert Gardiner Wilson Jr.; John I. Fitzgerald; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; Seth F. Arnold; Herman L. Bush; Peter A. Murray; Laurence Curtis; Joseph McGrath; Joseph P. Cox; Michael J. Mahoney; Israel Ruby; James Hein; John F. Dowd; Francis E. Kelley; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1931: Joseph McGrath, President; Timothy F. Donovan; John F. Dowd; Albert L. Fish; Thomas H. Green; Richard D. Gleason; Robert Gardiner Wilson Jr.; John I. Fitzgerald; Leo F. Power; Clement A. Norton; Seth F. Arnold; Edward L. Englert; Peter A. Murray; Laurence Curtis; Herman L. Bush; Joseph P. Cox; Michael J. Mahoney; Israel Ruby; James Hein; William G. Lynch; Francis E. Kelley; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1932: Edward M. Gallagher, President; William H. Barker; John F. Dowd; Albert L. Fish; Thomas H. Green; Richard D. Gleason; Francis E. Kelley; John I. Fitzgerald; Leo F. Power; Thomas Burke; George W. Roberts; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; Laurence Curtis; David M. Brackman; Peter A. Murray; George P. Donovan; Joseph McGrath; Joseph P. Cox; William G. Lynch; Israel Ruby; James Hein.
- 1933: Joseph Mcgrath, President; William H. Barker; John F. Dowd; Albert L. Fish; Thomas II Green; Richard D. Gleason; Thomas Burke; John I. Fitzgerald; Leo F. Power; Clement A. Norton; George W. Roberts; Edward L. Englert; Peter A. Murray; Laurence Curtis; David M. Brackman; Joseph P. Cox; George P. Donovan; Israel Ruby; James Hein; William G. Lynch; Francis E. Kelley; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1934: John A. Dowd, President; Henry Selvitella; Richard D. Gleason; Albert L. Fish; Thomas H. Green; John J.Doherty; Robert Gardiner Wilson ml .; John I. Fitzgerald; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; George W. Roberts; David M. Brackman; Peter A. Murray; Henry L. Shattuck; Joseph McGrath; James F. Finley; George P. Donovan; Maurice M. Goldman; James E. Agnew; John E. Kerrigan; Martin H. Tobin; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1935: John I. Fitzgerald, prezident; Henry Selvitella; Richard D. Gleason; Albert L. Fish; Thomas H. Green; John J. Doherty; Robert Cardiner Wilson Jr.; George W. Roberts; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; Henry L. Shattuck; David M. Brackman; Peter A. Murray; George P. Donovan; Joseph McGrath; James F. Finley; John E. Kerrigan; Maurice M. Goldman; James E. Agnew; John F. Dowd; Martin H. Tobin; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1936: John I. Fitzgerald, prezident; Henry Selvitella; Richard D. Gleason; John J. McGrath; James J. Mellen; John J. Doherty; Robert Gardiner Wilson ml .; George W. Roberts; James J. Kilroy; Clement A. Norton; Henry L. Shattuck; David M. Brackman; Peter J. Murphy; George A. Murray; Peter J. Fitzgerald; James F. Finley; John E. Kerrigan; Sidney Rosenberg; James E. Agnew; John F. Dowd; Martin H. Tobin; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1937: John I. Fitzgerald, prezident; Henry Selvitella; Mildred M. Harris; John J. McGrath; James J. Mellen; John J. Doherty; Robert Gardiner Wilson ml .; George W. Roberts; James J. Kilroy; Clement A. Norton; Henry L. Shattuck; David M. Brackman; Peter A. Murray; George A. Murray; Peter J. Fitzgerald; James F. Finley; John E. Kerrigan; Sidney Rosenberg; James E. Agnew; John F. Dowd; Martin H. Tobin; Edward M. Gallagher.
- 1938: John E. Kerrigan, prezident; Francis W. Irwin; Mildred M. Harris; Philip Austin Fish; William J. Galvin; William A. Carey; Robert Gardiner Wilson ml .; John I. Fitzgerald; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; Perlie Dyar Chase; Charles I. Taylor; Peter A. Murray; Henry L. Shattuck; Edward A. Hutchinson ml. Theodore F. Lyons; George A. Murray; Sydney Rosenberg; James E. Agnew; John F. Dowd; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1939: George A. Murray, prezident; Francis W. Irwin; Mildred M. Harris; Philip Austin Fish; William J. Galvin; William A. Carey; Robert Gardiner Wilso, n. J .; John I. Fitzgerald; Edward L. Englert; Clement A. Norton; Perlie Dyar Chase; Charles I. Taylor; James M. Langan; Henry L. Shattuck; Edward A. Hutchinson ml. Theodore F. Lyons; John E. Kerrigan; Sidney Rosenberg; James E. Agnew; George F. McMahon; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1940–1941: William J. Galvin, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; Philip Austin Fish; Joseph Russo; William A. Carey; John C. Wickes; Perlie Dyar Chase; Edward L. Englert; James J. Goode Jr.; Henry L. Shattuck; Charles I. Taylor; James M. Langan; Joseph M. Scannell; Edward A. Hutchinson ml. Theodore F. Lyons; Thomas E. Lineham; Joseph J. Gottlieb; Michael J. Ward; William F. Hurley; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1942: Thomas E. Linehan, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; Philip Austin Fish; Michael L. Kinsella; William A. Carey; John C. Wickes; Joseph Russo; Matthew F. Hanley; James J. Goode Jr.; Perlie Dyar Chase; Charles I. Taylor; James M. Langan; A. Frank Foster; Thomas J. Hannon ml. Theodore F. Lyons; Joseph M. Scannell; Joseph J. Gottlieb; William F. Dwyer; William F. Hurley; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1943: Thomas J. Hannon, prezident; James S. Coffey; William F. Hurley; Philip Austin Fish; Michael L. Kinsella; Daniel F. Sullivan; John C. Wickes; Joseph Russo; William A. Carey; James J. Goode Jr.; Perlie Dyar Chase; Matthew F. Hanley; James M. Langan; A. Frank Foster; Charles I. Taylor; Theodore F. Lyons; Joseph M. Scannell; Isadore H. Y. Muchnick; William F. Dwyer; Thomas E. Linehan; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1944: John E. Kerrigan, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; Philip Austin Fish; Michael Leo Kinsella; William A. Carey; William Joseph Keenan; Joseph Russo; Matthew F. Hanley; Michael Paul Feeney; Perlie Dyar Chase; Charles I. Taylor; Thomas L. McCormack; James C. Bayley Jr.; Thomas J. Hannon; Thomas G. J. Shannon; Joseph M. Scannell; Isadore H.Y. Muchnick; William F. Dwyer; William F. Hurley; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1945: John E. Kerrigan, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; Philip Austin Fish; Michael Leo Kinsella; William A. Carey; William Joseph Keenan; Joseph Russo; Matthew F. Hanley; Michael Paul Feeney; Perlie Dyar Chase; Charles I. Taylor; Thomas L. McCormack; James C. Bayley Jr.; Thomas J. Hannon; Thomas G. J. Shannon; Joseph M. Scannell; Isadore H. Y. Muchnick; William F. Dwyer; William F. Hurley; John B. Kelly; Maurice H. Sullivan.
- 1946: John B. Kelly, prezident; James F. Coffey; William F. Hurley; Philip Austin Fish; Michael Leo Kensella; Daniel F. Sullivan; William Joseph Keenan; Joseph Russo; William A. Carey; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; William A. Moriarty; Thomas L. McCormack; James C. Bayley Jr.; Milton Cook; Walter D. Bryan; Joseph M. Scannell; Thomas J. Hannon; Edmund V. Lane; Thomas E. Linehan; Isadore H. Y. Muchnick; Edward C. Madden.
- 1947: John B. Kelly, prezident; James S. Coffey; William F. Hurley; Philip Austin Fish; Michael Leo Kinsella; Daniel F. Sullivan; William Joseph Keenan; Joseph Russo; William A. Carey; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; William A. Moriarty; Thomas L. McCormack; James C. Bayley Jr.; Milton Cook; Walter D. Bryan; Joseph M. Scannell; Thomas J. Hannon; Edmund V. Lane; Thomas E. Linehan; Isadore H. Y. Muchnick; Edward C. Madden.
- 1948: Thomas J. Hannon, prezident; James S. Coffey; William F. Hurley; John J. Beades; Michael Leo Kinsella; Daniel F. Sullivan; William Joseph Keenan; George T. Lanigan; William A. Carey; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; Philip A. Tracy; Thomas L. McCormack; John Yerxa; Milton Cook; Walter D. Bryan; John B. Wenzler; Julius Ansel; Edmund V. Lane; Thomas E. Linehan; Robert J. Ramsey; Vincent J. Shanley.
- 1949: William F. Hurley, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; John J. Beades; Michael Leo Kinsella; William A. Carey; William Joseph Keenan; George T. Lanigan; Philip A. Tracy; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; Milton Cook; Thomas L. McCormack; John E. Yerxa; Thomas J. Hannon; Walter D. Bryan; John B. Wenzler; Julius Ansel; Edmund Lane; Thomas E. Linehan; Robert J. Ramsey; Vincent J. Shanley.
- 1950: William F. Hurley, prezident; James S. Coffey; Daniel F. Sullivan; John J. Beades; Michael Leo Kinsella; Francis P. Tracey; Anthony J. Farin; George T. Lanigan; Philip A. Tracy; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; Milton Cook; Thomas L. McCormack; John E. Yerxa; Thomas J. Hannon; Walter D. Bryan; John B. Wenzler; Julius Ansel; Edmund Lane; Thomas E. Linehan; Robert J. Ramsey; Vincent J. Shanley; John J. McColgan.
- 1951: William F. Hurley, prezident; James S. Coffey; Laurence H. Banks; John J. Beades; Michael Leo Kinsella; Francis P. Tracey; Anthony J. Farin; George T. Lanigan; Philip A. Tracy; Michael H. Cantwell; Perlie Dyar Chase; Milton Cook; Thomas L. McCormack; John E. Yerxa; Thomas J. Hannon; Walter D. Bryan; John B. Wenzler; Julius Ansel; Edmund Lane; John J. McColgan; Robert J. Ramsey; Vincent J. Shanley; Daniel F. Sullivan.
V listopadu 1949 bostonští voliči schválili změny v komunálních volbách, včetně nahrazení městské rady pro 22 osob (zvolené oddělení ) s 9člennou městskou radou (všichni zvolení na svobodě ). První takové volby se konaly v listopadu 1951, pokud jde o volební období začínající v lednu 1952.[8]
- 1952: Gabriel F. Piemonte, Prezident; Francis X. Ahearn; William F. Hurley; William J. Foley ml .; František X. Joyce; Michael J. Ward; Frederick C. Hailer ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Joseph C. White.
- 1953: Francis X. Ahearn, prezident; William F. Hurley; Gabriel F. Piemonte; František X. Joyce; Michael J. Ward; Michael H. Cantwell
; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Joseph C. White; Frederick C. Hailer Jr.
- 1954: Joseph C. White, prezident; Francis X. Ahearn; William F. Hurley; Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; William J. Fole, y ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte; Frederick C. Hailer ml .; Edward J. McCormack Jr.
- 1955: William F. Hurley, prezident; Francis X. Ahearn; Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte; Frederick C. Hailer ml .; Edward J. McCormack Jr. Joseph C. White.
- 1956: Edward J. McCormack, prezident; Francis X. Ahearn; John E. Kerrigan; Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; John F. Collins; Edward J. McCormack ml. Gabriel F. Piemonte; William J. Foley ml .; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph C. White.
- 1957: William J. Foley Jr., prezident; Francis X. Ahearn; John E. Kerrigan; Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; John F. Collins; Edward J. McCormack ml. Gabriel F. Piemonte; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph C. White; Frederick C. Hailer Jr.
- 1958: Patrick F. McDonough, prezident; James S. Coffey; Christopher A. Iannella Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte; Frederick C. Hailer ml .; Edward J. McCormack ml .; Joseph C. White; Peter F. Hines.
- 1959: Edward F. Mclaughlin, prezident; James S. Coffey; Christopher A. Iannella Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte; Peter F. Hines; Patrick F. McDonough Joseph C. White.
V prosinci 1953 sloužil Michael H. Cantwell poslední týden funkčního období Michaela J. Warda, kdy odešel do důchodu.[9]
- 1960: Edward F. Mclaughlin Jr., prezident; James S. Coffey; Peter F. Hines; Patrick F. McDonough; John Patrick Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Joseph C. White.
- 1961: Patrick F. McDonough, prezident; James S. Coffey; Peter F. Hines; Patrick F. McDonough; John Patrick Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella; Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Thomas A. Sullivan; Frederick C. Langone; Joseph C. White.
- 1962: Christopher A. Iannella, prezident; James S. Coffey; Gabriel F. Piemonte; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Thomas A. Sullivan; Peter F. Hines; Patrick F. McDonough; John J. Tierney Jr.
- 1963: Peter F. Hines, prezident; James S. Coffey; Christopher A. Iannella; Gabriel F. Piemonte; William J. Foley ml .; John E. Kerrigan; Thomas A. Sullivan; Patrick F. McDonough; John J. Tierney Jr.
- 1964: John J. Tierney, prezident; Katherine Craven; Peter F. Hines; John E. Kerrigan; George F. Foley ml .; Barry T. Hynes; Frederick C. Langone; William J. Foley ml .; Christopher A. Iannella.
- 1965: John J. Tierney, prezident; Katherine Craven; Peter F. Hines; John E. Kerrigan; George F. Foley ml .; Barry T. Hynes; Frederick C. Langone; William J. Foley ml .; Christopher A. Iannella.
- 1966: Frederick C. Langone, prezident; Katherine Craven; Barry T. Hynes; William J. Foley ml .; Christopher A. Iannella; Patrick F. McDonough; Peter F. Hines; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte.
- 1967: Barry T. Hynes, prezident; Katherine Craven; Frederick C. Langone; William J. Foley ml .; Christopher A. Iannella; Patrick F. McDonough; Peter F. Hines; John E. Kerrigan; Gabriel F. Piemonte.
- 1968: William J. Foley Jr., prezident; Thomas I. Atkins; John E. Kerrigan; Gerald F. O'Leary Jr.; Garrett M. Byrne; Frederick C. Langone; John L. Saltonstall Jr.; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph F. Timilty.
- 1969: Gerald F. O'Leary Jr., prezident; Thomas I. Atkins; John E. Kerrigan; Garret M. Byrne; Frederick C. Langone; John L. Saltonstall ml .; William J. Foley ml .; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph F. Timilty.
- 1970: Gabriel F. Piemonte, prezident; Thomas I. Atkins; John E. Kerrigan; Louise Day Hicks; Frederick C. Langone; John L. Saltonstall ml .; Christopher A. Iannella; Gerald F. O'Leary Jr.; Joseph F. Timilty.
- 1971: Gabriel F. Piemonte, prezident; Thomas I. Atkins; John E. Kerrigan; Louise Day Hicks; Frederick C. Langone; John L. Saltonstall ml .; Christopher A. Iannella; Gerald F. O'Leary Jr.; Joseph F. Timilty; Albert Leo „Dapper“ O'Neil.
- 1972: Gabriel F. Piemonte, prezident; Lawrence DiCara; Patrick F. McDonough; Albert Leo O'Neil; Christopher A. Iannella; John Joseph Moakley; John E. Kerrigan; Gerald F. O'Leary Jr.; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1973: Patrick F. McDonough, prezident; Lawrence S. DiCara; Frederick C. Langone; Albert Leo O'Neil; Christopher A. Iannella; Gabriel F. Piemonte; John E. Kerrigan; John Joseph Moakley; Joseph M. Tierney; Gerald F. O'Leary Jr.
- 1974–1975: Gerald F. O'Leary Jr., prezident; James Michael Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella; Lawrence S. DiCara; Frederick C. Langone; Albert Leo O'Neil; Louise Day Hicks; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1976: Louise Day Hicks, prezidentka; James Michael Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella Patrick F. McDonough; Lawrence S. DiCara; John J. Kerrigan; Albert Leo O'Neil; Frederick C. Langone; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1977: Joseph M. Tierney, prezident; James Michael Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella Patrick F. McDonough; Lawrence S. DiCara; John J. Kerrigan; Albert Leo O'Neil; Louise Day Hicks; Frederick C. Langone.
- 1978: Lawrence Dicara, prezident; James Michael Connolly; Christopher A. Iannella Albert Leo O'Neil; Frederick C. Langone; Rosemarie E. Sansone; Raymond Flynn; Patrick F. McDonough; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1979: Joseph M. Tierney, prezident; James Michael Connolly; Louise Day Hicks; Albert Leo O'Neil; Lawrence S. DiCara; Christopher A. Iannella Rosemarie E. Sansone; Raymond L. Flynn; Frederick C. Langone; Joseph M. Tierney; Patrick F. McDonough.
- 1980: Christopher A. Iannella, Prezident; Lawrence S. DiCara; Frederick C. Langone; Rosemarie E. Sansone; Raymond L. Flynn; Patrick F. McDonough; John W. Sears; Albert Leo „Dapper“ O'Neil; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1981: Patrick F. McDonough, prezident; Lawrence S. DiCara; Frederick C. Langone; Rosemarie E. Sansone; Raymond L. Flynn; John W. Sears; Christopher A. Iannella; Albert Leo O'Neil; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1982: Christopher A. Iannella, prezident; Bruce C. Bolling; Terence P. McDermott; Raymond L. Flynn; Frederick C. Langone; Albert Leo O'Neil; Maura A. Hennigan; Michael J. McCormack; Joseph M. Tierney.
- 1983: Joseph M. Tierney, prezident; Bruce C. Bolling; Christopher A. Iannella; Terence P. McDermott; Raymond L. Flynn; Frederick C. Langone; Albert Leo O'Neil; Maura A. Hennigan; Michael J. McCormack.
Počínaje volbami v listopadu 1983 (pro podmínky začínající v lednu 1984) se městská rada skládá ze čtyř na svobodě členů a devět zástupců okresu.
Rok | Celkově | Okresy | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||
1984–1985 | Christopher A. Iannella | Michael J. McCormack | Albert Leo „Dapper“ O'Neil | Joseph M. Tierney | Robert Travaglini | James M. Kelly | James E. Byrne | Charles Yancey | Thomas Menino | Maura Hennigan | Bruce Bolling | David Scondras | Brian J. McLaughlin |
1986–1987 | Christopher A. Iannella | Michael J. McCormack | Albert Leo O'Neil | Joseph M. Tierney | Robert Travaglini | James M. Kelly | James E. Byrne | Charles Yancey | Thomas Menino | Maura Hennigan | Bruce Bolling | David Scondras | Brian J. McLaughlin |
1988–1989 | Christopher A. Iannella | Michael J. McCormack | Albert Leo O'Neil | Rosaria Salerno | Robert Travaglini | James M. Kelly | James E. Byrne | Charles Yancey | Thomas Menino | Maura Hennigan | Bruce Bolling | David Scondras | Brian J. McLaughlin |
Rok | Celkově | Okresy | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||
1990–1991 | Christopher A. Iannella | Michael J. McCormack | Albert Leo O'Neil | Rosaria Salerno | Robert Travaglini | James M. Kelly | James E. Byrne | Charles Yancey | Thomas Menino | Maura Hennigan | Bruce Bolling | David Scondras | Brian J. McLaughlin |
1992–1993 | Christopher A. Iannella![]() | John A. Nucci | Albert Leo O'Neil | Rosaria Salerno | Robert Travaglini | James M. Kelly | James E. Byrne | Charles Yancey | Thomas Menino | Maura Hennigan | Anthony Crayton | David Scondras | Brian J. McLaughlin |
Bruce Bolling | Albert Leo O'Neil | Thomas Menino | |||||||||||
1994–1995 | Richard P. Iannella | John A. Nucci | Albert Leo O'Neil | Peggy Davis-Mullen | Diane J. Modica | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Daniel F. Conley | Maura Hennigan | Gareth R. Saunders | Thomas M. Keane Jr. | Brian J. McLaughlin |
1996–1997 | Richard P. Iannella![]() | Francis Roache | Albert Leo O'Neil | Peggy Davis-Mullen | Diane J. Modica | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Daniel F. Conley | Maura Hennigan | Gareth R. Saunders | Thomas M. Keane Jr. | Brian Honan |
Stephen J. Murphy | |||||||||||||
1998–1999 | Stephen J. Murphy | Francis Roache | Albert Leo O'Neil | Peggy Davis-Mullen | Paul Scapicchio | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Daniel F. Conley | Maura Hennigan | Gareth R. Saunders | Thomas M. Keane Jr. | Brian Honan |
Po smrti Christophera A. Iannelly v září 1992; Albert Leo „Dapper“ O'Neil byl zvolen prezidentem, zatímco Bruce Bolling sloužil po zbytek funkčního období Iannelly, protože Bolling skončil pátý ve všeobecných volbách o čtyři široká křesla.[10][11]
Po rezignaci Richarda P. Iannelly, který byl zvolen Registrem prozkoumání závěti v kraji Suffolk, se Stephen J. Murphy připojil k radě v únoru 1997 a sloužil bilanci Iannellovy doby, protože Murphy skončil pátý ve všeobecných volbách pro čtyři - velká sedadla.[12]
Rok | Celkově | Okresy | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||
2000–2001 | Peggy Davis-Mullen | Michael F. Flaherty | Stephen J. Murphy | Francis Roache | Paul Scapicchio | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Daniel F. Conley | Maura Hennigan | Chuck Turner | Michael P. Ross | Brian Honan |
James M. Kelly | Charles Yancey | ||||||||||||
2002–2003 | Maura Hennigan | Michael F. Flaherty | Stephen J. Murphy | Francis Roache![]() | Paul Scapicchio | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | John M. Tobin ml. | Chuck Turner | Michael P. Ross | Brian Honan![]() |
Felix D. Arroyo | Jerry P. McDermott | ||||||||||||
2004–2005 | Maura Hennigan | Michael F. Flaherty | Stephen J. Murphy | Felix D. Arroyo | Paul Scapicchio | James M. Kelly | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | John M. Tobin ml. | Chuck Turner | Michael P. Ross | Jerry P. McDermott |
2006–2007 | Sam Yoon | Michael F. Flaherty | Stephen J. Murphy | Felix D. Arroyo | Salvatore LaMattina | James M. Kelly![]() | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | John M. Tobin ml. | Chuck Turner | Michael P. Ross | Jerry P. McDermott |
Michael F. Flaherty | Bill Linehan | Maureen Feeney | |||||||||||
2008–2009 | Sam Yoon | Michael F. Flaherty | Stephen J. Murphy | John R. Connolly | Salvatore LaMattina | Bill Linehan | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | John M. Tobin ml. | Chuck Turner | Michael P. Ross | Mark Ciommo |
Maureen Feeney | Michael P. Ross |
Francis Roache, Brian Honan a James M. Kelley nedokončili své podmínky a byli nahrazeni Felixem D. Arroyem, Jerrym P. McDermottem a Billem Linehanem.[13][14][15]
Rok | Celkově | Okresy | |||||||||||
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2010–2011 | Felix G. Arroyo | John R. Connolly | Stephen J. Murphy | Ayanna Pressley | Salvatore LaMattina | Bill Linehan | Maureen Feeney | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | John M. Tobin ml.![]() | Chuck Turner![]() | Michael P. Ross | Mark Ciommo |
Stephen J. Murphy | Matt O'Malley | Tito Jackson | Michael P. Ross | ||||||||||
2012–2013 | Felix G. Arroyo | John R. Connolly | Stephen J. Murphy | Ayanna Pressley | Salvatore LaMattina | Bill Linehan | Frank Baker | Charles Yancey | Robert Consalvo | Matt O'Malley | Tito Jackson | Michael P. Ross | Mark Ciommo |
2014–2015 | Michael F. Flaherty | Michelle Wu | Stephen J. Murphy | Ayanna Pressley | Salvatore LaMattina | Bill Linehan | Frank Baker | Charles Yancey | Timothy McCarthy | Matt O'Malley | Tito Jackson | Josh Zakim | Mark Ciommo |
2016–2017 | Michael F. Flaherty | Michelle Wu | Annissa Essaibi George | Ayanna Pressley | Salvatore LaMattina | Bill Linehan | Frank Baker | Andrea Campbell | Timothy McCarthy | Matt O'Malley | Tito Jackson | Josh Zakim | Mark Ciommo |
2018–2019 | Michael F. Flaherty | Michelle Wu | Annissa Essaibi George | Ayanna Pressley | Lydia Edwards | Edward M. Flynn | Frank Baker | Andrea Campbell | Timothy McCarthy | Matt O'Malley | Kim Janey | Josh Zakim | Mark Ciommo |
Althea Garrison![]() |
Oba John M. Tobin Jr. a Chuck Turner nedokončili své podmínky a byli nahrazeni Mattem O'Malleyem a Titem Jacksonem prostřednictvím zvláštních voleb.[16][17]
Po zvolení Ayanny Pressleyové do Sněmovna reprezentantů Spojených států, byla v městské radě nahrazena Althea Garrison v lednu 2019.[18]
Rok | Celkově | Okresy | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |||||
2020–2021 | Michael F. Flaherty | Michelle Wu | Annissa Essaibi George | Julia Mejia | Lydia Edwards | Edward M. Flynn | Frank Baker | Andrea Campbell | Ricardo Arroyo | Matt O'Malley | Kim Janey | Kenzie Bok | Liz Breadon |
Viz také
- Boston Board of Selectmen, 1630s – 1822
- Bostonská radnice, sídlo městské samosprávy 1969 – dosud
- Stará radnice (Boston), sídlo městské správy 1865–1969
- Suffolk County Courthouse, sídlo městské samosprávy ca. 1841–1865
- Old State House (Boston, Massachusetts), sídlo městské samosprávy ca. 1830–1841
- ^ Citováno 2010-03-31
- ^ Členové městské správy 1910-2009. Citováno 2010-03-31
- ^ Dokumenty města Boston za rok 1855
- ^ Ozeáš Starr Ballou. Hon. Newton Talbot, A.M. Nový anglický historický a genealogický registr, Říjen 1904
- ^ Stephen Puleo (2007). Bostonští Italové: Příběh hrdosti, vytrvalosti a Paesaniho, od let velké imigrace až po současnost. Boston: Maják Press. ISBN 978-0-8070-5036-1.
- ^ Katalog městských rad v Bostonu, 1822–1908. Boston: City of Boston, 1909.
- ^ „NOVÉ ZATOČENÍ KOLA V BOSTONSKÉ VLÁDĚ“. The Boston Globe. 6. listopadu 1924. str. 1A. Citováno 2. března 2018 - přes
- ^ „Plan A Wins; Boston to Get New Charter“. The Boston Globe. 9. listopadu 1949. str. 1. Citováno 2. března 2018 - přes
- ^ „Druhé místo má šanci sloužit 1 týden v radě“. The Boston Globe. 25. prosince 1953. str. 14. Citováno 24. května 2019 - prostřednictvím
- ^ „Bolling zaplnit volné místo v radě“. The Boston Globe. 23. září 1992. Citováno 24. února 2018 - přes
- ^ „Bolling je vítán zpět v městské radě“. The Boston Globe. 24. září 1992. Citováno 24. února 2018 - přes
- ^ Flint, Anthony (3. února 1997). „Vytrvalý kandidát nakonec složil přísahu jako radní města“. The Boston Globe. str. B.3. Citováno 5. března 2018 - přes
- ^ Beard, David (12. ledna 2003). „HISTORIE MADE, NA DOVOLENKU“. The Boston Globe. str. 3. Citováno 9. března 2018 - přes
- ^ Dade, Corey (11. prosince 2002). „BRIGHTON REALTOR VÍTĚZÍ SEDADLO V RADĚ“. The Boston Globe. str. B.2. Citováno 9. března 2018 - přes
- ^ Irons, Meghan E. (15. února 2017). „Linehan říká, že nebude usilovat o znovuzvolení“. The Boston Globe. Citováno 19. února 2018.
- ^ „Tobin opouští městskou radu v Bostonu“. The Boston Globe. 6. července 2010. Citováno 20. února 2014.
- ^ Boeri, David (1. prosince 2010). „Městská rada v Bostonu vyloučí Chucka Turnera“. WBUR-FM.
- ^ Valencia, Milton (6. září 2018). „Nakonec bude Althea Garrison městskou radní“. The Boston Globe. Citováno 20. prosince 2018.
Další čtení
- Lupo, Alan (14. listopadu 1999). „VĚK REFORMACE MĚSTSKÉ RADY“. The Boston Globe. str. 6. Citováno 7. března 2018 - přes
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