I. a R. Morley - I. & R. Morley
Já a R Morley byly firmou punčochové zboží výrobci Nottingham, Anglie.[1][2][3][4]
Viz také
- ^ „Nottinghamshire history> Nottingham,“ The Queen City of the Midlands, „The Official Guide, Sixth Edition (1927)“. www.nottshistory.org.uk.
- ^ „Records of the Morley Family of Nottingham and I. and R. Morley Limited, hosiers of Nottingham, 1710-1895 - Archives Hub“.
- ^ „Já a R. Morley“. www.gracesguide.co.uk.
- ^ „Samuel Morley (1809 - 1886)“. www.knittingtogether.org.uk. 20. července 2016.
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