Seznam můr Indie (Sphingidae) - List of moths of India (Sphingidae)

Theretra nessus, jestřáb můra dovnitř Národní park Mudumalai, Tamil Nadu, Indie
Tohle je seznam můr z čeledi Sphingidae které se nacházejí v Indie. Působí také jako rejstřík k druhovým článkům a je součástí celého Seznam můr v Indii. Seznam je ve vývoji.
Podčeleď Sfinginy
Rod Agrius
- Agrius convolvuli Linné 1758
Rod Megakorma
- Megacorma obliqua Rothschild & Jordan 1903
Rod Acherontia
- Acherontia lachesis Fabricius 1798
- Acherontia styx Westwood 1848
Rod Meganoton
- Meganoton analis C. Felder a R. Felder
- Meganoton nyctiphanes Walker 1856
- Meganoton rubescens Butler 1875
Rod Psilogramma
- Psilogramma increta Walker 1865
- Psilogramma menephron Cramer 1780
Rod Apokalypsa
- Apocalypsis velox Butler 1876
Rod Pseudodolbina
- Pseudodolbina fo Walker 1856
- Pseudodolbina aequalis Rothschild & Jordan 1903
Rod Thamnoecha
- Thamnoecha uniformis Butler 1875
Rod Pentateucha
- Pentateucha curiosa Swinhoe 1908
Rod Dolbina
- Dolbina grisea Hampson 1893
- Dolbina inexacta Walker 1856
Podčeleď Smerinthinae
Rod Amplypterus
- Amplypterus panopus Cramer 1779
- Amplypterus mansoni Clark 1924
Rod Ambulyx
- Ambulyx sericeipennis Butler 1875
- Ambulyx placida Moore 1888
- Ambulyx semiplacida Inoue 1990
- Ambulyx maculifera Walker 1866
- Ambulyx lahora Butler 1875
- Ambulyx ochracea Butler 1885
- Ambulyx matti Jordan 1923
- Ambulyx belli Jordan 1923
- Ambulyx liturata Butler 1875
- Ambulyx substrigilis Westwood 1848
- Ambulyx canescens Walker 1864
- Ambulyx moorei Moore 1858
- Ambulyx auripennis Moore 1879
- Ambulyx lestradei Cadiou 1998
- Ambulyx sinjaevi Brechlin, 1998
- Ambulyx tobii Inoue 1996
Rod Clanis
- Clanis bilineata Walker 1866
- Clanis undulosa Moore 1879
- Clanisův deucalion Walker 1856
- Clanis phalaris Cramer 1777
- Clanis titan Rothschild & Jordan 1903
Rod Leucophlebia
- Leucophlebia lineata Westwood 1847
- Leucophlebia emittens Walker 1866
- Leucophlebia rosacea Butler 1875
Rod Polyptychus
- Polyptychus trilineatus Moore 1888
- Polyptychus dentatus Cramer 1777
Rod Marumba
- Marumba harutai Eitschberger & Ihle 2012
- Marumba cristata Butler 1875
- Marumba spectabilis Butler 1875
- Marumba dyras Walker 1856
- Marumba sperchius Ménétriés 1857
- Marumba nympha Rothschild & Jordan 1903
- Marumba indicus Walker 1856
- Marumba poliotis Hampson 1907
Rod Morwennius
- Morwennius decoratus Moore 1872
Rod Daphnusa
- Daphnusa sinocontinentalis Brechlin 2009
Rod Langia
- Langia zenzeroides Moore 1872
Rod Rhodoprasina
- Rhodoprasina floralis Butler 1876
- Rhodoprasina callantha Jordan 1929
- Rhodoprasina koerferi Brechlin, 2010
Rod Clanidopsis
- Clanidopsis exusta Butler 1875
Rod Agnosia
- Agnosia orneus Westwood 1847
- Agnosia microta Hampson 1907
Rod Craspedortha
- Craspedortha porphyria Butler 1877
Rod Cypa
- Cypa uniformis Mell 1922
- Cypa dekor Walker 1856
- Cypa enodis Jordan 1931
- Cypa ferruginea Walker, 1865
Rod Cypoidy
- Cypoides parachinensis Brechlin 2009
Rod Smerinthulus
- Smerinthulus perversa Rothschild 1895
Rod Degmaptera
- Degmaptera mirabilis Rothschild 1894
Rod Callambulyx
- Callambulyx rubricosa Walker 1856
- Callambulyx junonia Butler 1881
- Callambulyx poecilus Rothschild 1898
Rod Anambulyx
- Anambulyx elwesi Druce 1882
Rod Smerinthus
- Smerinthus kindermannii Lederer 1852
Rod Phyllosphingia
- Phyllosphingia dissimilis Bremer 1861
Rod Sataspy
- Sataspes infernalis Westwood 1848
- Sataspes xylocoparis Butler 1875
- Sataspes tagalica Boisduval 1875
- Sataspes scotti Jordan 1926
Podčeleď Macroglossinae
Rod Hemaris
- Hemaris rubra Hampson 1893
- Hemaris ducalis Staudinger 1887
- Hemaris fuciformis Linné 1758
- Hemaris saundersii Walker 1856
Rod Cephonodes
- Cephonodes hylas Linné 1771
- Cephonodes picus Cramer 1777
Rod Gnathothlibus
- Gnathothlibus erotus Cramer 1777
Rod Daphnis
- Daphnis nerii Linné 1758
- Daphnis hypothous Cramer 1780
- Daphnis layardii Moore 1882
- Daphnis placida Walker 1856
- Daphnis minima Butler 1977
Rod Dahira
- Dahira rubiginosa Moore 1888
- Dahira obliquifascia Hampson 1910
- Dahira yunnanfuana Clark 1925
- Dahira marisae Schnitzler & Stüning 2009
- Dahira tridens Oberthür 1904
Rod Ampelophaga
- Ampelophaga rubiginosa Bremer & Gray 1852
- Ampelophaga khasiana Rothschild 1895
- Ampelophaga thomasi Cadiou & Kitching 1998
- Ampelophaga dolichoides Felder 1874
Rod Elibia
- Elibia dolichus Westwood 1847
Rod Acosmerycoides
- Acosmerycoides harterti Rothschild 1895
Rod Acosmeryx
- Acosmeryx anceus Stoll 1781
- Acosmeryx naga Moore 1857
- Acosmeryx sericeus Walker 1856
- Acosmeryx omissa Rothschild & Jordan 1903
- Acosmeryx shervillii Boisduval 1875
- Acosmeryx pseudonaga Butler 1881
Rod Eupanacra
- Eupanacra busiris Walker 1856
- Eupanacra automedon Walker 1856
- Eupanacra regularis Butler 1875
- Eupanacra variolosa Walker 1856
- Eupanacra sinuata Rothschild & Jordan 1903
- Eupanacra metallica Butler 1875
- Eupanacra perfecta Butler 1875
- Eupanacra mydon Walker 1856
- Eupanacra malayana Rothschild & Jordan 1903
Rod Angonyx
- Angonyx testacea Walker 1856
- Angonyx Krišna Eitschberger & Haxaire, 2006
Rod Enpinanga
- Enpinanga assamensis Walker 1856
- Enpinanga borneensis Butler 1879
Rod Cizara
- Cizara sculpta C. Felder a R. Felder 1874
Rod Nephele
- Nephele hespera Fabricius 1775
Rod Neogurelca
- Neogurelca masuriensis Butler 1875
- Neogurelca hyas Walker 1856
- Neogurelca himachala Kirby 1892
- Neogurelca montana Jordan 1915
Rod Sphingonaepiopsis
- Sphingonaepiopsis pumilio Boisduval 1875
Rod Eurypteryx
- Eurypteryx bhaga Moore 1865
Rod Hayesiana
- Hayesiana triopus Westwood 1847
Rod Macroglossum
- Macroglossum affictitia Butler, 1875 (= M. vialis Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum aquila Boisduval, 1875 (= M. interrupta Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum assimilis Swainson, 1821 (= M. belia Hampson, [1893]; bengalensis Boisduval, [1875]; gilia Herrich-Schäffer, [1854] Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum avicula Boisduval, [1875] poznámka: Kitching & Cadiou (2000) poznamenávají, že tento druh pravděpodobně není indický, protože se vyskytuje na Borneu, Jávě, Sumatře a na Filipínách
- Macroglossum belis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Macroglossum bombylans Boisduval, [1875] (= M. Walkeri Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum corythus Walker, 1856 (= M. proxima Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum faro (Cramer, 1780)
- Macroglossum fervens Butler, 1875
- Macroglossum glaucoptera Butler, 1875 (= M. lepcha Butler, 1876 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum gyrans Walker, 1856
- Macroglossum heliophila Boisduval, 1875 (= M. divergens Walker, 1856 Sensu Hampson, 1892; toto je srílanský poddruh M. heliophila (viz Kitching & Cadiou, 2000))
- Macroglossum hemichroma Butler, 1875
- Macroglossum insipida Butler 1875
- Macroglossum mitchellii Boisduval, [1875]
- Macroglossum mitchellii imperator Butler, 1875 (= M. imperator Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum passalus (Drury, 1773) (= M. rectifascia R. Felder, [1874] Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum regulus Boisduval, 1875 (= M. fervens Butler, 1875 Sensu Hampson, 1892)
- Macroglossum semifasciata Hampson, 1892 [1893]
- Macroglossum sitiene Walker, 1856
- Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758) (kolibřík jestřáb)
Rod Hyles
- Hyles nervosa Rothschild & Jordan 1903
- Hyles gallii Rottemburg 1775
- Hyles nicaea De Prunner 1798
- Hyles hrochy Esper 1789
- Hyles livornica Esper 1780
Rod Deilephila
- Deilephila elpenor Linné 1758
- Deilephila rivularis Boisduval 1875
Rod Hippotion
- Hippotion velox Fabricius 1793
- Hippotion celerio Linné 1758
- Hippotion echeclus Boisduval 1875
- Hippotion rafflesii Butler 1877
- Hippotion rosetta Swinhoe 1892
- Hippotion boerhaviae Fabricius 1775
Rod Theretra
- Theretra nessus Drury 1773
- Theretra boisduvali Bugnion 1839
- Theretra sumatrensis Joicey & Kaye 1917
- Theretra clotho Drury 1773
- Theretra gnoma Fabricius 1775
- Theretra latreillii W.S. MacLeay 1827
- Theretra alecto Linné 1758
- Theretra mansoni Clark 1924
- Theretra suffusa Walker 1856
- Theretra lycetus Cramer 1775
- Theretra oldenlandiae Fabricius 1775
- Theretra silhetensis Walker 1856
- Theretra griseomarginata Hampson 1898
- Theretra insignis Butler 1882
- Theretra pallicosta Walker 1856
- Theretra castanea Moore 1872
Rod Pergesa
- Pergesa acteus Cramer 1777
Rod Rhagastis
- Rhagastis velata Walker 1866
- Rhagastis acuta Walker 1856
- Rhagastis castor Walker 1856
- Rhagastis confusa Rothschild & Jordan 1903
- Rhagastis lunata Rothschild 1900
- Rhagastis olivacea Moore 1857
- Rhagastis albomarginatus Rothschild 1894
- Rhagastis gloriosa Butler 1875
Rod Cechenena
- Cechenena mirabilis Butler 1875
- Cechenena aegrota Butler 1875
- Čechenena helops Walker 1856
- Cechenena minor Butler 1875
- Cechenena lineosa Walker 1856
- Cechenena scotti Rothschild 1920
Viz také
- Cotes, E. C .; Swinhoe, C. (1887) Katalog můry Indie. Část 1 - Sphinges. Indické muzeum v Kalkatě.
- Hampson, G. F. et al. (1892–1937) Fauna Britské Indie, včetně Cejlonu a Barmy: Můry. Sv. 1-5 cxix + 2813 p - 1295 fíků - 1 tabulka - 15 pl (12 v sl.)
- Kitching, I.J. & Cadiou, J. M. (2000) Hawkmoths of the World: Annotated and Illustrated Revisionary Checklist. Cornell University Press. viii + 227 stran, 8 desek.
- Savela, Markku. „Sphingidae Latreille, 1802“. Lepidoptera a některé další formy života. Citováno 8. července 2007.
externí odkazy
- Pittaway, A. R .; Kitching, I. J. "Systematický seznam". Sphingidae východní palearktické. Citováno 15. prosince 2018.
- Beck, Jan; Kitching, Ian J. Sphingidae jihovýchodní Asie. Verze 1.6.
- "Hawk můry (Sphingidae)" Thaibugové. Archivovány 30. června 2007.