Privateering Tour - Privateering Tour - Wikipedia
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Evropské turné podle Mark Knopfler | |
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Umístění | Evropa |
Přidružené album | Privateering |
Datum začátku | 25. dubna 2013 |
Datum ukončení | 31. července 2013 |
Nohy | 1 |
Ne. představení | 70 |
Mark Knopfler koncertní chronologie |
The Privateering Tour bylo koncertní turné britského písničkáře a kytaristy z roku 2013 Mark Knopfler, propagující vydání jeho alba Privateering. Turné začalo 25. dubna 2013 v rumunské Bukurešti a zahrnovalo 70 koncertů v 63 městech, které skončily 31. července 2013 ve španělské Calella de Palafrugell. Prohlídka zahrnovala běh na šest nocí v hotelu Royal Albert Hall v Londýně.[1]
Koncerty obvykle sestávaly z toho, že Knopfler a jeho skupina předváděli šestnáct písní, čerpajících z každého období umělcova třicet pětileté kariéry. Sestava turné zahrnovala Marka Knopflera (kytara, zpěv), Richard Bennett (kytara), Guy Fletcher (klávesy), Jim Cox (klavír, varhany, akordeon), Michael McGoldrick (píšťalky, uilleann dýmky), John McCusker (housle, cittern), Glenn Worf (basa) a Ian Thomas (bicí). Nigel Hitchcock (saxofon) a Ruth Moody (zpěv) se objevil s kapelou na koncertech ve Velké Británii.[1]
Kritická odpověď
Ve své recenzi na jeden z koncertů Royal Albert Hall v Financial TimesLudovic Hunter-Tilney napsal, že Knopfler „hrál na kytaru s obvyklou lyrikou, lidovým fingerpickerem v rockovém idiomu, riffy odvíjejícími se v neuspěchaném tempu a se skvělým smyslem pro prostor“, přičemž vybral své sólo ve hře „Sultans of Swing“, která bylo „jako kámen elegantně sklízející nad jezerem.“[2] Hunter-Tilney byl ohromen výběrem skladeb Knopflera, zejména jeho averzí k návratu k „obrození 80. let“.[2] Některé z vrcholů ve skutečnosti byly představení novějších písní z jeho posledního alba, Privateering. Hunter-Tilney byl stejně ohromen hudebností, pokud Knopflerova doprovodná kapela a hostující zpěvák napsali:
Fiddle, pennywhistle a uilleann potrubí (druh irské dudy), který bezchybně hrají členové jeho impozantní doprovodné kapely, dal jeho příběhům stoických pracujících hlubokou tradiční rezonanci. Mezitím Ruth Moody, zpěvačka koncertů „I Dug Up a Diamond“ a „Seattle“, vyvolala nepřítomné miláčky v Knopflerových písních, návnadu domova a krbu.[2]
Termíny turné
- Festivaly a jiná různá vystoupení
- A Tento koncert byl součástí „Moon & Stars Festival“
- B Tento koncert byl součástí „Letní festival v Lucce "
- C Tento koncert byl součástí „Live at Sunset Festival“
- D Tento koncert byl součástí „Festival Stimmen "
- E Tento koncert byl součástí „Guitare en Scene Festival“
- F Tento koncert byl součástí „Festivalu de Carcassonne“
- G Tento koncert byl součástí „Festivalu Cap Roig“
- Zrušení a přeplánovaná představení
- 27 dubna 2013 - Istanbul Turecko bylo přesunuto do Ülker Sports Arena
- 7. června 2013 - Moskva, Rusko, Crocus City Hall bylo zrušeno[Poznámka 1]
- 8. června 2013 - Petrohrad, Rusko, Ice Palace Petrohrad bylo zrušeno
- Setlist 1 - Co to je, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son (první představení od roku 1996), Hill Farmer's Blues, Yon Two Crows, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 2 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 3 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Yon Two Crows, Seattle (premiéra), Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Done With Bonaparte, Haul Away, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 4 - Co to je, Corned Beef City, býval jsem schopen, 5:15 (premiéra), Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Done With Bonaparte, Miss You Blues, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Our Shangri-La[4]
- Setlist 5 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood (premiéra), Pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletownu, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 6 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth , Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 7 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Haul Away, Marbletown, Yon Two Vrány, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 8 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Prairie Wedding, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 9 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Miss You Blues, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 10 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, 5:15 am, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 11 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 12 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 13 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 14 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Seattle, Kingdom of Gold, Romeo and Juliet, I used to Could, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 15 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up A Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 16 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I Dug Up A Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 17 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, 5:15 am, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 18 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Seattle, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 19 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 20 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 21 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 22 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 23 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond (s Ruth Moody), Seattle (s Ruth Moodyovou)„Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Sultáni Swingu, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 24 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold (s Ruth Moodyovou), Seattle (s Ruth Moody)„Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Gator Blood, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 25 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond (s Ruth Moody), Seattle (s Ruth Moodyovou), Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Sultans of Swing, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 26 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond (s Ruth Moody), Seattle (s Ruth Moody), Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Píseň pro Sonnyho Listona, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 27 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond (s Ruth Moodyovou), Seattle (s Ruth Moodyovou)„Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Sultáni Swingu, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 28 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond (s Ruth Moodyovou), Seattle (s Ruth Moodyovou)„Kdysi jsem mohl, Romeo a Julie, Sultáni Swingu, Haul Away, pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 29 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 30 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 31 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 32 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Cleaning My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 33 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 34 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 35 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Back to Tupelo, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 36 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 37 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 38 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 39 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Seattle, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 40 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 41 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 42 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 43 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Seattle, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 44 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Seattle, Kingdom of Gold, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletownu, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 45 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Cleaning My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Seattle, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown , Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Gator Blood, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 46 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Seattle, Kingdom of Gold, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletownu, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 47 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Seattle, Kingdom of Gold, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 48 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 49 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Dream of the Drowned Submariner, Postcards from Paraguay , Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 50 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Dream of the Drowned Submariner, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston , Pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletownu, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 51 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Dream of the Drowned Submariner , Pohlednice z Paraguaye, Marbletownu, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 52 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Dream of the Drowned Submariner, Postcards from Paraguay , Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 53 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 54 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 55 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 56 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Clean My Gun, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 57 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, I Dug Up a Diamond, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth , Telegraph Road, Brothers in Arms, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 58 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of Swing, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway v Nazaretu, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, So Far Away[4]
- Setlist 59 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, I Dug Up a Diamond, Gator Blood, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Piper to the End[4]
- Setlist 60 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 61 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 62 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth, Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 63 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Gator Blood, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Telegraph Road , So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 64 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Speedway at Nazareth Telegraph Road, So Far Away, Going Home: Theme from Local Hero[4]
- Setlist 65 - What It Is, Corned Beef City, Privateering, Father and Son, Hill Farmer's Blues, I Dug Up a Diamond, I Used to Could, Romeo and Juliet, Song for Sonny Liston, Haul Away, Postcards from Paraguay, Marbletown, Telegraph Road, Our Shangri-La, So Far Away[4]
Istanbul, Turecko, 27. dubna 2013
Istanbul, Turecko, 27. dubna 2013
Istanbul, Turecko, 27. dubna 2013
Istanbul, Turecko, 27. dubna 2013
Zwolle, Nizozemsko, 7. června 2013
- Poznámky
- ^ Dne 4. dubna 2013 oznámil Knopfler na svých webových stránkách, že ruší dva koncerty v Rusku: „Vzhledem k represím ruských úřadů proti skupinám, jako jsou Amnesty International a Human Rights Watch, jsem se s politováním rozhodl zrušit své nadcházející koncerty v Moskvě a St. V červnu v Petrohradě. Vždycky jsem rád hrál v Rusku a mám velkou náklonnost k zemi a lidem. Doufám, že se současné klima brzy změní. “[3]
- Citace
- ^ A b „Soukromá prohlídka“. Oficiální web Mark Knopfler. Citováno 25. prosince 2012.
- ^ A b C Hunter-Tilney, Ludovic (29. května 2013). „Mark Knopfler, Royal Albert Hall, London - recenze“. Financial Times. Citováno 10. srpna 2013.
- ^ „Mark Knopfler News“. Oficiální webové stránky Marka Knopflera. Citováno 5. dubna 2013.
- ^ A b C d E F G h i j k l m n Ó p q r s t u proti w X y z aa ab ac inzerát ae af ag ah ai aj ak al dopoledne an ao ap vod ar tak jako na au av aw sekera ano az ba bb před naším letopočtem bd být bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm „Seznamy koncertů a termíny koncertů Marka Knopflera“. Citováno 27. dubna 2013.
externí odkazy
- Oficiální stránky Marka Knopflera
- Deník evropského turné Guy Fletchera 2013
- Haul Away (Antverpy, 12. května 2013)
- Piper až do konce (Antverpy, 12. května 2013)