Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava - Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava - Wikipedia

Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava
Vědecká klasifikace
L. marinoflava
Binomické jméno
Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava
(Reichenbach 1989) Nedashkovskaya et al. 2005[1]
Typ kmene
ATCC 19326, DSM 2042, DSM 3653, IAM 14116, IFO 14170, IFO 15939, JCM 31008, JCM 8517, KCTC 2915, LMG 1345, NBRC 14170, NBRC 15939, NCIMB 397, NCMB 397, Reichenbach Cy m 1, SW1[2]

Cytophaga mariniflava,[3]
Cytophaga marinoflava[3]

Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava je bakterie z rodu Leeuwenhoekiella který byl izolován od mořské vody z Skotsko.[1][3][4][5][6]


  1. ^ A b Parte, A.C. „Leeuwenhoekiella“. LPSN.
  2. ^ „Pas taxonu Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava - StrainInfo“. www.straininfo.net.
  3. ^ A b C „Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava“. www.uniprot.org.
  4. ^ „Podrobnosti: DSM-3653“. www.dsmz.de.
  5. ^ Parker, Charles Thomas; Osier, Nicole Danielle; Garrity, George M (2009). Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M. (eds.). „Nomenklatura Abstract for Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava (Reichenbach 1989) Nedashkovskaya et al. 2005 emend. Nedashkovskaya et al. 2014“. The NamesforLife Abstracts. doi:10,1601 / nm. 9268.
  6. ^ Nedashkovskaya, OI; Vancanneyt, M; Dawyndt, P; Engelbeen, K; Vandemeulebroecke, K; Cleenwerck, I; Hoste, B; Mergaert, J; Tan, TL; Frolova, GM; Mikhailov, VV; Swings, J (květen 2005). "Reklasifikace [Cytophaga] marinoflava Reichenbach 1989 jako Leeuwenhoekiella marinoflava gen. Nov., Komb. Nov. A popis Leeuwenhoekiella aequorea sp. Nov". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 55 (Pt 3): 1033–8. doi:10.1099 / ijs.0.63410-0. PMID  15879230.

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