Seznam delegátů Ústavního shromáždění v Marylandu (1776) - List of delegates to the Maryland Constitutional Convention (1776)
Závěrečné zasedání revolucionáře Annapolisská úmluva v roce 1776 sloužil jako Maryland první ústavní shromáždění. Vypracovali prohlášení o právech a ústavu pro stát. Tento Seznam delegátů hlásí muže, kteří sjezd tvořili, a okresy nebo města, která zastupují. Delegáti byli následující jednotlivci.[1]
název | okres zastoupeny |
John Archer | Harford County |
Richard Barnes | St. Mary's County |
William Bayly Jr. | Frederick County[A] |
Samuel Beall | Frederick County |
Smith Bishop | Worcester County |
Jacob Bond | Harford County |
Walter Bowie | Okres Prince George |
Benjamin Brevard | Cecil County |
William Bruff | Kraj královny Anny |
Charles Carroll | Anne Arundel County |
Charles Carroll z Carrolltonu | Annapolis |
Peter Chaille | Worcester County |
James Lloyd Chamberlaine | Talbot County |
Jeremiah Townley Chase | Město Baltimore |
Samuel Chase | Anne Arundel County |
Thomas Cockey Deye | Baltimore County |
John Dent | Charles County |
Henry Dickinson | Caroline County |
Joseph Earle | Kent County |
Christopher Edelen | Frederick County |
Pollard Edmondson | Talbot County |
John Ennalls | Dorchester County |
Joseph Ennalls | Dorchester County |
Patrick Ewing | Cecil County |
Ignáce Fenwicka | St. Mary's County |
Adam Fischer | Frederick County |
William Fitzhugh | Calvert County |
John Gibson | Talbot County |
Joseph Gilpin | Cecil County |
Robert Goldsborough | Dorchester County |
Charles Grahame | Calvert County |
Benjamin Hall | Okres Prince George |
John Hall | Anne Arundel County |
Samuel Handy | Worcester County |
Rezin Hammond | Anne Arundel County |
Robert Townshend Hooe | Charles County |
William Horsey | Somerset County |
Samuel Hughes | Frederick County |
Thomas Johnson | Caroline County |
Jeremiah Jordan | St. Mary's County |
James Kent | Kraj královny Anny |
Thomas Sim Lee | Okres Prince George |
John Love | Harford County |
Henry Lowes | Somerset County |
Benjamin Mackall IV | Calvert County |
John MacKall | Calvert County |
Luke Marbury | Okres Prince George |
Richard Mason | Caroline County |
Josiah E. Mitchell | Worcester County |
James Murray | Dorchester County |
William Paca | Annapolis |
John Parnham | Charles County |
George Plater | St. Mary's County |
Nathaniel Potter | Caroline County |
John Purnell Robins | Worcester County |
William Richardson | Caroline County |
Charles Ridgely | Baltimore County |
Thomas Ringgold | Kent County |
William Ringgold | Kent County |
Henry Schnebeley | Frederick County |
George Scott | Somerset County |
Gustavus Scott | Somerset County |
Thomas Semmens | Charles County |
Peter Shepherd | Baltimore County |
Upton Sheredine | Frederick County |
David Shriver | Frederick County |
David Smith | Cecil County |
John Smith | Město Baltimore |
Thomas Smyth | Kent County |
John Stevenson | Baltimore County |
Osborn Sprigg | Okres Prince George |
John Stull | Frederick County |
Matthew Tilghman Předseda | Talbot County |
Elisha Williams | Frederick County[A] |
Jonathan Willson | Frederick County[A] |
Henry Wilson Jr. | Harford County |
Thomas Sprigg Wootton | Frederick County[A] |
Brice T. B. Worthington | Anne Arundel County |
Solomon Wright | Kraj královny Anny |
Turbutt Wright | Kraj královny Anny |
- ^ *Historický seznam: Ústavní shromáždění, 1776 ". Archivy Marylandu.
- ^ Boyd, T.H.S. (1879). Historie Montgomery County, Maryland od jeho nejstaršího osídlení v letech 1650 až 1879. Clarksburg, Maryland: Regional Publishing Company. p. 54. ISBN 0-8063-7954-5.