Útěk z ostrova Scorpion (řada 3) - Escape from Scorpion Island (series 3)
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Útěk z ostrova Scorpion | |
Sezóna 3 | |
Země původu | Spojené království |
Ne. epizod | 15 (Velká Británie) 30 (Austrálie) |
Uvolnění | |
Původní síť | CBBC (SPOJENÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ) ABC1 (Austrálie) |
Původní vydání | 5. dubna (UK) 9. března 2009 (Austrálie) - 12. července 2009 (UK) 17.dubna 2009 (Austrálie) |
Série chronologie |
Útěk z ostrova Scorpion je nominován na Baftu BBC dětská televizní dobrodružná hra, ve které soutěžící soutěží o „únik z exotického ostrova“. Série 3 byla vyrobena společností Foundation / Freehand pro CBBC a Australian Broadcasting Corporation.[1][2]
První řada měla premiéru 5. dubna 2009 CBBC a dne 9. března 2009 dne ABC1. Série se bude často opakovat ABC3 spolu se sérií dva.
Tuto sérii hostil JK a Joel. Tato série byla natočena na Mission Beach v dalekém severu Queenslandu (poblíž Tully a Townsville) v roce 2008. Všechny epizody v této sérii byly v neděli v 9:00 v CBBC hodinové. V Austrálii však byly epizody vysílány každý všední den a byly dlouhé 30 minut.
Na ostrov Scorpion dorazilo šestnáct dobrodruhů a byli rozděleni do tří týmů: Claw, Sting a Venom. Týmy musely vyhrát výzvy, aby získaly Island Torches pro poslední výzvu.
Na ostrově bylo šestnáct dobrodruhů, dvanáct z Velké Británie a čtyři z Austrálie. Australští dobrodruzi byli Jeremy, Savannah, Tahny a Tyson. Členové týmu jsou založeni na těch, kteří soutěžili v závěrečných výzvách.
Team Claw (Černé přilby) 7 ostrovních pochodní
- Eilidh Shearer, 12
- Jemima Hitchings, 13
- Suki Kesington, 12
- Tyson Vacher, 12
- Oliver Ragen, 12 (vyhrál Claw v Lethal Lagoon)
Team Sting (Oranžové přilby) 6 ostrovních pochodní
- Anna Thompson, 13
- Bradlee Wheeler, 12
- Savannah Pingol, 11
- Stevie Willis, 13
- Richard „Ricky“ Goulding, 13
- Asad Karim, 12 (původní člen Venom) (vyhrál Sting v The Boulderizer)
Tým Venom (Zelené přilby) 1 ostrovní pochodeň
- Harry Howard, 12
- Jeremy Hartley, 12
- Tahny Hosking, 12
- Imani Hamilton, 11
- Mildred "Millie" Sandz, 12 let (původní člen Claw) (vyhrál Venom v Critical Crossing)
Herní prvky
- Eliminátor - Týmy, které prohrály předchozí výzvu, se této výzvy zúčastní. Vítězný tým eliminátora se ve hře Double Jeopardy setká s vládnoucími vítězi. Tento prvek nahrazuje Limbo Challenge z poslední série.
- Double Jeopardy - Tato výzva je mezi vítězi posledního Double Jeopardy a vítězi posledního Eliminator. Pokud v této výzvě zvítězí vítězové Eliminátoru, nejen že získají ostrovní pochodeň, ale také odcizí pochodeň jejich opozici, stanou se novými vládnoucími vítězi a obejdou dalšího Eliminátora a přejdou rovnou k dalšímu Double Jeopardy. Pokud vládnoucí vítězové vyhrají, získají novou ostrovní pochodeň. Tento prvek nahrazuje Ultimate Jeopardy z poslední série.
- Kapitánova výzva - Jakmile budou vybráni kapitáni ze tří týmů, musí si vybrat tyčinky, kde vytáhnou bambusové tyče. Kapitán s nejkratší tyčí se může zúčastnit výzvy. V rámci výzvy všichni členové jdou na místo, kde je výzva vyhlášena, jako je hraní šarád, rozbíjení vajec nebo odhalení karet v časovém limitu. Pokud kapitán výzvu vyhraje, jeho tým pro sebe vyhraje luxusní odměnu. Pokud ne, odměnu sdílejí další dva týmy. Tento prvek nahrazuje výzvu k přežití a propadá z poslední série.
- Island Fire - The Island Fire odhaluje název další výzvy, která je odhalena, a vybírá, kteří členové se jí zúčastní pro Eliminator.
Seznam výzev
Poznámka: Všechny epizody vycházejí z australského vysílání. Epizody ve Velké Británii budou založeny na dnech.
1. den (1. a 2. epizoda)
- Smrtící laguna - Na obrovské pavučině visí nahoře devět vlajek. Tři z nich mají své týmy barevné. Týmy společně musí závodit kolem pavučiny, aby velmi rychle dostaly všechny své týmové vlajky, a dostat všechny členy týmu na druhou stranu webu. První, kdo to dokončí, vyhrává.
- Výzva - Anna, Bradlee, Ricky, Savannah a Stevie ze Sting vs Eilidh, Jemima, Millie, Suki a Tyson z Claw vs Asad, Harry, Imani Jeremy a Tahny z Venom.
- Cena - Oliver a první ostrovní pochodeň.
První den na ostrově Scorpion přišlo všech šestnáct členů vrtulníkem (Imani, Jemima, Ricky, Stevie a Tyson), miniponorkami (Anna, Bradlee, Harry, Millie, Oliver a Tahny) a hydroplánem (Asad, Eilidh, Jeremy, Savannah a Suki) jsou připraveni účastnit se výzev, které ostrov čeká. Prvním úkolem bylo najít talisman, který se nachází na ostrově, aby mohli zahájit první výzvu. Pouze jeden z talismanů má twist. Ten zvrat našel Oliver. Právě když se ho chystal chytit na pláži, spadl a byl unesen ostrovem. Když všichni ostatní našli talisman, bylo jim řečeno, aby stáli vedle barevné vlajky, která odpovídala barvě jejich talismanu. Vlajka představovala týmy, ve kterých byli. Anna, Bradlee, Ricky, Savannah a Stevie dostali oranžové talismany, takže se stali Team Sting. Eilidh, Jemima, Millie, Suki a Tyson dostali černé talismany, takže se z nich stal Team Claw. Asad, Harry, Imani, Jeremy a Tahny dostali zelené talismany, takže se z nich stal Team Venom.
Během výzvy měl Team Venom problémy od samého začátku, ale tým Claw tuto výzvu vyhrál po skvělém startu s týmem Sting, který právě přišel na druhém místě. Tým Claw vyhrál Olivera a Island Torch.
Po poslední výzvě si členové každého týmu mohli vybrat svůj tábor. Vzhledem k tomu, že Claw vyhrál první výzvu, museli si vybrat jako první. Možnosti táborů byly: krytý tábor s výhledem na peřeje na vzdáleném konci chodníku, druhý tábor je mezi ostatními dvěma a má více slunečního světla s více stoly a židlemi než první, kde se konají týmové schůzky a třetí tábor je nejtmavší ze tří, ale je přímo nad lagunou pro snadný přístup. Všechny tři týmy mají své vlastní palandy daleko od táborů a soukromí od sebe navzájem.
Dráp si vybral chráněný tábor s výhledem na peřeje. Sting si vybral střední tábor se stoly a židlemi a slunečním světlem, které zanechalo Venoma s třetím táborem přímo nad lagunou.
To bylo poté objeveno, i když Claw na začátku vyhrál Lethal Lagoon, nepracovali jako tým a mezi Tysonem a Eilidhem nastaly problémy. Tyson se obával, že převzal vládu, což by způsobilo problémy mezi zbytkem týmu a ním. Přestože pro Claw byla dobrá zpráva, která vyšla z této výzvy, Millie překonala strach z bažin.
Tyto tři týmy se pak musely rozhodnout, kdo bude první vést týmy a jaká budou pravidla jejich týmů. Team Sting skončil s těmito pravidly:
- Užij si to
- Tvrdě pracujte a respektujte své spoluhráče
- Vždy se snažte ze všech sil
Team Claw vytvořil tato pravidla:
- Team Claw vždy spolupracuje
- Team Claw vždy dělá to nejlepší x10
- Team Claw jsou stejně silní jako jejich nejslabší člen
Pravidla týmu Venom:
- Zacházejte s lidmi tak, jak byste chtěli
- Týmová práce a respekt
- Vyhrát
Pak si týmy musely vybrat své kapitány pro daný den. Venom hlasuje jako první. Harry hlasy pro Imani, Jeremy hlasy pro Asada, Asad hlasy pro Harryho, Tahny hlasy pro Harryho a Imani hlasy pro Harryho. Takže se Harry třemi hlasy stal prvním kapitánem Venoma
Žihadlo další. Savannah hlasy pro Stevie, Bradlee hlasy pro Savannah, Ricky hlasy pro Savannah, Stevie hlasy pro Bradlee a Anna hlasy pro Ricky. Takže se dvěma hlasy Savannah se stane prvním kapitánem Stinga
Claw je vedle hlasování, ale dohadují se o možnosti, že jedna osoba nebude spokojena s výběrem týmu. Eilidh hlasy pro Tysona, Suki hlasy pro Jemima, Tyson hlasy pro Millie, Jemima hlasy pro Suki, Oliver hlasy pro Jemima a Millie hlasy pro Suki. Hlasování skupiny končí nerozhodně mezi Suki a Jemimou, takže se musí mezi sebou rozhodnout, kdo bude kapitánem, nakonec se dohodnou, že Jemima by měla být jejich prvním kapitánem
Týmy poté přejdou k ostrovní palbě a dozví se o další výzvě.
Den 2 (epizody 3 a 4)
- Bod zvratu - V The Eliminator jsou dvě dlouhé nestabilní platformy. Každý člen týmu se musel střídat v přepravě ostrovních skal v bambusové tyči přes plošiny, aby se vyhnul slizu a lebkám, které stojí v cestě. Poté musí sklopit skály do sopky, aby vybuchla. První tým, který to udělal, vyhrává. Ve hře Double Jeopardy byli dva hráči. Jeden na každé plošině a jeden z nich měl zavázané oči. Odhalený hráč musel svého hráče se zavázanýma očima opatrně vést přes plošinu do středu a předat kameny k jejich bambusové tyči. Odhalený hráč pak musel vést zavázanýma očima až do konce a pomoci jim naklonit skály do sopky a nechat ji vybuchnout. Vyhrává tým, který to dělá nejrychleji nebo jako skříň.
- Eliminátor - Anna, Bradlee a Stevie ze Sting vs Jeremy, Tahny a Asad z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Ollie a Tyson z Claw vs Ricky a Savannah z Sting.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Claw nebo nová Island Torch a jedna z Claw, pokud vyhraje Sting.
Když The Eliminator začal, Stevie a Asad byli první, kdo přešli. Byli téměř na krku a na krku a neklouzali, ale Asad byl první. Anna a Tahny byli druzí a Tahny se vrhla dopředu, ale Anna sklouzla na sliz a poranila si nohu, což ji přimělo vytáhnout z výzvy. Závod byl zastaven, takže Bradlee musel zaujmout místo Anny a dvakrát přejet plošinu. Bradlee se začala přibližovat k Tahny, která právě dokončila její klín. Jeremy byl třetí, kdo centroval na Venoma a Bradlee nebyl daleko za ním. Ve chvíli, kdy měl Jeremy skončit, uklouzl na slizu a spadl, což způsobilo, že Bradlee vybuchl sopku a zvítězil v této výzvě.
Během The Eliminator se Claw, hlavně Tyson a Eilidh, hádali o tom, jaký typ člověka by byl pro tuto výzvu ten pravý. Jakmile to konečně vyřešili, vybrali si Olivera a Tysona, protože by na to byli tak akorát.
Venom se vrátil do jejich tábora a Jeremy byl rozrušený, protože si myslel, že opustil svůj tým. Ostatní ho rozveselili, ale přesto se cítil smutný.
Sting byl prvním týmem, který zahájil Double Jeopardy, přičemž Ricky měl zavázané oči a vedl ho Savannah. Savannah rychle zamířila doprostřed platforem a opatrně vedla Rickyho napříč, který mnohokrát skoro spadl. Chvíli trvalo, než se jejich bambusové tyče seřadily, protože byly tak těžké a Savannah spadla, ale podařilo se jim nerozsypat kameny. Měli jeden pokus projít, ale prostě to nebylo správně seřazené, takže Savannah musela dostat ještě víc, ale čas vypršel.
Když Claw začal, Tyson měl zavázané oči a Ollie ho vedla. Ollie rychle klesla a Tyson nespadl. Jakmile postavili své tyče, Ollie naklonila kameny dovnitř, ale dovnitř se dostala jen malá část, takže si s tím museli vystačit. Tyson se pak vrátil, aniž by odhodil kameny, a jakmile vystřelil, skála právě minula sopku, ale protože byly blíže než Sting, Claw výzvu vyhrál.
Počet ostrovních pochodní:
- Dráp: 2 pochodně
- Žihadlo: Žádné
- Venom: Žádný
Den 3 (epizody 5 a 6)
- Rock Hard Raise - V Eliminátoru byly nějaké stánky visící spolu 20 metrů vysoké. Hráči museli velmi rychle umístit velké měkké bloky do všech stánků a zajistit je na místě. Jeden hráč by nesl jeden blok po druhém, zatímco další dva hráči by museli svého hráče tahat nahoru a dolů. Tým, který měl všechny bloky jako první, vyhraje. Ve hře Double Jeopardy měly bloky písmena, která obsahovala slovo „SCORPION“ shora dolů. Některé bloky už byly ve stájích a musely být přeskupeny. První tým, který slovo dokončí, vyhrává.
- Eliminátor - Savannah, Ricky a Anna ze Sting vs Imani, Harry a Jeremy z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Suki, Jemima a Millie z Claw vs Asad, Tahny a Harry z Venom.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Claw nebo nová Island Torch a jedna z Claw, pokud vyhraje Venom.
- Kapitánova výzva - Hráč musel za 30 sekund najít 5 vajec natvrdo s hlavou.
- Luxusní cena - Mini čokoládová vejce.
Když začal Eliminator, Savannah nabírala bloky pro Stinga a Imani to dělal pro Venoma. Imani rychle zvedla bloky, zatímco kvůli Savannahiny malé velikosti je nemohla dobře držet a některé odhodila. Imani také v některých fázích některé upustil, což způsobilo, že Sting dohoní. Harry neustále padal a byl tažen Jeremym. Byli téměř na krku a na krku, ale kvůli velikosti Savannah Sting ztratil výzvu a Venom se dostal do Double Jeopardy.
Dráp výzvu sledoval a oni řekli, že potřebují někoho se správnou velikostí, aby unesl bloky, zatímco nejsilnější lidé by je měli posunout nahoru.
Sting se vrátil do tábora a Bradlee a Stevie se hádali s ostatními, že jim neřekli o Rickym, který byl vyměněn za Savannah za to, že si vzal bloky, protože Ricky by byl příliš těžký na to, aby se dívky rozběhly, ale ostatní řekli, že ano Řekni jim. Protože Savannah byla kapitánkou, rozhodla se ukončit boj tím, že ho nechala za sebou a snažila se více spolupracovat, aby se všichni omluvili a objímali se.
Pro hru Double Jeopardy si Claw vybral Harryho, aby znovu hrál kvůli tomu, jak moc se v The Eliminator neustále propadával. Suki nesl bloky, Millie a Jemima ho táhli za Claw a Asada táhli Tahny a Harry za Venoma. Asad rychle vyměnil písmena, zatímco Suki bojoval se zámky a tlakem kolem sebe. Oba shodili bloky a bylo těžké říct, kdo vyhrává po etapách. Venom vyhrál o tři bloky a získal jednu z Claw's Island Torches.
Po návratu do tábora byli vybíráni kapitáni. Ollie byl kapitánem pro Claw, Tahny byl kapitánem Venom, ale mezi Bradlee a Stevie ve Stingu byl hlas. Stevie řekla, že Bradlee by měl být kapitánem, protože si myslela, že v tom bude velmi dobrý a bude schopen zajistit, aby tým spolupracoval. Bradlee souhlasil, takže se stal kapitánem Stinga.
V Kapitánově výzvě si Oliver vybral nejkratší bambusovou hůl a musel úkol splnit. Ollie zběsile rozbila vejce po stranách hlavy a myslela si, že našel všech pět, ale ukázalo se, že poslední vejce bylo syrové, když ho někdo rozbil. Týmy Sting a Venom získali Cenu za luxus a o svá vajíčka se podělili s Drápem.
Den 4 (epizody 7 a 8)
- Triple Decker - Tato výzva je podobná Decks of Doom z poslední série. V Eliminátoru byly dvě sady kabelů. Členové týmu museli klouzat po palubách skateboardu a držet totem. Pokud některá z palub spadne, bude si muset hned od začátku obstarat další. Pokud by všichni padli, museli by získat všechny nové balíčky a začít znovu. První tým, který se před 10 minutami dostal přes totem a rozbil si lebku na druhém konci, je nahoře, vyhrává. V hře Double Jeopardy měl jeden z hráčů zavázané oči. Tentokrát museli držet tři lebky. První tým, který to překoná a položí jednu ze svých lebek na koncovou plošinu, vyhrává, nebo pokud vyprší čas a první tým odhodí balíček nebo lebku, vyhrává druhý tým.
- Eliminátor - Bradlee a Stevie ze Sting vs Eilidh a Tyson z Claw.
- Double Jeopardy - Ricky a Savannah ze Sting vs Jeremy a Asad z Venom.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Venom, nebo nová Island Torch a jedna z Venom, pokud vyhraje Sting.
- Kapitánova výzva - Na stole je 10 položek a hráč si musí všechny pamatovat, aby vyhrál.
- Luxusní cena - Grilování.
Když The Eliminator začal, Sting pomalu závodil vpřed s velkou týmovou prací, zatímco Claw bojoval a kolébal po kabelech. Dráp mnohokrát spadl a dokonce odhodil svůj totemový pól, ale Sting dokázal zůstat na prknech celou cestu i po tom, co se uprostřed třásl. Když byli Sting téměř na konci, Eilidh a Tyson začali používat dvě paluby místo tří, což je vedlo k mnohem rychlejšímu, ale už bylo pozdě a Sting jim rozbil lebku před Clawem. Když byla kolena na kabelech, Eilidh si uřízla nohu na konci, takže po výzvě musela jít k medikovi.
Venom se díval a bylo na chlapcích, aby zjistili, kdo hraje Double Jeopardy, protože Imani a Tahny byli nemocní. Harry to kvůli výškám dělat nechtěl a poslední výzvu udělal dvakrát. Asad to také nechtěl udělat kvůli tomu, jak tvrdě šel v poslední výzvě, ale ostatní byli přesvědčeni, aby to udělali pro tým.
Dráp se vrátil do tábora bez Eilidh kvůli její noze a myslel si, že by měli mít rytmus procházející kabely. Diskutovali o tom, že po vzájemném seznámení by měli myslet na strategie pro tyto výzvy, než budou pokračovat, a každý naslouchat jejich myšlenkám.
Pro Double Jeopardy si Venom vybral Annu a Savannah, ale nemohl hrát, protože její noha, kterou si poranila v Bod zvratu, stále bolí, takže Ricky zaujala její místo. Ricky a Asad byli hráči se zavázanýma očima. Venom měl menší potíže než Sting, který bojoval, ale oba týmy hodně odpadly. Sting to zkusil se dvěma deskami, ale stále to nefungovalo. Rickymu začaly padat oči, takže velmi pevně zavřel oči, aby nepodváděl. Venom začal zpomalovat a Asad a Ricky se téměř plazili po drátech. Čas vypršel, takže to byla náhlá smrt. Oba týmy se snažily být opatrné, ale Venom ztratil desku a stal se Sting vítězem. Jeremy byl velmi rozrušený, že rozbil lebku.
Týmy se vrátily do tábora a vybraly si nového kapitána týmu. Venom hlasoval pro Asada a Sting pro Stevieho, ale ve hře Claw se hlasovalo mezi Millie, Tysonem a Suki. Diskutovali a dohodli se, že si za kapitána zvolí Tysona.
Týmy poté šly k výběrovým tyčím a Tyson vybral nejkratší bambusovou hůl. Mezi předměty, které si musel pamatovat, patřila lebka, sekera, lucerna, skořápka, skála, červená lebka, kotva, řetěz, lano a další. Tyson si věci pečlivě prostudoval a začal si je pamatovat. Všechny dal do pořádku, ale začal zapomínat na poslední předmět, kterým byla sekera. Pak si to najednou zapamatoval a vyhrál kapitánskou výzvu pro Claw. Dali si grilovat s klobásami, hamburgery a cibulí a po zbytek odpoledne si to užili.
Den 5 (epizody 9 a 10)
- High Risk High Wire - V Eliminátoru byly vysoko tři sady drátů. Všichni tři členové každého týmu se museli plazit přes ně a tlačit lebky na druhou stranu. Pokud by někdo spadl, byl by stažen zpět na start a musel by začít znovu. Tým se všemi svými hráči napřed jako první vyhrává. Ve hře Double Jeopardy museli hráči společně tlačit dlouhou vlajku. Pokud by někdo spadl, byl by stažen zpět na start a ostatní by museli čekat, až to dohoní.
- Eliminátor - Millie, Jemima a Suki z Claw vs Imani, Harry a Asad z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Stevie, Bradlee a Anna ze Sting vs Asad, Jeremy a Tahny z Venom.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Sting, nebo nová Island Torch a jedna od Sting, pokud vyhraje Venom.
- Kapitánova výzva - Hráč musel rozbít krabici s holí, zatímco se zavázanýma očima a trochu se mu točila hlava.
- Luxusní cena - Sladkosti pro každého.
V Eliminátoru se Millie pomalu dostala přes dráp pro Claw, zatímco všichni ostatní stále padali, protože výzva byla velmi těžká. Později Harry jako první zvládl Venom, aniž by spadl, i když měl strach z výšek. Imani považovala výzvu za frustrující a fyzické nároky na ni byly příliš velké, takže se vytáhla. Pravidla byla poté změněna a další osoba, která se dostane přes, vyhrává pro svůj tým. Millie na konci čekala tak dlouho, že ji nazvala lebkou Brian. Nakonec se Jemima a Suki začali přibližovat ke konci a Asadovi, který doháněl Venoma. Suki pak odpadl, ale Jemima to mohl ještě vyhrát pro Claw, ale Asad to zvládl a vyhrál Eliminator.
Sting sledoval výzvu a diskutoval o tom, kolik výzev každý člověk udělal, aby to zvládl i pro tuto výzvu.
Dráp se vrátil do tábora a diskutoval o tom, že se musí navzájem více podporovat a rozhodnout se spojit.
Ve hře Double Jeopardy nikdo nespadl a Sting závodil s komunikací a týmovou prací, ale jed jedl různým tempem. Sting to dotáhl až do konce a vyhrál, ale Venom byl odhodlaný to alespoň dokončit, ale Asad spadl a nemohli pokračovat dál.
Všechny týmy se vrátily do tábora a hlasovaly pro své další kapitány týmů. Anna byla kapitánkou Stinga, Suki kapitánem Clawovi, ale Venom hlasoval mezi Jeremym a Imanim. Jeremy chtěl, aby Imani byl kapitánem, protože chlapci byli většinou kapitánem, a tak se Imani stal kapitánem.
V Kapitánově výzvě si Imani vybrala nejkratší bambusovou tyč. Každý s ní počítal, protože cena byla pro každého. Imani rozbila krabici a všichni se snažili najít sladkosti. Aby to šlo dále, všichni se rozhodli odpoledne plavat v laguně a všechny týmy se spojily.
Den 6 (epizody 11 a 12)
- Neúprosný běh řeky - V Eliminátoru byla nad vodou sada osmi nestabilních houpacích sítí. Jeden po druhém musel každý hráč projít všemi houpacími sítěmi. do konce a načtěte týmovou vlajku. Pokud spadnou do vody, jde další hráč a musí se vrátit zpět na začátek. Vyhrává tým, který má na konci nejvíce hráčů, nebo tým, který byl ke konci nejblíže. V Double Jeopardy musely oba týmy jet současně. Vyhrává tým, který má na konci nejvíce členů týmu.
- Eliminátor - Millie, Oliver a Eilidh z Claw vs Harry, Imani a Jeremy z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Bradlee, Ricky a Stevie ze Sting vs Asad, Tahny a Harry z Venom.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Sting, nebo nová Island Torch a jedna ze Sting je Venom win.
- Kapitánova výzva - Hráč musí nakreslit tři obrázky lidí ze svých konkurenčních týmů a všichni ostatní musí hádat, kdo jsou, aby vyhráli.
- Luxusní cena - Umělecké předměty.
V Eliminátoru šel Claw první. Millie se vrhla dopředu k první houpací síti a rychle se do ní dostala, ale na druhou spadla. Další byl Oliver, který se dostal také do druhé houpací sítě. Další byla Eilidh, která se kvůli své malé velikosti nemohla dobře dostat do první houpací sítě. Nastoupila na to, ale při pokusu dostat se do druhého odpadla. Millie šla znovu, ale znovu spadla na druhou houpací síť. Ollie pak šla znovu a opatrně se dostala do šesté houpací sítě, než vypršel čas.
Venom šel další a Jeremy to usnadnil, ale spadl na druhou houpací síť. Další byla Imani, šla do šesté houpací sítě a chystala se skočit do sedmé, když vypršel čas. Claw i Venom dostali jednoho spoluhráče do šesté houpací sítě, ale Venom byl rychlejší a vyhrál The Eliminator.
Sting to sledoval a oni se rozhodli vybrat Harryho, aby hrál, protože se nedostal do hry The Eliminator a myslel si, že mají nespravedlivou výhodu, když ho neviděli hrát. Poté se rozhodli, kdo bude hrát, a všichni rychle souhlasili.
Dráp se vrátil do tábora. Millie uvedla, že důvodem, proč ztrácejí výzvy, bylo to, že se hodně hádali. Eilidh osobně měla pocit, že si všichni ostatní mysleli, že kvůli své malé velikosti a slabším schopnostem by ve výzvě nešla dobře. Všichni ostatní ji rozveselili, protože si mysleli, že je Eilidh odhodlána pokračovat ve výzvě a její bojovnosti.
V Double Jeopardy se Bradlee dostal do sedmé houpací sítě, ale spadl, když se dostal do poslední houpací sítě. Asad nebyl dobrý plavec a před několika týdny neuměl plavat pět metrů a vedl si dobře, ale nebyl schopen vstát do první houpací sítě a Tahny ho převzala. Ricky byl opravdu rychlý a Tahny ho používal jako rovnováhu k překonání a byli prvními lidmi, kteří se dostali přes všechny houpací sítě pro oba týmy. Harry měl potíže se vstáváním do první houpací sítě a Bradlee kolem něj běžel, ale spadl na druhou houpací síť. Stevie pak prošla kolem a Harry vstal a snažil se to dohnat. Už nezbylo mnoho času, takže to bylo na nich. Stevie byla opravdu rychlá a téměř upadla uprostřed, což byla nejtěžší část. Harry začal zpomalovat, ale Stevie to dotáhl až do konce a čas vypršel, takže vítězi byli Sting.
Počet ostrovních pochodní:
- Bodnutí: 4 pochodně
- Dráp: 1 pochodeň
- Venom: 1 pochodeň
Nastal čas hlasovat pro nové kapitány. Sting hlasoval jako první: Ricky hlasoval pro Bradleeho, Bradlee hlasoval pro Savannah a Stevie, Savannah a Anna hlasovali pro Rickyho. Ricky tedy dostal tři, Savannah a Bradlee jednu, takže Ricky se stal Stingovým kapitánem.
Claw hlasoval další: Jemima a Ollie hlasovali pro Millieho, Eilidh pro Tysona a Suki, Tyson, Millie pro Ollieho. Takže Ollie dostala tři, Millie dvě a Tyson jednu, takže Ollie se stala Clawovým kapitánem.
Venom poté hlasoval: Jeremy hlasoval pro Imani a Harry, Asad, Imani a Tahny pro hlasovali pro Jeremyho. Takže Jeremy dostal čtyři a Imani jednu, takže Jeremy se stal Venomovým kapitánem.
Týmy se vrátily do tábora na kapitánskou výzvu. Ricky si vybral nejkratší bambusovou hůl a on hrál. Ve výzvě nakreslil obrázek Asada, Eilidha a Harryho. Všichni ostatní je uhodli správně a Sting vyhrál. Dostali umělecké předměty, které bavili malováním obrázků. Savannah přemýšlela, jestli by je mohla sdílet s ostatními týmy, ale mysleli si, že je příliš těžké je sdílet. Drápovi a Venomovi nevadilo, že se stejně nesdílejí.
Den 7 (epizody 13 a 14)
- Hloubková nálož - V Eliminátoru byly dva nedokončené rafty, jeden pro každý tým. Týmy musely dostat všechny své čepy, které se vznášely ve vodě, a pak musel jeden člověk vstát na voru, aby je shromáždil na správná místa. První tým, který dokončí svůj vor a přesune ho, vyhrává. V Double Jeopardy ležely zuby na mořském dně a týmy se musely potápět, aby je získaly.
- Eliminátor - Millie, Jemima a Tyson z Claw vs Asad, Jeremy a Harry z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Bradlee, Anna a Savannah ze Sting vs Oliver, Eilidh a Suki z Claw.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Sting nebo nová Island Torch a jedna od Sting, pokud vyhraje Claw.
- Kapitánova výzva - Hráč měl tři šance vést kovovou obruč složitou dráhou drátu, aniž by se obruč dotkla drátů.
- Luxusní cena - Fotoaparáty.
Sting i Venom měli jednoho hráče nemocného. Stevie ze Stingu měla chřipku na ostrově Scorpion a také Tahny z Venoma. Imani měla mírný případ chřipky, takže stále mohla jít na výzvu, ale nehrát ji.
V Eliminátoru se týmy vrhly do vody a sbíraly své čepy, ale ve vodě stále ležel zub. Tyson vstal na svém voru a dostal správně všechny zuby pro Claw. Asad se je pokusil shromáždit, ale dostatečně je nevtlačili a uvědomili si, že jsou to právě oni, kdo nechal ve vodě zub a Asad si vyměnil místo s Harrym. Venom začal rozebírat jejich čepy v domnění, že to udělali špatně. Drápu se podařilo řádně zasunout čepy a začal šroubovat matice. Venom měl stále problémy a oni měli šanci dohnat to, když Claw ztratil kliku, aby otočil vor. Millie a Jemima se zoufale vrhli, aby našli kliku, když ji Jemima najednou našla. Millie nastoupila na jejich vor a podařilo se jí zjistit polohu kliky, protože si uvědomila, že disk má chránit prsty a není ozubeným kolečkem. Venom měl stále problémy, ale Clawovi se podařilo přesunout jejich vor a vyhráli Eliminator.
Sting sledoval výzvu a diskutovali o tom, kdo bude hrát, která ozubená kola budou sbírat a kdo je shromáždí. Diskutovali také o ostatních lidech v Clawových silných a slabých stránkách.
Venom se vrátil do tábora a uvědomili si, že bez Tahny se necítí úplní a nemohli čekat, až se vrátí, aby z nich byl silnější tým. Diskutovali o tom, že během výzvy nemysleli a jen se řítí vpřed. Řekli, že další den bude pro Venom nový začátek a začnou vyhrávat další výzvy.
Nastal čas, aby týmy hlasovaly pro své nové kapitány týmů. Sting hlasoval jako první: Anna, Savannah a Ricky hlasovali pro Bradleeho a Bradlee hlasoval pro Savannah. Savannah tedy měla jeden hlas a Bradlee a tři hlasy, takže Bradlee se stal Stingovým kapitánem.
Claw poté hlasoval: Ollie, Tyson, Jemima a Eilidh hlasovali pro Millie, Millie hlasoval pro Jemimu a Suki hlasoval pro Eilidh. Jemima a Eilidh tedy měli každý jeden hlas a Millie čtyři hlasy, takže Millie se stala drápovým kapitánem.
Venom poté hlasoval: Jeremy a Imani hlasovali pro Harryho, Asad hlasoval pro Imaniho a Harry hlasoval pro Asada. Takže Imani a Asad měli každý jeden hlas a Harry měl dva hlasy, takže se Harry stal Venomovým kapitánem.
Ve hře Double Jeopardy vyrazili Sting a Claw ven a podařilo se jim získat všechny jejich čepy. Dráp vstal k jejich voru a Brzy přišel Sting. Ollie se dostala na raft pro Claw a Bradlee na Stingova. Bylo to téměř krk a krk s nimi, když se snažili dostat své zuby. Suki a Eilidh z Clawu museli odepnout kotvu svého voru a šli se rozhlížet kolem, aniž by si uvědomili, že to musí být vzlétnuto na jejich voru, který na ně zahnal Millie, Jemimu a Tysona a křičeli z pláže. Sting a Claw málem připravili svůj vor současně a pokusili se je otočit, ale Sting s tím najednou nemohl pohnout a zuby Clawových zubů se nespojovaly správně. Claw rychle dal dohromady své čepy a oni výzvu vyhráli.
V Kapitánově výzvě si Millie vybrala nejkratší bambusovou hůl. Opatrně vedla kovovou obruč, ale když se dotkla tvrdé části, rozezněla se. Na druhý pokus se jí podařilo projít částí, které se dotkla minule, a všichni ostatní se snažili ztichnout, když Suki udělala skálu. Millie naštěstí dostala obruč celým kurzem a výzvu vyhrála. Dostali své fotoaparáty, z nichž každý měl pořídit 27 fotografií. Fotografovali jeden druhého, lagunu poblíž a jejich tábor.
Den 8 (epizody 15 a 16)
- Kolizní kurz - Tato výzva je obdobou hry The Last Gasp ze série 2. V The Eliminator byly v Thunder River dvě sady sudů. Dva členové týmu museli pod nimi plavat do malých prostor. Museli otevřít dveře na nástupištích, aby vytáhli dlouhé lano se dvěma lebkami. Jakmile bylo lano uvolněno, museli oba plavat zpět na start a dát lebky do držáku. Nejrychlejší tým vyhrává. Ve hře Double Jeopardy měl jeden člen týmu zavázané oči a druhý je musel vést celým kurzem. Museli vytáhnout kus lana s lebkami. U všech dveří to muselo propíchnout lebku. Jakmile jsou všechny lebky umístěny, tým se vrhne na truhlu s pokladem a uvolní barevné kuličky. Nejrychlejší tým vyhrává.
- Eliminátor - Bradlee a Ricky ze Sting vs Jeremy a Tahny z Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Jemima a Oliver z Claw vs Harry a Asad z Venom.
- Cena - Nová Island Torch, pokud vyhraje Claw nebo nová Island Torch a jedna z Claw, pokud vyhraje Venom.
- Kapitánova výzva - Hráč musel srovnat všechny páry hracích karet na desce, kde byly dvě karty najednou.
- Luxusní cena - Plavecké vybavení.
V Eliminátoru Sting dobře spolupracoval v první sadě sudů, když na druhém začali mít téměř potíže s dlouhým lanem. Dostali své lebky a Bradlee se pokusil hodit lebkou, aby se dostal přes. When Venom went, Tahny managed to do the first set of barrels all by herself. Jeremy then got used to it and he managed to help Tahny with the rope. Venom won by 45 seconds.
During the challenge, Claw were watching and decided to pick Jemima and Oliver. But Suki was sad that he did not get chosen because he said that he was a good swimmer. The team told him how they think he would be good for other challenges. Millie apologised to Suki that he was not chosen but said that they will choose him in other challenges they think he would be good at. Suki was happy and they hugged.
Sting went back to their camp and thought that they did very well, and that they will continue to work together. Sting said that they will get their way back into winning challenges.
In Double Jeopardy, Claw went first with Ollie being blindfolded. Jemima pulled their rope of skulls underneath the barrels because they were hard to carry. They quickly went through to the second set of barrels, and Ollie went through and opened the doors by himself without Jemima. Jemima quickly got the other skulls out and she dived down to open up the treasure chest on her first go. Venom went next. Asad and Harry were not good at swimming and the blindfolded Asad managed to get to the barrels before Harry. Asad started to get worried about going under but Harry helped him get through. Harry started to lose some skulls off his rope. Once he got them, he went back to Asad. Harry tried to get to the first barrel, but he found it hard to get the skulls underwater. Once he finally pulled them under and got a skull through the first door, Asad started getting freezing and had a cramp. The cramp was getting so serious that he could not continue the challenge. Claw won the challenge.
The teams went back to camp to vote on their team captains. Savannah was Sting's captain, Eilidh was Claw's captain and Asad was Venom's captain.
In the Captain's Challenge, Eilidh selected the shortest bamboo stick. She tried to get all the matches, but the time ran out when she only had four matches to go. Sting and Venom got the swimming gear and they played and relaxed in the lagoon in the afternoon.
At the Island Fire, when the players left, J.K and Joel told the viewers that something was going to happen to Claw, and they were not going to like it.
Day 9 (Episodes 17 and 18)
- Critical Crossing - In The Eliminator, there were 5 swings high up above the rapids of Thunder River. One team member had to get across to the end and jump off to catch a skull, while the other team member moved the skull so they could reach it. The team that makes it the quickest or is the closest wins. In Double Jeopardy, both team members would have to get across to retrieve and wave two flags in under four minutes. The fastest team wins.
- The Eliminator - Anna and Savannah from Sting vs Imani and Tahny from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Suki and Tyson from Claw vs Harry and Jeremy from Venom.
- Cena - Millie for the winner of The Eliminator and a new Island Torch if Claw win or a new Island Torch and one from Claw if Venom win.
- Captain's Challenge - A player had to find a gold skull in a barrel of gloop.
- Luxury Prize - Chocolate fondue.
For the past few days, Team Claw have been working well as a team and have been winning the recent challenges. But the Island became restless and decided to shock them. When Millie woke up, she found a message in a skull on the ground telling her to go to the picking sticks. She went up and selected one of the bamboo poles. She snapped it open and got a message. The message read, "You are mine.". She screamed and was captured in the Island's clutches. Millie was going to be the prize for whoever won The Eliminator.
Before The Eliminator started, Joel told the players that there was an extra player who was going to be won. The girls were surprised and wondered who it was. The challenge started and Sting went first with Savannah going on the swings. She kept falling off and was very slow, but she got to the last swing to get the skull. She tried to get it, but the time ran out. Venom went next with Tahny going on the swings. Tahny got her balance and did not fall off. She got to the last swing but also could not get it. So both teams got to the last swing, but Venom was the fastest and they won. The covered cage was revealed and Millie came out. She was very happy to be out of the Island's clutches and glad to be in a new team. Claw were watching and were devastated. Tyson tried to put on a brave face but the rest of Claw were unhappy.
Sting went back to camp. They thought they did well but the disadvantages they had made them lose. Stevie started to wonder if she was in the wrong team because she had no one in her team she really liked except maybe Bradlee like the other players thought and she was good friends with Millie and a little unhappy that they did not win her. Savannah was sad because in every Eliminator she had been in, she would lose it and they would have fights revolving around her.
In Double Jeopardy, Claw went first. They were determined to win after losing Millie and had their own rhythm for the swings. They went across the first swing quickly but Tyson and Suki's steps caused each other to fall off. On the second swing when Suki was making it across, he fell off and went straight to the third swing instead of the second, which gave them a 10-second time penalty. They got to their flags and were taking a while to undo their flags because of their tired hands. They got the flags and finished before the four minutes was up. Venom had to get across before Claw's time ticked back to zero or Claw will win. Jeremy and Harry were taking too long on the first two swings, and Harry even had to go back to untangle his harness. Jeremy jumped to the third swing but fell off. He went straight the third swing instead of going back to the second which also gave Venom a 10-second time penalty. They both were on the third swing but their time ran out and Claw was the winner.
Island Torch count:
- Claw: 5 Torches
- Sting: 3 Torches
- Venom: 1 Torch
It was then time for the teams to vote for their captains. Suki was Claw's captain, Tahny was Venom's but Sting had a hung vote between Stevie and Ricky. Ricky told her that he had voted for Anna but wanted to give it to Stevie because he thought she would be a very good captain so Stevie became Sting's captain.
In the Captain's Challenge, Tahny chose the shortest bamboo stick and had to do the challenge. She managed to get nearly all the gloop out of the barrel and found the skull in the pile she'd taken out. They won chocolate fondue and decided to share it with the other teams. But then everyone started to mess around and smeared chocolate on their faces.
Day 10 (Episodes 19 and 20)
- Wheelspin - This challenge is the similar to Reckless Rally from Series 2. In The Eliminator, two players would be driving a Scorpion Island buggy around a dirt terrain course marking out the sting of a scorpion without crashing into poles breaking skulls on the side of their buggy and the course getting a 10-second time penalty. Once they were done, they had to drive into a hay bale to finish. In Double Jeopardy, one player had to drive blindfolded while the other helped them.
- The Eliminator - Ricky and Bradlee from Sting vs Imani and Asad from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Anna and Savannah from Sting vs Suki and Eilidh from Claw.
- Cena - A new Island Torch if Claw win or a new Island Torch and one from Claw if Sting win.
- Captain's Challenge - Have fun and chill out!
In The Eliminator, Venom went first with Asad driving. He went around very fast but crashed one of their skulls. Imani was screaming but trying to help him. They then got stuck in the hardest part of the course and smashed a skull but they made it to the finish line. Sting then went with Bradlee driving, because he has go-kart skills. They slowly but carefully got across the course without smashing a skull and won The Eliminator.
Claw were watching and at first decided Jemima and Eilidh to play the challenge. Eilidh was happy that the team was not arguing anymore. But then Jemima started to feel unconfident and felt like she was going to lose the challenge. They thought Oliver should play it, but finally decided Suki and Eilidh to do it. Tyson was annoyed that no one told him about this and he said that the teams should make the decisions together. He was still happy about who had been chosen.
Venom went back to camp and they thought that Asad and Imani were having more fun instead of doing the challenge. Imani said that he was actually helping him. Harry then said that Tahny was not being a captain properly. She said that she did not like to be bossy to others and she said that because she was the captain, did not mean that she could do what she wanted to.
In Double Jeopardy, Claw went first with Suki being blindfolded. It was hard work and Eilidh almost muddled up her left's and right's with Suki. They ended up driving into the edge of the course and smashed a skull. They then missed one of the posts, which gave them another time penalty. They got all the way to the end in four minutes. It was then Sting's turn and they had to get through the course before Claw's time ticked down to zero. As soon as they started, the blindfolded Anna crashed into a post straight away. Savannah carefully tried to help her but they were stuck at the start of the course, which made the other supporters from Sting, shouting to her what to do. Even Claw, tried to make her crash and Stevie said some harsh words to Tyson who mixed up his left and right's. Sting smashed two skulls and one of the skulls on the edge of the course. They got stuck between two of the poles, and Anna nearly broke the engine. The time ran out and Claw won, and it was not even close.
It was then time the teams to vote for their new captains. Tyson became Claw's captain, Ricky became Sting's captain and Imani became Venom's captain.
In the Captain's Challenge, all captain's got the same sized bamboo pole. They broke open their poles which all together spelt a message, "Your challenge is to have fun and chill out.". The Island was being unusually nice, and all teams played in the lagoon near their camps through the rest of the afternoon.
At the Island Fire, after the adventures left, J.K and Joel said that the Island Torches were very important, and that the teams have no idea how important they are.
Day 11 (Episodes 21 and 22)
- Unbearable Load - In The Eliminator, two team members were holding up a heavy barrel while the opposing team member was trying to make it heavier by throwing skulls into it. The first team that makes their barrel fall into the water loses. In Double Jeopardy, instead of having two team members haul up a barrel, a member of the opposition needed to be hauled instead and they would catch the throwers' skulls and put them in a sack.
- The Eliminator - Stevie, Anna and Ricky from Sting vs Harry, Jeremy and Millie from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Stevie, Bradlee, Anna and Savannah from Sting vs Jemima, Oliver, Tyson and Suki from Claw.
- Cena - A new Island Torch if Claw win or a new Island Torch and one from Claw if Sting win.
- Captain's Challenge - A player had to identify five people from their rival teams blindfolded by touching them.
- Luxury Prize - Ice-cream.
In the Eliminator, Ricky and Millie raced towards the platform and they pushed each other trying to get up. Ricky managed to get a number of skulls in Venom's bucket, but Millie, who is a netball player, kept missing Sting's barrel. Venom were really struggling holding their barrel up, but Sting kept saying that it was easy. Once the bags of skulls were empty, Ricky and Millie swam trying to collect the skulls floating in the water. Once, Millie got on the platform again, she got two perfect throws into Sting's barrel. Jeremy and Harry were close to dropping their barrel, but they confidently pulled their barrel higher than Sting's. Ricky and Millie were both stealing each other's skulls and Jeremy even had to use his teeth to pull, while he was resting his hand. In the end, because of the heavy weight of skulls, Venom dropped their barrel in the water and Sting won The Eliminator.
Millie had hurt her leg a little when she got pushed by Ricky, so she went to the medic, while the other players in Venom went back to camp. They discussed that they needed to have a proper team talk before each challenge, and to have better tactics.
After being on Scorpion Island for a while, the adventures reflected on their time so far. Some said that they loved doing things they could not do in regular life and had fun making great friends. Others started talking about how they would use things they learned when they went home.
Before Double Jeopardy, Claw chose everyone out of their team to play except for Eilidh, but they said that they would choose her for the next challenge. They chose everyone from Sting to play except for Ricky, because they thought he did very well in The Eliminator. In Double Jeopardy, Jemima and Anna were throwing skulls to Suki and Stevie. Jemima wetted her skulls before throwing them so they could be heavier. Suki started to fall off his seat but he caught one before splashing down into the water, causing the game to restart. Once the game restarted, both teams caught most of their skulls, and were working well but Oliver from Claw kept feeling like Tyson had let go of the rope. Bradlee and Savannah were struggling trying to hold theirs because Claw had more skulls than Sting, but Claw were losing. Just as the teams were still trying to hold their rivals, Claw tried really hard but they made Stevie go into the water and Sting had won, just as Savannah and Bradlee were about to drop theirs. Ollie argued with Tyson thinking he would let go of the rope, but it turns out that he did not.
Island Torch count:
- Sting: 5 Torches
- Claw: 5 Torches
- Venom: 1 Torch
It was then time for the teams to vote for their new team captain. Anna became Sting's captain, Jemima became Claw's captain and Asad became Venom's captain.
In the Captain's Challenge, Asad selected the shortest bamboo pole. He had to identify Ollie, Eilidh, Suki, Savannah and Bradlee. Some of them were trying to make funny faces but Asad got them all correct and Venom won. They got the ice creams and were thinking about giving one to Ollie, but they thought that everyone else would want one so they decided not to share. Tyson, Stevie and Bradlee joked around that they would have preferred having brains instead. Claw forgot about not having the ice creams, by jokingly re-enacting the task.
Day 12 (Episodes 23 and 24)
- Serious Scramble - This challenge is similar to Serious Scramble from the last series. In The Eliminator, the teams had to swim to Skeleton Falls, climb up the waterfall and then climb up on a high net. Once they reached the top, they had to open a bag to release coloured balls. The first team to go up to the top and release the balls wins. In Double Jeopardy, the teams had to go through the course until they get to the scramble net. There were several ropes making an outline of a scorpion. The teams had to put together the five un-joined ropes. The team that completes the scorpion the fastest wins.
- The Eliminator - Eilidh and Suki from Claw vs Tahny and Imani from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Bradlee and Stevie from Sting vs Asad and Harry from Venom.
- Cena - A new Island Torch if Sting win or a new Island Torch and one from Sting if Venom win.
- Captain's Challenge - A player had to taste five dishes blindfolded and had to guess which dish was chicken. Other dishes were crocodile, emu, kangaroo and venison (referred to as rat).
- Luxury Prize - Water Guns.
In The Eliminator, both teams were nearly neck and neck, but Tahny made it into the lead for Venom. They both found it hard to get up the waterfall, but both got up still nearly tied. Once they got to the net, Eilidh's small size made her slower to get up and Imani started having bad asthma. Tahny motivated her to keep going and both Suki and Tahny got up to the top first. Eilidh was still slowly getting up but Imani got up to the top, released the coloured balls and Venom won.
Sting were watching and decided who should play Double Jeopardy. They decided Bradlee and Stevie to play, but Ricky was not happy with that because other times, Sting have chosen for everyone to do an equal number of challenges. Ricky wanted to do it with Stevie, but she said that when they play, they always get into arguments. The team had a vote, but it was still decided for Bradlee and Stevie to play because they worked strongly together. Ricky started to get upset of this. Stevie said that because it was getting closer to the final challenge, they should change their strategy a little. Ricky was still disappointed, but thought that Bradlee and Stevie would do well together.
Claw went back to camp and discussed that they needed to push themselves towards the limit. They were disappointed that they lost but hoped Venom would win so they would have the highest number of Island Torches.
In Double Jeopardy, Venom went first. Asad and Harry got up to the net quickly and got the first three ropes in but they took a while finding the last two and had to listen to their team member's shouts. Sting went next and got their ropes in quickly, but Stevie had trouble with one of them and nearly fell off. Sting won by only a few seconds.
The teams went back to camp and voted for their new team captains. Eilidh was Claw's captain, Millie was Venom's captain and Stevie was Sting's captain.
In the Captain's Challenge, Stevie selected the shortest bamboo pole. Everyone screamed and squealed when they realised the names of the first four dishes. Stevie liked them except for the emu. When she ate the last dish which was chicken, all the teams pretended that she was eating something horrible. She thought that the chicken was either the first dish or last dish, guessed last and won the challenge. They got the water guns and had fun with them around the camp. Some of Venom's team members would have loved to have a water gun and Claw started to plan an attack on Sting if they wet them. Tyson ran up to Sting and stole one of their guns and they started spraying Claw's camp, then Venom threw buckets of water at them.
Day 13 (Episodes 25 and 26)
- Nedívej se dolů - In the Eliminator, on The Shattered Skull, a mysterious pirate ship, the players had to climb up the ship up to the top, walk across on wires holding hands together pushing skulls with their feet until the time runs out. If they fell off, they had to start again. The team that makes it to the end the fastest, or makes the furthest wins. In Double Jeopardy, the players had to hang five skulls on hooks. Once a skull was put on, they had to go back and put another one on. The team that gets all their skulls on the fastest or puts the most skulls up until the time runs out wins.
- The Eliminator - Tyson and Ollie from Claw vs Jeremy and Asad from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Bradlee and Ricky from Sting vs Imani and Harry from Venom.
- Cena - A new Island Torch if Sting win or a new Island Torch and one from Sting if Venom win.
- Captain's Challenge - A player had to spell seven words from a ten-word list correctly.
- Luxury Prize - Face Paints.
In The Eliminator, Claw went first. Ollie was mainly taking charge because Tyson was nervous. They slowly but carefully moved along the wires before Ollie ended up causing them falling. They went again and started to go further, but again Ollie caused them to fall. They were working hard but both seemed to be enjoying it. They went again and got around the middle of the wires before their time ran up. Claw's skulls stayed in the placed they finished so Venom knew how far they had to go to win. Venom went second and Asad and Jeremy were close to falling at some stages, but they kept their balance. They got up to Claw's skulls and pushed them along with their skulls, but they fell off. Venom were cheering from the ship anyway because they knew they won.
During the challenge, Sting were watching with the captain Stevie on The Shattered Skull to take a close look, while the others were on a boat nearby. The rest of Sting thought that Bradlee, Ricky and Savannah would be right for the challenge and were sure that Stevie was going to make the right decision. She chose Bradlee because he is a strong player and Ricky because he had missed out on recent challenges. Stevie also chose Harry and Imani to play for Venom, because she thought that Millie and Tahny would be better at this challenge than them.
Claw went back to camp. They thought Tyson and Ollie did the best they could, but thought that they lost because of their small size. They discussed that they needed to win the next challenge to be in the lead with Island Torches. They also discussed that they needed to have less fun now because it was getting close to the end of their stay, and they needed to start focusing more on escaping Scorpion Island rather than anything else. They also said that they needed to stick to their team constitution.
In Double Jeopardy, Sting went first. Ricky and Bradlee were slowly working together and they carefully put each skull in place, with not many falls and they finished with 8 seconds left. Venom went next and they were only getting used to the heights. They had problems getting the skulls on while holding each other and fell off a lot of times. The time ran out and Venom only had two skulls hung, so Sting won the challenge.
Island Torch count:
- Sting: 7 Torches
- Claw: 5 Torches
- Venom: 1 Torch
Sting and Venom headed back to Scorpion Island and it was time for the Captain's Challenge. Millie selected the shortest bamboo pole so she was playing. She managed to easily spell most of the words like camp, island and more as they go harder. Millie then had to spell strategy but got it wrong. She got the next word correct and Venom won. They got the face paints and they each painted themselves with different patterns. Ollie went up to them and asked if they could have some, but they said no. Ollie and some others then started spraying them with water guns.
Day 14 (Episodes 27 and 28)
- Daredevil Drop - In The Eliminator, there was a hot air balloon hanging on two sets of cables. The teams had one player to use a hand bike to get to the balloon and throw sandbags into their side of the basket while the other player passes the bags to them. The team that has the most sandbags in their side of the balloon and makes it fall to the ground wins. In Double Jeopardy, one player had to carry a skull across to the other side and throw it to the other player. The other player had to catch the skull and petal back to put it on their platform. The team with the most skulls transported wins.
- The Eliminator - Jemima and Eilidh from Claw vs Millie and Tahny from Venom.
- Double Jeopardy - Stevie and Savannah from Sting vs Tyson and Suki from Claw.
- Cena - A new Island Torch if Sting win or a new Island Torch and one from Sting if Claw win.
- Captain's Challenge - A player has to make five things out of modelling clay and everyone else has to guess three of them.
- Luxury Prize - An afternoon off for everyone.
In The Eliminator, Millie was pedaling for Venom and Jemima was pedaling for Claw. Jemima got up to the balloon first, she threw her sandbag and got it in for Claw. Millie then got up but missed it. Jemima collected another sandbag and tried to throw it, but the rope stopped the bag getting in. Millie tried again but still missed it. She started to struggle and could not feel she could do it. Jemima threw her next sandbag, and it was close to going into the basket but fell out, almost going into Venom's side. Millie still had trouble and she threw a sandbag from a too far distance. She rested her arms by hand biking back one handed. On Jemima's fifth attempt, she carefully lined her throw up and got the sandbag in, which was enough for the balloon to crash down to the ground.
During The Eliminator, Sting were watching and decided to choose Stevie and Savannah, because they thought they would be right for this challenge and Savannah had not played a challenge for a while. They chose Tyson and Suki to play Double Jeopardy for Claw because they thought Ollie would do well in this challenge.
Venom went back to camp, and they had no more chances of winning Island Torches. They had 1 Torch. Harry said that they needed to start being serious for the final challenge, but Tahny said that Jeremy, Asad and Harry were mucking around all the time. Harry and Asad tried to defend themselves saying that they can have a laugh but they said they were serious in the challenges. Tahny and everyone else was unhappy that they were losing challenges but the boys said that they were not always mucking around. Imani said that she would rather not escape the island all proud of each other instead of escaping hating each other. The boys said that they were not going to muck around anymore even though Tahny did not think so, but they all agreed they were going to put 110% into the final challenge.
In Double Jeopardy, Sting went first with Stevie throwing the skulls to Savannah. Savannah made the mistake to let go of the hand bike, and she went backwards down the slope hitting herself. She went back up and Stevie threw the skull to her, but she missed. Stevie went back to get another but Savannah made the mistake of going back to the start when she could have just stayed there, and she had to rely on her teammates watching. Stevie then threw the skull to Savannah, and she almost grabbed it but dropped it. Stevie got another skull and threw again, and this time Savannah caught it. She then pedaled back to the start, but the skull slipped between her legs and fell off while she was half way. Stevie went back to the start but decided to stop the challenge because she was very tired and a little annoyed at Savannah. Claw went next with Suki throwing the skulls to Tyson. As they were pedaling, Suki dropped his skull and had to get another. Tyson made the same mistake as Savannah by going back to the start when he could have stayed there. They were about to throw but it was too far, so they went closer. Suki threw the skull to Tyson and he touched it, but accidentally batted it away. Suki went back to get another. He threw it and Tyson caught it. He then started to peddle back slowly and he put the skull on his platform which was all they needed to do to win the challenge. Claw got a torch from Sting and a new one so they were on seven Island Torches and Sting went back to six.
The teams went back to their camp's to vote for their new team captain for the final challenge. Ollie became Claw's captain and Asad became the captain for Venom, but there was a hung vote between Savannah and Ricky for Sting. Ricky gave it to Savannah so she became Sting's captain.
In the final Captain's Challenge, Oliver selected the shortest bamboo pole. Once again, the prize is for everyone. He molded a skull, which everyone got it right. He then molded a spider, which many assume it to be a scorpion but eventually got it right. Then he molded a hutch which despite struggling to look like it and the rest of the adventurers having trouble making out on it, they got it right. The prize is an afternoon off from the pressures of Scorpion Island so the adventurers all decide to have fun in the lagoon for the rest of the afternoon.
The teams then went to the Island Fire for the last time. JK and Joel told them that the last day was going to be in two stages. First, an Eliminator and then a final challenge. The team that lost The Eliminator would go into lockdown and not escape. They revealed that the Island Torches had two advantages. The first was that the team with the most torches would bypass The Eliminator and go on to the final challenge, which was Team Claw. The second advantage was not going to be revealed until the final challenge. Sting and Venom were going to play The Eliminator so Sting placed their hands on the Island Palms to see who was playing. The flame faded under none of them so they were all playing. It was then Venom's turn to place their hands on the Island Palms. The Island chose everyone except Asad. Because they had the fewest Island Torches and six players, team captain Asad was being taken out of Team Venom and offered up as a prize for whoever won The Eliminator. Everyone in Venom was very upset and shocked about it, especially Imani. The teams went back to camp except Asad who was being taken by the Island. JK and Joel said to the viewers that Asad had a special advantage.
Day 15 (Episodes 29 and 30)
- The Boulderizer - This challenge is similar to The Crush Rush from last series. The players had to go one from each team at a time through a course picking up team flags while being chased by a huge boulder. They had to swing on a rope, crawl under a net and run through a muddy pond. If one player gets hit by the boulder the other team wins that part or, the first person to the finish line wins that round for their team. The team that has the most wins from each round wins.
- Útěk - The teams had to abseil face first down Skeleton Falls two at a time, some of them were blindfolded depending on how many torches each team had. After going down the waterfall, the teams had to swim all the way through Thunder River under a series of rocky platforms to the end of the river. The first team to get all their players through the course, escapes the island.
- The Eliminator - Stevie, Bradlee, Savannah, Ricky and Anna from Sting vs Jeremy, Tahny, Harry, Millie and Imani from Venom.
- Cena - Asad and a place in The Escape against Team Claw.
- Final Challenge - Ricky, Anna, Savannah, Stevie, Bradlee and Asad from Sting vs Jemima, Tyson, Eilidh, Suki and Oliver from Claw.
- Cena - Escape From Scorpion Island.
Asad had spent the night in a cage while Venom were still trying to get over the news from last night. Jeremy and Harry did extra training last night and everyone cheered Imani up after she was upset. Stevie from Sting felt sorry for Venom and thought it was cruel of the island but they really wanted to get onto the final challenge and win Asad.
Before The Eliminator started, Sting and Venom had team talks. Sting thought that the net in the course was going to be hard to go through, so they said they had to get down as low as possible. They also planned to carry the flags by their teeth. Venom however, seemed negative because Millie was worried that she was going to get her clothes wet. The rest of the team said they needed to focus on winning Asad and had to run as fast as possible.
The first race was Anna vs Millie. They both struggled in the net but the boulder hit Anna so Millie won for Venom. The next race was Savannah vs Harry. They were neck and neck in the net but Savannah won for Sting, but she said well done to Harry. The third race was Bradlee vs Jeremy. Jeremy fell over and did a superhero move to get back up. They both switched sides twice and the boulder hit Jeremy in the net so Sting won. If Jeremy had not swapped sides, then the boulder would have hit Bradlee. The fourth race was Ricky vs Tahny. Tahny had dropped a flag but quickly got ahead of Ricky, and the boulder hit Ricky in the net, but Tahny. even though she won left nothing to chance and ran through the rest of the course. The last race was the decider with Stevie vs Imani. Stevie missed a flag and dropped another but she did not go back because she was close to the boulder. They went through the net but the boulder hit Imani. But Stevie did the same thing as Tahny even though she had won and ran through the rest of the course. Imani was still underneath the boulder, sobbing to herself saying she let her team down.
Before they found out the result, the girls in Sting and Venom were holding hands with each other because they were all close to each other throughout the whole series. Sting had won against Venom by one race. There were many tears and hugs by both teams as Venom were not going to escape. Venom and Asad said that he was still a part of their team. Asad was released from the Island and went over to Sting, his new team and Venom were in lockdown so they went into the cage. Sting made their way to the final challenge and Venom shouted to do it for their team with both teams making the name Stenom.
After hearing about The Escape, JK revealed the second advantage of the Island Torches. The advantage was that they gave the power of light, so the torches were exchanged for blindfolds and the more torches each team had, the more number of unblindfolded players there would be. As Claw had seven torches, they would have three unblindfolded players. Sting had six, so they had two unblindfolded players but after Sting won Asad, he had an advantage. The advantage was that Asad would not be blindfolded. If Sting did not win Asad, then one of the unblindfolded players would have to go all the way back up the course to get the last blindfolded player. Stevie for Sting chose Savannah and Anna to be unblindfolded, as well as Asad despite the fact he will be unblindfolded anyway because of his advantage which means she, Ricky and Bradlee will be blindfolded while Oliver for Claw chose himself, Jemima and Suki to be unblindfolded which means Tyson and Eilidh will be blindfolded.
In the final challenge, Oliver and blindfolded Tyson started for Claw and Savannah and blindfolded Stevie started for Sting. Sting were leading but Savannah was not helping Stevie much. Claw were going too slowly and Tyson was not leaning forward enough. Savannah and Stevie finally made their way down and Anna and blindfolded Ricky started going down. They slowly were still leading and were working well and Tyson and Oliver had gone down so Jemima and blindfolded Eilidh went down. Jemima kept telling Eilidh to lean forward and found it hard to work with her. Anna and Ricky made their way down so Asad and blindfolded Bradlee were going down. They weren't communicating enough and were struggling. Stevie and Savannah were still leading for Sting and were getting close to the rocky platforms unaware of how the others were going. Once Eilidh and Jemima slowly made their way down the waterfall, Suki, who was by himself, charged down the waterfall like a mad man. He got ahead of Asad and Bradlee and Claw were in the lead. Asad and Bradlee got down the waterfall and started swimming, which Asad was not confident of. Stevie and Savannah went through the rocky platforms and were the first to make it through the course. Tyson and Oliver soon followed and became the first for Claw. Soon, Anna and Ricky got through and only had to wait for Bradlee and Asad for Sting to win. Jemima and Eilidh soon followed and the teams were anxiously waiting for their remaining team members to come through. Suki, Asad and Bradlee made it to the rocky platforms close to each other. The next person came up from the water who was Suki and Claw had escaped from Scorpion Island. Bradlee and Asad could only watch and they tried to finish their great effort, but Bradlee went ahead and Asad could not go on further. Asad felt disappointed in himself because of his swimming and everyone else in Sting was sad, but they were proud at each other's work.
The winners, Claw ran to JK. They pushed a plunger which set off an explosion, and two helicopters came to pick them up. On the way, the helicopters stopped off at a place nearby for the adventurers to call their parents. There were many tears as they'd all been away from their family for so long and missed them very much.
This table shows how many Island Torches each team had at the end of each day.
Den # | Bodnutí | Dráp | Jed |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
4 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
5 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
6 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
7 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
8 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
9 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
10 | 3 | 6 | 1 |
11 | 5 | 5 | 1 |
12 | 6 | 5 | 1 |
13 | 7 | 5 | 1 |
14 | 6 | 7 | 1 |
This table shows how many times Sting, Claw and Venom faced off against each other, excluding the challenges on Days 1 and 15.
XXXXXXXX | The Eliminator | Double Jeopardy | Celkový |
Sting vs. Claw | 1 | 5 | 6 |
Sting vs. Venom | 6 | 5 | 11 |
Claw vs. Venom | 6 | 3 | 9 |
Wins and Losses
- The first table excludes the challenges on Day 1 and Day 15.
Bodnutí | Dráp | Jed | |
W-L | W-L | W-L | W-L |
The Eliminator | 4-3 | 2-5 | 7-5 |
Double Jeopardy | 6-4 | 6-2 | 1-7 |
Celkový | 10-7 | 8-7 | 8-12 |
Den | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 Final Eliminator | 15 The Escape |
Dráp | 1. místo | VYHRÁT | Ztracený | VEN | VEN | VEN | vyhrát | VYHRÁT | VYHRÁT | VYHRÁT | LOST | VEN | VEN | vyhrát | PŘESKOČIT | WINNERS |
Bodnutí | 2. místo | Ztracený | Ven | vyhrát | VYHRÁT | VYHRÁT | LOST | VEN | VEN | ztracený | vyhrát | VYHRÁT | VYHRÁT | LOST | THRU | RUNNER-UPS |
Jed | 3. místo | Ven | Vyhrát | LOST | ztracený | ztracený | VEN | ztracený | ztracený | VEN | VEN | ztracený | ztracený | VEN | GONE | XXXXXXXXXXXX |
1st- This team won the challenge on Day 1.
2nd- This team came second in the challenge on Day 1.
3rd- This team came third in the challenge on Day 1.
WIN- This team bypassed The Eliminator and won Double Jeopardy, and therefore winning an Island Torch.
win- This team won both The Eliminator and Double Jeopardy, and therefore winning an Island Torch and taking one from the losing team.
LOST- This team bypassed The Eliminator, but lost Double Jeopardy, and therefore had to give an Island Torch to the winning team.
lost- This team won The Eliminator, but lost Double Jeopardy.
OUT- This team lost The Eliminator.
SKIP- This team got to skip The Final Eliminator.
THRU- This team won The Final Eliminator, and therefore got to compete in The Escape.
GONE- This team lost The Final Eliminator, and therefore went into lockdown and could not compete in The Escape.
WINNERS- This team won The Escape, and therefore escaped Scorpion Island this season.
RUNNER-UPS- This team lost The Escape, and therefore came second this season.
XXXXXXXXXXXX- This team did not compete in The Escape, and therefore came third this season.
- Each team has had six members at one stage. Sting never lost a member. Both Sting and Venom had three chances to win members; Oliver, Millie and Asad. Claw, having bypassed The Eliminator in the last two cases, only got one chance and succeeded.
- All team members have been captain at some stage. Millie was team captain for both Claw and Venom, the only person to lead two teams, and Oliver was never actually a member of a team before Claw, and Asad joined Sting after the last vote.
- Asad had been captain four times, more than anyone else.
- Jeremy had only been captain once.
- Oliver is the only adventurer to have arrived on the island via mini sub to have escaped.
- Harry has been picked for Double Jeopardy by the opposite team the most times with six.
- Asad and Ricky have been blindfolded the most times with three each.
- Harry, Jemima, Jeremy, Millie, Savannah and Tahny have never been blindfolded.
- Bradlee has played in the most challenges with 13.
- Oliver has played in the least challenges with only seven.
- The cages seen in Lethal Lagoon, Critical Crossing and The Boulderizer are the same cages used for the Limbo captives in Series 2.
- In one occurrence of Ricky being captain, his name was spelt "Ricki". He said so himself that that was a typo.
- In the fourth series applications for contestants of the show, Tyson (Series 3) was mentioned as applicants favourite player overall more times than anyone, with Oliver being mentioned as second favourite.
- Claw is the only team to have lost a Captain's Challenge.
- Sting and Venom never lost a Captain's Challenge.
- Claw have competed in the most Captain's Challenges with five while Sting competed in the least Captain's Challenges with only two.
- Venom has won the most Captain's Challenges with four while they also won the most luxuries being seven with two that were won by default and two that were won for all teams.
- Millie and Oliver are the only adventurers to have competed in a Captain's Challenge more than once. However, Oliver lost the first one and won the second one while Millie won both times.
- Not counting those won by default or for everybody, Sting are the only team to have never received a food based luxury in the Captain's Challenges.
- Eilidh is the only adventurer to have never won a Captain's Challenge.
- Anna, Bradlee, Harry, Jemima, Jeremy, Savannah and Suki never competed in a Captain's Challenge.
- For reasons unknown not counting Day 10 as the Island decided the adventurers should have fun and Day 15 due to the escape, there was no Captain's Challenge held on Day 1 or 2.
- This marks the only time that a team with more males than females have escaped.
- Triple Decker, Collision Course, Wheelspin and The Boulderizer were the only challenges that were also seen in Series 2. The Double Jeopardy for Serious Scramble was, however, fairly similar to Series 1's Rock 'n' Roll.
- A challenge similar to High Risk High Wire was also played in the next series to determine the Balance Representatives.
- In many scenes, especially the first few episodes, spoilers were shown such as Millie wearing a green Venom helmet, future challenges and clues showing which team won a challenge. Also, there was a clip of Imani crying with a boulder on top of her saying that she just let her team down, possibly meaning that Venom lost the Boulderizer.
- Tyson is the only Australian adventurer to have escaped.
- ^ "Escape from Scorpion Island". ukgameshows.com. Citováno 2008-11-16.
- ^ "ABC KIDS Commissions Escape From Scorpion Island". ABC. 2008-06-02. Archivovány od originál dne 2008-12-22. Citováno 2008-11-16.