Seznam nemocnic v Maine - List of hospitals in Maine - Wikipedia
Seznam nemocnice v Maine (Stát USA ), seřazené podle umístění.
- Augusta
- Psychiatrické centrum Riverview (dříve Augusta Mental Health Institute)
- Maine General Health Center - Augusta
- Bangor
- Psychiatrické centrum Dorothea Dix (dříve Bangor Mental Health Institute)
- Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
- Nemocnice St. Joseph
- Nemocnice Northern Light Acadia
- Bar Harbor
- Belfast
- Waldo County General Hospital
- Biddeford
- Southern Maine Medical Center
- Blue Hill
- Nemocnice Northern Light Blue Hill
- Bridgton
- Bridgton Hospital (dříve Northern Cumberland Memorial Hospital)
- Brunswick
- Calais
- Regionální nemocnice v Calais
- Karibů
- Cary Medical Center
- Damariscotta
- Miles Memorial Hospital
- Dover-Foxcroft
- Mayo Regional Hospital
- Ellsworth
- Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital
- Farmington
- Franklin Memorial Hospital
- Fort Kent
- Greenville
- Northern Light C.A. Nemocnice děkana
- Houlton
- Houltonská regionální nemocnice
- Lewiston
- Lincoln
- Nemocnice Penobscot Valley
- Machias
- Komunitní nemocnice na východě
- Millinocket
- Millinocket Regional Hospital
- Norsko
- Stephens Memorial Hospital
- Pittsfield
- Nemocnice Northern Light Sebasticook Valley
- Portland
- Presque Isle
- Northern Light A.R. Gouldova nemocnice (dříve The Aroostook Medical Center nebo TAMC)
- Rockport
- Rumford
- Sanford
- Southern Maine Health Care
- Skowhegan
- Redington-Fairview General Hospital
- Waterville
- Northern Light Inland Hospital
- Thayerova nemocnice
- Westbrook
- Nemocnice Spring Harbor
- Komunitní nemocnice Westbrook
- York
- York nemocnice