velký šéf (Hindština sezóna 5) - Bigg Boss (Hindi season 5) - Wikipedia
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velký šéf | |
Sezóna 5 | |
![]() | |
Předložený | Sanjay Dutt Salman Khan |
Ne. dnů | 98 |
Ne. spolubydlících | 18 |
Vítěz | Juhi Parmar |
Druhé místo | Mahek Chahal |
Země původu | Indie |
Uvolnění | |
Původní síť | Barvy TV |
Původní vydání | 2. října 2011 7. ledna 2012 | –
Chronologie sezóny |
Bigg Boss 5 byla pátá sezóna indiánů reality TV ukázat velký šéf, který vysílal dál Barvy od 2. října 2011 do 7. ledna 2012 s Sanjay Dutt a Salman Khan jako hostitelé.
Při zahájení 2. října vstoupilo do domu ve městě čtrnáct ručně vybraných spolubydlících Karjat, město, asi v polovině cesty Bombaj a Pune v indickém státě Maharashtra. Během druhého, třetího, čtvrtého a na konci sedmého týdne byly provedeny čtyři další divoké karty, přičemž počet soutěžících vzrostl na osmnáct. Tři vstupy hostů, kteří v domě zůstali několik dní, vzali celkový počet obyvatel na dvacet jedna. Spolubydlící, považovaní jeden pro druhého za cizí, strávili 98 dní (14 týdnů) společně uzamčeni pod dohledem 55 kamer rozmístěných po celém domě.
Seriál vyhrál mýdlová herečka a televizní moderátorka Juhi Parmar dne 7. ledna 2012.[1] Druhé místo, Mahek Chahal vrátil se soutěžit Bigg Boss Halla Bol. Stala se druhou spolubydlící, která byla v den 17 vystěhována.
Úvodní epizoda byla vysílána dne 2. října 2011 předloženou Sanjay Dutt a Salman Khan. Tato extravagantní úvodní epizoda sezóny 5 předvedla různé rysy velký šéf dům a představil každého z účastníků. V této sezóně měli také většinové soutěžící ženy. To také představovalo bollywoodské herce Ajay Devgn za promo svého připravovaného filmu Darebáci a Samir Soni za propagaci jeho nového seriálu Parichay na Barvy.
Stav spolubydlících
Spolubydlící | Zadáno | Natěšený | Výsledek |
Juhi | Den 1 | Den 98 | |
Mahek | Den 1 | 70. den | Vyhoštěn |
Den 85 | Den 98 | ||
Siddharth | 15. den | Den 98 | |
Akashdeep | 23. den | Den 98 | |
Amar | 8. den | Den 98 | |
Slunný | Den 49 | Den 91 | Vyhoštěn |
Pooja M | Den 1 | Den 55 | Vyhozen |
Den 67 | Den 78 | Host | |
Vyhozen | |||
Shonali | Den 1 | Den 77 | Vyhoštěn |
Shraddha | Den 1 | Den 63 | Vyhoštěn |
Pooja B | Den 1 | Den 56 | Vyhoštěn |
Vida | Den 1 | Den 49 | Vyhoštěn |
Laxmi | Den 1 | Den 41 | Vyhoštěn |
Mandeep | Den 1 | Den 35 | Vyhoštěn |
Shakti | Den 1 | Den 28 | Vyhoštěn |
Raageshwari | Den 1 | 21. den | Vyhoštěn |
Gulabo | Den 1 | Den 14 | Vyhoštěn |
Sonika | Den 1 | 8. den | Šel |
Nihita | Den 1 | 7. den | Vyhoštěn |
Agnivesh | Den 38 | Den 41 | Host |
Andrew | Den 67 | Den 78 | Host |

Původní účastníci
Účastníci v pořadí vzhledu a vstupu do domu jsou:
- Shakti Kapoor - veteránský bollywoodský herec.[2][3][4] On je známý pro jeho role v mnoha filmech jako Dil Se Mile Dil, Jaani Dushman, Qurbani, Jis Desh Mein Ganga Rehta Hain, Chup Chup Ke a De Dana Dan. Podílel se také na taneční reality show Nach Baliye s manželkou Shivangi Kolhapure.
- Pooja Bedi - Televizní osobnost a publicista v novinách.[2][5][6] Je dcerou herce Kabir Bedi která je známá pro svou roli ve filmu Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar. Později se zúčastnila Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, Faktor strachu: Khatron Ke Khiladi a Nach Baliye.
- Shonali Nagrani - Herečka a modelka.[2][7][8] Získala průvod Miss India International v roce 2003 a následně dokončila první finalistku Miss International. Vedle vystoupení jako model a jako televizní kotva, zejména pro Indická Premier League show pro Sony TV India a ITV, ona se objevila ve vedlejších rolích ve filmech jako Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi a Dil Bole Hadippa.
- Nihita Biswas – Charles Sobhraj manželka.[2][9][10]
- Shraddha Sharma - televizní herečka a herečka Raja Chaudhary je bývalá přítelkyně.[2][11][12]
- Mandeep Bevli - Hlasatel.[2][13] Byla kotvou pro Headlines Today a specializovala se hlavně na novinky související se zábavou.
- Raageshwari Loomba - Zpěvák.[2][14][15] Získala slávu svým ztvárněním nezbedného Sardaji na BPL Oye. Vydala mnoho úspěšných hudebních alb a vystupovala na mnoha divadelních představeních po celém světě. V letech 2000-2001 byla diagnostikována a překonala Bellovu obrnu (paralýzu obličeje).
- Vida Samadzai - Bývalá slečna Afghánistán.[2][16] Její účast na soutěži krásy Miss Earth v roce 2003 byla afghánským nejvyšším soudem odsouzena s tím, že taková ukázka ženského těla odporuje islámskému právu a afghánské kultuře. Tradicionalisté zejména namítali proti jejímu vzhledu v červených bikinách během tiskové prezentace průvodu. Narodila se a vyrůstala v provincii Afghánistán. V roce 1996 se přestěhovala do Ameriky.
- Mahek Chahal - Bollywoodská herečka.[2][17][18][19][20] Je známá tím, že se objevuje ve filmech jako Chameli, Dil Apna Punjabi, Jai Veeru, Chtěl, Hlavní Aurr paní Khanna a Yamla Pagla Deewana.
- Sonika Kaliraman - Zápasník.[2][21] Podílela se na kaskadérské reality show Faktor strachu: Khatron Ke Khiladi v roce 2009.
- Pooja Misrra - Absolventi Reality TV.[2][22][23][24] Předtím se zúčastnila reality show Velký přepínač na UTV Bindass.
- Gulabo Sapera - Tanečnice.[2][25][26] Známý zpěvák a tanečník z Rádžasthánu, známý lidovým stylem. Gulabo má jazzovou kapelu s Titi Robinem a vyučuje v dánské Kodani. Porušila prastaré tradice, když ve věku 12 let vzala na scénu svou kulturu, kterou silně prosazoval pozdní předseda vlády Rajiv Gandhi. Je vdaná za Sohan Natha, kterého přeměnila na Kalbelii a má pět dětí.
- Laxmi Narayan Tripathi - aktivista za práva LGBT.[2][27][28] Je držitelkou vyznamenání za jedinou hidžru v pracovní skupině občanské společnosti OSN pro HIV / AIDS. Pracuje také pro komunitu prostřednictvím své skupiny kampaní „Astitva“.
- Juhi Parmar - Televizní herečka.[2][1][29] Ona je dobře známá pro její roli Kumkum v populární show Kumkum - Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan který vysílal dál Star Plus. Později se zúčastnila reality show Pati Patni Aur Woh s jejím manželem Sachin Shroff.
Účastníci divoké karty
- Amar Upadhyay - indický televizní herec.[30][31] On je dobře známý pro jeho roli Mihir Virani v populární Ekta Kapoor ukázat Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. Později byl viděn v show jako Mehndi Tere Naam Ki, Des Mein Niklla Hoga Chand, Saathiya - Pyar Ka Naya Ehsaas a Kasautii Zindagii Kay.
- Siddharth Bhardwaj - Absolventi Reality TV.[32][33] Zúčastnil se a stal se vítězem soutěže MTV Splitsvilla s sezóna 4 soutěžící Sakshi Pradhan.
- Akashdeep Saigal - Televizní herec.[34][35] Negativní vedení hrál jako Ansh Virani Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. Poté si zahrál vedení Kuchh je Tara. Účastnil se reality show jako Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, Faktor strachu Indie a Vydejte džungli Se Mujhe Bachao.
- Sunny Leone - Herečka a bývalá pornohvězda.[36][37][38] V roce 2003 byla jmenována Penthouse Pet roku a byla hvězdou kontraktu pro Vivid Entertainment. Jmenovaná Maximem jako jedna z 12 nejlepších pornohvězd v roce 2010, hrála také role v nezávislých mainstreamových filmech a televizních pořadech.
Hostující účastníci
- Swami Agnivesh - sociální pracovník, Arya Samaj vědec a hinduistický sociální aktivista.[39] On je nejlépe známý pro jeho práci proti nedobrovolné práci prostřednictvím Bonded Labour Liberation Front, kterou založil v roce 1981. Agnivesh také založil a stal se prezidentem Světové rady Arya Samaj, kterou popisuje jako spolupracovník původní Arya Samaj, a sloužil jako předseda Dobrovolného svěřenského fondu OSN pro současné formy otroctví v letech 2001 až 2004. Do domu vstoupil v den 38 až 41.
- Andrew Symonds - Hráč kriketu.[40] Symonds je pravoruký batsman středního řádu a střídá mezi středním tempem a bowlingem mimo spin. Od poloviny roku 2008 strávil většinu času mimo tým z disciplinárních důvodů, včetně alkoholu. V červnu 2009 byl poslán domů z World Twenty20 2009, jeho třetí vyloučení, vyloučení nebo vyloučení z výběru v průběhu jednoho roku. Jeho centrální smlouva byla poté stažena a mnoho analytiků kriketu spekulovalo, že australští administrátoři ho již nebudou tolerovat a že Symonds může oznámit jeho odchod do důchodu. Vstoupil 67. do 78. dne.
Vystoupení hostů
Týdenní synopse
1. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace |
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Tresty |
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Bigg bomba |
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Východy |
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2. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg bomba |
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Tresty |
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Východy |
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3. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg bomba |
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Tresty |
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Východy |
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4. týden | Úkoly |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg bomba | ||
Tresty |
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Východy |
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5. týden | Úkoly |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg Bomb |
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Tresty | ||
Východy |
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6. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg Bomb |
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Tresty | ||
Imunita |
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Východy |
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7. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg Bomb | ||
Tresty | ||
Imunita |
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Východy |
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8. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg Bomb |
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Tresty | ||
Východy |
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9. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace |
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Bigg bomba | ||
Imunita |
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Východy |
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10. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Bigg bomba |
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Imunita | ||
Východy |
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11. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace |
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Tresty |
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Bigg bomba | ||
Východy |
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12. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Tresty |
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Východy |
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13. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Nominace | ||
Východy |
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Finále 14. týden | Úkol |
Události |
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Finalisté | ||
Vítěz | Juhi Parmar | |
Druhé místo | Mahek Chahal | |
Třetí místo | Siddharth Bhardwaj | |
Čtvrté místo | Akashdeep Saigal | |
Páté místo | Amar Upadhyay |

Week(s) | Hosté) | Poznámky |
4 | Ranbir Kapoor | Povýšit Rocková hvězda[64] |
5 | Dipika Kakar, Tina Datta, Nandiš Sandhu, Shashank Vyas, Shubhangi Atre & Aditya Redij | From Colors shows Sasural Simar Ka, Uttaran, Balika Vadhu, Havan & Na Aana Is Desh Laado. |
7 | Akshay Kumar | To promote film Desi Boyz[65] |
8 | Vidya Balan | To promote film Špinavý obraz.[66] |
9 | Mahesh Bhatt | He entered the house for a couple of hours to present a contract deal to Slunný to cast her as the lead actress in Pooja Bhatt 's upcoming sequel of the film Jism.[67] |
Anushka Sharma | Propagovat jejich film Dámy vs Ricky Bahl | |
11 | Housemates' friends and family entered the house for a short visit to meet their loved ones. These guests included Anuradha Sharma (Siddharth's mother), Sachin Shroff (Juhi's husband), Madhu Bhatia (Akashdeep's sister), Hetal Upadhyay (Amar's wife) and Shiraz Chukkraborty (Shonali's boyfriend).[68] | |
13 | Sonam Kapoor | Propagovat jejich film Hráči |
13 | Imran Khan | Propagovat jejich film Ek Hlavní Aur Ekk Tu |
Malaika Arora, Rakhi Sawant & Rashami Desai appeared on the show with doing grand performances. |
Týdenní úkoly
Úkol č. | Uvedené datum | Popis | Výsledek | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 4. října 2011 (Day 02) | Pahiya Ghumao Kismat Chamkao The task involves contestants teaming up for the rest of the week to fulfill the objective and earn points that will help determine their budgeting and rationing for the coming week. The task involves them riding a rickshaw and taking it to different cities that are marked on a map that is provided to the contestants. The contestants will then perform an act based on the peculiarities of the city that they have reached. In between the performances, at all times i.e. 24x7, someone will have to lead the rickshaw and keep pedaling so that the street lamp placed beside the cycle rickshaw remains lit. (100% bet of weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 10. října 2011 (Den 7) | Jiska Kaam Usi Ko Saanjhay All the contestants were allotted some official household duties. Juhi was made the PR of Bigg Boss and it is her duty to keep a track of everyone's performance. Gulabo was the head cook and had two kitchen assistants to help her. Shakti and Vida were in charge of security. Amar, Shonali and Raageshwari became the washroom attendants. Mahek and Shraddha were supposed to clean the house and the garden area. Pooja Bedi and Pooja Mishra formed the dishwashing team. (0% bet of the weekly luxury budget) | Selhalo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 18. října 2011 (Den 16) | Mai Chotta Sa Nanha Sa Bachcha Hu All the contestants were allotted a role of a parent or a child. A Parent will have to take care of their respective child. Amar, Pooja M, Laxmi, Shonali, Vida and Mahek were given the role of parents whereas Shakti, as applauded on her outstanding performance during the task, however, Siddharth, Pooja Misrra and Shraddha displayed inconsistent performances. As a result, their luxury budget points (200 pts. from each) were cut. Shakti and Shonali were also told of their irregular roles in the task and hence 100 pts from both were not allotted. The housemates, overall, managed to grab 1800 points out of 2600. (70% bet of the weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 25. října 2011 (Den 23) | Diya Jalay Tou Diwali Nahi Jalay Tou Diwala To celebrate Diwali, the contestants were split into teams of two and asked to make candles (Diyaas). The team that will achieve the target of making 500 candles first, will be declared winner of the task. The housemates have to make 2000 diyas in one week. They have been provided a machine for the same. They were given a demonstration on the procedure of using the machine. Only one housemate can make diyaas on the machine at a time. The diyaas can be shaped from the wet clay even manually. Team 1 : Amar, Pooja B., Shonali, Shakti, Vida, Juhi. Team 2 : Siddharth, Laxmi, Pooja M., Shraddha, Mandeep and Akaashdeep. (??% bet of the weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 1. listopadu 2011 (Den 30) | Lambee Hai Dooree, Chadhhna Zarooree Bigg Boss house was converted to an army camp where the housemates were trainees and Mandeep was made the Drill instructor. The task is associated with Wall climbing and a crash obstacle course was set up for the housemates. Spolubydlící museli pokrýt 12 000 stop turistiky na 20 stopové zdi vytvořené v oblasti aktivity uvnitř domu. Housemates are also instructed to wear Boot Camp uniforms as a part of the task. Bigg Boss announced that housemates have failed to accomplish the task due to the in-cooperative behavior of Mandeep as Plukovník. Siddharth also inhibited irrelevant traits as opposed to the task i.e. Sleeping. Bigg Boss also stated that the only people who tried to do justice to the weekly task were Pooja B. and Amar. (0% bet of the weekly luxury budget) | Selhalo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 8. listopadu 2011 (Den 37) | Shraddha Ki Riyaasat Shraddha will be treated as a queen and the rest will be her attendants. They've to call her Rajkumari. Every morning when Shraddha wakes up two of the housemates have to come to her and take her blessings. All her orders are essential to be acted upon otherwise the housemates might be locked into the jail as punishment. Every night all housemates have to line up to her room and praise her one by one. Sky was praised on performing the task with consistency, however, Shraddha was detested by the velký šéf due to her incorrect role play as the Královna. Bigg Boss rewarded 2200 points to the housemates. (100% bet of the weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tým Amar | tým Nebe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 15. listopadu 2011 (Den 44) | Raajneeti Housemates formed two teams - Team Amar and Team Sky. Pooja M., Pooja B.,Shraddha and Mahek under the leadership of Amar formed a team namely No Jhagra No bayhes, We are Shanti in Progress. On the other hand, Juhi, Siddharth, Vida and Shonali joined Akashdeep's team Band Mutthi Haath ki. According to the phone call from velký šéf, which Akashdeep (Sky) attended, Shonali was told to form alliance with Amar's team. On Day 47, Amar's team with the majority of votes won the election with the vote count 6 - 4. As a result, Amar was rewarded by being made the captain of the house for the coming week and his team granted full luxury budget. | Prošel | Selhalo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 22. listopadu 2011 (Den 51) | Haseena Teri Misaal Kahan Boys are made mentors and have to form three teams. Amar selects Juhi, Shonali and Shraddha. Sky chooses Pooja M. and Pooja B. and Siddharth chose Mahek and Sunny. Girls referred as "Beauties" are given titles and have to wear sashes with their title label on it for the whole week. Bigg Boss granted 1500 points to the housemates.
| Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 30. listopadu 2011 (Den 58) | Vodafone 1 2 3 The task involves housemates to play various roles such as astrologer, match-making, chef, sportovní komentátor and spicy gossip reporter by dialling 123 on the Vodafone Applet stored inside the house. (100% bet of weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jailors | Odsouzení | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 7. prosince 2011 (Den 65) | Jailor Ki Jay Jay Kaydi Ki Haye Haye Bigg Boss has turned the house into a jail. All the contestants have been provided appropriate costumes for the task. The criminals are supposed to sleep in the new jail created in the garden area. One of the jailers has to awake and keep an eye on the prisoners. The prisoners have been asked to steal an envelope from jailer's cupboard, and the jailers are supposed to stop them.
| Prošel | Selhalo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 12. prosince 2011 (Den 72) | Hookumat-e-Symonds As a part of their weekly task, housemates have to please and fulfill Andrew Symonds's wishes.
Bigg Boss rewarded 1600 points to the housemates. (100% of the weekly luxury budget) | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 20. prosince 2011 (Den 79) | Dhinchak Dhinchak Dhinchak Dhin Housemates were told to dance on solo and group on songs on a round platform in front of the pool facing the camera. Each housemate was given a specific song according to the theme which changed daily.
| Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 27. prosince 2011 (Den 86) | Paatshaala Ka Bol Baala The House was turned into a school and housemates students. Desks and a blackboard were placed in the garden area. Uniforms were provided and Juhi was made the headmistress. Other housemates were to take turns in acting as teachers for the subjects allocated. Occasionally Quiz competitions took place as a part of the class. | Prošel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 3. ledna 2012 (Den 93) | Kamaal Kursi Ka Housemates were provided a Royal Chair which was placed in the garden area near the pool. The housemate who sits on the chair is made the King/Queen of the house and all other inmates his/her servants. If for any particular reason the housemate leaves the chair, anyone else can claim possession of it and the rule of the latter will begin with the rule of the preceder coming to an end. The housemate with the most favorable rule is awarded by the velký šéf. However, due to consistent breaking of rules by Mahek a Siddharth and their unsuccessful rule on their temporary kingdoms the task was cancelled and Bigg Boss decided to deprive both of them of any awards promised. | Zrušeno | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. ledna 2012 (Day 94) | Lollipop Se Karo Talk Housemates were provided lollipop stands, each with a photo of an evicted housemate. The stands were placed in the garden area. Each housemate had to equip at least one lollipop stand and impersonate the housemate whose photo is depicted on it and talk through it to other housemates. | Prošel |
Nominační tabulka
1. týden | 2. týden | 3. týden | 4. týden | 5. týden | 6. týden | 7. týden | 8. týden | 9. týden | 10. týden | 11. týden | 12. týden | 13. týden | Finále 14. týden | |||
Nominace for Captaincy | Mandeep, Amar | Pooja B., Shonali | Pooja M., Shraddha | Mahek, Pooja M. | Juhi, Slunný | Mahek, Siddharth | Post Abolished as Punishment | |||||||||
Dům Kapitán | Shakti | Shakti | Mandeep | Shonali | Shonali | Shraddha | Akashdeep | Amar | Mahek | Juhi | Siddharth | |||||
Captain's Nomination | Laxmi, Gulabo, Pooja M., Nihita | Mandeep zachránit | Mahek | Mahek | Pooja M. | Akashdeep | Shraddha, Pooja M., Vida, Shonali | Pooja B. | Akashdeep | Odmítnuto volit | ||||||
Evictee's Jmenování | Ne vhodný | Pooja M Amar | Siddharth (zachránit) | Mahek (zachránit) | Shraddha Siddharth | Juhi | Mahek Amar[A] | Siddharth[b] | Ne vhodný | |||||||
To Vote | Vypudit | Uložit | Vypudit | |||||||||||||
Juhi | Pooja M., Nihita | Pooja M., Gulabo | Amar, Laxmi | Shraddha, Mandeep | Amar, Mandeep | Pooja M., Mahek | Ne vhodný | Mahek, Pooja M. | Ne vhodný | HouseCaptain | Amar, Shonali | Siddharth, Amar | Ne nominace | Vítěz (Den 98) | ||
Mahek | Pooja M., Gulabo | Pooja M., Gulabo | Shonali, Juhi | Shakti, Pooja B. | Shraddha, Mandeep | Pooja M., Shonali | Ne vhodný | Shonali, Siddharth | HouseCaptain | Akashdeep, Slunný | Vyhoštěn (Den 70) | Ne nominace | 1. finalista (Den 98) | |||
Siddharth | Ne v domě | Osvobozeno | Shraddha, Pooja M. | Amar, Mahek | Mahek, Amar | Ne vhodný | Shraddha, Mahek | Shraddha, Slunný | Mahek, Slunný | Akashdeep, Amar | Sunny, Juhi | Ne nominace | 2. finalista (Den 98) | |||
Akashdeep | Ne v domě | Amar, Mahek | Laxmi, Mahek | HouseCaptain | Pooja M., Mahek | Odmítnuto to Vote | Sunny, Amar | Amar, Shonali | Siddharth, Amar | Ne nominace | 3. finalista (Den 98) | |||||
Amar | Ne v Dům | Osvobozeno | Juhi, Shonali | Pooja B., Shakti | Mandeep, Siddharth | Pooja M., Pooja B. | Ne vhodný | HouseCaptain | Shraddha, Slunný | Sunny, Akahsdeep | Shonali, Juhi | Sunny, Juhi | Ne nominace | 4. finalista (Den 98) | ||
Slunný | Ne v domě | Osvobozeno | Ne vhodný | Akashdeep Shonali | Ne vhodný | Siddharth Amar | Ne nominace | Vyhoštěn (Day 91) | ||||||||
Pooja M | Ne vhodný | Pooja B., Mahek | Pooja B., Mahek | Shakti, Pooja B. | Akashdeep, Mahek | Mahek, Laxmi | Ne vhodný | Siddharth, Mahek | Vyhozen (Den 55) | Host (Day 67 - 78) | Re-ejected (Den 78) | |||||
Shonali | Pooja M., Gulabo | Pooja M., Shraddha | Mahek, Amar | HouseCaptain | HouseCaptain | Mahek, Laxmi | Ne vhodný | Pooja M., Mahek | Ne vhodný | Sunny, Akashdeep | Sunny, Amar | Vyhoštěn (Den 77) | ||||
Shraddha | Laxmi, Nihita | Pooja M., Mandeep | Laxmi, Shonali | Pooja B., Juhi | Mandeep, Mahek | HouseCaptain | Ne vhodný | Juhi, Siddharth | Ne vhodný | Mahek, Amar | Vyhoštěn (Den 63) | |||||
Pooja B | Pooja M., Nihita | Pooja M., Shraddha | Amar, Mahek | Pooja M., Shraddha | Amar, Mandeep | Mahek, Pooja M. | Ne vhodný | Mahek, Shonali | Juhi zachránit | Vyhoštěn (Den 56) | ||||||
Vida | Pooja M., Gulabo | Pooja M., Mandeep | Amar, Shraddha | Pooja M., Shraddha | Pooja M., Shraddha | Pooja M., Pooja B. | Ne vhodný | Shraddha, Siddharth | Vyhoštěn (Den 49) | |||||||
Laxmi | Ne vhodný | Pooja M., Gulabo | Shonali, Juhi | Shakti, Pooja B. | Mandeep, Pooja M. | Pooja M., Shonali | Mahek zachránit | Vyhoštěn (Den 42) | ||||||||
Mandeep | Laxmi, Pooja M. | Laxmi, Juhi | HouseCaptain | Pooja B. Juhi | Amar Mahek | Siddharth zachránit | Vyhoštěn (Den 35) | |||||||||
Shakti | HouseCaptain | HouseCaptain | Mahek Juhi | Pooja B. Juhi | Pooja M., Amar | Vyhoštěn (Den 28) | ||||||||||
Raageshwari | Pooja M., Nihita | Pooja M., Mandeep | Amar, Mahek | Vyhoštěn (Den 21) | ||||||||||||
Gulabo | Ne vhodný | Pooja M., Mandeep | Vyhoštěn (Den 14) | |||||||||||||
Sonika | Pooja M., Nihita | Šel (Den 8) | ||||||||||||||
Nihita | Ne vhodný | Vyhoštěn (Den 7) | ||||||||||||||
Poznámky | [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9] | [10] | [11] | [12] | [13] | [14] | ||
Proti veřejné hlasování | Nihita, Pooja M. | Gulabo, Pooja M. | Amar, Juhi, Mahek, Pooja M., Raageshwari, Shonali | Mahek, Pooja B., Shakti, Shraddha | Amar, Mahek, Mandeep, Pooja M. | Akashdeep, Laxmi, Mahek, Pooja M. | Pooja M., Shonali, Shraddha, Vida | Akashdeep, Mahek, Pooja B., Siddharth | Akashdeep, Shraddha, Slunný | Amar, Mahek, Siddharth, Shonali | Amar, Shonali | Amar, Juhi, Siddharth, Slunný | Akashdeep, Amar, Juhi, Mahek, Siddharth, Slunný | Akashdeep, Amar, Juhi, Mahek, Siddharth | ||
Znovu zadáno | žádný | Mahek | žádný | |||||||||||||
Šel | žádný | Sonika | žádný | |||||||||||||
Vyhozen | žádný | Pooja M. | žádný | |||||||||||||
Vyhoštěn | Nihita | Gulabo | Raageshwari | Shakti | Mandeep | Laxmi | Vida | Pooja B. | Shraddha | Mahek | Shonali | Žádné vystěhování | Slunný | Amar | Akashdeep | Siddharth |
Mahek | Juhi |
- Nominated for eviction
- Automatic nomination (due to violations committed, failure of task or direct nomination by House Captain)
- Samozřejmě imunita (due to being chosen by an evictee while exiting, by housemates or House Captain)
- Fake nomination.
- Červená čísla indicate nominations from Evictees
- Zelená čísla indicate nominations from House Captains
- Pink numbers indicate nominations from Housemates to save from Eviction
- Blue numbers indicate nominations from Housemates' Family/Friends who visited the house to meet their loved ones.
- ^1 Shakti as captain was asked to appoint four names from the remaining housemates who would be Up for Nomination. As a result of being chosen Laxmi, Gulabo, Nihita and Pooja M. were exempt from nominating for this week, however, the remaining 9 housemates were allowed to cast their votes. Remaining housemates nominated Pooja M. and Nihita.
- ^2 Housemates nominated Pooja M., Gulabo a Mandeep however, according to the power given to Shakti as captain, he was able to save a nominated housemate from eviction. Shakti si vybral Mandeep.
- ^3 Pooja M. a Raageshwari were nominated by Bigg Boss as a punishment. Housemates were unable to cast their nominations against them. Mandeep as captain nominated Mahek directly placing her against public vote. Remaining housemates nominated Amar, Juhi a Shonali.
- ^4 Shonali was safe as captain, Housemates were unable to cast their nominations against her. Shonali nominován Mahek directly placing her against public vote. Remaining housemates nominated Shakti, Shraddha and Pooja B.
- ^5 Shonali was safe for another week as captain, Housemates were unable to cast their nominations against her. Shonali nominován Pooja M. directly placing her against public vote. Remaining housemates nominated Mahek, Mandeep a Amar
- ^6 Shraddha was safe as captain and Siddharth was immune from nominations because Mandeep took his name when Bigg Boss asked her to save one housemate from eviction on Week 6 while she was leaving the house. Housemates were unable to cast their nominations against them. Shraddha nominated Akashdeep directly placing him against public vote. Remaining housemates nominated Pooja M., Mahek and Laxmi.
- ^7 Akashdeep was safe as captain and Mahek was immune from nominations because Laxmi took her name when Bigg Boss asked her to save one housemate from eviction on Week 7 while she was leaving the house. Hence, they were immune from Nomination. Akashdeep, taking assistance from Siddharth nominated Shraddha, Pooja M., Vida a Shonali directly placing them against public vote.
- ^8 Amar was safe as captain and nominated Pooja B. directly placing her against public vote. Akashdeep was nominated for eviction by the velký šéf as a result of losing the weekly task. Slunný was exempt from nomination. Remaining housemates nominated Mahek a Siddharth.
- ^9 Mahek was made the captain after Pooja M. (the reigning captain was ejected) and, hence, was safe for nominations. She nominated Akashdeep directly placing him against public vote. Akashdeep, Siddharth a Amar were called in the confession room to decide two names to directly place against the public vote. The trio came up with Shraddha and Slunný.
- ^10 Instead of nominating two housemates to place against the public vote, Bigg Boss asked the housemates to give two names whom they would save from eviction. Housemates saved Akashdeep a Slunný. Contrary to the result, the remaining housemates were put up for eviction.
- ^11 Before leaving the Family/Friends of the housemates, who came for a short visit to meet their loved ones, were asked to nominate two names for eviction excluding Pooja M., Siddharth a Andrew. Proto, Amar a Shonali got nominated.
- ^12 Captain's post was abolished by the Bigg Boss as punishment. Housemates nominated Amar, Siddharth, Juhi and Sunny. Voting lines were closed for the week, however, housemates were unaware of this. Mahek returned to the house via "Wildcard Voting Contest".
- ^13 Housemates weren't asked to give names to nominate for eviction. Bigg Boss nominated all housemates to give each an equal chance to secure their position in the final week.
- ^14 During the final week the public voted for who they wanted to win Bigg Boss, the housemates with the fewest votes were evicted on Day 98 (the finale) with the Winner revealed on the same night.
- On Day 12, Pooja Misrra showed a clear sense of fury by kicking a dustbin and breaking kitchen stuff grabbing a lot of public attention. The alienated Pooja Misrra lost her temper on Shonali Nagrani. When Shonali provoked her further, asking, if she would "hit" her, Pooja hinted, she could get physical, if Shonali didn't behave herself. "Get off my back," an irritated Pooja screamed in rage; her blood boiling with anger. What people saw in a trailer of the reality show, was a visibly furious Pooja, who has been cornered by most contestants on the show right from the beginning. All her attempts to make peace with the Housemates have more or less backfired, with them playing games and politics with the troubled soul. "Standing at crossroads with growing impatience, Pooja has been trying her best to keep her cool. But the scheming Housemates are not letting her live in harmony, assuming she is hogging mileage and footage," says public relations expert Dale Bhagwagar, who is a specialist with Bigg Boss hype and hoopla. "Unluckily, for all Housemates, the public has realized that Pooja is a there to provide most entertainment to the audiences in the house. Though the Housemates have been trying their best to ignore her, she has emerged an uncanny favourite with the cameras and the audiences alike," he adds. Pooja M. being saved in consecutive eviction by the audience has further proved how much popular she's got among the couple of weeks. Not to mention Bigg Boss audience have a history of liking the candidate who cause most controversies and disturbance in the house. The incident has also become a huge social media meme as well [69]
- Siddharth Bhardwaj and Shonali Nagrani were seen romancing each other in the Bigg Boss 5 Dům. Episode aired on 26 October 2011 of Bigg Boss 5 caught Siddharth consoling and hugging Shonali and kissing her hand. Shonali, on her part seemed to reciprocate his affection. When celebrity publicist Dale Bhagwagar was asked if the two were doing it for publicity and to increase TRP, Dale said that all of the Bigg Boss 5 contestants are aware that they are wearing mics and are surrounded by cameras 24x7. Dale Bhagawar added, "They have all gone on the show with personal agendas and roles to portray. They have all gone on it to play and win." Media and the audiences also considered this to be a vague TRP stunt.[70] Later on the show, when Shonali was confronted by other housemates about romancing to Siddharth, she defended herself by saying that she thought that Sid flirts with most of the female housemates and she was just playing along.
- During the show, Contestant Vida Samadzai accused Pooja Misrra of stealing her waist band. Misrra vehemently denied the accusation saying she had picked up the ornament by mistake thinking it to be hers. Misrra said she owned a similar one but Vida refused to believe her. The conversation turned into an ugly spat with house captain Shonali Nagrani called in to intervene. Vida, also, accused Misrra of calling her a Děvka which she assumed after unclearly hearing Pooja M. say To the core. Sanjay Dutt, on the eviction night, warned Vida not to make such vague assumptions and hurl pointless accusations on others.[71] After the incident Vida grew even more unpopular with the audience as media sidelined this issue boldly defending Pooja M. and calling her a victim of accusations inside the house.
- Pooja Misrra became the most discussed and debated inmate of Bigg Boss. With every week being nominated for eviction and getting saved by huge margin of votes, the viewers have utterly shown how much Pooja M. is being supported by them. Když Pooja was reviewed by the media on her peculiar stance in the house and inside the hearts of the audience, the conclusion that she is most probably the biggest entertainer of the series came erupting as a definite answer. Audience found her comments and gestures during fights hilarious and determined. Her comments like "Rani Hijrawati" to Laxmi, "Mihir Virani Saas Bahu ka baap" to Amar, "Twinkle twinkle poetry" to Pooja B. and "Love me for this, for this, or for this" accompanied by hip postures became famous among viewers and the source of her fan following. During the first two weeks Pooja M. was considered to be a victim of accusations inside the house but with every passing week audiences seem to like Pooja M. for her distinct personality as well. Prior to the events inside the house involving Pooja M. being bullied by housemates, Pooja's retaliation towards these acts has compelled the audience to accept Pooja as their favorite housemate saving her in every eviction by a huge margin of votes. Audiences' support was also seen on velký šéf official website where followers "liked" Pooja's profile[72] pomocí jejich Facebook accounts making her the hottest housemate and, hence, making her win the poll.[73]
- On Week 7's eviction night "Aapka Farmaan", Salman Khan strictly warned Siddharth for his shameful behavior with Mahek Chahal and Pooja Misrra. Salman Khan asked Siddharth to have control over his tongue and actions. Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt severely criticized Siddharth's foul language, character assassination and cheap actions behind Mahek and Pooja M. bringing him to tears. Dokonce John Abraham asked Siddharth to take care of his behavior towards ladies inside the house. On hearing all these, Siddharth apologized and started crying on national television. Salman and Sanjay also questioned Akashdeep for not stopping Siddharth when he was displaying such disrespectful acts of manners.[74]
- On Day 55, Pooja Misrra exhibited an act of violence in retaliation towards Siddharth Bhardwaj's continuous instigation and protests against her regarding her becoming the new captain. After Midnight before going to bed Siddharth provoked Pooja M. to the limit that she pushed him with a slight shove. Following this, Siddharth went on in front of the cameras appealing to the Bigg Boss to eject Pooja otherwise he'll walk out of the competition by climbing the walls of the house. As a result, Bigg Boss ejected Pooja M. the very instance. After the news spread about Pooja's expulsion from the house before the show even aired within hours an immediate uproar from the audience came into existence. What Siddharth thought was a harmful physical assault, audience on the other hand, analyzed it as a mere push. Media and channel reporters gave their verdict on Bigg Boss being bias towards Pooja M. and accusing the show of deliberately getting rid of Pooja M. due to crew's favoritism towards the male contestants of the show. The disappointed audience began posting hate comments against the reality show claiming that they want Pooja M. back in the house with Siddharth evicted in place of her, otherwise, they'll boycott the show and raise protests against it. Viewers perception of the incident was sheer unfair judgement by the Bigg Boss accompanying the fact that they earlier witnessed similar injustice towards Pooja Misrra when Akashdeep Saighal breaking the captain's lounge bathroom door while Pooja Misrra was inside, when Amar scratched Pooja M.'s hand and she needed medical aid along with the display of ill-manners by Siddharth when he almost kicked Pooja M. while he was hurling improper names to her parents. Former contestants of this season of the show have expressed relief. afghánský beauty Vida Samadzai, who got evicted last week, says, "It is great. I am very happy that Pooja is out of the house. It was about time this happened. She is a mean person and a big drama queen." Samadzai however adds, "I hope she learns a lesson from this and becomes a better human being." Zpěvák Raageshwari Loomba, who left the house a month earlier, says, "Though I don't follow the show anymore, I know there have been negative attacks on her. Her behaviour in the house may be because of the unnatural setting of the show that drives a person to the edge. I only hope this helps her positively."[75][76]
- Sunny Leone managed to created much hype with her Bigg Boss stint, but her presence in the show did not go down well with The indický Artistes and Actors Forum (IAAF), reports Headlines Today. IAAF requested I&B Minister Ambika Soni to take action against Colors for indirectly encouraging and promoting pornography in India via the introduction of an adult entertainer, as per the channel. According to a report published in a daily, Sunny Leone has become the most searched adult celebrity on web and it's becoming difficult to keep the children away from accessing her explicit videos and pictures. "As far as this particular complaint... I haven't heard about it... Of course these complaints come up from time to time over content issues of different channels across the television," Ambika Soni told Headlines Today.[77] Apart from the accusations on her, Sunny became the most searched Indian celebrity on Google beating Bollywood sensations Katrina Kaif, Aishwariya Rai a Kareena Kapoor.[78][79][80]
- Many evicted housemates which include Pooja Bedi, Shraddha Sharma, Raageshwari, Shakti kapoor, Pooja Misrra and Vida Samadzai[81] accused Salman Khan for favoring housemate Mahek Chahal for being partial towards her. Their claims were later, rejected by the actor himself after Mahek got evicted on 11 December 2011, however, just two-week before the finale, Mahek was deliberately made win a wild card entry poll against Laxmi Narayan and Shonali Nagrani who clearly did not have as much of a fan following as her, merely fourteen days after her initial eviction, which indeed confirmed all the allegations against her being Salman Khan's favorite candidate.[82] This stint not only disappointed fans of the inmates inside the house who have been surviving evictions for many week but also certified partial judgments made towards specific housemates by the Bigg Boss.[83]
- Unlike the international versions of Velký bratr, v velký šéf, the hosts are seen to be intimidating contestants on the show for their conduct and are often witnessed interfering in almost everything exhibiting a partial stance towards few. On the Opening of the season Salman and Sanjay ridiculed Shakti Kapoor after he entered the house saying, "Bigg Boss ko maanna padega! Shakti Kapoor jaise logon ko apne ghar bulaya, hum toh kabhi na bulayen!". Shakti was hurt by these remarks and demanded an apology from Salman, however, was never reached by either Khan or Dutt.[84] Later, Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt also lashed out at Siddharth Bhardwaj for being too unmannerly with Mahek Chahal a Pooja Misrra and the same continued with other housemates few weeks later when Salman Khan went inside the house on 17 December 2011 and severely scolded contestants for their behaviour. Such traits showed by the hosts have yet been never witnessed on any international series of Big Brother. On 24 December 2011, Sanjay Dutt displayed infurious attitude towards Juhi Parmar, Akashdeep Saigal and Sunny Leone for bringing out a problem that concerned them regarding Amar Upadhyay 's indecent moves on female housemates. Evicted housemate Pooja Bedi after watching the episode, in fury, claimed,"It's clear Salman went in there to demoralise, confuse, hurt and lie to Sky. Any guesses as to why he would misuse his position to do so? Salman previously had threatened Sid, and said, he would kick his arse. Hosts cannot intimidate contestants! Wrong. if contestants are bad, they get nominated and if public dislikes them, they get eliminated. That's reality TV, not hosts threatening, if Salman can get aggressive with contestants, why is he upset they do so with each other?"[85] The hosts are also seen to be very manipulative throughout the season. From altering the results to controlling appearances of celebrities, all was witnessed to be formatted by co-host Salman Khan. Due to the remarks made by Pooja Bedi on Salman's interference with the results and favoritism towards Mahek Chahal, Pooja was banned from attending the season finale to be held on 7 January 2012. The actress was humiliated on this last minute change and expressed, "So what if I disagree with a host and don't like a contestant! Is that reason for Channel not to have me at finale?" Pooja Bedi further stressed, "Have asked channel to state reason I cannot be there at finale to cheer my friends on! Also, till yesterday I was to do a medley! What changed?"[86][87] Bollywoodský herec Hrithik Roshan was also refused entry in the finale. Hrithik was supposed to promote his upcoming release Agneepath on the grand finale of the TV show. Sanjay Dutt, the main villain of the film, being a part of the show should have helped the marketing initiative. However, Salman has put his foot down. Khan has now asked Imran Khan povýšit Karan Johar 's next production Ek Hlavní Aur Ekk Tu on the grand finale.[88][89] Později, Pooja Misrra a Shakti Kapoor also fell targets. They also were banned from attending the finale because of speaking against Khan in the media.[84] Pooja Misrra was later asked to attend the finale.[89]
- ^ A b "Juhi Parmar wins 'Bigg Boss 5'". Hindustan Times. 7. ledna 2012.
- ^ A b C d E F G h i j k l m n "'Bigg Boss 5': Shakti Kapoor vs 13 women". 3. října 2011.
- ^ "Shakti Kapoor evicted from Bigg Boss House". 30. října 2011.
- ^ "Shakti: Wanted to prove to my kids I can stay away from alcohol". 30. října 2011.
- ^ "Pooja Bedi evicted from Bigg Boss". 26. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Pooja Bedi: Siddharth is more violent than Pooja Missra". 28. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Shonali Nagrani out of Bigg Boss 5". 18. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Shonali: Waited for justice but never got it in Bigg Boss". 27. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Nihita Biswas evicted from Bigg Boss 5". 9. října 2011.
- ^ "My eviction is unfair: Nihita Biswas". 9. října 2011.
- ^ "Shradha Sharma evicted from 'Bigg Boss'". 3. prosince 2011.
- ^ „Sky je nejvíce falešná osoba v Bigg Boss“. 5. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Bigg Boss journey was uncomfortable: Mandeep Bevli". 7. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Raageshwari Loomba evicted from 'Bigg Boss 5'". 23. října 2011.
- ^ "Evicted from Bigg Boss as I didn't create conflict:Raageshwari". 23. října 2011.
- ^ "Vida Samadzai evicted from Bigg Boss House". 20. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Mahek Chahal out of 'Bigg Boss 5'". 11. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Salman didn't favour me: Mahek Chahal". 12. prosince 2011.
- ^ "BIGG BOSS 5: Mahek Chahal reenters the house". 23. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Mahek Chahal: I don't intend to get married for a long time". 12. ledna 2012.
- ^ "Why Sonika Kaliraman opted out of Bigg Boss 5". 11. října 2011.
- ^ "Pooja Missra assaults housemate, thrown out of Bigg Boss". 26. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Pooja Missra: I never expected to go out like this". 28. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Pooja Mishra to re-enter 'Bigg Boss' house as Andrew Symonds's translator". 7. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Bigg Boss 5: Pooja Misrra safe, Gulabo Sapera evicted".
- ^ "Pooja Missra smokes something else other than cigarettes". 17. října 2011.
- ^ "Celebrity transgender Laxmi evicted from 'Bigg Boss 5'". 12. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "'Pooja Missra gets saved every week as she's playing game well'". 14. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "I entered the Bigg Boss house to prove myself : Juhi Parmar". 9. ledna 2012.
- ^ "Amar Upadhyay to enter Bigg Boss". 11. října 2011.
- ^ "Amar Upadhyay: I knew Juhi would win Bigg Boss". 10. ledna 2012.
- ^ "VJ Siddharth Bhardwaj enters Bigg Boss 5". 15. října 2011.
- ^ "Sidharth: Sunny Leone was non-existent to me". 13. ledna 2012.
- ^ "TV actor Akashdeep Sehgal to enter 'Bigg Boss 5'". 24. října 2011.
- ^ "Sky: I apologise if my behaviour in Bigg Boss has hurt anyone". 12. ledna 2012.
- ^ "Porn star Sunny Leone to enter 'Bigg Boss' house". 17. listopadu 2011.
- ^ "Bigg Boss 5: Sunny Leone evicted from the house". 1. ledna 2012.
- ^ "Juhi is the backbone of the house who keeps everyone together". 2. ledna 2012.
- ^ "Swami Agnivesh enters Bigg Boss 5". 2011.
- ^ „Andrew Symonds se představí v indické realitě Big Brother“. 6. prosince 2011.
- ^ "Newzstreet". Archivovány od originál dne 15. května 2012. Citováno 22. října 2011.
- ^ Televizní herec Akashdeep Sehgal vstoupil do Bigg Boss - Indian Express
- ^ „Chtěli mě vidět vplížit se do dívčích pokojů: Shakti Kapoor“. The Times of India. 30. října 2011.
- ^ Bigg Boss: Akashdeep Saigal zacílí na Pooju Misrru - TV - Indická TV - ibnlive
- ^ Bigg Boss 5- den 34 - nejnovější zprávy - Mandeep Bevli vystěhován z domu Bigg Boss | Kukikol - Denní silniční rozhovory
- ^ Swami Agnivesh připravuje program pro dům Bigg Boss - Indie - DNA
- ^ ODHALENO! Agnivesh's Bigg Boss 5 agenda - Hindustan Times
- ^ Bigg Boss 5- den 41 - nejnovější zprávy - Laxmi vystěhován z BB House | Kukikol - Denní silniční rozhovory
- ^ Bigg Boss 5denní 48- nejnovější zprávy- Vida vystěhována z domu | Kukikol - Denní silniční rozhovory
- ^ Bigg Boss 5: Sunny Leone vstupuje do domu «Nejlepší mediální informace, zprávy a analýzy o indickém reklamním, marketingovém a mediálním průmyslu
- ^ Bigg Boss 5: Den 49 a 50 'Barvy se mění, když je uvnitř slunečno!'
- ^ BIGG BOSS 5: Sunny Leone mopy, Sky posmívá Amar | Novinky a drby |
- ^ BIGG BOSS 5: Pooja Misrra vyhozen! | Novinky a drby |
- ^ Bigg Boss 5denní 55. den vystěhování - 26. listopadu - Pooja Bedi vystěhován z BB House? | Kukikol - Denní silniční rozhovory
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ BIGG BOSS 5: Ranbir Kapoor vstoupí, Shakti Kapoor opustí | Novinky a drby |
- ^ Bigg Boss 5-John Abraham, Akshay Kumar z „Desi Boyz“ v BB House 19. listopadu (sobota) - Dívky dávají pozor | Kukikol - Denní silniční rozhovory
- ^ „Vidya Balan, Tusshar Kapoor a Emraan Hashmi na Bigg Boss 5, Fotografie -“. Archivovány od originál dne 30. listopadu 2011. Citováno 27. listopadu 2011.
- ^
- ^
- ^ Bigg Boss 5: Pooja Misrra je opět násilný - Hindustan Times
- ^ Bigg Boss 5 | Siddharth Bhardwaj | TRP | Shonali Nagrani
- ^ Bigg Boss: Pooja Misrra obviněn z krádeže! - TV - Indická TV - ibnlive
- ^ „Pooja Misrra, Bigg Boss Season 5 Contestants, Účastníci Pooja Misrra Profil, videa, fotografie, spolubydlící, novinky“. Archivovány od originál dne 22. října 2011. Citováno 22. října 2011.
- ^ „Bigg Boss 5 Official Site, Bigg Boss Season 5 Reality TV Show in India, Photos, Episodes Video, Contestants Photo Gallery“. Archivovány od originál dne 3. října 2011. Citováno 3. října 2011.
- ^ Salman Khan a Sanjay Dutt nadávali Siddharthovi za chování v BB5 | Drby
- ^ Dolly Bindra vstoupí do domu Bigg Boss? - Hindustan Times
- ^ "Odchod Pooja Misrra ovlivní TRP Bigg Boss?". Archivovány od originál dne 28. listopadu 2011. Citováno 26. listopadu 2011.
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- ^ „Archivovaná kopie“. Archivovány od originál dne 7. ledna 2012. Citováno 28. prosince 2011.CS1 maint: archivovaná kopie jako titul (odkaz)
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- ^ „Bigg Boss 5: Salman nechce Hrithika!“. The Times of India. 3. ledna 2012.
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