Mecyclothorax - Mecyclothorax
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Rod: | Mecyclothorax Ostrý, 1903 |
Mecyclothorax je rod brouci který obsahuje více než 400 popsaných druhů nebo poddruhů, většinou z Havajské ostrovy[1][2][3] a Tahiti[4] a Moorea,[5] Francouzská Polynésie. Další záření se vyvinulo v Queenslandu v Austrálii,[6] Nová Guinea[7] a Nová Kaledonie.[8] Rod byl rozdělen do pěti podrodů: Eucyklothorax Liebherr 2018 z Austrálie, Qecyclothorax Liebherr 2018 z Queenslandu, Austrálie, Meonochilus Liebherr & Marris, 2009 of New Zealand, Phacothorax Jeannel 1944 z Nové Kaledonie a širší subgenus Mecyclothorax Sharp 1903 [v Austrálii, na Sundas, na Novém Zélandu, na Společenských ostrovech (Moorea a Tahiti) a na Havaji]. Adelphotaxon do Mecyclothorax předpokládá se, že se skládá z rodů spojených s Amblytelus Blackburn, také distribuován v Austrálii, a proto evoluční historie Mecyclothorax zahájena v Austrálii.
Seznam vybraných druhů
- Mecyclothorax aa Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax aano Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax abax Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax acherontius Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax acutangulus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax aeneipennis Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax aeneus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax affinis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ahulili Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax allostriatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax altiusculoides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax altiusculus (Britton, 1938)
- Mecyclothorax amaroides Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax ambiguus (Erichson, 1842)
- Mecyclothorax ambulatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax amingwiwae Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax anaana Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax anchisteus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax andersoni Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax angulosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax angusticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax annae Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax antaeus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax anthracinus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax aorai Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax apicalis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax aquilus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax arboricola Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax arcanus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax arcuatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax argutor (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax argutuloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax argutulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax arthuri Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ata Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax ataraensis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax ater Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax bacrionis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax badius Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax baehri Guéorguiev, 2013
- Mecyclothorax balli Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax ballioides Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax bartletti Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax basipunctus Louwerens, 1953
- Mecyclothorax bembidicus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bembidioides (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax bicolor Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bicoloratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bicoloris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bilaianus Baehr, 1998
- Mecyclothorax bilobatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax blackburni (Sloane, 1898)
- Mecyclothorax blackburnianus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax bougainvillei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax bradycellinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bradycelloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bradyderus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax brevidux Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax brevipennis Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax brevis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax brispex Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax brittoni Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax bryobioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax bryobius (Britton, 1938)
- Mecyclothorax calceus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax carteri (Perkins, 1917)
- Mecyclothorax castaneus Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax ceteratus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax chalcosus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax claridgeiae Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax clermontiae Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax cognatus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax čárka Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax consanguineus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax consobrinus Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax constrictus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax contractus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax convexicollis (Emden, 1937)
- Mecyclothorax convexus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax cooki Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax cordaticollaris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax cordaticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax cordicollis (Sloane, 1900)
- Mecyclothorax cordithorax Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax crassuloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax crassulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax crassus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax cuccodoroi Baehr, 2002
- Mecyclothorax cupreoides Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax cupreus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax cupripennis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax curtimutinus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax curtipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax curtisi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax curtus (Sloane, 1895)
- Mecyclothorax cymindicus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax cymindoides Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax cymindulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax dannieae Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax daptinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax debiliceps Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax debilis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dentatus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax deverilli (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax discedens (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dispar Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax doesburgi Louwerens, 1949
- Mecyclothorax ducalis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dunbarorum Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax ehu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax eipomeki Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax eliti Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax euryoides Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax everardi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ewingi Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax excavatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax exilioides Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax exilis Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax externestriatus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax eyrensis (Blackburn, 1892)
- Mecyclothorax fairmairei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax fatata Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax fefemata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ferovipennis Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax ferruginosus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax filipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax filipoides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax filitarsis Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax flavipes Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax flaviventris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax flavolateralis Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax flavomarginatus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax fleutiauxi (Jeannel, 1944)
- Mecyclothorax footei Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax fortis (Blackburn, 1889)
- Mecyclothorax fosbergi Perrault, 1979
- Mecyclothorax fosbergioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax foveolatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax foveopunctatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax funebris Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax fuscus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax gagnei Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax geminatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax georgettae Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gerardi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax giffardi Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax giffini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax globicollis (Mandl, 1969)
- Mecyclothorax globosoides Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax globosus (Britton, 1948)
- Mecyclothorax globulosus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gourvesi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gourvesioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax goweri Moore, 1992
- Mecyclothorax gracilicollis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax granulatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax granulipennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax gressitti Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax haleakalae (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax hamatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax haydeni Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax hemisphaericus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax hephaestoides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax hephaestus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax hoeahiti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax howei Moore, 1992
- Mecyclothorax hunapopoti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax impressionipennis Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax improcerus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax impunctatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax inaequalis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax nekompozitní Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax inconscriptus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax inflatus inflatus Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax inflatus spinifer Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax insolitus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax invictus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax invisitatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax interruptus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothoraxregularis Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax iteratus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax jarrigei Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax jeanneli Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax jeanyvesi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax jiwikae Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax joni Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax julianae Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax kahalawaiae Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax kanak Moore & Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax karschi (Blackburn, 1882)
- Mecyclothorax kaukukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax kaumakani Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kavanaughi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax kayballae Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax kipahulu Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kipwilli Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kokone Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax konanus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax konemata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax krushelnyckyi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kubor Baehr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax kuiki Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax lackneri Baehr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax laetus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax laevilateralis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax lahainae Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax langdae Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax lateralis (Castelnau, 1867)
- Mecyclothorax laterobustus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterorectus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterosinuatus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterovatulus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax latissimus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax latus Liebherr, 2007
- Lemur Mecyclothorax Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax lewisensis Moore, 1984
- Mecyclothorax lewisensis uncinatus Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax lisae Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax lissopterus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax lissus (Andrewes, 1933)
- Mecyclothorax lobatus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax loebli Baehr, 2002
- Mecyclothorax longidux Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax longulus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax lophoides (Chaudoir, 1854)
- Mecyclothorax lyratus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax macrops (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax mahatahi Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax mahina Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax major Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax manautei Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax manina Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax maninamata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax maninapopoti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax manducus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mapo Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax mapura Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax marau Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax marginatus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax mauiae Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax maunakukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax medeirosi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax medioconstrictus Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax megalovatulus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax menemene Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax micans (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax microps Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax minimops Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax minor Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax minutus (Castelnau, 1867)
- Mecyclothorax molokaiae (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax molops (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax montanus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax monteithi Moore, 1985
- Mecyclothorax montivagus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax moorei Baehr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax mordax Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mordicus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mouensis Moore & Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax multipunctatus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax mundanus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax muriauxi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax najtae Deuve, 1987
- Mecyclothorax nanunctus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax negrei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax niho Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ninamu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax niobe Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax nitidus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax notobscuricornis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax nubicola (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax oahuensis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax oaoa Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax obscuricolor (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax obscuricornis Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax obscurus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax obtuseangulatus Baehr, 2014
- Mecyclothorax obtusus Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax occultus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax octavius Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax oculatus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax oculellus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ommatoplax Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax oopteroides Liebherr & Marris, 2009
- Mecyclothorax oppenheimeri Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax orbiculus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax otagoensis Liebherr & Marris, 2009
- Mecyclothorax ovalipennis Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax ovalis Sloane, 1915
- Mecyclothorax ovatulus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax ovipennis Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax paahonu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax pahere Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax palikea Liebherr & Krushelnycky, 2011
- Mecyclothorax pallidus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax palustris (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax palustroides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax paniensis Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax papau Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax papuhiti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax paradoxus (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax paraglobosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax paraltiusculus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax parapicalis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax parovalipennis Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax patagiatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax patulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax pau Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax pele (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax pelops Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax perivariipes Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax perkinsi (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax perkinsianus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax perpolitus Perkins, 1917
- Mecyclothorax perseveratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax perstriatus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax peryphoides (Blackburn, 1889)
- Mecyclothorax picdupinsensis Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax pirihao Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax pitohitiensis Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax planatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax planipennis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax destičky Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax platysminus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax polhemusi Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax pomarei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax poouli Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax popotioaoa Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax poria Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax poro Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax profondestriatus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax pseudaltiusculus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax punakukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax punctatostriatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax punctatus (Sloane, 1895)
- Mecyclothorax punctatus peckorum Baehr, 2016
- Mecyclothorax punctipennis (Macleay, 1871)
- Mecyclothorax purpuripennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax pusillus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax putaputa Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax quadraticollis Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax rahimata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ramagei Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ramsdalei Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax rectangulus Louwerens, 1953
- Mecyclothorax refulgens Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax reiteratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax rex Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax riedeli Baehr, 1992
- Mecyclothorax robustus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax rotundatus Lorenz, 1998
- Mecyclothorax rotundicollis (White, 1846)
- Mecyclothorax rufipennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax rusticus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax sabulicola (Britton, 1948)
- Mecyclothorax sapei Baehr, 1995
- Mecyclothorax satyrus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax scapulatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax scarites Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax scaritoides (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax sculptonotatus (Enderlein, 1909)
- Mecyclothorax sedlaceki Darlington, 1971
- Mecyclothorax semistriatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax sharpi Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax simiolus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax simpulum Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax sinuatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax sinuosus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax sobrinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax spinosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax splendidus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax stenolophinus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax storeyi Moore, 1984
- Mecyclothorax storeyi frerei Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax strigosus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax striatopunctatus Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax subater Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax subconstrictus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax subquadratus Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax subsinuatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax subternus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax subtilis Britton & Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax subunctus (Perkins, 1917)
- Mecyclothorax superstriatus Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax swezeyi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax taatitore Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax tahitiensis Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax taiarapu Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax takumiae Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax tantalus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax tauberorum Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax teatara Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax tihotii Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax timberlakei Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax toretore Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax toxopei Darlington, 1962
- Mecyclothorax trisetifer Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax tuberculatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax tuea Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax tutei Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax uncinus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax unctus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax ustulatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax vaifaufa Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax variipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax vicinus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax villiersi Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax viridis Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax vitreus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax vulcanoides Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax vulcanus (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax waikamoi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax wallisi Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax williamsi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax xestos Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax zimmermani Perrault, 1978
- ^ James K. Liebherr (2011). „The Mecyclothorax brouci (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) ze západního Maui na Havaji: taxonomie, biogeografie a ochrana přírody “. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 58 (1): 15–76. doi:10,1002 / mmnd.201100005.
- ^ "Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 ". Carabidae světa. 2015. Citováno 24. prosince 2015.
- ^ Liebherr, James K. (2015). Brouci Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) z Haleakaly, Maui: klíčový kámen hyperdiverzního havajského záření. ZooKeys 544.CS1 maint: umístění (odkaz)
- ^ Liebherr, James K. (2013). "The Mecyclothorax brouci (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) z Tahiti, Společenské ostrovy". ZooKeys (322): 170 stran doi:10,3897 / zookeys.322.5492. PMC 3760220. PMID 24003312.
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- ^ Baehr, Martin (2003). "Psydrine střevlíci (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae), s výjimkou Amblytelini, východních Queenslandských deštných pralesů. 65–109". Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 49: 65–109.
- ^ Liebherr, James K. (2017). "Recenze Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) z Papuy-Nové Guineje s popisy pěti nových druhů". Bulletin Coleopterists. 71 (4): 679–703. doi:10.1649 / 0010-065x-71.4.679.
- ^ Liebherr, James K. (2018). „Kladistická klasifikace Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) a taxonomická revize novokaledonského podrodu Phacothorax Jeannel“. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 65: 1–63. doi:10,3897 / dez.65,21000.
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