Seznam starostů Beverly v Massachusetts - List of mayors of Beverly, Massachusetts
Tohle je seznam minulosti a současnosti starostové z Beverly, Massachusetts.
Ne. | Obrázek | starosta | Období |
1 | John I. Baker | 1895–1895 | |
2 | Charles Odell | 1896–1896 | |
3 | Freeborn Cressy | 1897–1897 | |
4 | Perry Collier | 1898–1898 | |
5 | Benjamin D. Webber | 1899–1900 | |
6 | Samuel Cole | 1901–1902 | |
7 | Parker S. Davis | 1903–1904 | |
8 | Joseph A. Wallis | 1905–1906 | |
9 | S. Harvey Dow | 1907–1908 | |
10 | Charles Trowt | 1909–1910 | |
11 | Frederick Dodge | 1911–1912 | |
12 | Herman A. MacDonald | 1913–1916 | |
13 | James McPherson | 1917–1920 | |
14 | Frank D. Tuttle | 1921–1922 | |
15 | George H. Whittemore | 1923–1924 | |
16 | William Stopford | 1925–1928 | |
17 | Roy Patch | 1929–1930 | |
18 | James A. Torrey | 1931–1932 | |
19 | Paul S. Eaton | 1933–1934 | |
20 | James A. Torrey | 1935–1936 | |
21 | Daniel E. McLean | 1937–1948 | |
22 | Robert J. Rafferty | 1949–1950 | |
23 | Clarence Wilkinson | 1951–1957 | |
24 | Thomas J. Wickers, Jr. | 1958–1965 | |
25 | Carl V. Joslin | 1966–1967 | |
26 | James A. Vitale | 1968–1969 | |
27 | Herbert Grimes | 1970–1973 | |
28 | James A. Vitale | 1974–1977 | |
29 | Peter Fortunato | 1978–1983 | |
30 | F. John Monahan | 1984–1993 | |
31 | William F. Scanlon, Jr. | 1994–2001 | |
32 | Thomas M. Crean | 2002–2003 | |
33 | William F. Scanlon, Jr. | 2004–2013 | |
34 | Michael P. Cahill | 2014 – současnost |