Seznam střelných zbraní (B) - List of firearms (B)

Toto je seznam ruční palné zbraně -počítaje v to pistole, brokovnice, odstřelovací pušky, Samopaly, zbraně osobní obrany, útočné pušky, bojové pušky, určené střelecké pušky, karabiny, kulomety, plamenomety, vícehlavňové střelné zbraně, granátomety, a protitankové pušky —To zahrnuje varianty.


  • Bajkal
    • Pistole
      • Bajkal-441 (Sovětský svaz - poloautomatická pistole - 0,25 ACP: pistole PSM pro civilní trh)
      • Bajkal-442 (Sovětský svaz - poloautomatická pistole - 9 × 18 mm: civilní trh Makarov PM)
      • Baikal MCM (Sovětský svaz - poloautomatická pistole - 0,22 LR)
    • Pušky
    • Brokovnice
  • Bajouzutsu revolver
  • Baksan PDW (Rusko - Zbraň osobní obrany - 9 × 18 mm, vysoký impuls)
  • Puška Bang M1922 (USA, Dánsko - Poloautomatická puška - 6,5 mm Krag, 0,30-'06 Springfield)
  • Barrett Výroba střelných zbraní
    • Kulomety
    • Pušky
      • Barrett M82 (USA - poloautomatická protiletadlová puška - 0,50 BMG)
        • Barrett M82A1 (USA - poloautomatická protiletadlová puška - 0,50 BMG)
        • Barrett M82A2 (USA - poloautomatická protiletadlová puška - 0,50 BMG)
        • Barrett M82A3 (USA - poloautomatická protiletadlová puška - 0,50 BMG)
      • Barrett M90 (USA - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - 0,50 BMG)
      • Barrett M95 (USA - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - 0,50 BMG)
      • Barrett M98 (USA - poloautomatická odstřelovací puška - 0,338 Lapua Magnum: prototyp)
      • Barrett M98B (USA - odstřelovací puška Bolt-Action - 0,338 Lapua Magnum)
        • Barrett MRAD (USA - odstřelovací puška Bolt-Action - 0,338 Lapua Magnum)
      • Barrett M99 (USA - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - 0,416 Barrett, 0,50 BMG)
      • Barrett M468 (USA - poloautomatická puška - 6,8 × 43 mm SPC)
      • Barrett REC7 (USA - poloautomatická puška - 5,56 × 45 mm NATO, 6,8 × 43 mm SPC)
      • Barrett XM500 (USA - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - 0,50 BMG)
  • Bataan Modelo 71 (Argentina - Pump-Action Shotgun - 12 Gauge: Ithaca 37 copy)
  • Bauer Automatic (USA - poloautomatická pistole - 0,25 ACP: Baby Browning Copy)
  • BCM Europearms Barrel Block
  • BCM Europearms Bench Rest
  • BCM Europearms Extreme
  • BCM Europearms Extreme M.A.R.R.
  • BCM Europearms Extreme STD
  • Otevřené BCM Europearms třídy F
  • BCM Europearms F-Class TR
  • BCM Europearms Hunter Bench Rest
  • BCM Europearms Hunter Match
  • BCM Europearms Hunter Field
  • BCM Europearms M.A.R.R.
  • Zrcadlovka BCM Europearms
  • BCM Europearms TMR
  • BCM Europearms USR
  • Pistole Beholla (Německá říše - poloautomatická pistole - 0,32 ACP)
  • Belgický revolver M1871 Trooper's Revolver (Belgie - Revolver - francouzský arzenál 11 × 17,5 mm)
  • Belgický důstojnický revolver M1878 (Belgie - Revolver - 9 × 23 mmR Nagant)
  • Belgický revolver poddůstojníků M1883 (Belgie - Revolver - 9 × 23 mmR Nagant)
  • Karabina Bendix Hyde (USA - karabina - 0,30 karabiny)
  • Benelli
  • Berdan puška (USA / Rusko - jednoranná puška - 7,62 × 54 mmR, 10,75 × 58 mmR, 0,42 Berdan)
    • Berdan I. (USA / Rusko - jednoranná puška - 7,62 × 54 mmR, 10,75 × 58 mmR, 0,42 Berdan)
    • Berdan II (USA / Rusko - jednoranná puška - 7,62 × 54 mmR, 10,75 × 58 mmR, 0,42 Berdan)
  • Beretta
  • Bernardelli
  • Bersa
  • Berthier Rifles (Francie - Bolt-Action Carbines and Rifles)
  • Bingham Arms
  • Birmingham Small Arms Company
  • Biwarip machine carbine (United Kingdom - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)
  • Blaser
    • Pušky
      • Blaser R93 (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Hunting Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • Blaser R8 (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Hunting Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • Blaser R93 Tactical (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle)
          • Blaser R93 LRS 2 (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 6mm Norma BR6.5×55mm, 7.62×51mm NATO, .223 Remington, .300 Winchester Magnum, .308 Winchester)
          • Blaser R93 Tactical 2 (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .223 Remington, .300 Winchester Magnum, .308 Winchester, .338 Lapua Magnum)
          • Blaser R93 Tactical LRT (Germany - Straight-Pull Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 6.5×55mm, 7.62×51mm NATO, .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Lapua Magnum)
    • Brokovnice
      • Blaser F3 (Germany - Break-Action Shotgun - 12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, 28 Gauge)
  • Blunderbuss
  • Bofors
    • Bofors AGR (Sweden - Pump-Action Grenade Launcher - 40mm Medium Velocity Grenade)
    • Ak 5 (Sweden - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • Ak 5B (Sweden - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • Ak 5C (Sweden - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • AK 5CF (Sweden - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO: Prototype)
      • Ak 5D (Sweden - Compact Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • CGA5C2 (Sweden - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO: Prototype)
      • CGA5P (Sweden - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
  • Bofors Carl Gustaf
    • Pušky
  • Carl Gustav M96/38 (Sweden - Bolt-Action Rifle - 6.5×55mm)
  • Borz Submachine Gun (Chechen Republic of Ichkeria - Submachine Gun - 9×18mm Makarov)
  • Breda Meccanica Bresciana
  • Bren Ten (US - Semi-Automatic Pistol)
  • Britarms Model 2000 (UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - .22 LR)
  • British Armed Forces Small Arms Designations
    • Odpalovací zařízení
      • L17A1 (Germany, UK - Underslung Grenade Launcher - 40×46mm Grenade: HK AG36 Variant)
        • L17A2 (UK - Underslung Grenade Launcher - 40×46mm Grenade)
        • L123A2 UGL (UK - Underslung Grenade Launcher - 40×46mm Grenade)
      • L48A1 (UK - Single-Shot Riot Gun - 37mm Grenade: ARWEN 37 Variant)
        • L48A2 (UK - Single-Shot Riot Gun - 37mm Grenade)
      • L67A1 (UK - Single-Shot Riot Gun - 37mm Grenade: Arwen 37 Variant)
    • Kulomety
      • L3A1 (US, UK - Medium Machine Gun - .30-06: Browning M1919A4 Variant)
        • L3A2 (UK - Medium Machine Gun - .303 British)
          • L3A4 (UK - Medium Machine Gun - .303 British)
        • L3A3 (UK - Medium Machine Gun - .303 British)
      • L4A1 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO: Bren Light Machine Gun Variant)
        • L4A2 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L4A4 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L4A3 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L4A5 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L4A6 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L4A9 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • L6A1 (UK - Ranging Gun - .50 BMG)
        • L11A1 (UK - Ranging Gun - .50 BMG)
        • L40A1 (UK - Ranging Gun - .50 BMG)
      • L7A1 (Belgium, UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO: FN MAG Variant)
        • L7A2 (UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L112A1 (UK - Helicopter Mounted General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L8A1 (UK - Vehicle Mounted General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L8A2 (UK - Vehicle Mounted General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L37A1 (UK - Vehicle Mounted General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
            • L37A2 (UK - Vehicle Mounted General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L19A1 (UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L20A1 (UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L20A2 (UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L44A1 (UK - General-Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L43A1 (UK - Ranging Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • L94A1 (US, UK - Vehicle-Mounted Chain Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO: Hughes EX34 Variant)
      • L95A1 (UK - Vehicle-Mounted Chain Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • L108A1 (Belgium, UK - Light Machine Gun - 5.56×45mm NATO: FN Minimi Variant)
        • L110A1 (Belgium, UK - Shortened Light Machine Gun - 5.56×45mm NATO: FN Minimi Para Variant)
      • L111A1 (US, UK - Heavy Machine Gun - .50 BMG: Browning M2HB Variant)
      • XL17E1 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/United States - British Armed Forces/General Electric - Unknown Date - Heavy Machine Gun - .50 BMG: Variant of the American General Electric M85 heavy machine gun. Never adopted by the British Armed Forces. Prototypes only.)
        • XL17E2 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/United States - British Armed Forces/General Electric - Unknown Date - Heavy Machine Gun - .50 BMG: Variant of the British XL17E1 heavy machine gun.)
    • Pistole
      • L9A1 (Belgium, UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum: Browning Hi-Power Variant)
        • L9A2 (UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum)
        • L9A3 (UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum)
        • L11A1 (UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum)
      • L47A1 (Germany, UK - Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol - .32 ACP: Walther PP Variant)
      • L66A1 (Germany, UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - .22 Long Rifle: Walther GSP Variant)
      • L102A1 (Germany, UK - Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol - 7.65×21mm Parabellum, 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI: Walther P5 Compact Variant)
      • L105A1 (Switzerland, UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, .357 SIG, .40 S&W: SIG Sauer P226 Variant)
        • L106A1 (Switzerland, UK - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, .357 SIG, .40 S&W)
        • L107A1 (Switzerland, UK - Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, .357 SIG, .40 S&W: SIG Sauer P229 Variant)
    • Pušky
      • L1A1 (Belgium, UK - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO: FN FAL Variant)
        • L1A2 (UK - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L2A1 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L2A2 (UK - Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
        • L5A1 (UK - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L5A2 (UK - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
          • L5A3 (UK - Semi-Automatic Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • L29A1 (UK - Single-Shot Bolt-Action Rifle - .22 Long Rifle)
        • L29A2 (UK - Single-Shot Bolt-Action Rifle - .22 Long Rifle)
      • L42A1 (UK - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO: Lee–Enfield Conversion)
        • L42A1 (UK - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • L81A1 (UK - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO: Parker Hale M82 Variant)
      • L85A1 (UK - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
        • L22A1 (UK - Carbine - 5.56×45mm NATO)
          • L22A2 (UK - Carbine - 5.56×45mm NATO)
        • L85A2 (UK - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
        • L86A1 (UK - Squad Automatic Weapon - 5.56×45mm NATO)
          • L86A2 (UK - Squad Automatic Weapon - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • L96A1 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - British Armed Forces/Accuracy International - 1982 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: Variant of the British Accuracy International Precision Marksman bolt-action sniper rifle. Replaced the L42A1 bolt-action sniper rifles in service with the British Armed Forces. Features Schmidt & Bender 6×42 telescopic sights.)
      • L98A1 (UK - Single-Shot Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • L100A1 (Germany, UK - Carbine - 7.62×51mm NATO: H&K G3KA4 Variant)
      • L101A1 (Germany, UK - Carbine - 5.56×45mm NATO: HK53 Variant)
      • L115A1 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - British Armed Forces/Accuracy International - Unknown Date - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .338 Lapua Magnum: Variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum bolt-action sniper rifle. Features Schmidt & Bender 3-12×50 PM II telescopic sights.)
        • L115A3 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - British Armed Forces/Accuracy International - 2007 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .338 Lapua Magnum: Variant of the British L115A1 bolt-action sniper rifle. Features a more modular design than the L115A1.)
      • L118A1 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - British Armed Forces/Accuracy International - 1991 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: Variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare bolt-action sniper rifle. Features Schmidt & Bender MILITARY MK II 3-12×50 telescopic sights.)
      • L119A1 (Canada, UK - Carbine - 5.56×45mm NATO: Colt Canada C8SFW Variant)
      • L121A1 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - British Armed Forces/Accuracy International - 2002 - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - .50 BMG: Variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare .50 Folding bolt-action anti-materiel rifle in service with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In use with the British Special Air Service.)
    • Brokovnice
      • L32A1 (US, UK - Semi-Automatic Shotgun - 12 Gauge: Browning Auto-5 Riot Variant)
      • L74A1 (US, UK - Shotgun - 12 Gauge: Remington Model 870 Variant)
    • Samopaly
      • L2A1 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: Sterling Submachine Gun Variant)
        • L2A2 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)
        • L2A3 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)
        • L34A1 (UK - Integrally Suppressed Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)
      • L50A1 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: Sten Mk II Variant)
      • L51A1 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: Sten Mk III Variant)
      • L52A1 (UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: Sten Mk V Variant)
      • L80A1 (Germany, UK - Compact Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: H&K MP5K Variant)
        • L90A1 (Germany, UK - Compact Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: H&K MP5KA1 Variant)
      • L91A1 (Germany, UK - Integrally Suppressed Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: H&K MP5-SD3 Variant)
      • L92A1 (Germany, UK - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: H&K MP5A3 Variant)
  • Brown Bess (UK - Musket)
  • Brown Precision Tactical Elite (US - Bolt-Acton Sniper Rifle - .308 Winchester)
  • John Browning
  • Brügger & Thomet
    • Samopal
  • Brunswick Corporation
    • Brunswick machine gun (US - Machine Gun - 5.56×45mm NATO / 7.62×51mm NATO)
    • Brunswick RAW (US - Grenade Launcher - )
  • BS-1 Tishina (Russia - Integrally Suppressed Underslung Grenade Launcher - 30mm Grenade)
  • BSP Planning and Design Pty. Ltd.
    • Gordon Close-Support Weapon System (Australia - Exotic Firearms Platform)
      • CSWS Assault Rifle (Australia - Assault Rifle - 5.56×45mm NATO)
      • CSWS Battle Rifle (Australia - Battle Rifle / Light Machine Gun - 7.62×51mm NATO)
      • CSWS Shotgun (Australia - Shotgun - 12 Gauge)
      • CSWS Submachine Gun (Australia - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)
  • BSW Model 1 (Germany - Anti-Tank Rifle - 15mm)
  • BTS-203 (Thailand - Underslung Grenade Launcher - 40×46mm SR)
  • BUL Transmark
    • Pistole
      • BUL M5 (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, 9×23mm Winchester, .40 S&W, .45 ACP: Colt M1911 Variant)
        • BUL M5 Classic 1911 (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
          • BUL M5 Classic C1911 (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
          • BUL M5 Classic G1911 (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
          • BUL M5 Classic U1911 (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
        • BUL M5 Government (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, 9×23mm Winchester, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
          • BUL M5 Commander (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, 9×23mm Winchester, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
        • BUL M5 SAS (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
        • BUL M5 Carry (Israel - Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum, 9×21mm IMI, .40 S&W, .45 ACP)
      • BUL Cherokee (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum)
      • BUL Storm (Israel - Semi-Automatic Pistol - 9×19mm Parabellum)
  • Bundeswehr Small Arms Designations
    • Pušky
      • G22 (Germany/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Bundeswehr/Accuracy International - 2001 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .300 Winchester Magnum: German variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum Folding bolt-action sniper rifle. Features telescopic sights made by Carl Zeiss AG.)
      • G24 (Germany/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Bundeswehr/Accuracy International - 2000 - Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle - .50 BMG: German variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare .50 bolt-action anti-materiel rifle.)
      • G25 (Germany/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Bundeswehr/Accuracy International - 2002 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: German variant of the British Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Covert bolt-action sniper rifle. In service with the special forces unit Kommando Spezialkräfte.)
  • Burnside Carbine (US - Breech-Loaded Carbine - Burnside Brass Cartridge)
  • Bushmaster Firearms International

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