Rada městské části Carrickfergus - Carrickfergus Borough Council - Wikipedia
Souřadnice: 54 ° 43'16 ″ severní šířky 5 ° 47'28 ″ Z / 54,721 ° N 5,791 ° W
Carrickfergus Borough (historical)
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Plocha | 82 km2 (32 čtverečních mil) |
Země | Severní Irsko |
Suverénní stát | Spojené království |
Radní |
Rada městské části Carrickfergus byl okresní úřad v Hrabství Antrim v Severní Irsko. To se spojilo s Rada městské části Ballymena a Larne Borough Council v květnu 2015 se uskuteční reorganizace místní vlády v Severním Irsku Střední a východní rada města Antrim.
Ředitelství rady bylo uvnitř Carrickfergus a rada spravovala město na severním břehu Belfast Lough a okolí, které sahaly od Grónsko na jihozápadě do Whitehead na východě. Čtvrť byla 32 čtverečních mil (83 km)2), s populací jen něco málo přes 39 000.
Spolu se sousedním okresem Larne a malé části Newtownabbey a Moyle, to tvořilo Volební obvod East Antrim pro volby do Westminsterský parlament a Shromáždění Severního Irska.
Starostové Carrickfergus
Seznam starostů a šerifů společnosti Carrickfergus Corporation od roku 1523 do přijetí zákona o obecních korporacích (Irsko) z roku 1840
Jindřich VIII
- 1523 William Fythe Thomas Unchile, Henry Fythe} Tito se nazývají Bayliffové
Edward VI
- 1568–1569 Thomas Stephenson John Teade, Nicholas Wilis
- 1569–1570 John Teade Nicholas Rogers, John Flude
- 1570–1571 Rychard Sendall Wolston Elderton, Cornell O'Kane
- 1571–1572 Edward Brown William Dobbin, Patrick Savadge, junior
- 1572–1573 kapitán William Piers Wolston Elderton, John Dyer
- 1573–1574 Thomas Stephenson Gregory Grafton, William Field, senior
- 1574–1575 William Piers, Junior Humphrey Potts, John Cockrill
- 1575–1576 William Piers, junior John Cockrill, John Dishford
- 1576–1577 William Dobbin John Dyer, John Dishford
- 1577–1578 William Piers, junior Robert Magye, Robert Warcope
- 1578–1579 Nicholas Wills Humphrey Johnston, Mychaell Savadge
- 1579–1580 kapitán Thomas Sackforde Barnabic Ward, Thomas Stephenson
- 1580–1581 William Dobbin Humphrey Johnston, John Dyer
- 1581–1582 kapitán Thomas Sackforde a Nicholas Wills John Savadge, Phellimy Magye
- 1582–1583 kapitán William Piers John Dishford, James Dobbin
- 1583–1584 William Dobbin John Dyer, Rychard Thomas
- 1584–1585 kapitán Nicholas Dawtrey Mathew Jones, John Scully
- 1585–1586 William Dobbin John Dishford, Mychael Savadge
- 1586–1587 Thomas Stephenson Humphrey Johnston, John Scully
- 1587–1588 John Savadge John Dyer, James Dobbin
- 1588–1589 William Dobbin Thomas Vaughan, John Lugg
- 1589–1590 Charles Eggerton James Dobbin, Roger Cooper
- 1590–1591 Matthew Jones William Savadge, Henrie Ockforde} John Dyer, zast
- 1591–1592 Humphrey Johnston Moyses Hill, Roger Cooper
- 1592–1593 John Dallwaye Alexander Haynes, James Dobbin
- 1593–1594 Nicholas Wills a M. Savadge John Hooper, James Rice
- 1594–1595 John Savadge Robert Wills zemřel, John Dyer, Richard Thomas
- 1595–1596 Thomas Stephenson Roger Cooper, Rychard Conlon
- 1596–1597 Charles Eggerton Thomas Vaughan, Thomas Wytter
- 1597–1598 zemřel Humphrey Johnston Rychard Thomas, Henry Ockford, Thomas Gravott
- 1598–1599 John Savadge Rychard Newton, Owen Magye
- 1599–1600 Humphrey Johnston Henrie Spearpointe, Sydney Russel
- 1600–1601 John Dallwaye Rychard Newton, Rychard Faythe
- 1601–1602 Gregorie Norton Rychard Newton, Rychard Faythe
James I.
- 1602–1603 John Hooper Mychaell Whyte, Ralph Storie zemřel, Thomas Gravott
- 1603–1604 Moyses Hill Dudley Yearworth, Robert Lyndon
- 1604–1605 John Savadge Thomas Wytter, Clement Foard
- 1605–1606 James Byrte Thomas M'Manus, Thomas Cooper
- 1606–1607 James Byrte, Thomas Wytter, zástupce Owen Magye, Leonard Gale
- 1607–1608 Thomas Wytter Nicholas Dobbin, Dermot Haynes
- 1608–1609 Sir Foulke Conway Robert Elice, Walter Hilman
- 1609–1610 Sir Foulke Conway Jasper Happer, Thomas Powell
- 1610–1611 Rychard Tanffe Bartholomewe Johnston, Rychard Wytter
- 1611–1612 Mychaell Whyte William Hurley, Edward Hodgsone
- 1612–1613 Robert Lyndon Thomas Bashford, Ezechiel Davis
- 1613–1614 Thomas Cooper William Dobbin propuštěn, Carew Hart
- 1614–1615 kapitán Hercules Langford William Stephenson, Clement Foard
- 1615–1616 Humphrey Johnston Thomas M'Manus, Thomas Papes
- 1616–1617 kapitán Humphrey Norton William Hurley, Thomas Kirkpatrick
- 1617–1618 Sir Moyses Hill Matthewe Johnston, John Redworth
- 1618–1619 Thomas Witter a Mychaell Whyte Nicholas Dobbin, Cornell O'Kane
- 1619–1620 Sir Hugh Clotworthy Edward Wilkinson, Edward Hodgsone
- 1620–1621 James Byrte Inghram Horsman, Cornell O'Kane
- 1621–1622 Thomas Cooper James Savadge zemřel, William Story
- 1622–1623 Mychael Whyte a William Storr Robert Savadge, John Davis
- 1623–1624 Sir Hercules Langford Rychard Spearpoynte, William Cloughe
- 1624–1625 Sir Roger Langford Marmaduke Newton, Edwarde Mason
Karel I.
- 1625–1626 Thomas Kirkpatrick Edwarde Hodgsone, Andrewe Dixon
- 1626–1627 Anthony Dobbin Cornelius Hermans, John Howsell
- 1627–1628 Inghrame Horsman a Mathewe Johnston Thomas Richison, Ralph Kilman
- 1628–1629 Mathewe Johnston Thomas Turner, John Edgar
- 1629–1630 Sir Moyses Hill William Penrie, William Cankarth
- 1630–1631 James Byrte Thomas Whitager, Anthony Haull
- 1631–1632 Sir Hercules Langford Joshua Wharton, Clement Bashford
- 1632–1633 Cornelius Hermans a Mathewe Johnston Rychard Spearpoynte, Marmaduke Newton
- 1633–1634 Thomas Kirkpatrick John Davies, John Parkes
- 1634–1635 William Penrye William Happer, William Ayshworth
- 1635–1636 Thomas Whitager Thomas Gravott, William Bashforde
- 1636–1637 Richard Spearpoynt Thomas Richison, William Williams
- 1637–1638 Richard Spearpoynt Edward Johnston, John Hall
- 1638–1639 Roger Lyndon William Happer, William Penrie, junior
- 1639–1640 Sir Roger Langford Thomas Gravott, Humphrey Johnston
- 1640–1641 John Davies Robert Savadge, George Happer
- 1641–1642 John Davies T. Baker, Mychaell Savadge
- 1642–1643 kapitán Roger Lyndone John Bullworthy, William Bashforde
- 1643–1644 kapitán Roger Lyndone Patrick Fitzjames Savadge
- 1644–1645 Thomas Kirkpatrick Patrick Fitz-James Savadge, James F. N. Dobbin
- 1645–1646 Mathewe Johnston John Savadge, William Bashforde
- 1646–1647 Richard Spearpoynt Thomas Tennison, John Orpin
- 1647–1648 Richard Spearpoynt John Boyd, James Dobbin
- 1648–1649 kapitán Roger Lyndone John Boyd, James Dobbin
- 1649–1650 William Happer William Cathcart, John Orpin
- 1650–1651 William Happer James Crooks, Robert Welsh
- 1651–1652 kapitán Roger Lyndone Rowland M'Quillan, Edmond Davies
- 1652–1653 kapitán John Dallway Thomas Dobbin, John Bullworthy, junior
- 1653–1654 Kapitán Roger Lyndone Anthony Hall, Rowland M'Quillan
- 1654–1655 John Bullworthy John Hall, John Birte
- 1655–1656 John Bullworthy Peter Taylour, Thomas Dobbin
Karel II
- 1656–1657 John Orpin Robert Wytter, William Dobbin
- 1657–1658 John Orpin Thomas Griffeth, Andrew Gardner
- 1658–1659 Joseph Harris Jasper Haper, John Wadman
- 1659–1660 John Davies Samuel Trecherne, William Thomson
- 1660–1661 John Dallway, Esq Michaell Kerr, Richard Johnston
- 1661–1662 kapitán John Dallway Thomas Dobbin, Rowland M'Quillan
- 1662–1663 James Dobbin William Thomson, Rowland M'Quillan
- 1663–1664 Hercules Davies Thomas Dobbin, Rowland M'Quillan
- 1664–1665 John Dallway, Esq Rowland M'Quillan Thomas Dobbin
- 1665–1666 Anthony Hall Richard Johnston, John Magee
- 1666–1667 William Dobbin Cornelius Bashforde, Richard Westbrook
- 1667–1668 Edmond Davies Henry Burnes, Ezekiel Davies
- 1668–1669 Robert Welsh Richard Pendleton, William Hilditch
- 1669–1670 Anthony Horsman Samuel Trehecue, John Stubbs
- 1670–1671 Anthony Horsman John Henderson, Symon Richardson
- 1671–1672 Richard Dobbs Symon Richardson, William Bennett
- 1672–1673 Henry Davies a Edmond Davies, zástupce Thomas M'Manus, John Smyth
- 1673–1674 William Hill a Anthony Horsman, zástupce James M'Cullogh, John Davies
- 1674–1675 William Hill a Anthony Horsman, zástupce George Walsh, Edward Hall
- 1675–1676 John Byrte Thomas Harper, Adam Dennison
- 1676–1677 John Byrte John Smyth, John Tyso
- 1677–1678 Soloman Faith James M'Cullogh, William Dawson
- 1678–1679 Ezekell Davies Robert Williams, Cornelius Bashford
- 1679–1680 Hercules Davies Richard Pendleton, John Magee
- 1680–1681 Henry Clements Andrew Clements, John Byrtt
- 1681–1682 Samuel Webby John Dobbin, Henry Burnes
- 1682–1683 Richard Dobbs John Davies, William Johnston
- 1683–1684 Andrew Willoughby John Kerr, Edward Hall
Jakub II
- 1684–1685 Edmond Davies Symon Richison, John Henderson
- 1685–1686 autor Earl of Donegall a Soloman Faith, zástupce James M'Cullogh, John Kerr
- 1686–1687 John Davies John M'Cullogh, Richard Kane
- 1687–1688 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
- 1688–1689 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
William a Mary
- 1689–1690 Richard Dobbs Richard Horsman, Marmaduke Newton
- 1690–1691 Henry Davys Samuel Davys, William Tisdall
- 1691–1692 Andrew Clements Soloman Bashford, John Brown
- 1692–1693 Marmaduke Newton David Hood, John M'Cully
- 1693–1694 Marmaduke Newton William Dawson, James Erwin
- 1694–1695 Richard Horsman William Tisdall, Cornelius Crymble,
- 1695–1696 Samuel Davys Robert Williams, Cornelius Bashford
- 1696–1697 Henry Clements a Samuel Davys Roger Horseman, Soloman Bashford
- 1697–1698 Hon. John E. Chichester David Hood, James Erwin
- 1698–1699 Henry Davys kapitán Arthur Davys, kapitán John Davys
- 1699–1700 Sir Thomas Dancer John Chaplin, kapitán James Gibbons
- 1700–1701 Cornelius Crymble Soloman Bashford, James Erwin
- 1701–1702 kapitán John Davys a Samuel Davys, zástupce John Bashford, Nathaniel Byrtte
- 1702–1703 Andrew Clements a Samuel Davys, zástupce David Hood, Thomas Bashford
- 1703–1704 Andrew Clements a Cornelius Crymble, zástupce David Hood, Thomas Bashford
- 1704–1705 Edward Clements John Chaplin, Thomas Bashford
- 1705–1706 Edward Clements John Chaplin, Thomas Bashford
- 1706–1707 Richard Horsman Thomas Young, Nicholas Brown
- 1707–1708 Richard Horsman Thomas Young, Nicholas Brown
- 1708–1709 Cornelius Crymble John Bashford, Thomas Bashford
- 1709–1710 Cornelius Crymble John Bashford, Thomas Bashford
- 1710–1711 Edward Clements Thomas Young, William Bashford
- 1711–1712 John Chaplin Rigby Dobbin, Nicholas Brown
- 1712–1713 Samuel Davys Charles Howard, James Wilson
- 1713–1714 Samuel Davys Ezekiel Davys Wilson, John Brown, Junior
George I.
- 1714–1715 John Davys, Jun a Samuel Davys, zástupce Thomas Young, Thomas Bashford
- 1715–1716 Andrew Clements a Samuel Davys, zástupce Rigby Dobbin, Nicholas Brown
- 1716–1717 Francis Ellis David Morrison, William Bashford
- 1717–1718 Francis Ellis David Morrison, William Spencer
- 1718–1719 John Chaplin Rigby Dobbin, Andrew Newton
- 1719–1720 Francis Clements a Francis Ellis, zástupce David Morrison, William Bashford
- 1720–1721 Arthur Dobbs a Francis Ellis, zástupce David Morrison, William Magee
- 1721–1722 John Lyndon a John Chaplin, zástupce William Bashford, James Erwin
- 1722–1723 Ezekiel Davys Wilson David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
- 1723–1724 Anthony Horsman David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
- 1724–1725 Rigby Dobbin John Chaplin a Anthony Horsman, zástupci David Morrison, Thomas Bashford
- 1725–1726 Valentine Jones a Ezekiel D. Wilson, zástupce Willoughby Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
- 1726–1727 Francis Ellis David Morrison, John Coleman
Jiří II
- 1727–1728 Francis Clements John Chaplin, George Spaight
- 1728–1729 Arthur Dobbs a Francis Clements, zástupce Nathaniel Byrt, William Magee
- 1729–1730 Francis Lord Conway a Francis Clements, zástupce Henry Gill, George Spaight
- 1730–1731 John Lyndon a Francis Clements, zástupce Willoughby Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
- 1731–1732 Francis Ellis a Francis Clements, zástupce David Morrison, Clements Courtney
- 1732–1733 Arthur Dobbs a George Spaight, zástupce John Chaplin, Clements Courtney
- 1733–1734 Willoughby Chaplin John Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
- 1734–1735 George Spaight Clements Courtney, John Coleman
- 1735–1736 Willoughby Chaplin Clements Courtney, John Coleman
- 1736–1737 Francis Ellis Nathaniel Byrt, John Coleman
- 1737–1738 Henry Ellis Nathaniel Byrt, John Coleman
- 1738–1739 George Spaight Nathaniel Byrt, Hercules Clements
- 1739–1740 Henry Gill Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
- 1740–1741 Francis Clements a George Spaight, zástupce John Davys, John Seeds
- 1741–1742 Arthur Dobbs Nathaniel Byrt, Richard Chaplin
- 1742–1743 Willoughby Chaplin Davys Wilson, Richard Chaplin
- 1743–1744 Willoughby Chaplin Edward Jones, Davys Wilson
- 1744–1745 Willoughby Chaplin Edward Jones, Davys Wilson
- 1745–1746 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Nathaniel Byrt
- 1746–1747 Willoughby Chaplin William Macartney, Nathaniel Byrt
- 1747–1748 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Davys Wilson
- 1748–1749 Edward Brice Edward Jones, William Macartney
- 1749–1750 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
- 1750–1751 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
- 1751–1752 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, John Seeds
- 1752–1753 Willoughby Chaplin Richard Chaplin, Ezekiel Wilson
- 1753–1754 Valentine Jones a Willoughby Chaplin John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
- 1754–1755 Henry Ellis John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
- 1755–1756 Henry Ellis John Seeds, Ezekiel Wilson
- 1756–1757 Henry Ellis Henry Burleigh, John Seeds
- 1757–1758 Willoughby Chaplin a Henry Ellis Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1758–1759 Hill Wilson Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1759–1760 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezeliel Wilson, Thomas Ludford
- 1760–1761 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
Jiří III
- 1761–1762 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezeliel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1762–1763 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1763–1764 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1764–1765 Francis Price a William Chaplin, zástupce Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1765–1766 Rt. Hon. Arthur Earl z Donegall Ezekiel Wilson, John Seeds
- 1766–1767 Rt. Hon. Arthur Earl z Donegall a Henry Ellis, zástupce Stewart Banks, John Seeds
- 1767–1768 Rt. Hon. Arthur Earl z Donegall a Ezekiel D. Wilson, zástupce Stewart Banks, John Seeds
- 1768–1769 Rt. Hon. Arthur Earl z Donegall a William Chaplin, zástupce Stewart Banks, John Seeds
- 1769–1770 Ezekiel D. Wilson John Seeds, William Craig
- 1770–1771 Hercules Ellis John Seeds, William Craig
- 1771–1772 Kenneth A. Price John Seeds, William Craig
- 1772–1773 Ezekiel D. Wilson John Seeds, William Craig
- 1773–1774 Henry Ellis John Seeds, William Craig
- 1774–1775 Honey Stranaghan (první zvolený basový reproduktor)
- 1775–1776 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
- 1776–1777 Edward Price Dobbs Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
- 1777–1778 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
- 1778–1779 Edward Price Dobbs Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
- 1779–1780 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, John Seeds
- 1780–1781 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1781–1782 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1782–1783 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1783–1784 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1784–1785 William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1785–1786 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert Clements
- 1786–1787 William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
- 1787–1788 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
- 1788–1789 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
- 1789–1790 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
- 1790–1791 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Legg
- 1791–1792 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Thomas Legg
- 1792–1793 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
- 1793–1794 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
- 1794–1795 Sir William Kirk Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
- 1795–1796 Ezekiel D. Wilson Robert Clements, Thomas Kirk
- 1796–1797 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, William Craig
- 1797–1798 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1798–1799 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1799–1800 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1800–1801 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1801–1802 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1802–1803 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1803–1804 markýz Donegallova a sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomase Kirka, Barry Martin
- 1804–1805 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1805–1806 markýz z Donegallu a sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomase Kirka, Barry Martin
- 1806–1807 Noah Dalway Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1807–1808 Sir William Kirk Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1808–1809 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1809–1810 Noah Dalway Thomas Kirk, Barry Martin
- 1810–1811 Ezekiel D. Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
- 1811–1812 Noah Dalway a sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomase Kirka Robert M'Gowan
- 1812–1813 Ezekiel D Wilson Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
- 1813–1814 markýz Donegall a Sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomas Kirk, Robert M'Gowan
- 1814–1815 Sir William Kirk Thomas Millar John Campbell
- 1815–1816 markýz z Donegallu a sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomas Millar, John Campbell
- 1816–1817 Noah Dalway a sir William Kirk, zástupce Thomas Millar, John Campbell
- 1817–1818 markýz Donegalla sir William Kirk, zástupce Charles V. Joyce, Andrew M'Nevin
- 1818–1819 reverend Richard Dobbs Thomas Millar, George Burleigh
- 1819–1820 Ezekiel D. Wilson James A. Farrel, Hugh Kennedy
Jiří IV
- 1820–1821 reverend Richard Dobbs James Owens, David Gorden} George P. Price, zástupce
- 1821–1822 markýz z Donegallu a reverend Richard Dobbs, zástupce Thomas Millar, Hon. J. Joycelyn
- 1822–1823 Lord Belfast a reverend Richard Dobbs, zástupce Peter Kirk, Henry Adair
- 1823–1824 markýz Donegall a reverend Richard Dobbs, zástupce Thomas Millar, Marriot Dalway
- 1824–1825 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart a reverend Richard Dobbs, zástupce Peter Kirk, Marriot Dalway
- 1825–1826 reverend Edward Chichester a reverend John Dobbs, zástupce John Campbell, Thomas Millar
- 1826–1827 markýz Donegall a reverend John Dobbs, zástupce John Campbell, Thomas Millar
- 1827–1828 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart John Campbell, Thomas Millar
- 1828–1829 Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart Thomas Millar, John Campbell
- 1829–1830 reverend Samuel Smith, zástupce a markýz z Donegallu John Campbell, John M'Cance
Vilém IV
- 1830–1831 markýz Donegall a reverend lord Edward Chichester, zástupce John Campbell, John M'Cance
- 1831–1832 markýz Donegalla John Campbell, Marriott Dalway
- 1832–1833 Thomas B. Adair John Campbell, Marriott Dalway
- 1833–1834 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1834–1835 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1835–1836 Peter Kirk George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1836–1837 Peter Kirk a Henry Adair, zástupce George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1837–1838 Peter Kirk a Henry Adair, zástupce George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1838–1839 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1839–1840 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1840–1841 Marriott Dalway George Forsythe, John Legg
- 1841–1842 Marriott Dalway (poslední starosta Old Corporation) George Forsythe, John Legg (poslední šerifové Old Corporation)
- Poznámky:
- Křestní jméno je starosta, následovaný šerify
- V tomto seznamu se zachoval původní pravopis.
- Zdroj: Dějiny a starožitnosti kraje města Carrickfergus od Samuela McK. Skimina, Belfast: Mullan, J. Davidson & M'Cormac, 1909
Seznam starostů městské rady Carrickfergus od roku 1949
Jiří VI
- 1949–1951 Thomas John Patterson
- 1951–1952 William McCullough
Alžběta II
- 1952–1973 Thomas John Patterson
- 1973–1978 Hugh McLean
- 1978–1979 Samuel Murphy
- 1979–1981 Samuel Simms
- 1981–1983 Ken McFaul
- 1983–1984 Samuel Murphy
- 1984–1986 Charles Johnston
- 1986–1990 Jim Brown
- 1990–1991 Charles Johnston
- 1991–1992 W. A. Haggan
- 1992–1993 Stewart Dickson
- 1993–1994 Sean Neeson
- 1994–1995 J. Crowe
- 1995–1996 W. S. Hamilton
- 1996–1997 S. Y. McCamley
- 1997–1998 David Hilditch
- 1998–1999 B. J. Crampsey (starostka první ženy)
- 1999–2000 T. Creighton
- 2000–2001 Jim Brown
- 2001–2002 Billy Ashe
- 2002–2003 Eric Ferguson
- 2003–2004 Může Beattie (Second Woman Mayor)
- 2004–2008 David Hilditch
- 2008–2010 Patricia McKinney (starostka třetí ženy)
- 2010–2012 Jim McClurg
- 2012–2014 Billy Ashe
- 2014–2015 Charles Johnston (poslední starosta městské rady Carrickfergus)
- Zdroj: Městská rada Carrickfergus
Seznam čestných svobodných členů rady Carrickfergus od roku 1949
- Alderman William McCullough JP 6. října 1952
- Alderman Walter McKeown 15. října 1956
- Alderman Thomas John Patterson OBE JP 7. března 1960
- Radní Hugh McLean OBE 16. ledna 1978
- Samuel Murphy MBE JP 4. listopadu 1986
- Samuel Simms 4. listopadu 1986
- Joan Catherine Tomlin 4. listopadu 1986
- Ulsterský obranný pluk 1. října 1988
- The Royal Irish Regiment 17. dubna 1993
- Raymond Boyd ACIS 12. dubna 2001
- William Hume 12. dubna 2001
- Charles Johnston 12. dubna 2001
- Terence Murtagh JP 12. dubna 2001
- Hasičský a záchranný sbor Severního Irska 4. srpna 2006
- Zdroj: [PDF] CBC Compass 18 jaro / léto 09 v4 Carrickfergus Borough
Podle sčítání lidu v Severním Irsku v roce 2011 měla oblast pokrytá radou Carrickfergus 39 394 obyvatel.[1]
Viz také
- ^ „NI Census 2011 - Key Statistics Summary Report, September 2014“ (PDF). Statistická a výzkumná agentura NI. Citováno 28. září 2014.