Seznam golfistů PGA Cup Velké Británie a Irska - List of Great Britain and Ireland PGA Cup golfers
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Toto je seznam všech golfisté kteří hráli v PGA Cup pro Velká Británie a Irsko tým do roku 2019.[1][2] V letech 1990, 1992 a 1994 se akce mohla zúčastnit i golfisté z kontinentální Evropy.
Hráč | Edice |
Phillip Archer | 2017 |
Robert Arnott | 2003 |
Keith Ashdown | 1988 |
Andrew Baguley | 1994, 2005 |
Benn Barham | 2013 |
Brian Barnes | 1990 |
Jonathan Barnes | 2013 |
Will Barnes | 2009 |
Andrew Barnett | 2007, 2009 |
Sion Bebb | 2000 |
Graeme Bell | 2003 |
Stephen Bennett | 1998 |
Jon Bevan | 2007, 2009 |
Alec Bickerdike | 1980 |
Nicolas Brennan | 2013 |
Gary Brown | 2011 |
Nick Brown | 1996 |
David Butler | 1984 |
Peter Butler | 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984 |
David Callaway | 2013 |
Bob Cameron | 1981, 1983, 1984, 2000, 2003 |
Paul Carman | 1990, 1996 |
Alex Caygill | 1974 |
John Chillas | 1982, 1983, 1984, 1988, 1992 |
Cameron Clark | 2015 |
Lee Clarke | 2015 |
Robert Coles | 2017, 2019 |
Ian Collins | 1982 |
Matthew Cort | 2017, 2019 |
Peter Cowen | 1992 |
David Creamer | 1974 |
Christopher Currie | 2017 |
Craig Defoy | 1981, 1984 |
Kevin Dickens | 1998 |
Richard Dinsdale | 2005 |
David Dixon | 2015, 2019 |
David Dunk | 1982, 1983 |
Denis Durnian | 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986 |
John Dwyer | 2000, 2003, 2007 |
Simon Edwards | 2003, 2005, 2011 |
Matthew Ellis | 2005 |
Pip Elson | 1986 |
Richard Emery | 1973 |
Brian Evans | 1978 |
Jim Farmer | 1977, 1979, 1980, 1983 |
Max Faulkner | 1975 |
Bill Ferguson | 1973, 1976 |
Roger Fidler | 1975 |
Alastair Forsyth | 2019 |
Graham Fox | 2013, 2015 |
Ged Furey | 1988 |
Mike Gallagher | 1977 |
Andrew George | 1998 |
Robert Giles | 2011 |
Tim Giles | 1992 |
Christopher Gill | 2011 |
Jordan Godwin | 2019 |
Craig Goodfellow | 2007, 2011 |
Martin Gray | 1983, 1986, 1988 |
John Greaves | 1998 |
Daniel Greenwood | 2013 |
Chris Hall | 1992, 1994, 2000 |
Stephen Hamill | 2000 |
Andrew Hare | 2003 |
Jamie Harris | 2009 |
John Harrison | 1994 |
Peter Harrison | 1980 |
Scott Henderson | 2013 |
Paul Hendriksen | 2015 |
David Higgins | 2017 |
Joe Higgins | 1994, 1996 |
Philip Hinton | 1988 |
Vince Hood | 1974, 1976 |
John Hoskison | 1988, 1992 |
Garry Houston | 2017 |
David Huish | 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1984, 1986 |
Greig Hutcheon | 2013, 2017 |
Bryon Hutchinson | 1973 |
Mike Ingham | 1976, 1977, 1978, 1983 |
David Ingram | 1976, 1984 |
David Jagger | 1980 |
Bob Jamieson | 1974, 1975 |
Nick Job | 1988, 1992, 1994, 1996 |
David Jones | 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1992, 1994 |
Ernie Jones | 1976 |
Kevin Jones | 1988 |
Michael Jones | 1998 |
Niall Kearney | 2015 |
John Kennedy | 2011 |
Jimmy Kinsella | 1977 |
Gordon Law | 1996, 2003, 2005 |
Craig Lee | 2019 |
James Lee | 2009 |
Paul Leonard | 1979, 1982 |
Jason Levermore | 2015, 2019 |
Stuart Little | 2011 |
Bill Longmuir | 1996, 2003 |
Bob Longworth | 1986 |
Michael Macara | 1998 |
Craig Maltman | 1992, 1994 |
Fraser Mann | 1996, 2005 |
Robin Mann | 1994 |
Craig Matheson | 2009 |
Christopher McDonnell | 2017 |
Brendan McGovern | 1996, 2003 |
Damien McGrane | 2000, 2017 |
George McKay | 1978 |
Steven McKenna | 1996 |
John McTear | 1980 |
David Melville | 1973 |
David Miller | 1974 |
Willie Milne | 1982, 1986 |
Tony Minshall | 1980, 1983 |
John Morgan | 1973, 1979, 1981 |
David Mortimer | 2011 |
Bill Murray | 1974 |
Duncan Muscroft | 2007 |
Tony Nash | 2000, 2005 |
Michael Nesbit | 2007 |
Geoff Norton | 1973 |
Paul O'Hara | 2019 |
Leonard Owens | 1977, 1980 |
Darren Parris | 2005 |
Andrew Raitt | 2017 |
Tim Rastall | 1990 |
Mark Reynolds | 2005 |
Ian Richardson | 1975 |
David Ridley | 1979, 1981 |
Brian Rimmer | 1992, 1998 |
Jeremy Robinson | 2009 |
Keith Robson | 1986 |
George Ryall | 2007 |
Adrian Sadler | 1975 |
Denis Scanlon | 1975 |
David Scott | 1990 |
David Screeton | 1990 |
Doug Sewell | 1973, 1974, 1975 |
David Shacklady | 2011 |
John Sharkey | 1976 |
Paul Simpson | 1998, 2009 |
Gary Smith | 1986 |
Kevin Stáje | 1990 |
Gary Stafford | 1988 |
Mike Steadman | 1979, 1981 |
Hogan Stott | 1994, 2000 |
Barry Taylor | 2009 |
Daniel Taylor | 2007 |
Gordon Townhill | 1977 |
Peter Tupling | 1978 |
Alastair Thomson | 1978, 1983 |
David Thorp | 1980 |
David Vaughan | 1982, 1984 |
Brian Waites | 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1990 |
Richard Wallis | 2013, 2019 |
Peter Ward | 1974, 1976 |
Michael Watson | 2015 |
Phil Weaver | 1982, 1983 |
Alastair Webster | 1990 |
Russell Weir | 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 |
John Wells | 2011 |
Paul Wesselingh | 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 |
James Whatley | 2007 |
Jack Wilkshire | 1973 |
John Woof | 1990 |
Gareth Wright | 2013, 2015 |
Alex Wrigley | 2015, 2019 |
John Yeo | 1981 |
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