Seznam školních čtvrtí ve Vermontu - List of school districts in Vermont
Tohle je kompletní seznam školní obvody v Vermont, seřazeno podle abecedy. Union školské obvody se nutně překrývají (zahrnují) jiné, často městské nebo vesnické školní obvody.
Abecední seznam
- Addison Central Supervisory Union - Middlebury, Addison County
- Addison Northeast Supervisory Union - Bristol, Addison County
- Addison Northwest Supervisory Union - Vergennes, Addison County
- Addison Rutland Kontrolní unie - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Addison School District - Addison, Addison County
- Albany School District - Albany, okres Orleans
- Alburg School District - Alburg, okres Grand Isle
- Školní čtvrť Andover - Chester, okres Windsor
- Arlingtonská školní čtvrť - Arlington, okres Bennington
- Aténská školní čtvrť - Bellows Falls, Windham County
- Aténská / Graftonská školní čtvrť - Grafton, okres Windham
- Averill School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Školní čtvrť Averys Gore - Canaan, okres Essex
- Bakersfield School District - Bakersfield, Franklin County
- Baltimore School District - Chester, okres Windsor
- Barnard School District - Barnard, hrabství Windsor
- Barnet School District - Barnet, kraj Kaledonie
- Barre City School District - Barre, okres Washington
- Barre dozorčí unie - Barre, okres Washington
- Barre Town School District - Barre, okres Washington
- Barstow Joint Contract School District - Chittenden, okres Rutland
- Barton Incorporated School District - Barton, okres Orleans
- Battenkill Valley Supervisory Union - Arlington, okres Bennington
- Bellows Falls Union High School District 27 - Bellows Falls, Windham County
- Bellows Free Academy Union High School District 48 - St. Albans, okres Franklin
- Belvidere School District - Belvidere, okres Lamoille
- Školní čtvrť Bennington Incorporated - Bennington, okres Bennington
- Bennington Rutland dozorčí unie - Sunderland, Bennington County
- Benson School District - Benson, okres Rutland
- Berkshire School District - Richford, Franklin County
- Berlínská školní čtvrť - Berlín, okres Washington
- Školní čtvrť Bethel - Bethel, okres Windsor
- Black River Unified School District 39 - Ludlow, okres Windsor
- Bloomfield School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Dozorčí okres Blue Mountain - Wells River, Orange County
- Sjednocená školní čtvrť Blue Mountain 21 - Wells River, Orange County
- Bolton School District - Bolton, okres Chittenden
- Bradford Incorporated School District - Bradford, Orange County
- Braintree School District - Braintree, okres Orange
- Brandon School District - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Školní čtvrť Brattleboro - Brattleboro, okres Windham
- Brattleboro Union High School District 6 - Brattleboro, okres Windham
- Bridgewater School District - Bridgewater, Windsor County
- Bridport School District - Bridport, Addison County
- Brighton School District - Ostrovní rybník, okres Essex
- Bristolská školní čtvrť - Bristol, Addison County
- Brookfield School District - Brookfield, Orange County
- Brookline School District - Brookline, okres Windham
- Smlouva o společné škole Brookline / Newfane - Newfane, okres Windham
- Brownington School District - Brownington, okres Orleans
- Brunswick School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Buels Gore School District - Richmond, okres Chittenden
- Burke School District - West Burke, kraj Kaledonie
- Burlington School District - Burlington, okres Chittenden
- Burlingtonský dozorčí obvod - Burlington, okres Chittenden
- Cabot School District - Cabot, okres Washington
- Calais School District - Plainfield, okres Washington
- Caledonia Central Supervisory Union - Danville, kraj Caledonia
- Kaledonská severní dozorčí unie - Lyndonville, kraj Caledonia
- Cambridge School District - Jeffersonville, okres Lamoille
- Canaan School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Castleton School District - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Castleton-Hubbardton Union School District 42 - Castleton, okres Rutland
- Cavendish School District - Proctorville, okres Windsor
- Champlain Valley Union High School District 15 - Hinesburg, okres Chittenden
- Charleston School District - West Charleston, okres Orleans
- Charlotte School District - Charlotte, okres Chittenden
- Chelsea School District - Chelsea, Orange County
- Chester School District - Chester, okres Windsor
- Chester-Andover Unified School District 29 - Chester, okres Windsor
- Chittenden Central Union Supervisory Union - Essex Junction, okres Crittenden
- Chittenden East Supervisory Union - Richmond, okres Chittenden
- Chittenden School District - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Chittenden South Supervisory Union - Shelburne, okres Chittenden
- Clarendon School District - North Claredon, okres Rutland
- Colchester School District - Colchester, okres Chittenden
- Colchester Supervisory District - Colchester, okres Chittenden
- Concord School District - Concord, hrabství Essex
- Corinth School District - Bradford, Orange County
- Corwall School District - Cornwall, Addison County
- Coventry School District - Coventry, okres Orleans
- Craftsbury School District d.b.a. Craftsbury školy - Craftsbury Commons, Orleans County
- Currier Memorial Unified School District 23 - Danby, okres Rutland
- Danby School District - Manchester Center, Bennington County
- Danville School District - Danville, kraj Caledonia
- Derby School District - Derby Line, Orleans County
- Školní čtvrť Dorset - Dorset, okres Bennington
- Dover School District - East Dover, okres Windham
- Dummerston School District - East Dummerston, okres Windham
- Duxbury School District - Waitsfield, Washington County
- Duxbury / Waterbury Union School District 45 - Duxbury, Washington County
- Školní čtvrť East Haven - East Haven, okres Essex
- Školní čtvrť East Montpelier - East Montpelier, okres Washington
- Eden School District - Eden, okres Lamoille
- Elmore School District - Jezero Elmore, okres Lamoille
- Enosburgh Town School District - Enosburg Falls, Franklin County
- Essex Caledonia Supervisory Union - Concord, hrabství Essex
- Essex Junction Incorporated školní čtvrť - Essex Junction, okres Chittenden
- Essex North Supervisory Union - Canaan, okres Essex
- Městská školní čtvrť v Essexu - Essex Junction, okres Chittenden
- Dozorčí obvod města Essex - Essex Junction, okres Chittenden
- Fair Haven School District - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Fair Haven Union High School District 16 - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Fairfax School District - Fairfax, okres Franklin
- Fairfield School District - Fairfield, Franklin County
- Fayston School District - Fayston, okres Washington
- Ferdinandova školní čtvrť - Newport, okres Orleans
- Ferrisburg School District - Ferrisburgh, Addison County
- Fletcher School District - Cambridge, Franklin County
- 20. školní čtvrť Flood Brook Union - Londonderry, okres Windham
- Franklin Central Supervisory Union - St. Albans, okres Franklin
- Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union - Richford, Franklin County
- Franklin Northwest Supervisory Union - Swanton, Franklin County
- Franklin School District - Franklin, Franklin County
- Franklin West Supervisory Union - Fairfax, okres Franklin
- Georgia School District - St. Albans, Franklin County
- Glastenbury School District - Bennington, okres Bennington
- Školní čtvrť Glover - Glover, okres Orleans
- Goshen School District - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Grafton School District - Grafton, okres Windham
- Granby School District - Granby, okres Essex
- Školní čtvrť Grand Isle - Grand Isle, Grand Isle County
- Grand Isle Supervisory Union - Grand Isle, Grand Isle County
- Granville School District - Granville, Addison County
- Společný smluvní okres Granville / Hancock - Granville, Addison County
- Green Mountain Union High School District 35 - Chester, okres Windsor
- Greensboro School District - Hardwick, hrabství Caledonia
- Groton School District - Wells River, Orange County
- Guildhall School District - Guildhall, okres Essex
- Guilford School District - Guilford, okres Windham
- Halifax School District - West Halifax, okres Windham
- Hancock School District - Hancock, Addison County
- Hardwick School District - Hardwick, hrabství Caledonia
- Hartford School District - White River Junction, Windsor County
- Hartfordský dozorčí obvod - Wilder, hrabství Windsor
- Hartland School District - Hartland, okres Windsor
- Harwood Union High School District 19 - Duxbury, Washington County
- Hazen Union High School District 26 - Hardwick, hrabství Caledonia
- Highgate School District - Highgate Center, Franklin County
- Hinesburg School District - Hinesburg, okres Chittenden
- Holland School District - Derby Line, Orleans County
- Hubbardton School District - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Huntington School District - Huntingdon, okres Chittenden
- Hyde Park School District - Hyde Park, okres Lamoille
- Ira School District - Poultney, okres Rutland
- Irasburg School District - Irasburg, okres Orleans
- Školní čtvrť Isle La Motte - Ostrov La Motte, okres Grand Isle
- Jamajská školní čtvrť - Jamajka, okres Windham
- Jay School District - Newport, okres Orleans
- Jay / Westfield Joint Elementary School District - Jay, Orleans County
- Školní čtvrť Jericho - Jericho, okres Chittenden
- Johnson School District - Johnson, Lamoille County
- Kirby School District - Concord, hrabství Essex
- Lake Region Union High School District 24 - Orleans, okres Orleans[je zapotřebí objasnění ]
- Lakeview Union School District 43 - Greensboro, okres Orleans
- Lamoille North Supervisory Union - Hyde Park, okres Lamoille
- Lamoille South Supervisory Union - Morrisville, okres Lamoille
- Lamoille Union High School District 18 - Hyde Park, okres Lamoille
- Landgrove School District - Chester, okres Windsor
- Leicester School District - Leicester, Addison County
- Střední školní čtvrť Leland and Gray Union 34 - Townshend, okres Windham
- Lemington School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Lewis School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Lincoln School District - Lincoln, Addison County
- Školní čtvrť Londonderry - Chester, okres Windsor
- Lowell School District - Lowell, okres Orleans
- Ludlow School District - Ludlow, okres Windsor
- Lunenburg School District - Gilman, kraj Essex
- Lyndon School District - Lyndonville, kraj Caledonia
- Maidstone School District - Concord, hrabství Essex
- Manchester School District - Manchester Center, Bennington County
- Marlboro School District - Marlboro, okres Windham
- Marshfield School District - Plainfield, okres Washington
- Mendon School District - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Komunitní škola Mettawee - West Pawlet, okres Rutland
- Middlebury Incorporated School District - Middlebury, Addison County
- Middlebury Union High School District 3 - Middlebury, Addison County
- Middlesex School District - Middlesex, okres Washington
- Middletown Springs School District - Middletown Springs, okres Rutland
- Mill River Unified School District 40 - North Clarendon, okres Rutland
- Millers Run Unified School District 37 - Sheffield, hrabství Caledonia
- Milton Incorporated School District - Milton, okres Chittenden
- Miltonský dozorčí obvod - Milton, okres Chittenden
- Missisquoi Valley Union High School District 7 - Swanton, Franklin County
- Monkton School District - Monkton, Addison County
- Montgomery School District - Montgomery Center, Franklin County
- Montpelier School District - Montpelier, okres Washington
- Montpelierský dozorčí obvod - Montpelier, okres Washington
- Školní čtvrť Moretown - Moretown, Washington County
- Morgan School District - Morgan, okres Orleans
- Morristown School District - Morrisville, Lamoille County
- Mount Abraham Union High School District 28 - Bristol, Addison County
- Mount Anthony Union High School District 14 - Bennington, okres Bennington
- Mount Holly School District - Mount Holly, okres Rutland
- Mount Mansfield Unified School District 17 - Jericho, okres Chittenden
- Mount Tabor School District - Manchester Center, Bennington County
- Školní čtvrť New Haven - New Haven, Addison County
- Školní čtvrť Newark - Newark v hrabství Caledonia
- Školní čtvrť v Newbury - Newbury, Orange County
- Školní čtvrť Newfane - Newfane, okres Windham
- Školní čtvrť Newport City - Newport, okres Orleans
- Školní čtvrť města Newport - Newport Center, Orleans County
- North Bennington Incorporated School District - North Bennington, okres Bennington
- North Country Junior Union High School District 22 - Derby, okres Orleans
- North Country Senior Union High School District 22 - Newport, okres Orleans
- North Country Union Supervisory Union - Newport, okres Orleans
- North Hero School District - Severní hrdina, okres Grand Isle
- Výukové služby pro severovýchodní království - Newport, okres Orleans
- Northfield School District - Northfield, Washington County
- Norton School District - Norton, okres Orleans
- Norwich School District - Norwich, okres Windsor
- Orange East Supervisory Union - Bradford, Orange County
- Orange North Supervisory Union - South Barre, Orange County
- Orange School District - East Barre, Orange County
- Orange Jihozápadní dozorčí unie - Randolph, Orange County
- Orange Windsor Supervisory Union - South Royalton, okres Windsor
- Orleánská centrální dozorčí unie - Orleans, okres Orleans
- Orleans Incorporated School District - Orleans, okres Orleans
- Orgán dohledu nad Jihozápadem - Hardwick, hrabství Caledonia
- Orwell School District - Orwell, Addison County
- Okres střední školy Otter Valley Union 8 - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Oxbow Union High School District 30 - Bradford, Orange County
- Panton School District - Vergennes, Addison County
- Patricia Hannaford Career Center School District - Middlebury, Addison County
- Pawlet School District - Manchester Center, Bennington County
- Peacham School District - Peacham, kraj Caledonia
- Peru školní čtvrť - Chester, okres Windsor
- Pittsfield School District - Bethel, okres Windsor
- Pittsford School District - Pittsford, okres Rutland
- Plainfield School District - Plainfield, okres Washington
- Školní čtvrť Plymouth - Plymouth, okres Windsor
- Pomfret School District - South Pomfret, Windsor County
- Poultney School District - Poultney, okres Rutland
- Pownal School District - Pownal, okres Bennington
- Proctor School District - Proctor, Rutland County
- Putney School District - Putney, okres Windham
- Randolph School District - Randolph, Orange County
- Randolph Union High School District 2 - Randolph, Orange County
- Čtení School District - Reading, Windsor County
- Readsboro School District - Readsboro, okres Bennington
- Richford School District - Richford, Franklin County
- Richmond School District - Richmond, okres Chittenden
- Ripton School District - Ripton, Addison County
- Rivendell Interstate School District - West Fairlee, Orange County
- Rochester School District - Rochester, okres Windsor
- Rockingham School District - Bellows Falls, Windham County
- Roxbury School District - Roxbury, okres Washington
- Royalton School District - South Royalton, okres Windsor
- Rupert School District - Manchester Center, Bennington County
- Rutlandská centrální dozorčí unie - Rutland, okres Rutland
- Rutland City School District - Rutland, okres Rutland
- Dozorčí obvod města Rutland - Rutland, okres Rutland
- Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union - Brandon, okres Rutland
- Rutland South Supervisory Union - North Claredon, okres Rutland
- Rutland Southwest Supervisory Union - Poultney, okres Rutland
- Rutland Town School District - Rutland Town, Rutland County
- Rutland Windsor Supervisory Union - Ludlow, okres Windsor
- Ryegate School District - Wells River, Orange County
- Městská školní čtvrť v Saint Albans - St. Albans, Franklin County
- Městská školní čtvrť v Saint Albans - St. Albans, okres Franklin
- Školní čtvrť Saint George - Shelburne, okres Chittenden
- Školní čtvrť Saint Johnsbury - Saint Johnsbury, okres Caledonia
- Dozorčí čtvrť Saint Johnsbury - Saint Johnsbury, okres Caledonia
- Salisbury School District - Salisbury, Addison County
- Sandgate School District - Arlington, okres Bennington
- Školní správní jednotka 70 - Hannover, okres Grafton
- Searsburg School District - Wilmington, okres Windham
- Škola Shaftsbury - Shaftsbury, Bennington County
- Sharon School District - Sharon, hrabství Windsor
- Sheffield School District - Lyndonville, kraj Caledonia
- Školní čtvrť Shelburne - Shelburne, okres Crittenden
- Sheldon School District - Sheldon, Franklin County
- Školní čtvrť města Sherburne - Killington, okres Rutland
- Shoreham School District - Shoreham, Addison County
- Shrewsbury School District - Cuttingsville, okres Rutland
- Somerset School District - Wilmington, okres Windham
- South Burlington School District - South Burlington, okres Chittenden
- Dozorčí okres South Burlington - South Burlington, okres Chittenden
- South Hero School District - Jižní hrdina, okres Grand Isle
- Jihozápadní Vermontská dozorčí unie - Bennington, okres Bennington
- Spaulding Union High School District 41 - Barre, okres Washington
- Springfield School District - Springfield, okres Windsor
- Springfieldský dozorčí obvod - Springfield, okres Windsor
- Stamford School District - Stamford, okres Bennington
- Stannard School District - Hardwick, hrabství Caledonia
- Školní čtvrť Starksboro - Starksboro, Addison County
- Stockbridge School District - Stockbridge, okres Windsor
- Stowe School District - Stowe, okres Lamoille
- Strafford School District - South Strafford, Orange County
- Stratton School District - Newfane, okres Windham
- Sudbury School District - Sudbury, okres Rutland
- Sunderland School District - Sunderland, Bennington County
- Sutton School District - Sutton, kraj Kaledonie
- Swanton School District - Swanton, Franklin County
- Thetford School District - Thetford, Orange County
- Tinmouth School District - Tinmouth, okres Rutland
- Topsham School District - Bradford, Orange County
- Townshend School District - Townshend, okres Windham
- Školní čtvrť Troy - North Troy, okres Orleans
- Tunbridge School District - Tunbridge, Orange County
- Twinfield Union School District 33 - Plainfield, okres Washington
- Union High School District 32 - Montpelier, okres Washington
- Underhill Incorporated School District - Jericho, okres Chittenden
- Underhill Town School District - Underhill Center, okres Chittenden
- Školní čtvrť Vergennes Incorporated - Vergennes, Addison County
- Vergennes Union Elementary School District 44 - Vergennes, Addison County
- Vergennes Union High School District 5 - Vergennes, Addison County
- Vernon School District - Vernon, okres Windham
- Školní čtvrť vítězství - Concord, hrabství Essex
- Waits River Valley Unified School District 36 - East Corinth, Orange County
- Waitsfield School District - Waitsfield, Washington County
- Walden School District - Walden, kraj Caledonia
- Wallingford School District - Wallingford, okres Rutland
- Waltham School District - Vergennes, Addison County
- Školní čtvrť Wardsboro - Wardsboro, okres Windham
- Warners Grant School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Warren School District - Warren, okres Washington
- Warrens Grant School District - Canaan, okres Essex
- Washingtonská centrální dozorčí unie - Montpelier, okres Washington
- Washington Northeast Supervisory Union - Plainfield, okres Washington
- Washington School District - Washington, Orange County
- Washington South Union Supervisory Union - Northfield, Washington County
- Washington West dozorčí unie - Waitsfield, Washington County
- Waterbury School District - Waitsfield, Washington County
- Waterford School District - Waterford, hrabství Caledonia
- Waterville School District - Waterville, okres Lamoille
- Školní čtvrť Weathersfield - Ascutney, Windsor County
- Školní čtvrť Wells River - Wells River, Orange County
- Wells School District - Wells, hrabství Rutland
- Školní čtvrť West Haven - Fair Haven, okres Rutland
- Školní čtvrť West Rutland - West Rutland, Rutland County
- Školní čtvrť West Windsor - Brownsville, Windsor County
- Westfield School District - Newport, okres Orleans
- Westford School District - Westford, okres Chittenden
- Westminster School District - Westminster, okres Windham
- Školní čtvrť Westmore - Orleans, okres Orleans
- Weston School District - Chester, okres Windsor
- Weybridge School District - Middlebury, Addison County
- Wheelock School District - Lyndonville, Kaledonie
- Whiting School District - Whiting, Addison County
- Whitingham School District - Jacksonville, Windham County
- Whitingham / Wilmington Joint School District - Jacksonville, Windham County
- Williamstown School District - Williamstown, Orange County
- Williston School District - Williston, okres Chittenden
- Školní čtvrť Wilmington - Wilmington, okres Windham
- Windham Central Supervisory Union[1] - Townshend, okres Windham
- Windham Northeast Supervisory Union - Bellows Falls, Windham County
- Windham School District - Windham, okres Windham
- Windham Southeast Supervisory Union - Brattleboro, okres Windham
- Windham Southwest Supervisory Union - Wilmington, okres Windham
- Windsor Central Supervisory Union - Woodstock, okres Windsor
- Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union - Pittsfield, okres Rutland
- Školní čtvrť Windsor - Windsor, okres Windsor
- Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union - Windsor, okres Windsor
- Windsor Southwest Supervisory Union - Chester, okres Windsor
- Winhall School District - Newfane, okres Windham
- Školní čtvrť Winooski - Winooski, okres Chittenden
- Dozorčí obvod Winooski - Winooski, okres Chittenden
- Wolcott School District - Wolcott, okres Lamoille
- Školní čtvrť Woodbury - Woodbury, okres Washington
- Woodford School District - Bennington, okres Bennington
- Školní čtvrť Woodstock - Woodstock, okres Windsor
- Střední škola Woodstock Union 4 - Woodstock, okres Windsor
- Worcester School District - Worcester, okres Washington
- ^ „Windham Central Supervisory Union“. Citováno 2012-08-28.